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2.5k · Feb 2018
your eyes are like the night sky
pitch black and endless
a pool of mystery so deep

the first time i stared at you
it left me wondering
how a world so vast and mysterious
can fit into a face so small
The song Stars by Callalily played on my mind when I first stared at you after a long time of not minding how handsome you were.
2.3k · Dec 2016
Dear You, From Me
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castillo)

Tell him I said "hi",
I think it was a lie,
When I told myself,
I wouldn't fall for him.

Tell him I asked "why?",
We couldn't see what we could've become,
How it would've been all perfect,
But I forgot these were all just what ifs and would haves.

Tell him I wanted to go back,
Visit the past when were still just good friends,
I could've settled for just that,
But selfishness occured.

Tell him I asked "is it wrong?",
For me to fall in love with him?
That it was considered sin,
For me to look after someone with no conditions given?

Tell him this is goodbye,
I think it's best we part ways,
I'm done with being jealous and not being able to do anything,
That it breaks my heart to see him with someone.

But one last thing,
Ask him if I could just love him from afar,
Because seeing his smiles,
Heals the wounds he gave my heart.
I wrote this poem for my childhood friend who I was in love with for 9 years and up until now. I haven't had the guts to tell him, he's straight and I'm gay... We won't work out
2.1k · Dec 2016
The Game of Life
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castilo)

The game of life is simple,
Follow the rules,
Know the walkthroughs,
And you'll get by just fine.

You should know that,

Life on Earth is a gamble,
And we're all here to win,
Making a bet on that roulette,
Wanting another spin.

Be aware that,

We care so much for ourselves,
And forget to consider others,
We all want fame and glory,
Leaving room for being mean and no more for sincerity.

Lastly realize and put to heart,

That every person on this planet,
Are like lottery tickets,
Scratch the surface,
To see the *** of gold underneath.
This is what I've learned about life so far...
1.5k · Jul 2017
Off Switch
I keep looking for an exit;
hoping and praying that all these confusions;
be straightened up and give me clarity.

I hate having to make up stories in my head;
that all the things you do for me;
you do for true love.

And all I ask;
is there an off switch for this?
because my heart's fed up;
with false hopes and broken promises.
So I met this guy and he treats me like a queen even though he knows I'm gay and all. I'm afraid to ask him if he also has feelings for me. Because what if he's just used to this kind of relationship between him and a gay friend? I remember last week, the day of my birthday, we met early in the morning to go by and hang out by the shore and I was surprised that he came prepared because he brought with him a picnic cloth and a drink for two. We smoked there and talked for almost 5 hours. and then he gave me a gift after, two books. hahahaha i love him.
978 · Mar 2018
Loving someone
who is broken
is like being attracted to shiny shards
touching it will make you bleed
holding it close may hurt
but to those who have true intentions
even small pieces can come with a bright luster
that even broken glass
can shine light into this world.
Here's to the strong and patient, to those who helped fix people they truly love. To those who have pure  intentions...
936 · Dec 2016
Forever, we'll be
By: Ramon Carlos T. Castillo (Jack Wilder)

We're in the days of our youth,
It's the perfect time to be alive,
Young and naive in the world of reality's mess,
So come with me and spread your arms wide,
Throw your problems and hang on tight,
We're about to break free and fly,
Going to disappear into the night,
Only being seen on the shades of traffic lights,
No worries, no tomorrow to bother about,
Just now and the both of us,
Gone with the wind fading into the darkness,
Forever, yes we'll be,
Forever, we'll be young.
As I write this poem at 1:30am please know that I have to wake up early tomorrow at 3:00 am to get ready for my scholarship appointment at 7:00 am. Please tell our God Almighty to lead me to safety.

Love Always,
Ramon Carlos
891 · Dec 2016
You, terrify Me
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castillo)

You, terrify me,
I run, faster than a speeding stallion,
Distressed and lost,
Nowhere to go,
Almost taking flight,
As I gallop the way,
From the speed of running away,
Or am I really?
Trying to getting away from you?
Because here I am,
Too curious and searching for clues,
Wishing I get nearer, warmer,
Only to find out, you take a new form,
And as I feel it,
The space between us,
Only goes wider,
The between gap us grows bigger,
As every second passes,
I lose track of who you truly are,
But I admire you,
And the mystery that you are,
Because as I feel the distance growing,
As fast as lightning without making a sound,
You come back just to haunt me,
And you just follow me around,
Like my shadow in the woods,
As the night gets darker,
The moon goes fuller and brighter,
You grow instantaneously,
Creeping silently, just beneath me,
Clueless that I am of your identity,
I want to know,
But how can I find out?
When you're just a silhouette of me,
The sun just won't come,
And you're about to pounce,
I would like to repeat this,
You, terrify me.
So back then when I was just a kid I always felt like someone or something was following me around, and I got to writing down about it.
788 · Jul 2017
You're Home
For a very long time;
I have wandered too far;
and maybe even wondered too long.

For a very long time;
I have been alone;
longing for a place I can call home.

Now that I met you;
and have spent time with you;
I feel that my life have become anew.

I have felt the warmth;
of a place I can call my own;
a person so familiar;
I’d thought of calling him home.

My dear, home is wherever you are;
so will you come with me?
And take me wherever you go?
Because I  don't want to leave home.

I don't want to leave you.
I wrote this for the person I love. I never want him to leave me.
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castilo)

I'd like to put all my love,
Into this poem,
And as I write,
I think to myself,
It'll overflow and take long,
Just like the blessings you've given,
And all the good people,
Surrounded me with,
Every chance you laid in front,
And every lesson you've taught,
I am, forever greatful my Lord,
For you are Almighty and all knowing,
You give grace and is forgiving,
I have you to thank,
For this breath I was given,
And as I grow and prosper,
In your opus and word,
My dear heavenly Father,
This life, I dedicate to you.
I offer this poem to God. I'm so thankful for Him and all that He has done for me in my life.
699 · Dec 2016
Why Should You Be?
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castillo)

You are a gift you see,
A person made in the image of our Lord,
So you really should not care,
About another person's word.

Echoes of hate and petty,
Purely brought about by insecurity,
Things that will bring you down,
Only if you let it get to you.

So why should you be,
Afraid of what they have to say?
To the little stuff they give notice,
You yourself can't even see.
Here's to the victims of bullying. Here's to the people who got judged because of what they fought for. Don't give up, I believe in you all!
553 · Dec 2016
The Long Trail
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castillo)

Inhale, exhale— I make a long trail,
Like writing the lines of which you love to read,
A call of the aching heart,
Are seen through the words my soul would bleed.
With my hard work, your mind I feed.

And I think about it— life,
So I pick one, straighten it up,
And ignite the inspiration coming from within me,
As I show you the light through paper, pen, and nicotine,
In return, you fuel my perseverance,
And give meaning to my existence.

Such a long trail it is— life,
I think to myself as I puff off a trail of smoke into the night,
The smoke of which is a lot like life,
Long all at once— and gone in one blink.
Dear All Smoking Writers,
And of course non writers who smoke.
503 · Apr 2017
Wait a minute,
Stop depriving me of rejection,
Enough of those false hopes you're giving me,
Just say it straight to my face,
Tell me we won't work out.

Just a second,
Help me get over the little things you do,
That makes me deeply in love with you,
How so kind and dense you are,
Killing me with care and affection.

Stalling me with love you can't give.
Give me a time out from all this heartbreak.
486 · May 2017
To be detached from the land where my roots took origin.
To disconnect with the rest of the world.
To rekindle a flaming love;
that was once burning now turning into an ember.
To plead and kneel at the river;
talking to the water;
losing sanity at plain sight.

Remembering moments where dreams were once crushed and burnt.
Turned into ashes and scattered on the ground;
the mud where I was born and grown.
Like a tree once fruitful;
now dry, bare, and lifeless.

But one day six feet under from where I am;
will come a morning anew.
Like leaves and grass dripping with shining morning dew;
I will rise up.

Like a farmer with a green thumb;
Your hand, oh God, will reach for me.
Like a seed I will grow once again.
Detached not from You and Your safety.
But from the doubts and worries that once killed me.
Once again;
I will find You, my God;
My Saviour, my refuge.
I attended the Youth Encounter that my parish organized.
It. Was. Fruitful. Indeed.

I would like to thank God for making a way for me to go  back home to Him again. I would like to thank the people He used as pavements that help track His humble home. I would like to thank life's hard situations for saving me the gym sessions.

I would like to thank you, the person reading this, for you have made the time to listen to what I feel. peace be with you.
337 · Jun 2017
— Jackson Rae Wilder

You can't leave home;
without getting a scratch on the knee.
You can't leave home;
without missing the warmth of your bed.
You can't leave home;
and not want to go back again one day.
Don't you just get this longing feeling all of a sudden?

— The End —