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showyoulove Nov 2024
Make me a channel of your peace
That wars might end and striving cease
Make me a channel of your word
And give me a way for it to be heard
Make me an instrument to sing so sweet
Of the place where Heaven and Earth shall meet
Make me less, so you are more
A call so strong: what are we waiting for?
Make me a channel of your love and grace
And faith so assured that I will one day see your face
Make me a channel of truth and light
To shine in the darkness to pierce through the night
Make me a channel for your life and your way
And grant me a channel to you when I pray
So often Lord, I pray for so many things
But my life overflows with all your blessings
I feel like patience and silence are the lessons to learn
And while others may benefit, I too will grow in turn
I wait with eager anticipation for the days to come
To watch you work will be so totally awesome
Maria Mitea Aug 2024
when you watch the shadow crawl from the floor to the wall,
a branch falls,
the dawn crushed in the palms fades,
the spiral of smoke despairs of its own act,
not to enter your sight, moves aside,
evolution worked on these blue eyes for millions of years, no joke,
you follow every move
like a spy
the shadow returns:
- be wild again, dive into the green water
with the arrow in the back,
call your arms, shout, swim,
she is a tide in the chest,
just a tide,
the moon an ellipse end, a chain,
it spins around his axis
like a hub,
the waters break the sky, bleed between the thighs,
innocence lets us see the valleys beneath her feet,
don't let your lungs melt into smoke like a forgotten spring
out of air,

like grass,
tender and gentle
the spring draws its life from the graves,
out of mourning,
that's why the murmur resembles a cry,
a sigh,
and thirst,
and the river smooths the stream,
and the wind settles on your cheek, waits
a feather to fall on your head,
in the abyss
waiting for you to look at the sky, amazed, to ask: - who is hitting me,
who hits me every time i try to find solace,

when you watch the shadow crawl from the floor to the wall,
the murmur elevates any escape to the rank of genius
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2022
Christmas is around the corner
I can't stop myself from feeling blue
Vainly trying to channel holiday cheer
It's just not merry without you
It's a white Christmas up here in AK but my heart is still so blue
Andrew Layman Sep 2020
My heart stays on a hill
always out of reach
just above the crashing waves
well below the lighthouse keep

Salt is thick in my veins
with lungs that breathe too deep
I can not turn back now
because the price would be too steep.
annh Sep 2020
Your bliss;
Channel your
Inner godliness;
25% off inspiration;
Sale ends this Sunday.

A certain on-trend stationery store’s recent ‘25% OFF INSPIRATION’ promo banner made me laugh and cringe in equal measure.

‘McMindfulness is a stock on the rise. A brand that promises to deliver.  It satisfies spiritual yearnings without being a religion.  It’s backed by brain scientists at Harvard and MIT. It’s magic without being magic.  It even transforms corporate culture and increases market share! Now that’s worth paying for.’
- Jeremy Safran, McMindfulness: The Marketing of Well-Being
M Solav Jul 2020
Must there be the voice of an old man
To be inspired by wisdom?
Must there be intelligible words
To guess out the intention?
Must there be vulnerability
To presume the proper truth?

  There ain’t a single channel
  On the interface of dialogue.

Must we lie only in whispers
To keep hurt under the seal?
Must we sigh only in earnest
To show others where we bleed?
Must we die only in peace
To pass the torch with ease?

  There ain’t a single channel
  On the interface of dialogue.
Written in November 2019.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2020
They shall say of 2020, when it's done

nobody forgets a year like that one,

this one, with you in it,
never been one like it,
fractally speaking, on this scale of perception.

The demographic target of Covid 19,
and I share periences from some years sortalike this,  like 1961,
but that isn't global, that was national,
the summer, mostly, then
1963, the fall,
those days got global, a bit,

1969, the autumn, 1970, the spring,
and all those
tied in to now by way of psychedelia, and post war blues
odyssey of a sort, walking to Chicago scheduled,
through the October Moratorium, burlap sack of
peyote Wuwuchin season, then Earth Day 1, in San Jose,
half a time, half a year in men's measure,

those days were more cosmic than global...when I consider

I knew the way, that far, at that time, those were
strange days;

then I disappeared.

Now, I reappear, just to say, the way

I got here, got me this far, but as Granny Cook,

from the original Angelus Temple amen corner,

she said " we all need discernment", then

Job called for a referee ee ee ance refer to
Voltaire - define your terms ..

dis cern the terms of our agreement, reader.

This map leads here. 2020 April, it is a meme

forming link in the evolution of the global brain
holding AI

accountable for each idle word, every good nobody got,

give it again, doit doit now, we missed. Hamartia, ha, try

umph, and we are rolling once more right past confused Camus.

These are the last old days, new ones are emerging,

after all we know finishes shifiting into next before our seeing eyes.
Meditation of Marcus Aurelius audiobook is full of hard-sharp ideas. You need days of nothing to do to digest the good parts. I tell this to my friends who have 1200 tv channels and all they do is click
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
A challenge of living
is to channel my energy
into activities
which bring me joy and happiness.
You do not know me.
How will you ever see the clear light?
In his messages?
When you dive from the High dive
and Into a Kiddie's swimming pool?
Passages and Channels on "Slot TV "
Another "View"
A wild "stunt" of a sight.
Assumptions made
By assignments of "what" and "how"
A person is sorted
"Like" mail
We are like "socialists"
A "round" peg defined as a "square"
People turn their backs
Due to a hastily judged "out picture"
Damage done
Into the soul
Squeezed awkward and assorted non-matching "parts"
Tossed and Forgotten in Society's "Lost and Found"
Swimming Bowl.
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