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Sobriquet Apr 2015
new skin quick
neutralised Freudian slips
A spy game
so slick
well placed mortars sinking battleships

new suit
cover skin ill-suited to do business with life

find a life that suits your business
before you cover your life with a business suit.
MV Blake Apr 2015
Banality reins supreme

In our children’s dreams.

What do you expect

When principles defect

And brand names

Mark the scene,

When rock stars sell their souls

To executives in suits,

Make perfumes

From their dance room sweat

And wear expensive boots,

Then slap their name

On random ****

And sell how nice and cute

Their clothes look on baby girls

They know we can’t refute.

As if they write their music,

Or pen their awful hits,

******* souls for millions;

Tear integrity to bits.

When art is lost for money,

And the formula is the norm,

When thousands gyrate madly

To aural chloroform,

When children posture wildly

In photos with no shame

And send them to their idols

Who don’t care to carry blame,

When all we know is taken,

Corrupted and perverse,

And all our keen philanthropy

Is squeezed into a hearse,

When there’s nothing left

But adverts on our doors,

And mindless dancing robots

Falling to the floor,

Then we might just notice

How much we had to lose

When we turned our children loose

To tie up their own noose.

No matter how steep the cost,

There’s always room to climb

As soul-less music moguls

Wrangle for a dime.
sainche micano Mar 2015
this isn't ugly
i have my business with you
where we sell emotions
and get taxed for our intimacy
at the hotel rooms
and the cafeteria
when we export our mood..
Lindy Feb 2015
No laughs and no apologies
The door was left ajar
“You may assist yourself at the mezzanine.”
girls cascade as men pose
in shark skin suits
like swimming tessellations
corners fit against corners
bait fish schools
Moving in murmurations
No one ever looks up
at the ocean top glass ceiling
Their eyes are aimed downwards
waiting to see a massive shadow rising up
from the sea floor
No one knows what goes on down there
down where the sand is so cold,
where the flesh of the bait fish drift and
the ***** pick at remnants on whale bones.
I can't mind my own business,
Because i don't have any
As of 2.18.15 I do not authorize the duplication(s) of this writing, photography, or personal information.
Big Virge Jan 2015
MaaaaaaaaaannnNNN !!!!!
I DON’T ... Give A **** !!!!!!

People over here ….
Like to …. " Pass The Buck " …

" Problems " ... Now ... APPEAR
cos most ... Live in ... " FEAR " ... !!!!!

But …
Fear's ... NOT MY PROBLEM ... !!!
My Position is ... " CLEAR " … !!!

I Know what i'm doing ... !!!
but … young people are ... Moving …
Like … New Born Deer ... !!!

Many Can't ... " stand up " ... !!!
But STILL …. They Sup ...
On ... EVERY kind of ...
Beer ... They're Near … !!!

Then come to work ...
and ... “ POSTURE ” …

with vision ....
Still ... uNcLEaR … !!!

Systems ... THIS ... !!!!
and …. Systems ... THAT ... !!!!

These Fools nowadays ...
REALLY ... Talk some ... CRAP … !!!!

They're Lucky because …..
I’m ... Tall and Black ....

because …. If I was … ???
A ... " Top Flight White "  …

BELIEVE … Fo' REAL … !!! …
They Would get ... "TRAPPED" … !!!!

They'd get ... Directed …
OFF ... The Map … !!!!!
With … No Way for them ...
To ... Come Back … !!!! …

I say this stuff ….
cos' work is ... ROUGH ... !!!
when dealing with ...
These chicks and chaps ….

I hear these things ...
These days on ... Trains ...

It seems that others ...
Feel ... " The Drain " ...
of colleagues ... who ...
Can't Take ... THE STRAIN … !!!!

But are ... THE FIRST ...
to ... Dish Out Blame ... !?!
for problems ... THEY ...
Put in ... " The Frame " ...

They take this work thing ...
for a ..... " Game " ..... !?!

When Business Deals ...
GO UP ... in flames ... !!!

They look ...

" Bemused " … ? …

Now …
Ain't that ... LAME … !!!

Now ... if my name ...
was ... David Blaine ...
These people ... wouldn't ...
look the same ... !!!!! ...

They'd be like ... " Clint " ....
WITHOUT ... A Name ...

while I would ... " Drift " .................
To Those .... " High Plains " ....

and there is ... " Where " ...
I would ... RETAIN …

My ...  Peace of Mind ...
CLEAR OF ... The blind ...
who try to put me ....
In a .... " BIND " ....

With ... ANY EXCUSE …
That they can ...  " Find " ... ?!?

Leaving me .... behind ....

Well …. !!!!!

This is where …...
They Should ... BEWARE … !!!!!

My tactics are …
" Refined " ... like wine ...

NOT ... to drink ... !!!
But for ... THIS LINK ...

My train of thought …
Shows that ... I THINK … !!!
on how to leave them …
On The …. BRINK …. !!! ….

NOT … On The Virge  ... !!!!!!!

Cos' that's for me ...
to ... Lyrically Splurge …

" Poetic Words " ....
that ... DEFINE ... " The Truth " ...
to … “FOOLISH HERDS" … !!!

cos' ...
Moves they make ...
Define .... “ABSURD” …. !!!?!!!

My Vision's ... CLEAR ... !!!
While there's is .....

" blurRRrrrrrEDD !!!! "

So ....
with these words ...
Do You ... " Concur " ... ???

or has ... The Piece ...

Left you like …..

D'EerrrrrrrRRRRRR …. ???!!???

I'll give you time ....
So ... Please Confer … !!!

This is ... " My Challenge " ...
Try to ... Balance ...

“PROBLEMS” … that ...
You face ... at work ...
cos' working with ….

" Blame Culture " ... Berks ...
Could …. Like the ... " Chicken " ...
Leave you ... ****** … !!!!! ...

While these ... " Smart Alecks " ...

………….. “PANIC” ………… !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then ... " Hit The Street " ...
Just like .... " THE MANICS " …. !!!!!

This piece for me …..
Has been …. “ TITANIC ” …. !!!!!

Like the … STRUGGLES ...
In my job …. Because ….

My Colleagues ...
are ... “MESSED UP” ... !!!!!

Folks …. This is why ...
I write ... This Stuff ... !!! …

To ... STOP ME …. " Slappin' " ....

SOME FOOL ... UP ... !!! ...

Who tried to say ....

“Big Virge Messed Up ” ….

When ... TRUTH IS ….

Their work's …
ALWAYS ... " DUFF ” ... !!!!!

which is why ... " They Try " ...
to ... " COVER THEIR **** " ...
Thinking ... that they're ... SMART ... ?!?

and so ...
are quick to …

" Pass The Buck " ...
The ... " Over Here " ... I'm speaking of is London, England.
Forgotten Heart Jan 2015
Love me
hate me
it's none of
my business
and my business
is to love you
I'm doing it
I dedicate my whole life for my business
I work whole 24hours a day in my business.  Lol
Last time we met and gazed at one another
You ignited a fire
and left!

You went away to your business
Leaving this poor soul in misery and longing

You ignited a fire
and left!

I waited for you until darkness
You came late and found me unconscious
The pain was so intense, dear
What else could I have done?

You ignited a fire
and left!

Just by your one touch I was revived
Putting my face to your breast
Crying like an infant, I sobbed

You ignited a fire
and left!

You went away to your business!
#time #gazed #another #ignited #fire #left #went #away #business #leaving #poor #soul #misery #late #found #unconscious #pain #intense #dear #revived #breast #infant #sobbed #away
Wilhelmina Dec 2014
What is the concept of mortality?
To be loved? To be feared? To feel so passionately, when we know we are only to meet inevitable tragedy?

In the arms of a lover, we must ask ourselves these things.
What is the weight of mortality?
How much value is emotion to such fragile, time-sensitive creatures?
What is to be gained, or conversely lost in the game of life?

The terms of business are simple.
The rules of emotion are not.

The price tags on emotional attachment must be calculated.
What is the return policy on a kiss?
What is the punishment if it's stolen?

And how can he come to my doorstep
Seeking a refund of my battered, beaten heart,
Leaving it to rot in a plastic bag that tells me to "Have a Nice Day!"
That cheeky, yellow smile holds nothing for me now.

A defective product, is what he told me.
Take it back
I don't want it anymore.
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