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She leans into the petals,
skin dissolving into soft color,
the green veins of leaves brushing her arms
as if they have always known her.

His voice, a thread of dusk,
winds around her wrists,
pulling without force,
settling in the quiet space
between her ribs.

Her breath, uneven,
presses against his mouth,
a drowning in tenderness,
a weight both unbearable and light.

She does not resist.
She does not speak.
She simply disappears
where the flowers open.
You know as you lie,
on the bedspread,
the wood creaks in distress, while the springs squeal in protest,
where dreams find their way
to your empty head.
While you lie still,
with ignorance and disrespect.

You know as you admire,
your empty headspace
the mirror's eye strongly so wishes
to go far far away
as though it fears if you stare too long
the linger of your spectre will forever taint its gaze
and be the source of its nightmares
till the end of time too long.

You know you bully
the ears of your victims
with your voice so unpleasant
to make deaf people
grateful, for once.
Of your vocals so poor
your ears wish
they could tear themselves apart
for this torture so painful
and seemingly so endless
as you go on and on
and never know how to stop.

You know the oxygen curses you
as it gets pulled into your lungs
through your disgraceful nostrils
ensuring your livelihood
always so unwanted
It blows fires big and strong
just for once, for once,
longing you to inhale
some of THAT instead
so that it wouldn't waste itself away with you.

So maybe, just maybe,
If you succumb, to correct
these qualities so uncalled for,
your existence might be something
P.S. This poem is mainly for entertainment purposes, and I was just trying to think of creative insults which used as few slur words as possible. I do not intend to throw any of these at you, dear reader, and I think you are amazing for gracing my poem by having it read by someone as great as you <3
The screams of fear and joy echoed throughout the ravine where the Violet Cascade waterfall fell.  Solan awaited Alston and his boys as they slid down the spiral ice bridge with a smile on his face.

Alston and his boys reached the bottom of the waterfall with eyes wide open with fear only to scream with joy and laughter.  Solan begin to laugh with them as he helped them on their feet. Alston then then turned to Solan.  " We must have saved a day in a half sliding down the waterfall like that! Yes, my friend, we can follow the riverbank to the gold dusk road bridge.  We should be able to reach the bridge at a steady pace by midday."  Leaves begin to fall beginning to write the lyrics of an autumn song soon to have melodies and verses. By midday the gold dusk road was reached.  The bridge was alive with caravans, vendors, tents, fires, small battalions and the moving of folk throughout the land all trying to reach the castle city of Oinotna.  Solan then spotted a Council of wizards deep in discussion smoking silver grass. Solan spoke out to the group.  " I will go into discussion with my fellow coven members and seek out knowledge of what they have experienced as well as share what we have seen. Very well Solan, I'll find us a place to camp nearby and find us some food. Alston, if chicken is burning somewhere please fetch me a thigh. Very well!"

Solan approached the Conclave of wizards as the smoke of the silver grass swayed through the air like a magical haze only dreams could conjure. Solan knew of three wizards there in discussion.  Rizen, from the coven Sun-wind. They wore the color red throughout the lands. Wizards that specialize in fire and wind spells. Olian, from the coven Metals of the light. Wizards that specialize in invocations, blessing weapons with immense powers and abilities. They mostly cloaked themselves in the color gray.  And finally, Tersia, from the coven Wings of the moon, Sorceresses specializing in the magic of water and healing. Wearing a pale white moon colored cloak.  As Solan arrived a wizard in a gold cloak called out to him " Solan from the coven 3 Stars shine." Solans coven had only three members which the other two members being his brother and sister.  3 stars shine specialized in ice magic as well as combustion magic.  " Come and sit with us Solan, Join the discussion."  A clump of silver grass was given to Solan as he fetched his pipe from his pocket.  He huffed up a huge smoke cloud and added to the magical haze that swirled about and joined the discussion.
kind hands
i think we got it wrong
when we think of strong

for its not a mind
that thinks of me and mine

or controlled
by need or greed

its one thats gone inside
and dissolved all internal needs
and turns towards the world
with hearts and hands of kind
Marc Morais
We built
a tower
with hands
that did not know
how to touch.

It rose,
stone by stone.
Each word was a brick.
Each silence,
the mortar.
now vanished in the air.

We stood
at the bottom,
blaming the height
for our aches—
but the tower
was never
what broke us.
They say it’s all in your head,
They say you’re making it up,
They say nothing is actually wrong,
They say your life could be worse
They say you’ll grow out of it,
They say it’s just doctors trying to make money,
They say all it is is you’re sad.
They say it’s all in my head… maybe it is, maybe it was.
but now it’s slowly spilling out onto my wrists.

I don’t think it’s just in my head anymore.
Dear seven year old,
Yes, there is a monster
But it’s not under your bed

The monster is in your head
But maybe it’s not even a monster
Maybe it’s just buried pain
Because they told you not to cry

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you should keep crying
Otherwise the tears will build up and flood your insides

The tears do not care for being stuck
They need to be released
Into the stars

Dear seven year old,
Yes, your plea for better times are being heard by the stars
They always will
Keep wishing on them

Wish on 11:11 too
Because to wish is to know what you want
And knowing what you want
Telling it
Makes it so much more likely to happen

Dear seven year old,
Yes, you still feel like the kid sitting under the slide and just observing life
And you’ve come to appreciate it

Observing, looking, watching
Make all the difference
Almost as much as writing

Dear seven year old,
Light mist, morning dew
Fragrant flowers fill the air.
Embrace me, sweet dawn.
Love ties bows
around garbage bins.

Turns losses into wins.

Brightens a sky,
shortens a queue.

Changes one into two.
Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sense involuntarily triggers experiences in another sense. This means that people with synesthesia may see colors when they hear music, taste shapes when they read words, or feel textures when they smell certain scents. It is a rare and unique phenomenon that affects about 2-4% of the population. Synesthesia is not a disease or a mental disorder, and it does not interfere with daily life

would sell my soul
cheap very cheap
to have this kinetic

think of the life
of love’s illusions
you could sketch,
the intersection
of all the senses
in one glorious
speaking of the
of perfection moments

to decorate ordinary existence
for others

to be a human filtering
this poet’s word~world enthralling,

imagine a love poem
the sound and the fury,
the volcanic coloring heat
upon your flushed cheeks,
the symphony of
tiny erupting pinpricks

when first you
the great love of
your life

For everyone to
persuasively share,
the exact ecstatic crystallization
of that single second as well as you…
Qualyxian Quest
I like Pope Francis
His kindness to the poor
Rainy Night in Georgia
And the Inner Harbor, Baltimore

I'm lonely as the rain
Carolina blue
Before my time to die
Some good thing to do

Travel for my boys
Concerts in London
Make a joyful noise

Will I die alone?
Will I die in pain?
Kiss her once for me
On the bullet train

A jigsaw left unsolved
Left in hiding out of frustration
Years in hiding
Only to find the last puzzle piece
Was sitting in front of me the whole time
Words in Bloom
Tell me you’re only mine
Even if you’re lying
Look me in the eyes
Tell me you love me
And that im the only one for you
I don’t care if im delusional
As long as I feel happy again
Suyeong Lee
Children are like flowers

You need to treat them with care
Or else the petals will tear

They need your sweat, tears, and blood
But too much water leads to a flood

All of them are different
Yet they share the same beauty
In fact, they are all just cuties

It’s hard to keep them in tune
But in the end it’s all worth it when they bloom
Hi, my name is Susan. I wrote this poem after I had a little argument with my mother, who I love dearly, I wanted to be in her shoes and see myself in her point of view. This is my first poem, and I guess I wanted to express motherhood in my sight.
Nellie 55
Darling you've stolen the sun, it's in your smile. I felt the light through the cracks in my heart, that sweet breath you've given me. I wish you were here to accompany me. If the world forced my soul to fight, I'd look at your smile that gave me the light. No rules in a war, just somethings you can't ignore. Even if you've lost everything, your attention gave me strength to keep fighting. You're such a beautiful place to be, my ounce of happiness to keep me breathing! Darling please don't leave me. I'm running to safety, will you please bring me?
I've read all the beautiful words in the world,
Yet none are as sweet as your name.
Why isn’t this healing **** linear

Uphill and downhill feel the same
Jump in

1 2 3
Feel the sting
Please, get out of my head
Please I am begging you
I don't need you here
But I do
I want you
Just you.
But it's your fault
I can't shut up about you
Please, get out of my head
I don't want you anymore
You can't make up your mind
Because I can't
It seems
It's only filled with you
Like all others did,
I want you to leave
But, I'm stuck with you
And you're stuck with me
I want you
Just you
No one else invading my head
I've gone crazy
Because you aren't in my head
I'm in yours
I've gone crazy
Because you don't want me
The way
I want you.
This is literally what my love life is currently wth
Lost Indeed
I feel like I can see colors now,
As my world finds its missing piece.
From the depths of my soul, I vow
To cherish you with every heartbeat.

You are engraved in my heart,
Written deep within my soul,
Marked upon my very being—
In my life, you are the goal.
Something told me that I need you
Unknowing if it was my heart, pride, or conscious
And so I fought
To my surprise I won
Then that shady culprit backed away
Desire gone
You're here
Yet they left me completely alone
The idea of chasing someone, just to succeed, then feeling emptier than when you started. Wondering what it was that caused the shift. (Shady Culprit being the unknown push behind the attraction. Heart, pride, conscious)
John Bartholomew
I have to lose weight
Probably an on trend diet
Atkins down to vegan
We all have to just try it
Chatting online to my friends on Zoom
They all look so ****** great
Time to get on this new one
Its what is known as Noom
As my waist size goes up and down
I have to lose this frown
No more of eggs beginning with Scotch
Got to stop this daytime grazing
It's my weight I have to now watch

I remember the day you told me you loved me
I thought you did,
But you didn't.

You never loved me
I was stupid to think you did
You never loved me.

I remember when you called it over
With a simple word,

Every time I hear that word
That stupid word,
I break down.
John Prophet
the veils.
veil to
one from
the other.
to realm.
in place.
veil to
veil energy
New stories
to tell.
You look to be happy to escape the sadness
And seek inner peace to run from the madness
You sprint towards pleasure so pain will not reach you
You wish to be free so you don’t follow through
With any commitments, you don’t think that freedom
Is simply a tool to build your own kingdom
But all craftsmen know that to build anything
You take wood from the woods and you alchemise You look to be happy to escape the sadness
And seek inner peace to run from the madness
You sprint towards pleasure so pain will not reach you
You wish to be free so you don’t follow through
With any commitments, you don’t think that freedom
Is simply a tool to build your own kingdom
But all craftsmen know that to build anything
You take a saw and some wood and you alchemise it
You may not want this, but this is where truth lies
When you reject half of life, the other half dies.
Just a bus poem
The chains
'round      my
ankles      are
sterling fine
   best      that  
I could
chains   'round
your     neck
are purest
the      lock
will      cost

So­ulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage aka
Invisible inc
(C) September 17
sometimes we don’t survive
we don’t live to tell our story
we don’t live to change our fate
you can only just survive for so long
David P Carroll
On David's day our
Beloved daffodils will sway
And the little will play all day
In field and vale the banners
Fly with pride and we will
Stand tall and proud
On Saint David's day our
Beloved day ans with
Songs of old the nation's
Love implied we celebrate our
Favourite day as laughter
Fills the air around Wales
With courage drawn from faith
We find our will and
Together wrapped in the
Warmth we stand as one
Welsh and proud so let's us
Stsnd united hand in hand and we'll
Celebrate the heart of Saint David's Day
So God bless all us Welsh on
Saint David's Day.
Saint David's Day
i see the moon
i grab your hand
i hear the night
as we descend
Clay Micallef
When a black sheet has been
thrown over the moon
and a million lazy stars
have fallen from view
I hear the wind has
grown tired of traveling
I hear the sound of mandolins
crying in the mountains
I hear the rattle of
gypsy wheels
I hear the heavy hearts
of horses upon the
restless roads of
broken poetry ...
As he threw the silver at their feet
He could taste his bitter wicked deed
It festered in his immortal soul
His beliefs became his greatest foe

Be careful what you believe
Your soul is always free!
A story I once read when I was down.
Make yourself and turn your life around!
It feels like as soon as I say a word
It's examined
Looked over
And they find something wrong with it
Why are they all so sensitive?
Kurt Philip Behm
The Kingdom’s seeds
within his heart
its reign
a heavy stone
The Jester dancing
with the Queen
caught naked
on the throne

His back now turned
the Jack of Spades
a dagger
up his sleeve
A palace coup
in bold relief
his lineage

The music stops
the Jester laughs
the Queen cries out
for more
The Princess
in the tower
where her subjects
cry out ‘*****’

The drawbridge falls
the King is back
his armor
red and stained
The final battle
yet unfought
dark prophecy
— ordained

(The New Room: February, 2025)
my blue veins pulse, life
throbbing, aching, red spilling
i crave, the cutting
a haiku
Do you think I'll cry if I lose your love?
My heart is a rock; my friend is a dove.

So I stay strong no matter the tension,
I'm unmoved by whatever you mention.

Like a dove, I'll always embrace your peace,
I'll be true to you like a fine timepiece.

When you're finally back to your senses,
Your grief won't be part of my expenses.

Giving peace of mind like a cool sea breeze,
I won’t chase a love that fades with such ease.
My brain's cache memory clears itself
From time to time

So everything disappears
Except you

Somehow your stupid malware
Some sort of trojan virus
Got in.
I opened it. Infected me.

I shouldn’t have trusted
Heart security Breach
Guard back up
Aneesah Lionheart
With the utmost compassion
The dark one reaps in waves
Sparing the oldest of souls
The growing pangs of a new era
Something wicked this way comes. Dark times come with lessons, holding up a mirror to turbid vessels filled with pride.
i think you deserve a soft epilogue,
my love.
you are a good person
and  you've suffered enough.
Rocky Abraham
Just our brief conversation

December 11, 2025, and beyond—

Me: Why do you have to be the moon?
When you can be a star with your own light!

You: Sometimes, when the light is out, I feel okay just being the moon :).

Me: You are more beautiful than the moon—if only everyone on Earth knew. Why? Because the moon shifts, but you stay—always in sight.

You: I'm perfectly content if not everyone knew. I'm in sight for the loved ones, the ones dear to me.

Me: I've observed you a lot; I wish I could have understood you, even just once!

You: Just like the stars, they don’t know whether they’re being watched. They are indeed hard to understand, for they are thousands of zillions of miles away from Earth... from where you are.

Defta, do you know?
You're scribbling on my heart—with a love that leaves me struggling to keep up.

I have found Deogifta—God’s Gift.

Deogifta Graciani Lailossa🌻.
Just our brief conversation
I remember you, a little girl I used to play
She smile and cry, make me mad all day
I remember you, I remember you

When We grow, I know I loved you
I think you know that too
I guess I am not you prince charming
But I can be your that sandle that fit with you..

Still talking nonsense, and still I have love you
You may forget me, but will always remember you.
I remember her
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