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Lydia Sep 2015
Tall, skinny, dark skin tanned by the sun
a football t-shirt with his school logo
the same high school I graduated from
walking ten feet in front of his mother
head down, nose in his smartphone
he slows his pace and meets up with her
in the Halloween section
I hear her ask,
"What are you going to do for red ribbon week?"
to which he rose his head for two seconds to reply with annoyed snarkiness,
"I don't know but I'm not wearing anything on my face.."
off he goes
nose in his phone
and suddenly my heart wrenched for her
for him
for that tone and the way he is missing out on this time with his Mom even though it seems so mundane to a teenage boy to grocery shop with his Mother
the saying is true
you won't appreciate your parents until it's too late and you're already grown and out of the house
I felt for myself
I'm having a son
and all I could think was
'what if one day that's me, watching my teenage son ignore me on his smartphone I pay way too much for so he can get on Facebook and waste his thoughts on brainwashing Internet trends, not caring to really talk to me anymore, or even care if I exist'
Lydia Sep 2015
I walk around my boxed up house
and carefully step around the edges,
scoot around the clutter and ignore the blankness
this house no longer feels much like home
not since the warmth of familiar things
have been boxed up, taken down or thrown away
it was all so sad how quickly
my home disappeared behind cardboard
and just became this temporary space before we move on,
just a place to sleep
I no longer look at a room and find its potential
or care too much about how it looks
because these aren't my rooms anymore
there is no future here between myself and these walls
it's bittersweet to think back on the memories made here
not all of them were good,
but not all were bad either
in the near two years spent here
we grew
together and apart
and back together again
turning a space from four walls to
a house we called home
the boxes are like a metaphor to my life,
to the unavoidable change that will occur in a few months,

change is in the air
and soon the long, hot, dog days of summer
are going to fade into colorful leaves sweeping the earth,
cool breezes in the window late at night,
and the end of summer, the last one of its kind for us, will be envitable
just like the time of the seasons
as the world slips into fall
  our ending in this time of our lives
will slip suddenly through our fingertips and give way to something a new,
sudden yet almost unnoticeable
but also completely, irrevocably welcome
Lydia Sep 2015
Its the little things you do,
like the way you pulled the covers up over my exposed body before you left this morning
You probably thought I was asleep
but I was awake enough for a minute to see the last thing you did before you shut the bedroom door,
and went downstairs
was take care of me

it's in those moments that I fall even deeper in love with you
the moments that remind me how lucky I am
to be the center of someones world
who absolutely dosent have to revolve around my orbit
but decided that they wanted to

I am loved deeper in my weakest moments
you never stop trying
your love is unwavering
even when I do nothing but push against you
you simply stay
and love me

maybe it's because we're more than lovers
we are two souls
connected in a bond tighter than I think either of us can comprehend
you are my best friend
and loving you comes easy
natural, free flowing,
like breathing

many people will confess their undying love for someone in their lifetime
claim that their relationship is stronger than anyone else's  that they know
that they have something so special no one could ever understand
but I don't think our love is complicated
or hard to comprehend
because with us
you get what you see
and simplicity is the beauty of the bond that we share
we have never needed more than just each other

because love is enough
Lydia Mar 2015
I'm 2 days late
I took two pregnancy tests
a clear negative
apparently I really
do have a ****** up body
fifteen year olds get pregnant
with unwanted children
I can't conceive
even after months of
being off birth control
I've always thought
there had to be something wrong
with me
I'm the only woman I know
with a chest as flat as mine
weird stomach and intestine
issues at this age
I know girls who get pregnant
by drinking water
I think I am barren
but they say it's not true
since I was pregnant once
for 8 weeks
and then my own body
terminated it
for no reason
I couldn't have been doing more
of the right things
and it didn't matter anyway
My body kind of scares me
and now
I'm missing my time of the month
which has never happened before
but I know it's not good
I've been so stressed out
and unable to sleep
maybe that's it
It's times like these
I'd rather be anyone else
with a normal body
and a normal cycle
and a normal ******
I'm venting. Things have been rough these past two weeks and this isn't helping at all
Lydia Feb 2015
I've always felt inadequate
less important than everyone else
if I wasn't there, no one would notice
I could say nothing
and no one would care
this feeling is one I try to
keep buried deep inside
away from view
I like to act like I don't care
like everyone else is lame
I'm just too cool for them
but I know what it really is
I'm not as cool as them
I'm not ridiculously funny
or clever
I'm not smart and rare
I'm not special
I don't sing
I don't drink
I don't have a best friend
I don't do anything
or go anywhere
because I have no friends
I don't fit in
and even when I thought I found
people who were just like me
I still felt alone
I was still alone even in the group
whether they meant to single me out
or not
it still hurt all the same
I give up on ever feeling good enough
it only feels like lying
Lydia Feb 2015
with a few drinks
a couple friends
loud music
laughing so hard
it hurts to breathe
it's easy to feel like
everything is right
in life
I've thought for so long
that people who drink their
feelings away had it all wrong
but it turns out I wasn't the one
who was right
I like forgetting about
life for awhile
I like being able to be me
with no restrictions
or concern for anyone's feelings
or even having to worry
about anyone else
All I need is myself
  Oct 2014 Lydia
J Drake
Sometimes your heart needs to be broken
So you can see what's underneath,
To the flicker and flame of your soul
That you've always been destined to meet.

Sometimes your spirit shines brighter
Through the glimmering light of your tears,
And when you arrive at the end of it all
Love will outshine the darkest of years
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