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Maksim Nov 2017
Mind blasting with actions
Living up to the name of Maksim
I'll smash it while you crash it
I shiot to the moon while I blast it
Never wasting my time with humans lacking passion who stuck at the first station while I hustle to live in a mansion you chasing while Im embracing the chaos and Stand solid on the soil living royal as the ace with a strong base and never chase because I'm ahead of the race. Smoking purp in the Berk on the curb Staying high as we fly and surf Through the sky with the crown on my head, taking charge and staying ahead so I'll continue tomorrow because it's time for bed
Old ember reveals an open heart
Quenched by neither wind nor rain,
Waiting patiently a catalytic start
So it may become a flame again.
To ignite the ****** fires within
What fuel deserves this precious coal?
What must be done to overcome the din
That leaves man longing for his soul?
Inspiration sparks a gentle light,
Look into that orange-crimson plume
To embolden you; rekindle your might
And search for salvation over doom.

Only when the jungle’s burned away
Will you ever know the clear, bright, day.
OnyxSea Nov 2017
An act of will,
An action, forthcoming.
What is it,
that powers our becoming?

We take action,
and spontaneously reckon,
our lives and history,
and experiences, begotten.

Yet no matter how much our freedom may be,
we end up controlled by experiences within thee.
Repeating actions we have always done,
strengthening the cage instead of it coming undone.

So familiar it is,
so convenient it can be.
To blame everyone and everything,
except the selves within thee.

Pushing everything to others and family,
we never once consider ourselves, faulty.
Working on pushing and blaming that one,
we ourselves, are made, undone.

So what is important, what do we need to ****?
It is that, which constricts our will.
Breaking free from shackles within thee,
we shatter all obstacles, without and within thee.
Jeevan Oct 2017
“Hello, and welcome to the show.
My name is Captain Sin.”
As Dancers tumble to and fro,
protected by thick skin.
“Release the snare!”, the Captain yells,
gripping a chair, metal strikes bells,
The audience roars with anticipation.
And the tigers temper, is just causation.

But Captain Sin is never through.
Lacking neither whip or mood.
He swings his crop and hits it true,
confidence is what he exudes.
The tiger rears to claw his face,
But Captain Sin just seems displaced,
too quick to see or venerate,
a cause for cheers to celebrate.

Another crack across the skin,
the beast now seems subdued.
Another smack across it's chin,
the monster takes review.

The cage is closed to mournful eyes.
For those who thought of Sin's demise.
And Captain Sin, takes a final bow.
He removes his hat, to cloak his brow.
Sin shades the line of red they missed.
As music plays, the show persists.
Let me know if it reads smoothly.
Joshua Krueger Oct 2017
glass half empty or half full?
why do we even ask at all?
all this thinking takes its toll
on our society of analysis
anti-action and paralysis
it really is a dangerous thing
overphilosophizing i mean
we've fallen victim to the allure
of thinking that we can cure
anyone anything and or any problem
with enough thinking tinkering and or solving
but truly there's really got to be
more to cure the modern malady
of paradoxes and dichotomies
and meta-epistemologies
we've come too far for us to merely be
just because i think we think
if i can really only see
what's standing right in front of me
once it's gone to the periphery
then i'm positive that we'll all have been
over inacting and underachieving
for far far too long

we think too much and do too little
it's not like it's a test or a riddle
we write creeds and manifestos
but there's no credence manifested
if we don't give precedence
not to kings queens or presidents
but to becoming a society-
a people who won't go quietly
whose thoughts and bright ideas
suddenly begin to coalesce
into lives being lived
to the absolute fullest
we need something more
we need a paradigm shift
made from something much more sure
than a philosopher's two cents
but if we don't act now
if we procrastinate and wait
our dreams will just be dreams
and tomorrow will be too late
so then-
if you don't mind
instead of stopping just to analyze and think
i think i'll take that half of a glass
and maybe take a drink
I was had been awake for 32 hours when I wrote the initial draft of these letters on a page. I had just lost (yet another) job and had realized that I couldn't stop thinking. They say guys have the unique ability to think about nothing- but I've never been able to accomplish that feat. So anyway- I took the overflow of my firing synapses and spilled my thoughts onto a page. When I write, I find that I can think about anything and not be stressed or overly emotional about it, as opposed to keeping it bottled up in my mind. So, yeah. Stop thinking. Start doing.
A side note- I don't drink. The most alcohol I've ever had was probably when I accidentally swallowed some mouthwash...
after every massacre
by some fanaticized pathological idiots
politicians call upon their citizens
to come together
and pray for the murdered and their families

this is absolutely appropriate

but it seems
that ever since 9/11
the nation only comes together
AFTER more of its members have been killed

I wish very much
that the nation
   AND politicians
would come together
BEFORE  the next massacre
and take appropriate action
to prevent such disasters
in the first place
winter Sep 2017
hello, all
I'd like to make a call
to action.

some things have gone wrong
as I've drifted along
to here

and now I'm more alone
and my mine is trying to atone
for my father's sins.

I am beyond frustrated
even more cheated
on my mother's behalf.

she said to me
"more than one disappointment and promise me,
you will flee"

theres no other ploy
that will better destroy
your life."

I know this is the truth
even as I grasp the last of my youth
I've seen it.

I wish I could do more
but my mother has her own armor.
she will be okay.

so, always put yourself first
and don't be cursed
to just survive.

my dad's a ******* ******* and im only making it worse. anyways whats up guys im in college now
Jorge Diaz Sep 2017

Our Words
Are thought expressed
Within the contacts
Of our heart's intent

Our Word
A manifestation
That reveals
Our spiritual condition
The humans friction
Between good and evil
A piercing to our emotions

Our Words
We either speak
To please
To deceive
A blessing
Or filled with profanity

Our Words
Are a part of you
They stick like gum to a shoe
Freely they are used
Floating around like a balloon
Careless and playfully like a cartoon
No clue
Of its true

Our Love
It Hurts
It could bring us together
Or rip us apart
We need maintenance to our hearts
Like a broken car
It has lose part

Our Love
Is blind
Yes that’s right
We only like
What we see with our eyes
Don’t care to hear the truth inside

Our Love
Understanding of it is wrong
With sin, it’s clogged
We toss it around like a ping pong ball
Always hitting a wall

Our Love
Its moral attribute
With self-confused
Everything to gain and nothing to lose
It's the opposite
Everything to lose and nothing to gain
We have to stop playing that mind game

Our Actions
Is a reaction
To the attachment
Of our mental process

Our Actions
Our behavior
In labor
Towards what we favor
Self pleasure
Who cares about our neighbor?
It’s the law that we find better

Our Actions
Or an accident
It was motivated
By sin Influence
Either by self or spiritual darkness
Still, have to face the consequence

Our Actions
More evil than goodness


His Word
The unseen and makes
The physical state

His Word
It's not like ours
For creation is showered
Sustained by its power
Throughout histories hours
It’s been strong like a fortressed tower

His Word
Doesn't change
Always Remains
The same
It's not to entertain
But to heal our pain
For our very being is sustained
By the fulfillment of its grace

His Word
Is true
Holding past, present, and future like glue
its track record not new
Nothing to prove
Always alive never on mute
Let it consume

His Love
Is not random
Nor can it be fathom
Molded by those hands
So that we can all become
His daughter's and sons
Right were we belong

His Love
Is pure
The Cure
The rescue
To our emotional insecure
In its wing of mercy, we are secure

His Love
The human joy
From its core

His Love
Not an imagination
But arms of affirmation
To All person
With no divisions

His Actions
In Him
Who died on the cross?
For you and me
Can not deny
Just the need
To believe

His Actions
Sins forgiveness
Life redemption
Brought out of darkness

His Actions
Against all evil devices
To protect our life
Day or night

His Actions
Eternal judge
For all, we have done
Saved in Christ the one
That died for our wrongs
So we will not be condemned
Let’s not wait until the end
Embrace Him as a father and as a friend
Juju Sep 2017
I acted.
'Tis true.
But is that all that maters,
When one judges an action.

I let go.
Of my control.
But is that all that maters,
When one judges an action.

When an intention is sincere,
And an action wrong,
While others condemn both.
What matters.
When one judges an action.

Ay, the action was wrong,
But what of those who condemn for their own benefit.
Is it right to contend their words,
Or should I bare,
For wrong action done.

How does one judge oneself,
When no standard holds.
Nor your mind,
Nor others' mind
Gives you anything to stand on.
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