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Shruti Gauba May 2017
Loving a flower is playing with danger,
and you must know, danger never warns,
so when you pluck me because you love me,
you forget I'm embellished with thorns.

Because you don't pluck the one's you love,
rather, you keep them alive.
So I let my love become your breaths
that filled your lungs, so you'd survive

But even love swoons into revenge,
and your love too was a fatal deed,
so watch my petals as they all wither,
but remember; my leaves helped you to breathe.
And now I'll be the one who'll ****** the breaths.
Shruti Gauba May 2017
Does anyone hear to the prayers that escape their lifeless lips,
from hearts that have stopped beating after the deathly apocalypse?

Or lend an ear to the muted screams of those kids shot down with guns,
or to the roar of all the houses blown up with bombs and cannons?

Or just listen to muffled cries or look at eyes clouded with tears,
or think of the motherless child and the terror his heart bears?

But all the noise is just unheard, and what do they even they cry for?
because we believe that everything is fair; in love and in the war.
Just to spread the message: Terrorism is a big thing to be just ignored.  War is real, and it goes beyond the numerical values of the amount of people that have died or the buildings that have been shattered. The trauma and the terror of it resides in the heart of each innocent person who lost a home, lost a loved one or lost their own life just to a meaningless battle between two clans or countries. Their lives are changed forever, and they try to seek help and talk to us about it. It's time that we hear to them.
Shruti Gauba May 2017
Gather all your agony,
and whisper it to the sun,
so you know that a bitter life
is just a forged illusion,
for you still have roads to take,
you still have time to shine,
and the spirits you think you lack,
have been woven in your spine.
Say goodbye to your sanity
and be carefree for a while,
give a chance to all your wildness
so it can also smile.
Then pair it with adventure,
when you're about to revive,
then stir in some more wonder
and once again, you'll be alive.
a little piece to cheer you up!
Shruti Gauba May 2017
Behind the happy faces
countless secrets are being hidden
But if you look into the eyes,
you find the mystery and the poison.
So every clown wears a big smile,
yet people are scared of them,
because under a gleeful mask
is where they hide their mayhem.
Aren't we all a clown?
Shruti Gauba May 2017
You say you love all of me,
like I am your better half.
But half of the things that go through my mind
have only made you laugh.
You say you love my madness,
but your love felt just lukewarm.
While on the inside I'm a commotion;
a constant, violent storm.
You touch me with tenderness.
and I lie that I like it too,
but the truth is that I feel myself
when I am not with you,
because passion and recklessness
find a home in my soul;
so when I am set on fire
is only when I'm free and whole.
Shruti Gauba May 2017
You think you love me
but you don't understand,
that method and madness
can't go hand in hand.
Shruti Gauba May 2017
I am a little note,
A voiceless sound.
Until I am embrace life,
I shall stay bound.
But lend me to an artist
and then you shall see,
How he'd mix me with his mayhem
so a symphony I can be.
But if I wished, then I
could be a patriot's song;
the anthem you people would sing,
but that won't be for long.
Because the next time you hear
I'll be a melancholic tone,
tearing your heart apart,
as you stare at walls alone.
Or I could be a joyous rhythm
to make your soul smile,
or to make you tap your feet
and forget the world for a while.
For I am just a note;
you thoughts, I can vocalize.
Deciphered only by the heart
and not the brain of someone wise.
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