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It was in your eyes,
I knew.
That all I want,
is to spend the rest of my life
with you.
eyes are the windows to the soul and you are the love of my life
They say,
It’s okay to cry
You need to let it
All out.

And when I did,
It wouldn’t stop,
I couldn’t stop,
I had no control
And it burned.

Cloud full of tears
Planting seeds and
Growing thorns
Around my body twisting in knots
I couldn’t untie.

I knew
That being in this house
Was trapping me,
Boxing me up like old toys
Put away, tucked shut.

I felt cornered
With no way out,
No way to escape
All the feelings
Inside me.

I was short of breath,
Close to out of it.
Upset as I was,
I needed to turn it all off
And put an end to it, the agony.

So I took a walk in the rain
At four in the morning
Still dark out
But I had to get out
Of the house.

But finally,
I felt release
The fresh air breeze.
Do you ever look at someone
and remember the chance
you’ve missed?

You look at how happy they are
and a part of you wishes
it was you?

Do you remember when he
confessed his feelings for you
and you walked away?

And now,
staring at this photograph,
you only wish him the world?
Tell them how you feel before you miss it.
but you didn't.
you stopped,
you didn't even try
and just walked away
and I wish you would care.
I wanted to be someone worth fighting for.
He judged her without evening know her,
without even giving her a chance.
In his mind,
he sees a monster.

She judged him from what she’s heard about him,
and she believed what they all warned her about.
In her mind,
she hears a monster.

She hears the names they all called her.
He sees the ugly images they made you picture of him.
She feels the cold shoulders and the wandering eyes.
He smells the horror by the way people keep their distance.

And all that took
was the bitter taste of
a few unkind thoughts,
words spread by
the people we call "friends"
and by the strangers
who twists them a little deeper
with a dagger of pain that
you can't clutch with your hand.

You see, we’re all murderers.
Change the way you think of others because your negative thoughts and assumptions are killing other people. Every time you think horribly of a person, remember you just threw a dagger by that thought. Some people don't know they're being judged when all they do is throw a bucket of nice and happy thoughts your way but little do they know, you think ill of them. Give people the chance to show you who they are before your mind starts to program them as monsters.
the things
we think that happened at
the wrong time
may be
just the right time.
If the only reason why
you break up with me
is because we are

Then our love wasn’t real at all.

Distance carries
no weight
and love is not for your
It is a constant

We build a life apart
only to build the life
we want

I do
miss you
your touch
and the
smell of your

I am
jealous of
all the people
who get to
be with you,
to see you,
and not from a screen.

But you
thought we were
when distance
was only days away.

should’ve been
but for you,
it wasn’t in
your favor.
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