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Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Rina Vana Dec 2016
I saw him for what he is and what he will be. Physically. I sat right there before him admiring the enlightenment he had already acquired. I noted the many hints of wisdom wrinkled into the skin of his face. I heard the drum of love beating. I was not sure of its origin but the song was melodic to my heart. Beat for beat, I cleaned my slate of insecurity. The past settled like the dust of a rough storm and suddenly I felt free and present all within his warmth. He shook me mentally.

I coughed up the blood of past lovers and froze it for days. I donated that frozen box before I thought to toss the giveaway. Maybe I am undeserving of sensational awakenings such as the gift of him. I blew too many chances with others willing to grant me unlimited wishes. The rest I threw into an ocean of young souls in need of lessons. He told me he loved me under a full moon in Sagittarius.

Speechless was I as the sun woke up; still drunk and sticky on the mouth with breath tasting of tequila and lime, barely hinting I bit into it recently. The same flavor of your weekend visit’s kiss: undeniably recognizable like a favorite Yankee candle. Careful to fall beneath layers of thoughts, I stretched my toes out as if they could touch the wall. Under my aching body the woolen rug felt too rough to have slept well at all. Dreams flooded and fled from my reach. You were there again, but this time I let you be.

Honeymoon: do you think about that word? The mention brings the mind to prasine palm fronds filled with bliss that shan’t ever again be captured in life. It seems the world has noticeably accepted this proposition. With refusal of conformity fringing the tips of my fingers, I dangle the tingly fabric across your solitude. Honey drips south around the craters of the moon and into your mouth. Sweet and warm and fresh of ***.

The sun rises higher to reflect light onto your shoulder. I admire the illumination. Your eyes peek open and pull me in under blankets with your hungry touch. It is morning and I want you.
I roll over onto a bed of my own scent: vacant. Threaded memories pulled out of their booklet and shredded. I shrug them away. Under the floorboard I find myself, scratching until my nails bleed blue. I scream until I grow tired. The air in here is nonexistent. I try to balance my breath but I am breathing so fast now I do not know how to slow it down why can’t I keep calm I think I’m going to pass out just calm down. I think I am going to die. I die until I am discovered under the floorboard. I breathe again.
Sep 2016 · 793
Blueberry Bruises
Rina Vana Sep 2016
I begged the marijuana to get me as high as heroine
Puffy pink clouds surround my head again
Peeling like paint your face fades from the walls of my brain
Down a rusted melting ladder and passed a white rabbit
who rushes like your heart in the midst of a panic

puff, puff, pass it

Reaching into my chest and opening
up my rib cage like a gate,
I fed the thick smoke to my lungs like iced lemonade
Snaking in and out of each broken rib
The townsmen drank the resin and black blood
before it dried up

sip sip, cough cough

Ghost, they’ll call you once you’ve drowned
under your own saliva screaming for help
No existence was the interest in a dress of rescue
Index flipping south with eyes forward north
scoffing down the brick road they built bare handed
within the same amount of time the mother
held her belly frantic

Flatten, fold, tuck the edge of the napkin
Place it on your lap and look presentable, please
The children won’t know if you don’t tell them
(about the alcohol problem)


Risky lips find their spot lights
with silly scouring mouths and proud egos
I’m chilly
But he won’t feed into her, since recently
discovering bruises blue as berries behind her knees
Cherry smooch on each
Get better soon, Honey, please

Honey, please
Honey, please

Her juicy heart’s held up with garden stalks
Ripe love threatening to fall off
Ripe love telling me to *******
Jul 2016 · 806
Glove of Silk
Rina Vana Jul 2016
Were your feet planted in
the same place i discovered you?
our arms touched like it was nothing
skin rubbing lovingly and unaware of the ugliness coming
blue lips locking and
peeling off the plastic
covering the carton we courageously collected
our breath in

We see stars inflating,
baking and heaving
We feel floods rushing
around our ankles and
into our woolen socks
pushing too much and
cringing for the pop

Reluctant and rooted
Suited for a funeral
never scheduled
I search for you underground
only to find a chest
inked with a Japanese dragon
broken lock burnt off and open
the black lungs of a drag in
stained with golden tobacco
wooden bolts with roses
angled against me
I vine up the veins of your attention
and beg you to stay for breakfast

fast forward

into an album stored under the China we will never use
or look at
Twenty seven photos and twenty seven guests
and two hands to flip through the laminated past
and one hand to count the days that they’ll last
Jul 2016 · 538
Rina Vana Jul 2016
Lips kiss carefully
leaving me craving for
the carvings dug deep
within your undeveloped brain

I found carnations
pink as your Italian cheeks
left on my dusty dashboard
in the midst of summer
when I climbed back in heels over head
after the jeep flipped over

There they lay
limp and lonely
telling me stories stuck within their thin throats
and warning with their petals pointed towards the sun

but I’m bleeding nostalgically from my nose
licking the beet red bath from my upper lip
speaking with no teeth left
salty says my tongue but
I see bubbled blotches of someone
I used to call “baby”

Maybe I taste the bittersweet bouquet of
stale rain after all,
Maybe I can hear the clouds gaining weight
when I listen close
Jul 2016 · 559
Rina Vana Jul 2016
How will we find an answer to the question
tearing at the threads of our chests?
Ambitions, traditions, building and expecting
soft skin listening
dinner ready,
warm and waiting

for someone who won’t
be coming home
Don’t turn on the television
and don’t pick up the phone
out spills blood from the twirling cord
he’s gone, she’s gone, they’re gone
Hate has again won

and I’m sorry I couldn’t have
been there to help
My ears ring with
the screaming
across the earth
my heart feels
the fingers that grip
their loved ones limp faces
with eyes that stare blankly
towards the sky
drowning in tears
and inquiring *why
Jul 2016 · 578
Rina Vana Jul 2016
Forgive me for feeling
freely and sweetly
Cherry blossoms surround me in
dreams that find me immediately as
my lids close like concrete

So sweetly, so needy
I’m sorry you feel me so deeply
I’m sorry you can’t even hear me
through this glass thin enough to shatter with
the piercing truth of my laughter

Space, here, and never
had the youth of my brother
had the gift of giving further
to the earth that flowers broader
than my mind could ever capture
May 2016 · 646
A Letter to Sleeping Beauty
Rina Vana May 2016
Buttercup baby
Won’t you blossom slowly?
Your chin a sweet sunflower petal,
your glossy pores so smooth

I’m losing your little feet in the weeds,
to the fields of green where
you run and you run and you run
chasing escaped balloons and the rising sun

You will find handwritten notes
in the slits of your locker
from your best friend:
scribbled gibberish and sketches of your crush
and they’ll make you laugh
and forget that failed test

You will feel pain under your kneecaps
knit from youth
and awaken lightheaded from a new height,
pain within the deep veins of your heart
you didn’t even know existed, and
that best friend may call you a *****
for no valid reason
Your lover may break your heart
and leave your waters to glimmer wavy
left lonely with a scarlet enragement
Sensations that you can’t explain without
collapsing to pieces and weeping

but you are only human
Lighten your laughter and float away on a wooden raft
and speak to the dreamy moon of a place for good souls
(and good food)

Don’t lose hope in the holes of the universe
I, too, was convinced it all to be nonsense:
A love to love and be loved in return…

You will learn there are other humans that make up this earth,
other humans that love this earth
and plant the ground with tender enchantment
much like your uncle singing you to sleep

Buttercup baby
Won’t you hum your honey tune?
Sculpt your sun kissed skin into you and
shimmy through a heart shaped hula-hoop
May 2016 · 379
Rina Vana May 2016
I am the eight point eight percent aluminum
in the earth’s crust,
crumbling beneath blonde conversation
My mind sweeps the memories under
its dungeon’s heavy entrance again
A broom made of abrasion

Mint lily pads placid on
the soft surface of sea
we hopped across like infant frogs
while the sky poured
boxed sangria and tied cherry stems

but you wouldn’t know,
you hide inside under
blankets knit of thick wool
probably crimson like the scarlet creases of
your chapped lips
that once stained the wine glass
with the evil eye charm on
Friday nights
ate up midnight with
fleeting thoughts and heart-to-hearts

Awaken to blonde dialog
Ruffled lashes blink lovingly beneath sleepy sheets
I love those lashes, you know
Painted with the sight of a similar prescription
purposely gripping my throat and
handcuffing me to the tiny
poppy pores of your aura
I will give you permission to
bleed onto my skin for
as long as you need
I’ll kiss your sweet pink cheek,
feed you flower petals
and their sister leaves green

It seemed too dark inside your mouth to see
when you were choking on a tiny stick with
smiley face candy
Lost within deep concrete caves and
living for the dirt underneath my leather toes
which allow me still to dance
my legs found gold forgotten in their apricot flesh
grazing fuzz across your breath
Buzzing south on your tongue to
pull out the innocence

Sinking, sulking, suffering
curling like a scissor kissing ribbon
tell me again,
what’s that lipstick pigment you wear?
what is that language you’ve majored in?
Lately I have had no taste buds left to
peel off and place on your blonde tongue
May 2016 · 330
Rina Vana May 2016
Soft locks of dusty blonde ride silently on
the backbone of the wind
Where puffs of smoke play games with ghosts
and shield a mysterious face I’ve known

Steel blue eyes beam through this fog like headlights
lustily glaring through the windows of heavy lashes
stones rolling over his umbrella lids
almost closing but
delivering a daring stare
water to clay and I
instantly mold to his spirit like pottery

A slow sip of hot coffee awakens
the hypnotized creature hiding inside of me
My mind aware yet carelessly smothered in infatuation with
the way these tears drip over the rings in my nose
a salty tongue barely licking a topic
I could tip toe across yet
I decide to sprint through like a child in Summer’s sprinklers
and I couldn’t tell you why without apologizing
May 2016 · 390
Rina Vana May 2016
Somebody who felt the deepest part of my soul like it was velvet
crashed through my guard without a helmet and
forced me to feel the fiery climate of
a love that bled out without blinding;
a love that fed trust and flooded tears with smiles.

Somebody who showed me the shine of rain stole
my umbrella because dancing was more fun than being afraid of the weather.

A love that poured peace of mind quickly pieced itself together;
a love that divine: only the ones with sight discover.
May 2016 · 519
Rina Vana May 2016
Thousands of humans paint the empty air that
lives on the ***** surface of the subway floors

They wait impatiently
for a train to take them to their eventual destination
twiddling thumbs,
no hint of conversation

Mesmerized by hand devices
and every so often,
a book of pages

Careless children brag in their aura of innocence
creating circles of shimmies throughout strangers with
more laughter than the concern of danger

Polka dots dance with legs no longer than
half the height of the turnstile
filing memories while adults admire
and flash photos they’ll show forty years from now
yacking about young New York and the old times it holds
May 2016 · 780
Expired Stamps
Rina Vana May 2016
Eleven days into April I threw on an emerald vest with the warm woolen center. I don’t have gloves on my body. I don’t even own those hip knit gloves with the finger holes. What happened to the spring we once knew? Lavender and full of flowers. Two days into May a year ago the New Whitney opened up to the paparazzi of opaque robin and I got drunk from a clear plastic bottle clearly full of ***** at their kickoff public block party. Nobody tried to stop me. Probably because I’m pretty. A DJ played techno beats thick enough to indulge the vast street. I danced alone on steal blue cobblestone with red-pigmented toes. My flushed eye caught colors of something that made me imagine van Gogh and did it hurt? To chop off his ear? Where would he put the fallen flowers if he picked them up?

Free drinks?
Yes, please

Passed out in the grass on the backbone of noon, I swallowed his tongue and tasted every forsythia he’s ever eaten. Maybe I was just dreaming. I recall catching a cab with my best friend because we were too wasted to make it on foot. Taxi wind whipping our hair into a tunnel. Heavy letters unopened on the kitchen table. Cherry blossoms covered the cracked leather and they smelled so much like your backyard. I’m probably dozing off to sleep.
How is it I can only see you when my concrete lids finally meet?
May 2016 · 1.3k
Oyters in Spring
Rina Vana May 2016
We’d meet up in the bridge of the night
on Monahan road where no streetlights survived at all,
where your
car would impatiently grumble as
I scurried out of the laundry room window

My bare feet kissed the cold concrete briefly before
I threw myself into the warmth of your old Honda,
attaching my body to yours like it belonged to you

The raccoons would come out to greet us because they
heard the sheer ripping of my cotton dress
into pieces between your palms and the rough grip of flesh which
held my flexing neck

Pearls of sweat accumulated once
I tore the shirt off of your back
My loving lips bit by your tough teeth and
I crumbled into your mouth like warm cake,
cuffing your face to the
irresistible urge to lick the plate
windows once were the last moment I noticed but,
you dug your nails into my muscles like I deserved it
across the foggy surface of my skin as if we were lions leaving
chilled bumps and the marks of midnight
scarred in my mind for a minute

Fluttering lids lick this fleeting daydream
that I can’t seem to catch with
my bare authentic hands
Hands no longer tan,
Nor connected to the center
of your plans
May 2016 · 778
Kelly Avenue
Rina Vana May 2016
I’m giving birth to a kaleidoscope of baby blue hopes
she’s green gelatin under me
breathing cerulean clean like a newborn baby and
she’s free

to feed from fire and ice
her fingers find distant dips deeper than webbed ligaments
dripping pearlescent beads to be placed over her beating brain
too many aged grapes
the violet light tying her tongue from spilling
secrets held together by straw ribbon

Stuffed cheeks of fluffy pink confetti cake
the shuffling of young hips
lift the veil of cream to brand my face with
your bubbling lips

O, belittling eye
Beat me blind until I shy divine
let’s live within the interior of the tattling tulips
who shush each other sweetly
Poor petals
silk with their speckled sickness it’s
sickening to beckon forgiveness

Bronze with wooden eyes and apple cheekbones set high
she slips into the figments of my imagination’s creations of her and I
I and her humming low
damp breath decorating the faces with indigo
Her opal fingertip prints mock fossils on the window
whose fingertips once tossed rusted coins as a child
pennies from nineteen forty eight stained with wishes that
may or may not have been cast at all
May 2016 · 664
Rina Vana May 2016
crimson vibrations thread the silk song of pink flesh making love to strings of nickel
the crumbling of bark is comforted by the crackling of a cardinal’s hues
time is white like egg shells fresh with feathers
a face of determination lost in the depth of a temporary frustration
attempting to unearth a solid floor for exploration
the trembling question,
can it really happen?
could we build a home from elmer’s glue and a muted microphone?
fluorescent minds dance in smoke rings like Hawaiians
his eyes bleed wine,
and we find ourselves alone with the bittersweet night
Apr 2016 · 281
Rina Vana Apr 2016
Their innocent hands grasp my dead grandfather’s face

like I once did when he lived

Little fingers crawl on his crumbling skin

and I wonder,

Who teaches kids that a corpse

is just a big doll to play with?
Apr 2016 · 392
Rina Vana Apr 2016
A cure to a question
which way do I turn I do not know this place I have no direction
two AM
I caught the attention of pedestrians and firemen because
I was swearing in the streets due to a fleeting aggravation
that drove me
Praying on my knees to a god I scarcely even believe in
to expose this unknown disease which gave
you every reason to be un

But you never complained, except
when we were awake in the break of the night and your moans matured to that of a dog’s deep howl and I
had nothing more to do than to hold your skin tight as if it were to fall off of your bones within minutes

and your chilled limbs would diminish to
nothing more than a stone in the ground that I would visit every week or so and
leave flowers for your soul to smell

I will thread my dress from scratch with a spool of black stars and a new silver needle
The bottom will drag across the dead dirt because I made it too long for my petite body,
on purpose
so no one could gaze upon my swollen bare feet bruised from suede heels that squeezed my toes for too long when I dressed up for you in front of the dusty mirror on Wednesday’s dawn

My lips will curve words like bubbles blown from a child’s toy
do I look okay?
The left fragile strap slips off my shoulder as a breeze steals the right and a breath sighing yes trickles chills south on the ship of my spine

I will be wearing a whopping gray floppy hat,
the one with the violet sashay you gave me in the spring
It will fold over my quiet face and
cloak the wounds of my hazel flaw
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Rina Vana Nov 2015
Caffeinated air drowns out care for
surrounding discussion
where time is a diamond ring
on this restless city

Wind whips my hair like a weapon
around a weary mind,
blind for a moment before a banister
catches keys and returns hearts in a fluster

Robotic beings waver between ferry floors
ignoring neighboring humans who appear too
busy to say
excuse me

The statue's a bore constructed from
the calloused hands of aged excitement


no window-seat desires
except that of
a whimsical child's

— The End —