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Shruti Gauba May 2017
I am a dusty letter,
a piece of paper layered with ink,
but if you believe I'm nothing more
then it's time that you rethink.
For I carry along with me
emotions locked within a heart,
that were scribbled upon a paper
with a stamp for it to depart.
Then this paper reaches a site,
drops some words left unsaid
or tells stories of bitter past,
so some tears are always shed.
And that's my only purpose,
making lost connections better.
So if you've got few secrets to reveal,
then grab a pen and write a letter.
Shruti Gauba Dec 2016
My heart and mind have been fighting against
since when your touch left my skin.
So now in the night, when I loose all control,
I let their battles begin.
Shruti Gauba Sep 2016
Young love;  
It's what burns between us
with the power of a thousand flames,
what consumes our mind
and our souls.  

It's youthful, and so are we,
careless about what people might think,
what wrongs might happen,
and where we might end up
with such reckless loving.

Our hearts are young,
and so are the minds
that are devoid of the knowledge,
that what we have ignited
has consumed us enough
to burn us red.

the color of blood,
and yet the color of love.
It's full of power, full of passion.
And so is our loving.                            
Fearless as ever in each other's embrace,
we burn with the power and passion,
and together we face what we have ignited;  
our fearless, destructive,
young love.

— The End —