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Chris T Mar 2015
Stranger things have come and passed
than dreams of you and I amassed
huddled above a rainy moon, umbrella,
waltzing to an angel's choir sung a cappella,
but there we were **** and arm in arm
protected by love from any and all harm,
so when our lips did touch a silence crept,
even God's help knowing our coming end wept.
Ugh. You know when you remember something that'd been long buried and then feel a sharp pain in your head?
Michaela Mar 2015
It could be a million people.
It could be my demons.
It could be the problems I'm not dealing with.
It could be the people I'm trying not to think about.
It could be the thing I need to hear most.
It's almost definitely not you.
But, heaven help me, it is.

Because you are my demons.
You're a problem I'm avoiding.
You're the person I try not to think about.
And you have become the voice I need to hear most.
So on the other end of this phone,
screaming at me like an angel,
it almost definitely is you.

And, heaven help me, I'm picking up.
RainbowBlessings Mar 2015
Angels Prays At Night

I woke up in the middle
of the night,
The room was really
black from no light.

But I thought I saw an
Angel over my bed,
At first I thought I was
dreaming or maybe dead.

I tried to open my eyes
real wide,
To see if the Angel really
did reside.

I look again to see where
the Angel was,
My eyes still sleepy and
blurry with a little fuss.

As I looked over to where
the Angel could be,
I heard a whisper of a prayer
that she was praying for me.

Now I know that Angels
prays at night,
And I'll be safe and
everything will be alright.

WrittenBy: Barbie Kirk
02-28-15 8:00am

© Barbie Kirk . All rights reserved, 4 days ago

- See more at:­B.dpuf
Bridget Allyson Sep 2014
I told that when I came out of my mother's womb I was singing.
I was told that I whenever I talk I speak as if I'm telling a story.
When I tried out for every solo in middle school and never got it.
Notice: That never stopped me from singing.
When my best friend ignored my words of wisdom, or told me she didn't get it.
Notice: That never stopped me from writing.
Those plenty of times I've sprained my ankle or was too weak to run another mile.
Notice: It never stopped me from running.
I'm stubborn and that could be a good thing and a bad thing.
I was told by my own family "Shut up, no one cares."
Notice: That didn't stop me from having a voice.
I was afraid to go outside because I was afraid I'd need an ambulance.
Notice: I still went outside.
See when I was a baby I never tried new things.
I didn't take risks.
But I was told that when I came out of my mother's womb I was singing.
Singing to the heavens, singing to the sky, singing all the angel's goodbye.
Notice: Nothing has ever stopped me from believing in myself.
This is a story of me. And I hope my poetry will and stories will teach someone someday.
Often I write about angels
this time I speak about special angels

They hold your hand when you need comforting
the ones that refuse to leave your side
they hug you in such a way
that your heart fulfills its destiny
and you know it's going to be okay

These angels come in all sizes
full of heart, hope, happiness
sharing peace, healing, so much love
they are the light we search for
when we are in the darkness
they are the life we've needed
when the roads seem to stretch on and on

Perhaps you've seen one of these special angels
one of them I know for a fact
has led me straight to you

Many blessings, much love
may your life be full of it all
Dedicated to Linda
a very dear friend of mine
You know sometimes we speak of angels
even when others don't believe
but I know that they exist
and are watching over us
caring and loving us
defending us even when
we don't realize it

If your conscience says no
when you want to say yes
t'is an angel talking to you
to teach you right from wrong
but the final decision
is but of free will
it is ours to make

I thank God for angels
that I cannot see
and I thank God for angels
just like you!
posted on Facebook
Belle Victoria Mar 2015
hearts and rules are kinda the same
they are both meant to be broken

she had a attitude with a gorgeous smile
she could make the angels sing and the devils cry
but there was this thing about her, something different
she had her struggles and her addictions

and on a early sunday morning the people realized
drinking cough syrup when you didn't have a cough
is ironic because in reality you're sicker than you thought.

these words explained it all
we are all a little bit mad, you need to feel special
crazy is the new normal these days..
and some people would love to take adventage of that

but please be honest because in the end
we are all just ****** up kids
drugs and alcohol never were the issue
we just couldnt stay away from the feeling
the feeling of feeling nothing at all.
we all deal with our demons.
wes parham Mar 2015
A man once said, against his will,
that love has many names.
A woman nearby scoffed but, still,
She writhed within its flames.

Her  cries kept him awake at night,
He could not close his ears.
Resistance waned, and all his might,
Could not allay the fears.

He  called on favored demons,
Change is torture, all the same.
He called on angels, without reason,
Begging each by name.

It was, at once, surprise to none,
He kept the worst inside.
Surprise to all when it was done,
Her violent suicide.
read here by the author:

Some hastily improvised verse.  I hate regular meter and rhyme, but this was a challenge to write something quickly, all at once, and use both.  Written over maybe a twenty minute period, though the final stanza was added a day later to wrap it up with something horrible.  JUST changed the gender pronoun in final line on a whim.  Don't know why, it just makes it more interesting, I think.  Yes?

Premise: Those who most vehemently fight the madness of love are often the most deeply and sincerely affected by it.
Arcassin B Feb 2015
By Arcassin B , creep & patty m

Is it the stems,
Or the leaves,
Telling me,
To tie a noose around the ceiling fan,
Steping near the area,
Try to Contain it,
But I don't really think I can,
Devil got his hand tugging my ***** ,
Playing rebound,
Telling me to forget it all,
With like two rounds,
I don't wanna load with off into my brain,
But the suspense is kicking in,
Somebody get a chair and sit me down,
I don't feel no restraint,
You won't try,
But I ain't,
About to let you take me away from the voice of god,
Begging my pardon,
But At least that's what I think,
When I go near the garden,
Twisting, trailing down
My hands, my arms, 
Down my chest, wrapping around my legs,
They take over.
Each little secret I've hidden all over me,
The scars, the stories, the burns,
All seen by them.

Everything I've worked so hard to conceal,
Long sleeves, long pants, hoodies,
It doesn't matter anymore.
Theyve seen it all.

Each and every scar, 
All the tears,
Wet again.
The burns
Bursting with agony.
But with all that pain,
Its freeing.
Everything was held inside...
But now,
These... things
They have opened the unthinkable,
All of the things inside spilling out uncontrollably.
The mistakes and fears that once made up all of me,
Its flooding out of me.
I'm feeling 
And lighter...
And now I'm finally gone.
you are the reason
coldness comes creeping
deranged and completely changed

put it down
put down that gun
the bullets that you load
when did your heart turn to stone
when did you grow so cold?
Mistaken, forsaken
innocent and yet condemned
I'm judged without a jury
for the rules that your amend

put it down 
put down the knife
ease your anger 
and lingering strife
I'm not the enemy
I'm just your wife

blood it seeps so slow
no need to hurry now
it has no place to go
as it puddles here
staining my matted hair
a halo of red 
I shouldn't have stayed
I should have fled. 
Innocent and forgiving
I lost my chance of living

put it down,
put it down to caring
I didn't even cry out
when it was my skin
you were paring

Such a shame
that you turned insane
was it ***** or pills
that twisted your will 
made you want to ****
the one person who loved you most.
no matter
it's shattered
and now it's null
like the last scrambled thought
in my fractured skull. 

I grant you pardon
now freed from your 
demonic garden
what thoughts grow in your mind
are they still benign weeds
like your horrible misdeeds
that multiply over time?
You do not know what is now-a-days
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