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Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Would that the words would
come easily to me.
For me to be able to express
myself, to be a strong and proud
and confident bard...

Would that I could feel more
secure in the power of my ink
to not feel dread or shame or
depressed for now keeping
my ink flowing upon the

Would that my soul would fall
into the arms of the true moon
that sees my soul...
I know that I am flawed.
I fear that one day my mistakes,
my past will catch up and drag
me down into a hell where others
loathe me...

And while my wounds are fresh
the ghosts that I have locked
behind the doors, the ones that
one time that I had loved and
let go for my own stability will

I can admit my faults,
but it hurts when my mind leaves
me floating in a dark sea; calm
with no light, no shore, no soul
in sight...

Would that I can believe
that indeed

I am good enough...

Scratching at my emotional wounds...
Still finding it hard to write...
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Don't tell me to fight and win my battles,
I have already lost
Ambiguous Frizz Sep 2018
i have
so many
in me
that i
continue to
live with
& tame
Candace D Henry Sep 2018
Brightened and broken at the time
Hitting me like lightening
The flash exposing the shadows in my creases
Open my cage to see a beating exploding star

Hope is a retrograde
Piecing it all back together
Sewing with the strands of time
Rebuilding my heart to its fighting weight
Pat said "love is a battle field"
I know I will go to war again
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
If your mind's wounds were illustrated on your body, what would it look like?

Mine would have broken bones, bruises, and deep cuts strewn everywhere.

But also, stitches and casts to heal them.
Thomas Bodoh Sep 2018
The rolling stone-cold plumes, all shadow-bent,
Bearing the frosty ghosts of gallant souls
From fallen forts and earthly cities spent
Ascend from fleshly ash and hellish holes.
The scratched and fallen foes shall lurch to stand;
The silent, broken knights shall stagger high
And seek with vengeful eyes the wicked hand
That sought to quench the sunrise climbing nigh.
Some rise to fight, some rise to heal, and some
Will never rise again. The love-top spins;
The stars hurl by; we pray for kingdom come,
We pray to heaven's hosts to heal our sins.
The smoke a-rises; all collapse to knee
Weeping that goodly God might set them free.
c Sep 2018
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot
Bouncing words and blades for two
“I’m rubber you’re glue”
How much longer till we’re through?

Breaking bones and grinding teeth
Clenched jaws with fire beneath
Tempers rising with the heat
Rock won’t stop until you bleed.

Rumors splashed across a page
Filled with malice, filled with rage
Money floating to the stage
Get the paper, make it rain.

Cut them down with dagger smiles
Ignore the wounded battle cries
Metal words until they die
“Stick a needle in your eye”

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Look what growing made us do.
Inspired by a writer on instagram
Madelynn Nieves Sep 2018
She hits the bottle
like she’s playing blackjack
Always wanting more
And inevitably losing it all

She stands in the remains
Of the destruction she’s caused
Filled with regret
Finding salvation
At the bottom of a glass

Coming home jubilant
To speak of all her successes
And all I hear is a buzz
The slurs in her speech
And lose sight of all else

Hearing loosely threaded stories
From that point on
Trying to find the holes
Where the honesty shines through
Knowing she’s far too happy
To be telling the truth

Filled with self loathing
Reeking of liquid courage
Losing her grip on what lies
She’s told before

She loops
And falters
At which point
I close my ears and walk away
Not wishing to waste my time
On tall tales and a tossup
No matter which side the coin lands
I’ve lost myself
In this battle with your illness
Colm Sep 2018
Before the autumn comes
Before the trees are torn by the harsh winds
And the world is consumed by leafy snow

Before the fires edge and burn out slow
And dark soiled Earth is turned to rust

Before the autumn comes again and then
I will find myself
Once more and last
In the springtime of my youth the pass

For there my fate will not be determined
For all are falling, all are fast

But before the autumn comes again
I will outstretch my strong summer arms
And try and hold the winter back

In the springtime of my youth to pass
In October I do battle and each war is always different. It's no longer about making enemies or friends. It's not about ME or this frail human history. It's about the blessing of being able to try and fail. The freedom to be without restraints for a few days (like when I was a younger guy). That freedom to me means oh-so-much.
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