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Anais Vionet Mar 12
Our burdens are lifted—it’s spring break, after all.

Though ocean breezes, surf sounds, the smell of sunblock,
fresh tans and bottomless margaritas at the beach can be healing,
we decided to vacation on campus and find joy in small, everyday things.

Yesterday, we went to the farmer’s market, where one coffee vendor was making real cappuccinos and another was baking fresh breakfast pizzas. The combination reminded me of the 'Antico Forno Roscioli' caffe, near Campo de' Fiori, in Rome.

Then we hit the gym pool, climbed a rock wall (slowly) and played racquetball (rather poorly). We tried a dance & fitness class too—I thought I was in shape but ugg, it was hard to keep up. Peter (my 27-year-old bf) practically collapsed, but maybe he was angling for mouth-2-mouth.

Straight brag: Peter and I are getting new laptops today—MacBook Air M4s—mine’s baby blue, his is silver. So today seems like Christmas.
I don’t know if you people have computers, or use the Internet, but if you do, you’ll get it. I don’t know exactly when it’ll arrive, of course, so I’m pacing our suite.

I’ve always loved tech. My brother started teaching me about computers when I was 10—you know—hard drives, logic boards, power supplies, all of it. I remember it taking about two days to set one up and move all of the data. Today all I’ll have to do is set the new computer next to the old one and click migrate.

You gotta doff your hat to the tech wizards that came up with that, but the hours spent doing it the old way were fun.
Something’s lost yet something's gained” - I think Joni Mitchell sang that.
Songs for this:
Am I the Same Girl? by Swing Out Sister
Mountain or a Molehill by Kris Berry
our cast: A reader once asked, “Who are these people?” (a solid question) So now I do a cast list:

Peter, (My bf), is a bearded, 27-year-old from the sage hills of Malibu, California. He’s 6’1, too thin, his jet-black hair is perpetually uncombed and his skin is pale from over exposure to fluorescent lighting. He earned his PhD in Applied Physics last year and now he works for CERN in Geneva. He’s smart, quiet, awkward and he can be too serious. I’m unreasonably cRaZy about this guy.

Your author, a simple, multinational, upper-crust, trust-fund baby from Athens, Georgia who's also a molecular biophysics and biochemistry major (pre-med).
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/27/25:
Doff = to tip your hat in salute or to take it off.
Gideon Mar 8
My shoulders are burdened
by the weight of all the lives I'm living.
My head hurts because my neck
supports all the people I’ve become.
Laden with hats, my hair hides
underneath the tokens of every job I do.
Deep within, I still fear that this is not enough.
Will it ever be enough?
Lizzie Bevis Dec 2024
Let the weight of the world go,  
Like morning frost  
Beneath dawn's tender touch.  
Spread your worries over the earth,  
Not as stones, but as seeds.  
Watch how fresh roots  
Will comfort your despair,  
Nurturing it into strength.

Then emerge with resilience,  
As daybreak’s first steady breath  
Calm, enduring and inevitable.  
Do not dwell on others' requests;  
Your heart knows its needs,  
Longing to become more  
Than just something.

Wishing to be whole and unbroken
By time's constant haste.
While adrift with your name
on the wind's tongue,  
Carried by the breeze  
That understands the truth.  
These winds have carved mountains  
And have ridden the tides  
Of wild, untamed oceans.

Take a moment to compose yourself.  
Your respite is not submission,  
But the gathering of thunder  
Within the lull before the storm breaks.  
It is a deep breath before your voice  
Awakens the sleeping sky,  
The dawn holds its breath in waiting,  
As the burden lessens with time.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Jill Nov 2024
Put your burdens down, right here
Not forever, just for now

Let them know you hear their cries
See the blues under their eyes

Tell them there’s no need to fear
You’ll return to mop their brow

‘Til their tears are running clear

They’ll be waiting low, right here
Biding silent, softly weep

Strike a bargain, leave in trust
Then before they gather dust

Greet them as you reappear
Warm them gently in your keep

Carry kinder, hale and just

You have earned your journey pause
Try to graciously ignore

Any loud imagining
That you could be squandering

Chances that are there because
You are shrugging ache and sore

In your weighted wandering

It’s alright to take a break
Not forever, just for now

You are burden-carry strong
Muscles steel and journey long

Listen to your body ache
Needs a rest, if you allow

‘Til your steady ache is gone
Release me from these shackles,
I don't need to be contained,
away from the guilt of it,
I don't need to be constrained.

Release me from the burdens,
Release me from all Fears,
Release me from these Hardships,
That I have dealth with for so many years.

Release me from Constraints of sorrow,
of shedding so many Tears,
Wishing that someone would save me,
Wishing that help was near.

Release me from Trail and error,
Release me from all doubts,
Loose me from the thought of thinking,
If the fact that there's no way out.

Constrained from Financial difficulties,
Constrained from the ware and tear,
When you're feeling down and low,
When Life is treating you unfair.

Release me from ALL CONSTRAINTS,
This is my beck and call,
Oh, Please Release these shackles,
To be unconstrained FROM IT ALL!!

Date: 10/1/2024
zoya skylar Feb 2024
i ask you to repent, for me
come clean, for me
and tell your dad,
no, i wasn’t 18

i was
mature for my age
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Rendered offenses
Sweat in the opinion, sakes
And due attention, to reason amends
Acting only a little saner, the stark stare a host makes...

Do you notice, evermore?
Anyway, the truth we prepose of...
Has a callous beginning, too sore
For a challenge of wisdom, that even does?

Prayers of dour anger...
For the aspire and means we favor
With a realm to a touch, tough knowing you and life's danger...
The reality of another fight, with sin as the futures flavor?

Speed has a question, dwindling in the wind
Suspect days, to redoubt and list the scope of an argument
That has the silence we afforded it, to keep the shadows of kin
Proper is as proper had, the hush of simple tomorrows, a problem to relent...

Toward sharing, the taste of a hoping kiss...?
That when recognized, sympathy is an answer; only a heed can tell...
The prayer of estrangement, has become a chastity's wish
Will a savior in love, know the better of kindness; here's your hell...

With a baring lip, that has suggested a toothsome reply to quips
And hearts to accept the solace of terror, a harrowing finish to past lies...?
That began and ended with a promise found in the bolting and gray wits
Of a dread simplicity, still running to wisdom's charity, which requited...
What gets rid of a ridden nightmare to and from hell and its best friend, death? Light a **** why don't you...?
Salsa AK Apr 2021
When happiness fades
faster than a stranger’s smile,
Only love can make your darkness weak
and your burdens light
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