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Nov 2015 · 2.8k
You make my heart smile !
Neda Zeidieh Nov 2015
(no                                                                       you )
      one                                                     like
               makes                          smile
Fail! I tried to make the poem (or rather the sentence) look like a smile.
I missed HP it's been a while :)
Oct 2014 · 3.6k
Together forever!
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
Let's prance
Then dance
Let's run
And make fun
Let's cook
Then book
A flight
With a kite
Let's pick some flowers
And build some towers
Let's cry
Then try
To fix up
The mix-up
Let's be together
Forever and ever
Because you're my Best Friend
And on each other we can always *depend
It started out me aiming to create a cheerful poem , then turned into a BFF poem , and it was neat how the rhymed endings just came to me , not quite easy with rhyming :)
I like how this poem is cheerful , its a bit change from the sad poetry filling this website , not that its bad , there are tons of great poems that are sad and depressing but absolutely were wonderfully written , but its nice to have some funny cheerful poetry once in a while ;)
Oct 2014 · 12.8k
Thoughts and feelings?
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
My head isn't bare
So trouble i'm hiding
You assume
Under my scarf
Within my hair
Yeah, of course that's true
Because feelings i don't have
And to care i never do
WOW what some people
Sophisticated much
in wardrobe and appealing,
But how about
thoughts and some feelings?
This one is for those Muslim girls (including me)treated differently for the religion they decided to pursue and the body they decided to cover , always stay strong and never lose hope :)
i was inspired to write this poem from the song "free" by muslim singer sami yusuf { }
Oct 2014 · 6.9k
Heart Necklace
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
Q: Why i wear a heart necklace ?
A: Because it's an extra heart,
I can keep
On top
Of the one
I already have!
It reminds me
That exists in the world!
That this world still needs !
It also reminds me
That surrounds this world.
It also reminds me
The cruelty too.
It reminds me
that has filled the world.
It also reminds me
The prejudice too.
It reminds me
That lightens the paths of many!
It also reminds me
The people
Whom need reminding
That its just baby steps away !
That heart shaped object
Represents many things,
lying beautifully dead on my chest.
But the real live one
Is buried deep in my chest ,
And a life (long or short)
Its looking ahead to.
And i should introduce myself
Kindness ,
And never ever
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
A blank paper*
I have in my lap
but in my mind
it's more than that
with a touch of imagination
i can create so many *creations.
This is in tribute for all the creative writers and poets on ``hello Poetry``, it all takes a blank paper to spark a bit of imagination :)
Oct 2014 · 940
A miracle i await !
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
On the window ledge
I quietly relax
I sit and think
About life and its miracles
i watch you walk by
With your very neat hair
But a not so neat shirt
A dozen of red roses
In your hand you hold
For a very special someone i suppose
In my mind i wished you were mine
To pass right by
i thought would happen
but no.
you stopped !
you looked right and left,
and glanced once again
At the address in your hand
Until you made sure it was the one
and continued to walk in
i sprung up from my seat
a little bit too excited
and went down to observe
what would happen next ?
a doorbell was rung
and a gasp i let out
both my parents excitedly answered
as if for centuries
this moment they have been waiting for.
to the guest room
they took you away
and you were gone
for quit a long while
worried i began to feel
but my heart felt so relieved
At last you got out
thankfully in one piece
this time i was confused
because with smiles i was greeted
and on one knee you bent
'Will you marry me?' you said
my cheeks turned dark red
and felt really warm and hot
although i fainted afterwards,
I'm sure i answered yes
With a huge wedding we were united
with your loved ones and mines as well
a smile all night long
i couldn't wipe
off my face
Nor off yours
Back to that street where i saw you
we returned
for one moment i closed my eyes
and in your fancy black suit
you were no longer in
and my white wedding dress
was no longer mine
back to that moment
where it all began
but this time
you simply walked by...
Did a bit of daydreaming and came up with this imaginary story .
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
When you walk by...
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
When you walk by, my stomach tingles
My cheeks blush and turn soft pink
With you all day i'd like to mingle
But with you all day i can not interlink
Maybe one day your heart will jingle
And maybe, just maybe about me you'll think!
Girls and crushes :)
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
We began solid rock
Just you and me
You loved me and i loved you too
We had an understanding
That when an object is in motion
It should continue on forever
We were in motion on and on
Until that rule was broken
And we suddenly stopped moving
Gravity had interfered
And falling back we had returned
And i checked back on that rock
Not much solid it was as before
I thought i loved you
and you thought you loved me too
But to every action there is a reaction
Like every beginning has an end
Our relationship was still young
but had gradually disappeared
Like a ghost
That slowly    
f a d e d    
a   w  a  y
When it had accepted it didn't belong !
* This ones about a friend that i thought was one of my closest until we just gradually started getting to de-know each other and we grew apart until the relationship faded away like a ghost.
Ps:- of course i had to include a little bit of my physics major in one of my poetry pieces :)
Oct 2014 · 477
Not to be loved
Neda Zeidieh Oct 2014
Look what you've done
Look what you've caused
Every event I want to be a part of
And the many Websites i find to join and numb me
Books to borrow to drown my inner concerns
Music to listen to deafen my thoughts
Just so I can be able to push you out of my head
But once I rest my head on that pillow
Once my mind isn't occupied
With listening, joining, reading or moving
You jump in my head once again
And I lay there soulless (asleep one may call it)
Dreaming of you
I would wake up surprised
by the odd roles you take in there
Eager to tell you
Or anyone in the matter
But I stop!
Because I can’t,
You don’t know of the poems I devoted just for you,
And pretended it was not.
You don’t know of the nights I longed for you,
And tears trickled down my cheeks.
You don’t know of the moments I laughed at you,
And wished we would laugh together.
You don’t know of the crush I've had for the years that passed ,
And the years yet to come.
But it’s OK!
Because one day I’ll have something to say,
When they tell me you don’t know how it feels
*Not to be loved
This is for those who developed a crush and never got the answer to the dreadful question (Does she/he love me back?).
Sep 2014 · 2.6k
Walk with me?
Neda Zeidieh Sep 2014
Walk with me!
Lets walk together side by side
my fingers and your fingers touch
Let's talk and talk
until we cant talk any more!
or we can just not talk
and walk & walk
until we cant walk no more
lets count the cars passing by
lets share silly childhood memories
and laugh together just like children
Let's get to know
what we both like to eat
and what we don't like
what we both like to wear
and what we don't like
what we both like to do
and what we don't like to
I'll ask you questions
and you'll ask me too
if you feel comfortable answering
and if I feel comfortable too
then maybe i'll ask you again
to come walk with me :)
This ones about meeting new people and deciding whether you are going to let them in your life or not :)
Sep 2014 · 646
Smiling Dream
Neda Zeidieh Sep 2014
I tend to flip the pillow on its cold side,
the side that wakes me up,
and the cold tingle startles me at every flip.
the side that keeps me awake
once that cold sticky feeling has gone
with warmth it has been replaced
so i switch again
back to that cold sticky feeling
where i seem to find peace
where my eyes stay open
again and again i switch sides
until  no energy is left
conserved within my weak body
i wearily close my heavy eyes
and what i feared had started to happen
once again
-of you i started to dream-
yet on my mind you weren't all day
through my thoughts
once, you hadn't passed
yet you managed
to sneak into my dreams
to get rid of your presence there i must
but always
after i awake
from these odd seeings
i catch myself
smiling :)
to stop dreaming of you i cant, although the long days of thinking of you have been long over
Sep 2014 · 850
To return, Shall I ?
Neda Zeidieh Sep 2014
That single leaf flutters by
with the wind swooshing it right and left
until on the ground safely it lands
my feet click and clack
with the pale concrete floor
and so do yours
just next to mine
The wind pushes softly
playing with both our hair
you joke and i giggle
you smile and i blush
The wind is more violent
the clouds are more gloomy
the wind pushes your hand
right into mines, you claimed !
and my heart smiles
never like before
off the ground lifted i feel
like that leaf swooshing
in the warm windy air
you glance at me softly
and agree with my thoughts
But to ever land
back on the concrete ground,
shall I?
Does the-Holding hands with your lover- moment pull you out of reality, or just even the glance of him/her or even the thought of him/her passing in your mind make you feel so unreal and so plugged out of life momentarily?
Neda Zeidieh Sep 2014
The Sun Sets
And The Picture Of The
Bright Morning Sun
Is No Longer Visible
Not In Our Hearts
But In The Back Of Our Heads

The Sun Rises And
The Visual Of
The Black Sheet Of Night Sky
Is Long Gone
Away From Our Eyes
But Remains In Our Thoughts

You Leave My side
And The Picture
Of Your Face
Crawls Away From My Eyes

But The Picture Of Your Sweet Heart,
Funny Jokes, Caring Smile
Never Leaves My Thoughts
Nor Brain, Nor Heart ,Nor Soul !
The heart may be the greatest treasure box known to man-kind, it treasures something no other box can do which is thoughts and true feelings!

— The End —