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She fell right down,
But not to get back up.
She fell right down
To find out
Just what was down there
On that ground.

In the dark dank place
Where all the good people go.
In the end they all find themselves
Right there a midst the ground.
So why shouldn't she too
Join them there in the Earth?
If that's where all the good ones go,
Then there's where she should be.
A work of streaming consciousness, with of course some grammar and spelling edits.
You can't fix my body
I am not made of clay
Can't smooth away scars
Can't resculpt curves
Can't carve a smile on my face.

You can't fix my story
I am not a first draft
Can't erase years of abuse
Can't revise bad decisions
Can't add happily ever after.

You can't fix me
I am not a project
My body is marked by flaws
My story is laced with hurt
But *I am not broken.
Please review! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Let me know what you think, please.

Thanks in advance!
Pounding is my chest
Is the heart that you awoke
Fires of muted lust

If you feed the flame
The blaze will rise and conquer
The sane part of me

But where have you gone?
I'm waiting for your arms now
Hopelessly in love

One night in Heaven
Can't surmount your tried deceit
You don't want me now

Away from the calm
Memory of deserted beach
I am still alone
 Aug 2014 Ellie Wasmund
Mark Ball
O come in time;
Bring the wine.
A friend you'll be,
A friend to me.

Or take your time;
Forget the wine.
Just stay with me,
Just bleed.
I don't know. Criticism appreciated.
 Aug 2014 Ellie Wasmund
i close my eyes and count to ten
how is it already that time again?
i set my clock for 6 am
it's time for another year
  a year of tears and fights
a year of black and white
where grey isn't even an option
on a multiple choice question
so many things are the same
but if they're different who's to blame
same teachers and same kids
with the same jokes and the same wit
i close my eyes but open them
maybe i'll wake up at 6:10
School tomorrow.
I woke up adrift this morning
Guilt a million leagues deep

Nothing done is undone
This Morning
Apologies do not come free

The sun which glistens
Upon the drops
Between my moistened

Carry this morning's

Trembling ashamed
Of the lust which came
Into me last night

My mouth has forsworn this place
My darling, forgive me

Of the low hanging fruit I partook
Above the devils knees
Writhing snakes within me bid


The meat is
ripe and sweet
Today I climbed a mountain so high.
So high that I started feeling pain in my thigh.
So high hoping to touch the sky.
But still! I could hear, the women and children cry!
So high looking in the view of a birds’ eye.
But still! I could see the babies die!
And a man buying a million dollar tie!
So high feeling that I could fly.
Above the rich man, that told that lie.
As I reached the top I prayed to god to show me why.
I really climbed a mountain today before I wrote this poem.
One pill was too little,
Two was just enough.
Three was to push the limit.
Four was to prove it wasn't a bluff.
Five was to be thin.
Six was for my ribs to be a cage
and my heart be the bird.
Seven was to purge myself from within.
Eight was for my hipbones to stick out like knives.
Nine was to ensure that I might not wake up alive.
~ a.m.l
I know the rhyme scheme is off.
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