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Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2018
Even when
Hope seems malignant

Still there is life
Keep breathing
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Applied Antidote
Chloe Sep 2018
Hello my friend,
You have been gone for too long.
A hug that was once so warm and comforting has left me hollow and cold.
You have latched yourself back onto me.
Your grip is so strong.
I do not want you here.
So, please, please be gone.
I cannot hold onto you the way I once did.
You are so toxic to me.
It's getting hard to breathe.
I will not let you control my life,
not like you did before.
You do not own me.
Get out of my head.
This temple I have built.
I am stronger now.
I will not be filled with guilt.
You are a small part of my life,
you are not my world.
I refuse to let myself drown
in the darkness that you are.
I will come back on top  
and you can watch from afar.
One day I will be strong enough to not fall back into your arms.
I've hit another depressive episode, it's at it's peak but I am still fighting. Every single day I am getting better at pushing through my depression. I know you can too. Stay strong, everyone.
We met on the fields of battle,
back and forth are blades rattled.
After I nearly came to my demise,
out reached a hand and gave me a surprise.
It was on that day that I came to realize,
that friendship could be had at the brink of death.
We then continued forward, giving our enemies there last breath.
A pal to travel through the lands for laughter,
a new friend to look forward to hereafter.
Some think that it's all just a game,
but finding a friend is something I'm proud to claim.
Tonight you feast,
getting ready to slay the beast.
You'll mount your ride,
and get ready for that slide,
into battle you will go,
running past any enemies that may slow,
down your progress for the two days you'll be gone,
until the moment you're back where you belong.
You'll concur and succeed where others have not,
your enimies will run cold, as your blood runs hot,
to sleigh them all, with your wicked spells.
With your words you can summon the strength to send them to hell.
They'll try to trick, and try to betray,
but you'll be on top and victor of the day.
I look forward to the tales that will be told,
because a warrior as fine as you, is among the most bold.
Michael Sep 2018
Life, as you travel through, gets you in its twists and turns.
Traversing the ups and downs will leave you feeling consumed.
Squandering the ups and downs will leave you feeling consumed.
Squandering the ups because the downs deplete you.
You need to get up and fight, not let it defeat you.
You barely have the strength to stand, yet giving up does not exist within you.
You are all in, you’re fatigued, you’re spent and your tiered.
Your soul is just another victim of the comprehensive depletion.
You’re a hollow shell now, but still you don’t surrender.
What do you fight for and why do you stay?
Do you battle this world for just one more day?
Pushing on for one more day.
Nathan Sep 2018
I'm not okay
Overcrowded in my mind
But I finally can say
I know I'm not okay

I debated being a martyr
Believed I wasn't strong
But I'm surviving
I've been fighting
Without realising
I know I'm not okay

There's comfort in the anarchy
mārkūs Sep 2018
— what about
that angel battle cry
that I heard
when you cut your wrists?
what about
the ice in the hell's throne
and the clouds spinning
around your head?
like crows,
like strings that keep you here,
nobody wants you dead,
so what I love
is what I don't throw.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
I am losing the battle, losing the war,
Almost ready to give up the fight,
Accept that the only way I can
Be with you is in my dreams at night.

The storm rages on, never ends,
Rain pours from my tired eyes,
I fear this will last forever,
I will never again have blue skies.

Too weak to keep holding on,
I have had about as much as I can take,
How much longer until I am completely spent
And surrender to this savage heartache?
Sometimes I want to give up but I know I'm better than that.
ClawedBeauty101 Aug 2018
There is no rain to bring relief to our sweating bodies...
only the reign of arrows... and their offering of stabbing pain

There are no stars to put on a display of dances and twinkles...
only the rotating show of the thrown daggers

There is not a river to reflect the beauty of life...
Only the blade of the sword... that reflects my possible death

There are no clouds in the sky to soften my spirit
only the low cumulus smoke of gunpowder and ash

There is no sun to shed its bright flame upon us
On the flickers and flashes of light of ignited bullets

There is no difference between night and day... they are the same...
Only the difference is who the enemy is.. and who is the Savior...

The grass no longer grows full and abundant in luxurious green
It is constantly trampled and stepped on... leaving it withered and tan...

There is no soft white snowflakes to give us a cold kiss
Only the bites of thrown, bitter, cold shattered pieces of glass

There are no vast variety of colors to adore... only two hues
Light and Darkness... So we can tell who is for us... and who is against us


The weather... and landscape wasn't always this way...
It wasn't the Lord's intentions to have such a horrific display...

What? What did you ask? What is it like on the battlefield?
Well...sit down dear child... and I will tell you...
Another Poem Relating to this will come soon... Thanks for Reading <3
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