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9.8k · Jan 2016
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2016
What is my motherland?
Is it the dust that ravages my lungs
Or the bones of my ancestors
Humming softly the old and forgotten
What is my motherland?
Is it where I was born?
A piece of land, a group of people?

Or is it the place where
It's mothers are graded
In layers
Where some wombs only give birth
To sub humans
Where some wombs are scarred
Born from the ashes of a thousand dreams burnt down
I'm a survivor
Of all they could throw at you

Of all their insults
The predicament
My mother's womb that withstood all it could
And some more

They tell me this is my land
That it is my mother
The birth giver and sustainer of life
I spit on their faces
My motherland never was this piece of land
Or the people who **** on its soul
Each and every day
My people lived in a different world
On this piece of land where we were  worse than animals to you

Where is my motherland?
I have none
Robbed of it since my birth
Where is my motherland?
But in the hearts of all who are like me
Set in stone
Yet defying gravity
7.5k · Sep 2014
Jimmy Solanki Sep 2014
A soft touch of your lips
Caress my ears
Pouring life into my veins
My soul brought back as redemption
The world swirls around you and I
Dropping all concern or restraint

I feel all that I could feel
I feel all that I ever wanted
Your eyes hold me down to this earth
Your eyes make me fly
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2014
The snow melted
As the sun rose up raging
Creating and destroying
All of its creations

She came by with a smile
Into the cold damp place
That was my heart
Filling up the space

She whispered quietly
Do you want to build a snowman?

Awakening from
the dust
Leading me into the open
Each time I heard her say
Do you want to build a snowman?

The sun and its storms
Can't destroy it all
Everything perishes eventually
Yet the last inch of you remains
That is what your heart contains

Deepening my
long lost trust
Of this world so frozen
Each time I heard her say
Do you want to build a snowman?
I wrote this for someone very special whom I met just a few weeks ago.
And right now, that person is a vital part of who I am.

I fell in love.

And this is one of her favorite lines.
3.7k · Mar 2015
Homesick/To die in your arms
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2015
Speeding down paths I never knew existed.
My troubled mind and troubled heart always had you for company. I could have died in your arms. I was at home finally when I was close enough to your heart that I could hear its beats.

It seems odd now that I have to stay away. That your arms are a shield around the very heart I helped mend, which was as much yours as mine. That I never took back my heart from your *****, where it will always stay.

And though I may become bitter, or I may try and erase you from my head, you will always be there. Like a meteorite on earth, you hit me at full speed, right down to my core. I was changed in ways I couldn't have imagined possible.

I'm homesick now. I try find you in other people. I try building new homes. But I buried my heart near yours and that is where it will always stay. I could have died in your arms. I was at home. Finally.
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2015
Crawl crawl
Burning through
Rotten stew
Crawl crawl
Through the pain
Is a joke
And life was a game
But is a remainder
of screwups and screwdowns

Crawl Crawl
Burning through
Deadbeat crew
Crawl crawl
Forgotten stains
Is always denied
And rebuttals dumped
In trash cans full
of screwups and screwdowns

Drilling a hole
Finding geodes where a core was
Cold and dark and empty
Drilling a hole
Finding loneliness inside
It is who you are

Extinguished supernovae
Could have contained
And still the darkness would have stayed
Crawl crawl
burning through
your house of cards
melting all definitions
You're a screwup
Still alive
2.9k · Feb 2014
Braveheart/A Surge of Love
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Scream out
with my brave heart
on the edge
Inside, a rage

is unworthy itself
judged to death
Stop smokin' ****

Tick tock
A bomb inside
Fall apart, the second you look at me
A billion suns rage in my heart
Poseidon roars in my head
Worlds fall apart
And we're back to the start
2.3k · Jul 2014
Jimmy Solanki Jul 2014
The tape keeps on repeating
No disgust or hate
I just cannot relate
Any longer
Here I can't escape
Even though I ran
And I changed
I stayed the same

Too tired to sleep
Too afraid to dream
Stuck in a bowl
A delicate stream holds me
Down to sanity
Here I can't escape

Tried courage
Valiant I was defeated
My dreams won't let me in
Here I shall never
Escape my fate
Insanity cackles
Taunting each vein
I'm still running
Too tired to wake up
Too tired to fight
2.1k · Feb 2014
Flutter By, Butterfly
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Fly close
Close to me
Flutter By

Coming up
Sinking back
Remind us

Away from
Who you were
Who you are

Not for you
the hearts bled

So Butterfly
Keep close
To this heart
Flutter by
1.9k · Mar 2015
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2015
Blamed it
Irresistible gravity around
Blamed it
Sinking in the ground
Faster than the speed of light
Blamed it all
On a tunnel of hyperspace
Faster than the speed of light

Waiting for explanations
Hope and retributions
Waiting for you

A moment passes
Or is it a year?
Questions become mundane
A moment passes
Inimitable carrier
Waiting for explanations

Faster than the speed of light
Blamed it
On nothingness
And blamed
My existence
****** in with no escape
The tape stuck in my head
My resistance
Slowly being replaced
By despair instead
Depression sadness sad low blame introspection wonder despair
1.8k · Oct 2014
Jimmy Solanki Oct 2014
Two pieced
My bones are wilting away
****** inside the wonderland
Two pieced
My two souls are drifting away
Stuck inside a corner on the edge

Up and down is immaterial
Only thing real is then and now
Two pieced
My heart has been tormented
Pieces don't recognize
The wholes of themselves

Like shattered remains of children
From a warzone dismissed
Everything is broken
Two pieced is my name
This way I still remain
Depression lurks close.
Poetry is an escape.
1.7k · Feb 2014
Drifting Away
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Alone here
Another soliloquy in my head
Only desires live
and the living dead
Alone here
An abyss for company
Only desires live
and the dreams faraway

Million voices swirl
A black hole in a milkyway
They sparkle and shine
While I drift away

Million voices swirl
The Sun and the Moon and the stars
Collide to condense
****** in an apocalypse
Licking their fresh scars

Darkness cuts into the deepest corners
Living off the bright
Out of mind
Out of sight

Alone here
As the fates divined
Dark and Light
1.3k · Feb 2014
Backyard of Your Own
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Rivets of words
Like swords in a gunfight
Silence roars
Like love, without light
A singularity
of frightful might
Ravages the desert
and storms the memories, in
That little backyard of your own

Stories you shall tell
of places far and near
Reminiscence is cute
But it won't last, dear
A billion sparks
Drive you close to tears
Won't I wonder, whats inside
closing your eyes, its
That little backyard of your own

Denial is just a game
Still you run forever
Looking back again
A dreadful fever
Nobody wants to die
Nobody can live forever
Won't you hold my hand
For a moment, in
That little backyard of your own
1.3k · Feb 2014
No Regrets
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
those feathers tell me
how rough its all been
But it can never be
can never be,
the same again

Your skin is so cold
Take away
All you're told
How can it ever be
Can it ever be
the same again

A silence in the breeze
A hope thats reeled
Just a steely mime
But I have no regrets
No regrets
This time
1.2k · Nov 2015
We are not Born Equal
Jimmy Solanki Nov 2015
Not equal
We are not born equal
I'm born in a naked cage
Open hostilities
A crown of thorns etched into our being
Namelessness is considered a gift

We are not born equal
The weight of expectations
The brunt of brutal suppression
Of our existence
Is incomparable
The pain that we never deserved
Yet is destined for us

Religion defined me
Contained me
Yet changing it
Abandoning it
Does not break my chains
Often I wonder
When people cannot realize
The wholesale selling of humanity
In India, society is divided into castes. Each caste historically had a particular profession and they were in a hierarchy wherein the cleaner, sweepers, tanners were at the very bottom and the priests, warriors, businessmen were considered at the top. You were born into the system. Your changing professions didn't matter. It still doesn't. Casteism rages in my country. There is a lack of English mainstream literature by Dalits in India.
1.2k · Mar 2015
Dynamite in the Bosom
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2015
There is a pain inside my chest
It slowly unfurls
To show its hideous face
And yet its not hideous
It terrifies me
Because its no manifestation of a physical condition
It is the child of the small imbalances triggered by the moving of a thousand suns and their descendants
In mysterious ways

There is a pain inside my chest tonight and I cannot tell you how much it hurts to have not felt this before
To see and think and feel the way a hundred thousand have done before and I'm going insane
Stuck in this battle inside my head
Roars of machinations faraway and souls so close to my own it terrifies me

There is a pain inside my chest
It wants me to live again
A demonic beast
With a distilled heart of magnificent proportions demands action
And it lives inside all of us
We simply learn to live with it, like some lifelong pain of heartbreak or the smell of flowers you liked or the the warmth of the sun upon your skin after a long winter night or

The smile on a face so akin to mine
I'm looking for definitions but I'm out of words now
I need a gun and bam
Shoot myself where it hurts the most
But I won't
The pain inside my chest is a story
Of a thousand years
Of pain
Of suffering
Of loss
And the slight cracks from where light escapes and flirts with the darkness
And the life that emerges out of nowhere to defy all
To defy even god
The pain inside my chest is the same as the one inside yours
Veiled by a smile
Or thoughts
Unavoidable disasters
Manifesting its own life, its sorrows and tears
Its own joy, its own love and its own sun

There is a pain inside my chest
Guess this is what it means to be human
My first attempt at writing slam poetry. I wrote this for a friend's event but couldn't participate for reasons. Still waiting for a chance to perform this.
1.2k · Feb 2015
Rag picker
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2015
Rag picker on the street
Dust eater and maggot breather
She can tell the smell
Of burning plastic and paper
Of turning dung to soil
She knows the ways
Between the hills of refuse
Between the footfalls of her children
But who cares who she is
The lost and never found
Inherited a kingdom thrown away

Who cares what she thinks
She finds meanings in a bottle
Looks at a glossy magazine and wonders
Her slightly bent back aches
Sun ravages her skin each day
Brazen with resistance like herself
Her skin glistens with labors each day
Filling her heart with hazy dreams

Who cares what she sees
She hears those kids play faraway
A world insulated from her own
Where plastic is used and thrown away
And the worst smells won't make you sway
She sees the worth of this world
For what it truly is
She lives in the belly button
Never forgetting it was the beginning
And it may be the end

But who cares what she says
She's just another sweeper
Another rag picker
Treasure hunter and bounty filler
She sings old forgotten ballads
Songs with no beginnings
Songs with no creators
As she looks for something
An old school bag, a plastic earring

But who cares who she is
Just another one of these
Souls in an eternal sea
They never were
They never will be
An entire generation
Of nonentities
Forgotten children of Destiny
Rag pickers and sweepers are a common sight in my country. A whole class of people were deemed untouchable because they worked as manual laborers, cleaners and scavengers. Even now, these are the overlooked, second class citizens nobody cares about. I see them all the time. I wish a better life for them, more fulfilling, more real. A dream
1.0k · Feb 2014
The Mirkwood
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Here lay the souls of the dark
Under the deadly nightshade
Here the fair are sundered apart
Doomed are those who tarry

Sleeping under the Sorcery
The Necromancer is biding
A living desolation
The brave and the fair are falling
Here lay the foes of life
'Mirkwood' is a forest in the famous Lord of the Rings series by JRR Tolkien. Mirkwood is a synonym for Dark Wood. In the series, it is Mirkwood where Sauron, the dark lord, finally regains his strength to reclaim power and become an evil force again. To be precise, it is situated in Dol Guldur, a tower in Mirkwood.
1.0k · Feb 2014
Flood of Mutiny
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Its too dark in here
And I can't seem to escape
The burden created
All let off on my nape
While the soulless go on quietly

And as we slowly march on now
Sunshine from our hearts bellows
A warcry never heard before
Of the Flood of Mutiny

See the blinding flash
The ray of hope falling around
And I can feel the rush
As though the sirens sound
The doorstep of destiny

Over the meadows that I played
All the sunshine, all the rain
All that made our life worthwhile
Taken from us

All the things I loved and lost
All the things I want back now
You know how you feel inside
As the sirens sound
For the Flood of Mutiny
968 · Jan 2014
Gathering them Dreams
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2014
That silence crept up behind you
And you didn't have a chance
Unfailingly it shall remind
The seas you've crossed
The times when greed made you blind

Stopping round the corners where
You find some missing parts around
Where you find these lovers abound
That is when you know it all
And you just go stop and stare

One hand up and one hand down
Scooping up the stories around
I've got them in a bag inside
While I twist fate in a frown
Gathering all the dreams inside

That the story left incomplete
And left you wondering
What might have been and what may be
The skies you've seen
The times of utter frivolity

Strange creatures all making homes
Light and dark all make it gray
Calling you for a permanent stay
That is when you don't realise
And your heart still roams

One hand up and one hand down
Searching all the hearts around
I've got them in a bag inside
While I twist fate in a frown
Gathering all the dreams inside

In a rapture, you just forget
You sway and tumble in a haze
Startled you keep steady yet
You want to stay eternally awake
Till your dreams would let

Over the storm and rocks you swam
Till you find the place you want
Its as though fate brought you here to taunt
As you don't have all whom you love
Was it all a ******* scam?

One hand up and one hand down
Keep gathering the stardust around
I've got them in a bag inside
While I twist fate in a frown
Gathering all the dreams inside
856 · Mar 2014
When I miss You
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2014
Your memory lingers around
Like the soft smell of wet earth
Like the persistence of old parchment
Of burning rubber and gas stoves
Of cinnamon and crushed cloves

I can feel you
Even in the very air
I can breathe you in
So far
Yet so close

A cold star with a fiery heart
Words like flames that rip apart
all shields of this fallen heart
Your words hang around
Unsung sonnets and sounds

I can hear you
Even in the core of my being
I can touch you
So far
Yet so close
856 · Feb 2014
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Drilled and enforced
You're nothing but
Dependent and controlled
And you like being told

Humanity uncloaked
Firefights stoked
Denial is justice
Denial of malice

You're the children
of hammered satire
Automatons on fire
Automatons and liars

You run around the world
But you're not asunder
You're the atlas too
The weight is on your shoulder

Prententious thoughts
Remembrance is fraught
Denial is justice
Denial of malice

You're the children
of limbless desire
Automatons on fire
Automatons and liars

And thats all you are
All flesh and bone
Only an automaton
Only an automaton
851 · Feb 2014
The God of War
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
The smell of death burns the lungs
Of a hundred thousand innocents
Steel on steel, minds on minds
Destiny is out of your hands
And you're the only one standing
A million women are still weeping
Their sons who shall never wake
What is it that you'll still take?

Do you think you are still alive?
Give up all your pathetic chores
Surrender yourself to the sword
Lay your heart down to the God of War

Sticks and stones can **** you now
Even though you escape somehow
Don't tell me it was all mistakes
You bloodied all the pools and lakes
But hey now blame the God of War
I only know what I speak for
Your demons are out in daylight
Your lust for blood you can't deny

And do you think you're still alive?
Come now all of your heartsores
Surrender yourself to the sword
Lay your heart down to the God of War

A war inside your head is on
And you've been barely holding on
Revenge is all that you crave for
Denial is all that you stand for
You took the lives, you stabbed and swiped
And You killed till your heart felt awe
But hew now blame the God of War
I only know what I speak for

I know that you're aren't alive
You've been my minion all this time
You had but been a big wild boar
Your heart has me, the God of War
I wrote this after watching 'The Hurt Locker' again.
I hate the movie. I hate what it says. I don't think that 'War is a Drug'. It is an excuse, it is propaganda.

So I wrote something satirical. I mock that idea of war being a drug by giving an equally ridiculous alternative, a 'God' of war, while trying to give the essentials of every war. ******, killing innocents, destruction and a maniacal devotion and belief. The people are not drugged, they have in them that evil and they wield it. Of course not all do it, but enough do.
831 · Feb 2014
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
A silent breath
and a realisation
You're alive again

The malicious sheath
and a realisation
Mischief's afoot again

But the birds chirp
the wind howls
Look beside
A lover found
And you decide
Nothing is disturbed

In the shades
lurked a beast
who wished nothing
But to feast
On your dreams
In the least

A heartbeat skipped
and a realisation
You're chained

The earth shook around
But rage didn't consume you
You bowed and mistook
And death went through you

The beast ravaged
All you loved
Life was an endeavor
And you dropped
Your arms

A tear crimson
and a realisation
of the frission

Your heart, mourning your death
You hope for the best, you do
Refusal, denial, fear
But death went through you

The beast afraid
Of your light
Life was loved most
But you'd dropped
Your arms

It started to rain
Touching you
It started to pain
Where you feel them butterflies
Where you soak yourself
During anguish and pain

The war cry
and a realisation
You can still try

The chains broken
Melted the prison inside
The beast thawed
And led away
Disbelieving and dismayed

Your spirit unbroken
Though death went through you
Words yet outspoken
Though death went through you

Your fight is over
To be in peace
But yet to begin
Is another epic
Live the feeling

The heart back from stone
and a realisation
That you're not alone
775 · Feb 2014
Falling In
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
The revelry of wanderers
The mystic hunger of lovers
The amusement of the wise
The sun shining for the flowers
Falling in, you realise
The love and its wonders

A speck of shining metal
And memories ethereal
And the plots you devise
Can only get more surreal
Falling in, you surmise
The love is corporeal

The thoughts make you shiver
And you shall surrender
To memories you fraternise
Though one must remember
Falling in, memorise
The love was real
755 · Mar 2015
An Easy Thing
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2015
The easiest thing
Is to live a lie
Slowly tempting your body and soul to an event horizon which has no escape here
Its the easiest thing
Done by a broken heart
When it is lied to
Always remembering each goodbye and moments of affection piercing through
A list of melancholic ways to die
Staggering your brain
Inviting you to dance and sing
For when you lose home
And when you lose hope
Its easier to live a lie
755 · Feb 2014
The Last Remainder
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
See you're thinking
Remembering the old
The loving
and the untold
A moment I didn't miss
I couldn't help but kiss
The last remainder you were
In my head you are
In my heart you were

Stars reposition
to bring the
already happened
long lost cadaver
Lets stall the inevitable
The longing indubitable
The longing insufferable
The last remainder you were
In my head you are
In my heart you were
732 · Dec 2016
Jimmy Solanki Dec 2016
With my bones I made a cage
I wanted to keep you safe
But who knew I'd be dangerously close
To drift off, drift off in space

So I tore the cage apart
And you went back to the start
But who knew you'd tether me down
Tied down with the strings of your heart

And you unravel
Unravel till the end of time
And I drift off
Hoping I could see you once again
As you were
727 · Feb 2014
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Shivers pass through
Your every breath
Uncontrollable fear
Nothing is clear

Shivers pass through
Your every thought
You could run away
You could stop and stare

Slow-mo sickness
Know all the grains of sand
Destiny in your hand

Shivers pass through
Your every word
Soul-stained, taint
Incoherent and quaint
719 · Feb 2014
The Ignominy of Existence
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Your inquisition
Is in denial
And there is
No justification
No consolation

The darkness envelopes
Your desires
But you should know
Erased by persistence
The ignominy of existence

Drum beats falling on
Up on your innermost heart
Raise your shackles
Pull the burden on
To where the lights lead on

Your destination
Is from your own heart
And there is
No alternation
No surrogation

So cut the rope and
Fall loosely, breathe in
The sweaty air, the despair
The broken heart of the land
The footprints on the sand

And drag the shackles
Till they crumble, or you do
Till your feet bleed
Till the very earth rumbles
Till the dictator humbles
712 · Feb 2015
Sleeping Heart
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2015
Sleeping heart
Beats slowly as if fighting
The hands of time
Sleeping heart
Wounded from the warring
Thy ****** crime

Sleeping heart
Croons slowly, out of tune
Whispering lullaby
Sleeping heart
Howling under a blue moon
Cowardly calamity

Liar liar
Weeping slowly
Liar liar
Dastardly liar

Sleeping heart
Calmness and composure
Corrugated tin roof
Sleeping heart
As you were
As you are
Your dark innocent grave
Sleeping heart
Fly away to dreams
712 · Feb 2014
An Anthem of Denial
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Still learning what to say
What to feel and what to wear
Deranged and damaged goods we are

Like madmen running naked wild
Like old men trying to play with fire
Deranged and damaged goods we are

A Generation in a haze
All our dreams have been tased
Too many noises all around
Too many hearts broken abound

Running and jumping
We're just desecrating
The flesh and blood in the fire
Screaming and shouting
We're just all repeating
The anthems of denial

A generation in a haze
All our dreams have been chased
Too many noises all around
Too many hearts broken abound

Like psychopaths defile
Like those in pain who smile
Deranged and damaged goods we are

Like demented empty shells
Like a living regret
Deranged and damaged goods we are
693 · Feb 2014
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
My heart has sunk again
As a crimson iceberg struck
Bittersweet disdain
by the Gods above
Realizing I got stuck

In a starry sea
Under moonlit remains
We met in a hurricane
My heart has sunk again

The moon whispers soliloquies
Legends and tales of eternal love
Mysteries and Immensities
Legends and tales of you and I

In a fiery haze
Under the silent refrain
of the crackling of fire
Our eyes met again
Nothing else made sense
Nothing else mattered

My heart has sunk again
Don't save me
From love's domain
678 · Feb 2014
An Eternity
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Fall from the clouds
Never looking back
Fall into the sea below
Never coming back

An eternity shall pass
But the shadows of your being
Will endure forever
Thoughts do trespass
The unliving, believing
Delaying the delayer

A fall of freedom
Shattering the bonds
Here comes queendom
And betraying chords
Of lovers and justices
For words are never the same
For another unbeliever

Falling down
Memories will catch your heartbeat
Rend your soul
Into a thousand brilliant suns
Beyond control

An eternity shall pass
But the fragrance enduring
Will linger forever
Thoughts do trespass
The unliving, believing
Delaying the delayer
669 · Feb 2014
The Prisoner
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Close your eyes
So that you don't see a thing
Logic defies
And you're finally a prisoner
Bonded to death

That breeze through your hair
They way your knees go weak
You just want to stop and stare

Particles shatter
To show you the unknown
Nobody else matters
Now that you're a prisoner
Bonded to love

That smell of dried blood stains
Forever encumber your soul
Make you clutch your heart in pain

Take a breath
To remember the forgotten
Its undeniable
That now you're a prisoner
Bonded to life

That pain makes it all real
Inside your head
Inside your head
659 · Feb 2014
Aurora Sleeps
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Naturally you wonder
Why gravity pulls on us
Why insanity asunder
That dastardly love
Makes you and I, Us

That dark rain
Separation down the street
Still is, yet I wonder
How I got to remember
How I got up to my feet

Naturally I wonder
Why the heart beats
Optimistic bequeather
It still hopes and beats
Where the aurora sleeps

They came marching for Us
They hated what we had
They came marching for Us
They wanted us to flee
Flee for all we had
655 · Mar 2015
Jimmy Solanki Mar 2015
Sharp stabs over and over again
Learnt it the hard way
Left me in a heap
A lovelorn defunked stain
Washed away in a stargaze

The rockets came over to call me
Call me back to life
But I was never away
Imperfection was my game
Call me back to life
I pray over and over again

Death has the strongest hold
Yet we fall into hallucinations
Wish to live forever
Love is the most painful jolt
Yet we dive into affections

Sharp stabs over and over again
Learnt it the hard way
Bedazzled my love
I'd take all of the pain
To be a reminiscence
649 · Feb 2014
My Heart, My Shield
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Come under this shield of mine
Hold on so very tight
Excruciation may turn you down
Though you may go back in time

The seeds of frustration around your feet
Let go of all but this shield
Embracing all but this defeat
Let go of all but this shield

Never ask what you'd never tell
Come as close as you might
You might still turn the night down
Holding back, you never fell

Raindrops falling down on us
All I have now is my shield
Fueled up by my desires
All I have now is my shield

Fires want to consume you
And I would gladly burn down now
Taking your miseries out of town
Can't let you feel the blue

Demons and Gods and everything else
Nothing can touch you now
My heart, My shield won't let you down
642 · Feb 2014
Symphonies of Destruction
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
The heart is broken
The dark swallows
All that is left
Words that were spoken
The rest will follow
Like emotional theft

Symphonies of destruction
Have raided us
Annihilate the peace
Words are banal notions
Of half dead masses

Save yourself
The comfort
of Denying the reality
Your demons shall all
Be laid bare now
The frailty of banality
640 · Feb 2014
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Its time
To wake up
Go shake
the leaves
come upon you
And wake up

Through the little death
The sword in sheath
Through your fear
It will all clear

The shining light outside
Is the biggest ever lie
Get to the dark side of the moon
Yet hope there shall find
The nook where everything lined
Makes us human, makes us cry

To nobody, not even you
Is a humdrum virtue
Everywhere alone
Don't heed

Its time
To wake up
The debris
Your heart
And wake up
638 · Feb 2015
Done For
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2015
Jettisoning off all
Wilting away all
Like an autumn memory
Like an instant tragedy

Crumbling away
Moldings of affection
In a nuclear winter
Without armageddon
I died
A soft shell annihilation
No dreams but nightmares
I died
A lovely execution
Nothing but emptiness

Eradicating away all
Except you, nothing at all
Like an autumn memory
Like everlasting banality
633 · Jan 2014
Emblazon the Heart
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2014
A palace on the clouds
A dream on my skin
A love unaffordable
A life in my rein

Shallow doubts
on the existence
I know not who I am
A part of the resistance

Anyone can run
Some may still fight
But I shall stop
Jump off the horizon
A sea of serenades
Awaiting my return
A time of waiting
A time to mourn

Break a glass ceiling
emblazon the heart
With a wail of the proud
A never-ending run
A forlorn start
A piece of the brave
A piece of the strong
633 · Dec 2016
Jimmy Solanki Dec 2016
Returning a favor
I had once owed someone
Much more than all of this
More than all of me
Returning the favor
I had once seen far and wide
Feelings my spirit screamed for

Innocuous as it seems
I have owed others too
They who turn the wheels
On this broken down station wagon
Crank it up
Or slow it down

I had once heard
Deeply, freely
Music that emerged
Cacophony unbalanced
But innocence immaculate
Returning the favor
As I return to where I was
Holiday's over

But as I return home
Something has changed
The sounds of musicals
Something has changed
Ineffable, invincible
I have owed a lot
I hope I've given enough
614 · Jan 2014
Wishes of the Liar
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2014
On another day
like a feather in a cloudless sky
I'll run, as I've never run
I'll do, as I've never done
Things from my heart
My innermost desire
Wishes of the liar

You have been denying
The thoughts millionfold
Running amok
'Cause you never jump up high
'Cause you never fly in the sky
Reality is reserved
The cautious denier
Wishes of the liar

Deem it unsavory
Words don't do justice
for such a feeling
Stop and stare, beyond the stars
Stop and stare, its yours, its ours
Live a future
Of love-stoked fire
Wishes of the liar
612 · Feb 2014
My Own Criminal
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Justice lay dead
Lying on the floor
The three that died inside

All I felt was
I wish I could deny
The bullets that would
Hail around
Still felt me yet alive
I still lived
But for a reason
A bloodlust deep inside

I took my gun
And went to war
I killed till none survived
Looked around
There were a million smiles
As though it was divine

But justice lay dead
On the floor
And I saw my face inside
Demons My Divine
But I'm his own criminal
609 · Feb 2014
Loving in Despair/Pain
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
When the sun stops shining
And the thunder starts
When the winds start blowing
And the hope departs

Stones and ashes, blood and bones
All remains buried and broken
Walking necropolises
And seemingly lovestruck zombies
Loving in despair
**** your heart before you love
Loving in despair

When the seas stop grinding
And sickness arrives
When the orbits dwindling
Shall all collide

Cruel and despondent slaughter
Ritually cannibalistic
Talking brevities of pain
And seemingly awestruck corpses
Loving in despair
**** your heart before you love
Loving in despair

When the stars are exploding
And the dreams shatter
When the trees stop flowering
And the Earth denies all
609 · Feb 2014
Your Fight
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2014
Your faithful betrayal
Of love and all its colors
Your truthful denial
Of hurt and all the stumbles

Your fight against the world
Your fight for us
As you went against the world
Your fight for us
Lay in shambles
Just as your heart did
Just as my heart still does

I surrendered ere long
To this sweet misery
And sweeter despair belongs
To our story

Your ferocious cherishing
Of life and its ecstasy
Your eternal anamnesis
Of you and me

Your fight against the world
Your fight for us
As you went against the world
Your fight for us
May not have saved us
Neither our serendipity
Neither our inseperableness
603 · Jan 2014
A Song for Her
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2014
She fought for you
A ride despicable
And you saw the truth
The truth undeniable
In her womb lie mysteries
Mysteries of love
Love and hate

She whispers
In slow shallow words
The song of a mother
The lullaby
She whispers
In the toughest times
The song of a defender
The warcry

She taught you fear
Fear from your own demons
Fear of the depravities
Fear, that makes you dead
She taught you love
Love for all the things
Love for the unkind
Love, that makes you alive

So sing for her
For not just her pride
For its her life
591 · Dec 2016
An Old Mate
Jimmy Solanki Dec 2016
When my old friend
Walks through the door
He's come a long way with me
Constant companion
My fiercest combatant
An old corollary
Of my ****** up existence
I simply take him
Close in my arms
And rest while weeping tales away
Waiting till he wanders off
And someday he'll be back again

I just wish
When my old friend revisits
I'm jolly stocked with hearty ale
And songs to sing of old and new
585 · Sep 2014
Fallen Star
Jimmy Solanki Sep 2014
Of light and sanity
Is dead and buried
The final frailty
The fallen saintly

Your breath is slow and sure
But time reels off on its own
Just another trip around the sun
Just another destiny set in stone

From the event horizon
To the galaxies far
The final mercy
The fallen star
This is for my dear friend Swagat who passed away yesterday. And all others who mourn him.
He is gone forever. And this poem is for those who survive really. The dead are in a peaceful sleep. We here lament.
This is for remembrance. This is for my sorrow.
Mors certa, hora incerta
581 · Jan 2016
Stories of Silence
Jimmy Solanki Jan 2016
A mouthpiece of unknown origins
Reminiscent of scents
The definition of the soil in my skin
And a part of every womb
That gave shelter to each one of us
I carry this
Every day, oblivious
I carry these
Stories of a barren world
The definition of the soil in my skin
And a part of every mouth
That kissed your soul within
And gave you redemption

Bonded to the land
To its owners and managers
It's rightful heirs
If rights were godly
To its owners and tyrants
Every day I carry that
Little part of my people
The **** on earth
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