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Shane Jun 2018
How did I draw the short straw to have an empty shelf

I call out in to the emptyness that is my hope and there was only silence

Silence cannot nourish the body, it only serves it's self

Oh please spare me this pain!

Save me from this hunger stabbing in to my stomach with it's demilance


[too week to continue]
Company decided to raise money for a good cause and that inspired me to write this.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Dying to live.

Dying to live; first to leave.
Dead to love; the heart must grieve.
All I know is I’m not sure.
All I know is there’s no cure, I think.

I could live again, I think.
I could live again, I think.
I could live again, I think.
I could love again, I think.

I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I could love you girl, but I’m not sure.
I’m sure for my indecision, there must be a cure.

All I need is a little clarity.
All I can afford to refuse is your offer of charity;
Because all I have left, since the day love died,
Is my beating heart and an ounce of pride.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Let everybody hold hands and we can build bridges across the horizon.
Let all nations be of equal character and we can stand united as one.
Let all people gather together, if we try, we can all offer asylum,
To those who are in need; those who are in need of someone.
A helping hand across the world, reaching out to raise you up;
A voice from a distant land, from a never seen face,
Is needed to offer the thirsty, an endless water cup.

If we have riches, then they should too;
If a person has nothing, then charity they should be given.
If we are full, then they should be full too;
We are all only trying our best, to not just give in.

Without charity we would be without our humanity;
Without an embrace, where would we as a species be?
When we are lost in the dark and need a light to set us free,
Tell me where are we going without companionship?

Let no person stand alone, when they are in need of a friend.
Let no woman cry and let no man be able to sell the world.
We are all together under the same sun, without end,
So let us rise as one each morning, side by side with a smile
And mankind will be kind to the future boys and girls.

If it is already too late for us to save,
Then let us make the best of a bad situation.
If there is nothing we can do about climate change,
Then let us at least be united as one planet;
So together we can all find a united constitution.
Imagine all the people, living life in peace…
We could really start something.

If the hippies are all gone, then let them all be reborn.
If peace is truly lost, then let us find it once more.
If there is no hope left and we are only here to mourn,
Then let us heal the world with healing hands;
Our hearts are in need of being loved
And if one man is poor, then we are all of us, poor.

If we all plant a flower-power into the barrel of a tank,
Then we can put an end to war and remember how to love.
If we all stand united and truly give each other thanks,
Then we can shine a light so bright,
That it will be seen up in the Heaven’s above.

In our world of plenty we have more than enough to give.
Let us all become friends and send the love all around the world.
We are all human, so let us all be humane and think…

Do they know it’s Christmas time at all?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Future Kids

Since the day I met her I could only write about love,
But the times they are a changing.
I have finished writing my ‘Marriage’ book.
Twenty six done.
Don’t know what I will name the next one;
But I know one thing,
I will find a new subject to dwell upon.

Poe wrote about death in his poem ‘The Raven’.
I don’t want to write that;
I want to write about changing.
Changing my mind on a daily basis.
I could make this up, but you would see through that, my Loris;
So the truth is what I will hope to say.
You can criticize this, but I can’t write about love,
So I will open my hat and use a wand to create a flower!
And watch all petals fly away.

A dandelion blooms and inspires an audio musician,
Every hour,
Is different.
If poetry could pay my rent,
I would never have to work again;
But for now I do,
Because I want to improve.
Decided I can’t write a tune;
So I will tell you,
The feelings I have kept silent.
If you know a way to bring peace to my mind, I will try it,
Because I want to make the unhappy smile.
I have no money to give, so I will have to run a mile.

Charity starts at home,
So I will pick up a microphone,
Auction off all I own;
Remove that garden gnome.
I have no need for frivolity.
“I would wish for world peace.” Bite me!
Say something that matters.
Don’t deny the greenhouse effect.
With my last dying breath I will say you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Because we continue,
Humanity is an endless dream.
If I couldn’t see the sunshine,
I would still enjoy the rain and be happy to just be.
Some may say, you’ve changed;
We have never heard you being so positive.

Well these are the days we have to make a difference,
So we had better use them wisely and leave a future that exists,
For the future kids.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
We all love


Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
I am a simpleton,
I have nothing to give accept a smile,
A gift of joy.
The corners of my mouth turn up,
My cheeks lift and my smile reaches my eyes which twinkle,
Shows I am happy from the inside.
It makes me look younger,
Gives me confidence,
Shows I am friendly.
My smile closes the distance between me and the other,
It brings cheer and lightens the mood,
It reduces the stress.
My smile is contagious,
It spreads happiness,
It's healthy,
Boosts my immune system by relaxing me.
A smile costs so little,
Gives such a lot,
It is an act of charity,
Smile and the world will smile with you.
Denis Martindale May 2018
What do I do with my money? I need the Lord's advice!
While, to some, that may sound funny... I really think it's wise...
He knows the bills I've got to pay... and those I don't have yet,
He's planned ahead for all I pray... so how could He forget?

I'm such a skinflint with my cash... and discounts helped me save...
With such resources I'm not rash... I'm cautious, Lord, not brave!
But then He comes again to ask, 'My child, it's time to give!
It's time that you complete this task... that others, too, might live!
My child, don't act like it's a chore!' So I obey God's will...
And so, I go online once more... to websites God loves still...

Donating here... donating there... Until the Lord says, 'STOP!'
'Thank God for that!' I say in prayer... 'At last, it's time to shop!'

Denis Martindale April 2018.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2018
I am like a saint,
being kind to others is me,
Caused I was abused.
Ryan P Kinney Apr 2018
Charity, you say
I should be grateful for a free meal
I earn a “living” wage
No longer a minimum wage peon
Thanks to my unpaid student debt
And yet, still
I eat from food banks

For my lunch break each day
No longer than 30 minutes
I watch others go out to eat
And I eat my PBnJ
That ****** congealed jelly falls mostly into the bag
And I decide it’s not worth the effort

Last night’s dinner:
Another cake or sugar-laden death note
Given graciously.
I just skipped dinner instead

Grateful, I should be
For a week’s worth of food
Only allowed to be rationed once a month

Variety is foreign to these faith-based organizations
Shelf life is king
Taste and nutrition are optional coincidences

Thanks to them I will never eat another raisin or can of tuna
I am sick of trying to make 2 lbs of ground turkey or a pack of hot dogs stretch two weeks
With 1 lb of rice

I’m grateful
I’m eating
My 5 year old is
Grateful all the way to my rising cholesterol, impending diabetes, and rotting teeth

I make too much for government sponsored insurance
And not enough to pay for what I need
I am the gap generation
Slammed into a stress walled coffin
Between homelessness and eternal devastating debt

Because I am overweight and out of shape
Because I don’t look poor and starving
Because I “get” to sit all day behind a desk

All it took was 6 years of letting the government forever make me their indentured servant

That at least I’m not dead on the outside yet
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