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Zedler Dec 2014
Do not treat education as business.
They’re making millions off children
who reside in subsidized housing.

They're making millions off children
who ask mother "what's for dinner?"
even though it's 10:00 pm
and the lack of food in their stomach
has given them a hint as to what the answer is.

They’re making millions off children
who’ll end up dead or in jail before they’re 18.
If you don’t care or if you’re okay with that,
then just keep quiet.

Keep your opinions to yourself.
We’re all entitled to our own.
Quite frankly, I am not offended.
All I ask is that you don’t tell me
it's wrong to want change.

The education system in this country
is bound to fail many, but that does not mean
that I have to as well.
Do not tell me I can't cause change.
T'yana Brown Nov 2014
This isn't any of your BUSINESS
Why do you care about
What I'm doing ?
HOW I'm doing it?
When I'm doing it ?
Let me satisfy your thoughts by letting you know to

RW Dennen Sep 2014
White as winter skin,
expressionless faces z i p on by,
looking straight ahead

Timepieces remembered,
drudgery over leisure time
All in cadence, same beat, same drummer

Putting on Mona Lisa smiles
and handing out business cards
Numbers dominate words,
words mesh with numbers

Fast food, fast digestive systems
join Popeye's Whimpey ranks
Plop Plop, fizz fizz
Companies, corporations, amalgamations
merge then COLLIDE!!!
Tommy Johnson Sep 2014
A line has been drawn
And you have nothing to say about the height chart in the door frame
***** smocks
The ebbing and flowing of passengers in the middle seat
Who do nothing but leave coffee rings everywhere they've been
And say, "my left shoes has a sturdier soul than I do!"
Then forget to close the toaster oven
Rusted lamp posts and artificial flavoring
The Kettle telling The ***, "don't do me no favors"
I see clear coasts and those who've missed their boats
They should have taken their piece of cake
Now, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you
Getting back to business and usual
Better make that eyelash wish count
It's a free for all
It's sibling rivalry
For all the brown-nosers
Who live up to their reputations of raised leg urination
Give me a pull start
And then demote me to cabin boy
       -Tommy Johnson
Big Virge Sep 2014
Is it ...
" Politically Incorrect " ... ?
For Me To ... " Suggest " ...

Our Lives Are ...
... " CONTROLLED " ...
By A ... "Secret Sect" ... ?!?

Is It ...
" Politically Incorrect " ... ?

To Be So Direct ...
When Airing My View ...
On Controversial Subjects ... ?

The World's In A MESS ... !!!
But Meantime ... " The Press " ...
Continue To Test ...
My Patience With ... LIES ...
That MILLIONS ... Digest ... !!!!

Most Stories ...
Have ... " DEFECTS " ... !!!
That We Should ... Deflect ... !!!

Cos' Editors Prey ...
On The Weak And Inject ...
Political Views ... With ...
IMPROPER ... News ... !!!!!

So ....
What Do You Choose ... ?

Mental Abuse ... ?!?
Or ... Do You Want TRUTH ... ?
On Which ... You Can Chew ... ?

Is It ... Politically CORRECT ... !?!
To Say ...

" Coloured " ... Not Black ... ?

When BLACK Is A Word ...
Used in ... Racial Attacks ... ???

Is It Wrong To Say ...

..... ****** ...... !!!!!!!!

When ... This Is A Word ...
That Makes Rappers ... Six Figures ... !?!

No Wonder ... Young Blacks ...
Are Now ... Pulling The Trigger ... !!!!!

Having Read Through That Verse ...
I've Got .... TWITCHY Fingers .... !!!

The Smell of Death ... Lingers ................................................
On ... MOST City Streets ...

So ...
Is This Correct ... ?
Just Ask The Police ... !!!

Is Crime On The incREASE ... ?
HELL YEAH ... I Believe ... !!!

But ...
NOT JUST ... " Petty Thief " ...

What About Party Chiefs ... ?

"They would NEVER STEAL !!!"

Come On People ... PLEASE ... !!!!!

They Steal Peoples' Lives ...
While ... Giving Out DEATH ... !!!!!!!!

So ... Will I Survive ... ?
With ... Life Signs NOT VITAL ... !?!

This Poem's ... " Entitled " ...

... " Politically INCORRECT " ...

Like Suggesting ...
.... " Collusion " ...
ENDED ... Malcolm X ... !!!

" Collusion ... Collusion ... "

Malcolm .....
Died In ... Confusion ... ???
From ... MANY Gunshots ... !!!

What A ...
HORRID ... Conclusion ... !!!!!

These Words Are CORRECT ...
Dis - secting ... Illusions ... !!!

So ...
What About ... " Clay " ... ?
YES ... " Muhammad Ali " ...

A Man Who ...
Spoke TRUTH ....
In His ... Poetry ... !!!

Well Maybe That's Why ...
He's Got ... Parkinsons' Now ... ???

Cos' America ... Knew ...
They'd Best ... SHUT HIM DOWN ... !!!!

Cos' The Masses Heard TRUTH ...
When He ... Opened His Mouth ...

" He fought on for TOO LONG ! "

Is The ... " Good Ol' Song " ...

Well It Seems ... " Kinda Funny " ...
I Think He Was ... WRONGED ... !!!

Well .....
That Comment ... I Guess ... ?
May Seem ... INCORRECT ... ?!?

But It's ...
One I'll ... STAND BY ...
On This ... You Can Bet ... !!!

Cos' ... Muhammad Ali ...

A Man of ... TRUE SUBSTANCE ... !!!
With ... Heart In ABUNDANCE ... !!!

Who Did Not Believe ...
In ... Congresses NONSENSE ... !!!

Talking of Which ...
I Have To Say ... THIS ... !!!

When You Go To The Bank ...
Cos' You ... Need Them To Lend ... !!!

How Can They DEFEND ... !?!
When They've ... Got ...

A .... HUGE STASH .... !?!

But I Bet ... Write Out Cheques ...
For Their ... " Corporate Friends " ... !!!

Well It Seems ...
There I Go ...

INCORRECTNESS ... Again ... !!!!!

Incorrectness ... To Me ...
DEFINES ... Corporate Men ... !!!

But I Guess ... " Most of You " ... ?

Feel My Words Just OFFEND ... !!!
And Maybe My Words .... ?
Will Indeed ... Be My End ... !!!!!

Here's ....
ONE FINAL ... " Stanza " ...
To ... "Mentally Capture" ...

REDUNDANT ... Brain Matter ...
Absorbing ... FAKE DATA ... !!!

I Inject With ... INTELLECT ...
While These ... "Secret Sects" ...

While Black Folk ...
Live In ... DEBT ... !!!

Political Correctness ...
Has Got Some ... DEFECTS ... !!!!!

So ...
That's My Last Question ...

Am I .....

... " Politically Incorrect " ... ???
Simply inspired by the question of ... What is it to be ... " Politically Correct " ... ???
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