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Devan Ducasse Jul 2018
While we stand in this dog park
And I look off into the sunset
With you right in front of me

I realize that I am happy with this being my life
I would love for your brother to be our son
For your dog to be ours that we have raised for years

I want to hear your voice echo as you call the dog
And for your voice to be so deep that the minute you talk everyone gets scared
Except for me

They expect for you to be this big old grumpy man
Who used to belong to the Mafia
Not the cuddly cute man you actually are

I’m excited for the day to drive I off into that sunset with you
Go some where and find a house
And call it ours

A house like the ones right in front of me
Tall and wide with 4 rooms and a finished basement
I want us to find our home

I want to call some town ours
I want to know the city like the back of my hand
As we grow old there

I want to create memories with you everywhere
And to recreate old one but this time with our kids
But those memories will always be ours

These memories I have right now are ours
There the memories we have made together
That have helped shaped the way I view you

As a man who’s tall and buff
Owns the place around
And is never scared

These memories are memories I want to never forget
I want to never forget looking at you and the sunset
I want to never forget us
Devan Ducasse May 2018
Its 2am
And I’m awake
Thinking about your body
Next to mine,
It's the middle of winter
And I’m so ******* cold,
All I want
Is your body
Next to me
Holding me
And touching me,
Your touch sends electricity
Through my veins,
I get a shock of excitement
And terror
Every time you run your hand
Across my body,
Your touch is something I crave
But I’m scared you won’t like
What you touch,
Even though I know
You are running your hand over my side
Because you are in love
With my curves,
No matter what though
Your skin pressed against mine
Is always all I need,
It gives me comfort
And safety from the outside world,
It’s 2am
I’m falling asleep
Dreaming about your body
Devan Ducasse Feb 2018
We were play arguing in your car one night, debating about girls vs guys insecurities and how they’re confusing. I was telling you how I don’t understand why guys hate their ***** and you told me you don’t get it why girls cake their face. We went on and on, trying to defend each our points until I blurted out “but I love your ****!” And you said to me “well you’re beautiful!” And I went quiet. I scared you actually, you didn’t understand my sudden silence but I think thats the first time I’ve ever been called beautiful with that sort of passion. I’m the type of girl who fishes for compliments, I act slutty and start a little drama because I know it’ll get a reaction. Busting out my cleavage and showing my *** will get me comments from "you’re ****” and “you’re pretty” and I believe them. I love it when you see me naked after *** and call me hot or when I fish for compliments and you say I’m beautiful but this time was all different. I didn’t lead this on. I didn’t expect for that to be your comeback. I didn’t know how to react. Those 3 words echoed in my head for the rest of the night. And I will never forget the way you looked at me with some sort of sorrow or plead or anger when you said it. You wanted me to believe it for once. You wanted me to understand that the way I feel about my beauty is the way you feel about your **** but all that I could care about is the way you looked at me and not the road and told me that I was beautiful. I still can’t figure out what emotion was in your eyes and tone of voice. You were loader than usual which usually indicates anger but there was plead in your eyes. As if you really needed me to know this. And even though, calling myself beautiful is something I don’t know I can ever do, I now know that you really mean it. You saw my naked my body and nothing ****** happened and at the end of the day, you called me beautiful. My beauty isn’t a temporary thing you only every often see and I only now realized that. I love you (and your ****).
Sorry that it's just one long paragraph, it's sort of story like and I don't think it would have the same effect if it was split up and put into stanza's.
  Feb 2018 Devan Ducasse
i feel like time is

i feel like there is more i could have done yesterday. 
i regret not kissing you enough yesterday,
because now i realize i can't tomorrow.

today i missed you,
it came in waves like water clashing against rocks.

yesterday i said "tomorrow you'll be okay."
and again i will tell myself, tomorrow.

yesterday wasn't as bad as today is or will be,

yesterday and tomorrow.
does it make a difference if i feel the same?  
i kinda fixed this one up a bit but it's pretty old - think i'll edit it again later to actually mean something because i really like the ending. sorry if my stuff doesn't make sense.
  Feb 2018 Devan Ducasse
I wanted to sink into soft white fluffy duvets with you,
So we could pretend that we were laying amongst the clouds.
I wanted to wake up with the smell of you on my skin,
And the smell of fresh coffee in the air.
I wanted to kiss your lips the second you arrived home from work,
In hopes you’ll never want to leave my side again.
I wanted the thoughts of you to always bring happiness, warmth, love and excitement,
Not what they bring me now.
Now they bring grief, regret and want.
Because the whole truth is,
I wanted to spend my life with you.
I wanted to keep the warmth that felt like sun beams on my face,
first thing in the morning.
I wanted to keep that love close to my heart for all eternity,
And show the world just how lovely you are.
I found you,
And with that I found the feeling of never wanting to lose you.
Thoughts of worry and insecurities kept into my head,
And ****** out all the light.
I found you and I never wanted to lose you,
I found you and it was like seeing fireworks light up the night sky.
I found you and I saw the stars forming galaxies,
Just for us.
I found you, but soon after that’s when I realized,
I think I had lost myself.
This isn’t a sad poem,
I know it’s hard to believe.
It’s about revelation rather than grief and remorse.
I thought I had found the one,
It wasn’t until I healed and realize that he was only taking a piece of me.
I’m whole without you now,
I hope you know that in the back of your mind.
I hope you are too.
I have flashes of missing you,
I will admit.
Now I’ve realized who should forever be my one true love.
Devan Ducasse Jan 2018
Dear mom,

I have never felt love like this before
Everything else has been dull and boring
So when I say that I love this man
I full heartily mean it

It feels like I’m in one of those high school rom coms
When the straight white girl meets the straight white guy
Her whole world is flipped upside down
And they grow up old

I didn’t think I would ever be able to experience this kind of love
And I don’t know if you ever have
Because if you have ever felt this passion and love
Then you wouldn’t want any minute anyway from it

My exes never really cared
When I say I loved them
It was completely true
But this one is life changing

The way I get butterflies in my stomach when I see the twinkle in his eye
And the way he looks my body up and down, feels my stomach and hips and then tells me
“You’re beautiful”
I never want to experience anything different

This man has become my body guard
When I feel his arms wrapped around me, I know that I am safe
I know that no other man should come my way or else my boyfriend will ******* up
And he genuinely cares

When I seem even the slightest bit off
He doesn’t just wait until I feel better to try and fix the already fixed problem
He drops everything he is doing to be with me
And that’s the kind of man I want

I want a man that would leave dinner
To meet me on a park bench while I’m crying
I want a man who will get me drunk
Then hold me in the bathroom while I cry and confess everything on my chest

The way we started wasn’t ideal
Cheating on our girlfriends just to taste each other’s lips
Wasn’t a good idea
But you can’t tell me all of your relationships were 100% perfect

He understand me when no one else does
When i say some weird metaphors to my therapist
(Which he frankly can barely understands)
My boyfriend will sit and listen until he figures out the riddle I told him

I speak in code
And he starting to crack it
Even though it scares the living hell out of me
He is trying to break down my walls

Mom, I have built millions on millions of bricks to keep this wall up
You have taught me throughout my whole life
To protect the ones around me and not myself
But with him, I feel okay to break down the walls

He is shedding it layer by layer
Brick by brick
And I am letting him
Because I want to let him in

I have never wanted anyone else inside of this dungeon
But I think he’s the one who can break me free
My dungeon of depression has been home for 17 years
And I am ready to show him my house

I have never been sure about anything in my life
I have always been so indecisive
But when it comes to him
I know that I want to be his

I want to be his one and only girl
I want to come home and see him everyday
I want to tell him about my secret
I want him

So mom, when I say I am in love with this boy
I mean it
And when I say he makes me happy
It’s because I have never felt safer

I love him
Devan Ducasse Jan 2018
Date a girl with daddy issues
And you’ll be in your bliss
Tie her up and call her ****
And intoxicate her with your kiss

She doesn’t like it soft
And she doesn’t like it sweet
She wants markings on her body
And ropes around her feet

Give her lots of kisses
And tell her how bad she is
She wants to hear that she’s a worthless *****
And her hair to end up in a frizz

But be careful with what you do
And what you see isn’t always what you get
She has deep dark down issues
That she is trying to forget

She wants to moan louder
And for you to call her names
Because the more noise there is
The less she can hear her mind in flames

So make sure to be loud
And don’t be scared to get *****
Anything you can do to make her forget
Will leave her wrapped up around your pinkie

She’ll tell you theres no reason
As to why she wants it this way
But in reality, she knows
That this may be a reason why you’ll stay

She hates herself
Much more than you’ll ever think
She has bandages all around her body
And pages filled with ink

So when you date a girl with daddy issues
You’ll be in your bliss
She will make you feel less broken
And intoxicate you with her kiss
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