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Jul 2018 · 352
What if...
Lucero Jul 2018
What if you wake up tomorrow
and forget who you are
and who you used to be?
Is it all gone?
Have all the people you’ve ever met
and all the places you’ve ever been to
disappeared instantaneously?
Why don’t you step outside your comfort zone
before you lose yourself to your naked truth.
Are you living?
Or are you simply breathing in the toxins of your own demise?
May 2018 · 456
The World is Yours
Lucero May 2018
Nothing is impossible,
from the dazzling lights
to the trumpets from mars,
that heightens the imagination
from a curious state of mind.

What will you do?
What will you say?
In this day and in this hour
to embark on your journey
that is meant for you
and you alone.

All is possible
as the leaves grow
and wither down below
to disintegrate
and help provide for
a new generation of youth.

The world is yours
to change and to amend.

What will you do?
What will you say?
In this day and in this hour
to embark on your journey
that is meant for you
and you alone.
Mar 2018 · 461
Nature's Magic
Lucero Mar 2018
The air that surrounds me
calms my spirit down.
The green of the trees
paint a picture of purity.
It's silent and calming,
I dare say so.
The rhythm of the sound,
drifting like an echo,
breathes life into me.
Mar 2018 · 925
Successful Bliss
Lucero Mar 2018
If you live your days

like you’re not living at all,

will you be remembered?

And will your presence

be heard?

Will there be a voice,

illuminating the darkness

that may someday

make its way through?

Will the oceans

be there to guide you

when you need it

the most?

Will the strength you have,

help you at your worst?

Your mere presence

is the key to your very own

successful bliss.
Be your own hero...
Jan 2018 · 647
Lost Souls
Lucero Jan 2018
We are lost souls
trying to find out
where we belong
in this universe
filled with rotten spices
and uniformed diseases
set to make us fall,
but you know
we will be back
to stand up tall
with the strength we carry
to improvise
whenever we need to be
realistically alright
and fend off the darkness
that may arise
quicker than one may blink
and say it's fitting
to be like this
when in fact
the truest of words
were painted on a fabric
of world bliss
carrying to sooth the soul
and bring the best
in every situation
and every constellation
in the sky
and in our selves today.
Jan 2018 · 637
Lucero Jan 2018
Sometimes there are mysteries
Here and there
Needing to be solved
By you and I.

But where did the time go?
It flashed before my eyes,
Just in time for me to realize
Some mysteries weren’t solved
By you and I.

Some were solved
For we aren’t one in the same.

We are human,
Yes we are;
But as a matter of fact,
We may need each other
To solve some mysteries,
Yet we are capable
And strong enough

We have our own paths to follow
As we aren’t one in the same.

Although we may be
Each other’s puzzle pieces,
We are free to be free
And experience life
Through an independent lens
Aware of all the possibilities.
Jun 2015 · 686
Who I Am And Who You Are
Lucero Jun 2015
I finally know who I am.
I am a female goddess.
And that is who I am.

I am drifting so high,
That I am flying and reaching the sky,
With my pure touch.

I am smiles, laughs, and hugs.
I am brave, kind, and tough.
I crave new sights and beautiful hums.

I am clumsy, nosey, and moody.
I am foolish and selfish, but I care.
I want to make a difference and impact the world.

This is who I am.
I am not afraid to be me.
So do not be afraid to be you.

Being a goddess doesn't mean I'm perfect,
Oh no, I am far from perfect,
But I indulge in my imperfections,
So in a sense I am perfect and so are you.

I promise it’s a lovely thing.
Be true to yourself,
Because you and I
Are beautiful human beings.
As corny as it may sound, I think we should all just be ourselves and follow the paths that make us happy. Of course life isn't made out of candy, but acting like someone you are not doesn't make life any easier. Just a thought.
May 2015 · 817
I Think This To Be True
Lucero May 2015
I frequently question where it is that I fit,
In this world filled with lonely souls.
Yes it is true that we are always going to be alone;
We may find company within another,
But one soul does no equal two.
I do not mean to say that I am depressed and you are too.
No, life is meant for us alone.
We are to conquer our fears,
Believe in our own truths,
Find our own path from where we were placed here on earth.
We are forever alone,
But it is not painful.
It is something to smile about.
Although, I still question where it is that I fit,
In this world filled with lonely souls.

I think I know, but I’m not certain.
I guess I need to just take life as it may come,
With open arms and laughs that will turn the night sky,
Into a dazzling arena of glowing stars.
I can dance to the rhythm of the many heartbeats,
That envelope my shaking hands,
But I will always know that I am to face life alone today,
Alone tomorrow, and alone every day.
I mean we have friends and family, but in the end we are our own self.
Feb 2015 · 966
Long Lost Key
Lucero Feb 2015
Love* is in the air, they say.
Is that really true or a made up fairy fuse?
I cannot see it, nor can I feel the ray.
It isn’t an easy way to choose.

Do I believe, or do I deny its existence.
The truth is not in front of me,
For I do not know where to trace
My beloved soul to find the long lost key.

I have never loved like the kind of love,
One can find in a romantic film on a Friday night.
So how can I believe in an empty glove?
Where is the reality in this flight of right?

I am horrified to know what it really feels like.
The thought of relying on another for happiness,
Gives me the chills up on the ****.
Dependency is what I fear, just like the madness.

Not to mention the utter heartbreak,
Most humans seem to endure.
I do not wish to become a salted lake,
Trying to find a very rare cure.

What shall I do in this time of day?
How can I believe in love?
When I am too fearful to become gray.
Maybe some day I will find my dove,
Or perhaps, I will simply fade away.
Jan 2015 · 630
The Garden of Truth
Lucero Jan 2015
There’s a garden filled with lilies and roses,
Dancing to the swift, musical breeze,
That surrounds the plentiful, beautiful aroma
Of the summer air.

My heart is thumping so loudly;
I find it difficult to consume oxygen.
It is a necessity, yet I struggle,
Like a person trapped inside a tight shut coffin.

The birds are so lovely,
They sing and chirp to the rhythm of sound,
That seems to echo and bounce,
From the caves not so far off.

I see too many colors to capture in one;
There are yellows, greens, browns, and blues,
That command my attention in this summer day,
For the beauty is too great to try to ignore.

I’m at peace, filled with tranquility,
Or so I say to myself as I watch with dismay.
I’m a walking lie, yet I feel nothing,
But I feel everything all at once.

The confusion is too great,
But the emptiness is there,
Not allowing me to think,
Not allowing me to be the creator in me.

Is this how it feels to lose all hope?
Is this how it feels to lose sympathy?
This may as well be why some choose drugs,
Instead of the high gained through excitement, you see.
Dec 2014 · 771
My Heart
Lucero Dec 2014
Having fun in a day dream,
Is working out to the full sight,
Of my glory voice,
In this alley-way of night.

To rumble lightly,
Like a kite with a broken flight,
That sings angel like,
To the spirits of the aftermath.

My heart is a puzzled thing,
Too hard to figure out,
Yet too easy to conduct,
With a full-blown melody.
Dec 2014 · 5.0k
Shining Star
Lucero Dec 2014
The lustful gleaming of the ocean sky,
Keeps me walking in a nice delight.
I am high on the river top,
Like a kite trying to dress up the light.

My fears, dreads, and tears,
Are washed away so tremendously,
That my hearts begins to beat with frequency.

I am no longer the naïve, too scared to live child,
That enveloped me into a cradle of sheets.
My freedom came about,
And my life has just rose to a shout.

The people that I find,
No longer frighten me,
Because I am changed, positively.

No longer do I hide inside my windows, you see.
I ride on to the risks that were forbidden to me.
I conquered my rules I made,
And find that connection is key to fate.

Black and white, was so last year;
I am now a full blown rainbow who dares,
To be strong, intelligent, and keen.

For my confidence is finally in place,
Where it should have been years ago.
I know I can, and I know I will,
Be the shining star, I didn’t know to be.
I just finished this poem like a minute ago. This is my current mood. There should be way more people feeling like this than there actually are.
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Her Love Quest
Lucero Dec 2014
There’s a girl who gives a ****,
She plunders down the road.
So boldly she is free to be,
That her life became her destiny.

The dragon, the witch, the soul mate,
Ceased on scene so desperately.
She cries and mourns like a flying beat,
Of rhythm trapped in an icicle.

She dreamed of lovely possibilities,
But her dreams were just fantasy.
The male she yearned for,
Was no more than false protrude.

This guy was just a friendly face,
And so he viewed her as a simple dude.
She tried so aimlessly,
To grab his shinning sight.

She knew she could be free,
But she lacked bravery.
The girl took a leap and fell like a sheep,
Into the ground with no retreat.

She could not form a connection,
Between her and him.
She failed and failed,
Until she realized there was a bond, all along.

She was not meant for him;
He was not meant for her.
They were meant to be,
Not soul mates, but tight knotted friends.
Oct 2014 · 3.6k
A Child's Perspective
Lucero Oct 2014
Every morning I longed to be by my mother’s side.
She was kind and true.
As true as the facts anthropologists find to prove our human roots.
They say we evolved from monkeys and such.
I say there are always lies in between truths.
My mother promised to keep me safe.
She made my world a rainbow dune.

Her all-natural perfume gave me the ability to touch the sky.
Her rhythm and tune collided to bring out a pleasant triad.
I touched the blue and white with my bare hands.
No, I did not hesitate, for she was kind and true.
She gave me life and spirit too.
So easily, I assume.

Now all I see is a flooded platoon.
I was all too naïve to believe in the wicked disease.
My surroundings were made out of candies and sweets.
I am disgusted by her attempt to keep my life platonic and safe.
My mother manipulated my innocence without a care of the sea.
She had forgotten to introduce gangsters, and demons into my docile life.

I was only six when it happened.
My beautiful, heartwarming mother took her life.
She abandoned me to face the demons all too soon.
I was thrown into the streets and lived an uneventful life.
Lee found me lying on the street with tears streaming from both eyes.
The rest of my childhood was spent watching Lee slaughter innocent souls.

I saw too much from my own baby blue eyes.
There were screams and body parts rapidly falling from sight.
I knew all too well that Lee was my savior, so I tried to fit in as an alien might try.
Too soon did I become what my mother would never praise and I did not put an end.
As children, we are too weak and need guidance to live.
We mirror what we see, no matter how wrong it may be.

I needed the right soul to look after me.
I did not have that and so I fell into dark tunnels, you see.
I am not to blame, so why blame the innocent and not those at fault?
Those that walked right past me when I was only six could have helped.
They had the upper hand, I did not.
I never did, I was just a little innocent kid.
This poem isn't about me, but about children who may have gone through this.

— The End —