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Nature Feb 15
Roses are elegant ,
Bougainville are radiant ,
Sunflowers are shining ,
Jasmines are intensely white.

Roses smell floral,
Bougainville fragrant tropical,
Sunflowers are earthly,
Jasmine gives an exotic aroma.

They blooms in my mind,
They filled my cozy oasis,
Leaving behind blissful traces...
greatsloth Feb 6
She is that flower in pinkish-red hems
Blooming amidst the silent, withered stems;
She does not need any grace of water,
But pleased to tears that have fallen over

My hand trembles, I cannot pluck her roots—
She's too precious to be in worn-out boots;
Though it hurts, I'll hope there's a gardener
Who'll place her where light shines a bit kinder.
Madeon Jan 14
Dreams whisper softly,
Stars fall like tears,
Hearts beat wildly,
Love conquers fears,
Hope blooms eternal,
Time heals scars,
Forever ours.
Hyacinth is used in perfume-making. 
Symbolises love that is everlasting. 
Power, beauty, and its merit
Are for uplifting the spirit.
In mid-spring, you can see them blooming.

You can see them for two weeks, flowering. 
A delicate, fresh scent's breaking 
Bloom is the best time to visit. 
Hyacinth Blooms

Their blooms can be seen colouring. 
Lavender, rose, and cream are sinking. 
In many shades, one can endear it.
Beautiful flowers, you always cheer it 
In memories, they are masking 
Hyacinth Blooms
skaldspiller Feb 2024
It's five am, and there's a slow soaking rain.
It came with a single clap of thunder.
It carries
not only the washed clean smell
of falling water,
but also flowers,
Red maple bark,
and autumn leaves.
There's not an ounce of light yet,
but I swear I feel the warmth
just below the horizon
like love that has yet to blossom.
Its echo whispers. Give it time.
An older poem from when My Love and I were first getting to know each other.
Erin Suurkoivu Oct 2020
Tin man, on the eve of tin,
your apology rings hollow.

I think that you
were only trying to

crack a window,
find a space to crawl back in,

attempt to
erase me some more.

Meanwhile, the police
are off investigating

crimes that happen in
real time. They like

to catch their perps
red-handed. Even with you

cast in the limelight,
confirming that what you did

to me was real,
it was my own nightmare.

I know, we fall into
that grey area.

In a garden of blooms
you walk freely,

inhaling and dreaming
of touching

those yet untouched
pink and yellow buds.
love is a bouquet
filled with the bloom's embrace
of scented flowers
Jay M Sep 2020
I was found
A flower of purple bloom
Alone, in a gloom
Until petals of yellow
Scent soothing
Took root not far away

After time
And months of rhyme
She whispered
To the yellow bloom
Said that there was no room
For the two of us

"Wild violet"
I was branded
Called a ****,
Said to be slowly
Choking out the yellow bloom
That in that garden
There was no room
For a vile ****

Alas, a **** I was not
Am not
For I am a flower
Nothing more

Call me what you want
Drop venom where you please
My voice perhaps stolen
My leaves torn by your
Shaking hands
Fists in the air
But I hold in
A thousand words
To battle your chaos
Cast away
With every attack
Like leaves to a blower

I won't lie
That's your job
Cruel gardener
Pick all of my petals
Shred my leaves
Pull me by the roots

Still I shall stand
No matter the swinging
Of your crazed trimmers
Snipping away

Though far away
I shall stay
Just a memory
Fueling your chaos
Growing a wall of thorns
Dripping with blood
Around your proud bloom
Of yellow light.

- Jay M
September 18th, 2020
Read it with a mind and heart as open as the sky, and step out of the confines of your own perspective. See it, and feel it.
Cox Aug 2020
When you become old,
grey and withered;
I’d still display you in a vase.
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