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 Sep 2014 Zead
Jack Lucid
Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb*
So why are you astonished
in this world of rot and *****
  when our child-like elations become  extinguished by adult realizations  
and innocence is *****
So Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb

when fear consumes you from the inside out
and all the walls are closing in
I will be your friend
Who can you trust and where do you go,
When you feel so ******* hollow.
When you've bitten off much more than you can swallow
and you watch your dreams slither down the drain
What will keep you sane?
*So Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb
I need honest opinions?!?
 Aug 2014 Zead
Miss someone?

Want to see them?

Want to be heard?

Like something?
Say it

Want something?

Love someone?
Tell them
Found something similar and had to write it out. Sometimes you have 'Say what you need to say' ... Say - John Mayer
 Jul 2014 Zead
Like A Dream
 Jul 2014 Zead
I recently passed that park
The one where you told me
With tears rolling down your face
'Your gonna hate me'

It never felt real
I wasn't mentally there
All I could do was sit tight
And prepare for a dark, dark night
 Jul 2014 Zead
Dwayne Richardson
Meaningless is the introspection
of a solitary lover
with a succubus to impress
just to fail like all the rest.
Greedy are the handouts
of a body borne charity
satiation of the poor
without knowledge of her lore.
Osmosis to attention
she commands the lustful gaze
radiating an appetite unrivaled
a raging libido with no title.
 Jul 2014 Zead
 Jul 2014 Zead
I am you* in unseen places
The you, which you ignore
Forgotten and left behind

I am you behind the play
The nails and glue
That hide behind the picturesque facade

I am you crouched in wait
Perched and ready
To be acknowledged as truth

I am you inside your words
Shared anonymously
Naked, alone, embittered and brilliant

I am you crouched in the darkest corner
Shadowed by pain
Seething in silence

I am you oblivious to the knowledge
That in this twisted loss of self
You are in fact...**me
 Jul 2014 Zead
Jack Lucid
In my eye there is desire
In the depths of my soul burns an unquenchable fire
consuming my flaccid resolve like flax
sinking in  tooth and claw
my sworn enemy is  addiction
whispers in my ear and melts away conviction
Will i conquer this or perish in agony?
Will i commit to love or die tragically.
Like an elephant on my chest
this beast of burden grants no one rest.
 Jul 2014 Zead
 Jul 2014 Zead
I know I push myself too much on you
Secretly I think you will help fix me
But it seems all my dreams
Are just an escape from this place

My focus and drive are now
On something new
One day I will look back
And forget about all this blue
I wish my soul could be as pure
I wish I could obey ever command
I wish I could be as sure
As the one who died for this land
God is all
You must know
He died for us big or small

He is the creator
Died for our sins
I do not mean to bore
The ones who do not believe
Ehh couldn't think :/
 Jul 2014 Zead
Eridan Ampora
Another choice,
Something important!
Quickly two little mes appear on my shoulder
One is a pure white suit with a halo
The other in a red tux with horns and a tail
Angel"Do what's right!"
Devil"Do what's right for you!"
What to do
Countless seconds lost
As they wage war on my shoulders
Shouting about good and evil
Right or wrong
Left or right
I shrug my shoulders
And they fade away
No clue what to do
Even with their "Help"
Idk Angel and Devvil on the shoulder thing makes for a good poem I guess
Edit: Wwoww, you guys actually like this? *Sniff* You like me, you really really like me! I'm getting all teary eye'd
 Jul 2014 Zead
13. Nicotine
 Jul 2014 Zead
Burn me -
everything I have:
my lungs, my body,
my soul, my sanity

Engulf me in your flames -
along with my all:
my memories, my sorrow,
my happiness, my tomorrows

Leave me in ruins -
among ashes,
among matches,
and an empty cigarette packet.
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