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neth jones Mar 13
no noggin knocking     no cranium colliding
no brain bashing  head hammering  skull scraping
                      scalp scoring  or crown clonkelling

no melon mashing   nor loaf lamping
protect that thinker   for imaginative and feeding dreams
                  so.. to bed with ya

no cot rot or bed sores
no blocked noses and dino-snores
just sweet-sweet dreams
written for my 5 1/2 yr old
neth jones Nov 2024
'the kid' leaps  sudden  from bed                    
points  in fright  toward the 'hippy' curtains
                      "i'm scared of ghosts in pyjamas"
actual event - credit goes to my five year old
Erwinism Sep 2024
The hour is an uneasy,
the hour is exasperated,
it paces from one room to another,
taking great strides
to pull me by the wrist
and take me straight to bed.
Not yet,
give me a second a said.
I thirst for a swig
of what this bar has to offer.
Neat! The hour is impatient,
no chance for me to relish
growing old,
no way to feel my insides glycate,
it wants time back,
this itching hour.
Robin Carretti Jun 2023
Liberty bell has rung for the
longest time friends come and go
All the time why can't it be
     The best news*
I ever heard in a long time
Sleepless nights at bedtime
Sunset opens worth waiting for
     Healing- time -heart

We are on Prime- Time
  Long healing coffee
Anytime peace of mind

Waiting for the right time
How come its more the wrong time
We all work fulltime long hours
Hits you in a whole lifetime
Nothing heals I love my trees
Maple cherry blossom wild flowers
Having strong bold coffee in
the Eiffel Towers  

The train is coming but
the wrong one
All alone holding time
With your coffee cup
Please stop to think
Stirring my coffee
Long wait sometimes life stinks
Cell phones and so many links

Long sip- my- neck- out
 Amazon jungle long time -out  
      Long night-out
   Long wait hooked like a bait
Please God! I cannot wait
      *        *        *        *        *

Long sip Villa- man dressed Vet
He stuck his neck out to her
mind and body set
Coffee moments,, Time, simple sip of Coffee what it will do
xavier thomas Sep 2022
I just wanna slowly apply some pressure.
I knew you were special the second we started texting.
Give me a minute, I’m about to express my confessions.
Been waiting on you, to make a move, to make this move.
Cause you…cause you… you’re mine

You’re protected under my care when you’re with me.
You submit as much as you honor me respectfully.
And when you need quality time, just call me.
Im always here for you Ms. Lady.
Ready to be next to you, just you.

When you need me, baby I got you
Deep in these feelings, I’m so inspired
Share with me your thoughts and desires
I’m just so excited
Cause I’m ready to be next to you… Just you…

Now, I just wanna make things very clear baby.
I want this to be official and not a fling baby.
Cause I’m ready to receive this ring with some kids baby.
Gifts from me to you baby.

Cause I’m ready to be next to you…
Oh na na na, woah-oahhh.

Think I already said more than enough.
So let’s make this a reality and have some fun.
Baby I’m ready to fall in love
And show more of where this comes from
Happy to start this journey with you,
start this journey with you.

When you need me, baby I got you
Deep in these feelings, I’m so inspired
Share with me your thoughts and desires
I’m just so excited
Cause I’m ready to be next to you… Just you…
it all goes dark
when the shroud of the night
covers the earth: darkness, no light
as all the others close their eyes
their minds shut down, the air goes quiet

but the blinding fluorescence in my room
outshines the window, I see no moon
it only reflects me, my room: chaos and doom
the voices scream louder as I try to give up too soon

nightly divinity calls to me - soft - siren - lullabies - to sleep
but the eyelids, trapped open, within them my eyes weep
with each passing breath, the screeching voices cut deep -

my cheeks grow wetter while the stars glow dimmer
those dead eyes close, right before the sun's first shimmer.
mystic all-nighter?
em Mar 2022
We lost power around 1:36 AM.
I stared as my alarm clock flipped minutes
then blinked off.
My gaze drifted to the window, following a dim stream of moonlight
along the floor
over the desk
through the curtains
and out the window.
I got up out of bed
opened the curtains
and unlatched the window.
It was too cold
but I wanted it open.
I wanted to lay the wrong way on my bed
and watch out the window until I fell asleep
like I did when I was small
but old enough to wash myself
but not old enough to know not to get ***** in the first place
and I’d spend an entire summer's day imagining a world throughout the woods in my backyard
and when I’d come inside my mother would forget to tell me to take a shower
and I’d run up into bed as the street lights turned on
and I’d throw a thin sheet over my entire body
because it'd be too hot for anything else
and I could feel the sweat sticky-dry on the surface of my skin
and I could see the dirt beneath my bitten fingernails
and the window is open
and there is a breeze
and the raw scent of dirt and grass seeps into the fabric of my sheets
and I could feel that smug sense of getting away with something
that hurt no one and nothing.
The fish tank’s filter spurts on behind me.
1:38 AM.
ORR Submission - 23 February, 2022
I lay still, staring at the ceiling
It was all dark; no colours, no feeling
A constant thumping in my chest, the spirit wasn't leaving
Moonlight shone through the window, soothing quiet screaming
Body contorted, agony was unveiling
Put me to sleep: I closed my eyes, pleading.
just one of those nights where I desperately wished to be put to sleep
Kewayne Wadley Oct 2021
My bed may not be as large
As California or have a blanket
As deep as the ocean.
But it’s comfy and shares
The same view as if we were there.
When I am asleep with you,
Everything becomes ideal.
One of the best feelings the universe
Could bestow.
To discover a slice of heaven beside you.
A spoon finding it’s way
To the big dipper, in the same
Lineage of how I see you.
We stargaze with our eyes closed,
Watching the stars bloom like flowers
In complete comfort.
The urge to explore further,
A simple look, a simple smirk
Head nestled deep in a pillow.
The aspirations of becoming an astronaut
Become that much clearer.
I blast off & everything becomes dark
My reflection staring at yours beneath mine,
Until I see your face spread wide
Across the moon.
Happy and safe,
My voyage is now complete
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