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 Jan 2015
Have you ever seen a yellow sky?
Have you ever made a man cry?
Have you knocked on the cabin in the woods?
Have you let a friend down when it mattered?
Have you seen the smile on the face of the homeless?
Have you called out after that special someone in a public space?
Have you pleaded for another chance to change and be better?
Have you given everything for something you believe in?
Have you watched someone you love die in front of you?
I have my annual protest this month.
Trying to focus on it; something to look forward to.
- - -
Have you ever ...
Idk, it just happened, ignore it.
 Jan 2015
The system is to blame the next,

society blames society.

 Jan 2015
The more we're granted,

the more we take for granted.

 Jan 2015
I'm not "Religious".
I believe in sin (Wink wink- If you know what I mean)
but I don't believe in religion when it cajoles or demeans.
Yet there is a ray of light in the windows of my dreams.
And it calls to me in a voice at once radiant and dim.

I call it the universe, but were I Religious, I'd call it "Him".

I am not loud, nor do I preach.
I believe in soft voices, and hymns sung only in one's head.
I believe in the reach of silence, broad and inky and welcoming.
I believe in my own inner thoughts and their peace (and too, their dread)
Yet there is a voice that tells me, in words softly said
that sometimes only the loudest sermons truly can teach.

I am non-religious, and I have been for a while.
I believe in dulcet whispers, and the sweet touch of sin.
I believe in Metal Music, and the musical devil within.
Then why, whenever I see someone capitalize "Him"
does my mouth turn up at the corners,
and grant me an unasked, yet welcome smile?
The only place I ever find God is in songs by The Fray where he hangs out at corner bars like a cool person. Still, sometimes.... I dunno.
 Jan 2015
Everyone is fake.

*I just want to find someone real...
Are you real?
- - -
(If you get the title, I love you.)
 Jan 2015
Sometimes I wonder
if you think of me,
in your bedroom,
while you're jerking off
to *******.
 Jan 2015
I'm tired of this game,
This late night game,
I don't want to play --
I know I shouldn't play.
But you make me feel
Like I'm being looked at,
Not laughed at, like I'm
Beautiful, **** for the
First time in forever.
I don't want to play,
Yet I keep initiating it.
I want to be the one you
Hold in your heart, but
I'm the pictures on your
Phone, and it sure as hell
Isn't me you're holding.
I'm sorry I'm not enough to be
more than pictures on your
phone, and words in your ear.
 Jan 2015
I wish there was an easier way to explain my feelings.
I'm the kind of person who doesn't get a second glance,
I am the girl who looks familiar but is a forgotten name.
But these past couple of days, you've made me feel like
more than that.

More than me.
 Jan 2015
When the cool metal
of my necklaces rests
on my breast
and I shiver,
I wonder if this is what
my heart feels like?
It's not like any of you even read my notes.
 Jan 2015
I fell for it
I fell for you again
I didn't want to
I knew I shouldn't
But I couldn't resist you
As always
Why am I so weak
To fall for the words
I know aren't anything
Not worth my time
My energy
I deleted eighty percent
Of whatever happened
From my drunken brain
My phone
But I remember
I wished you a
"Mediocre New Year"
And with your responses
I was entrapped
And clothes came off
Prematurely with our words
And I kept telling you
"You're a bad idea"
You wanted pictures
I'm glad my friends
Didn't let me send
Because I want love
And you want lust
Last night
I think I pretended
I wanted it too
But I don't
"I shouldn't want you"
Everyone knows you are the opposite of what I need, so why do I still bleed for you, Andrew?
 Dec 2014
I once heard someone say
That they both tried to **** themselves
But Juliet Failed the first time
(Even though she technically just
Wanted to appear dead)
But statistically girls are more likely to
Try to **** themselves
And if you count that first time
She tried twice
And Romeo died the one and only time
Which makes sense because

Though girls are more likely to try
Guys are more likely to actually die
- - -
Anyone else hate me? Because I used to feel hated.
Now I feel invisible, and not in the good way.
 Dec 2014
Girl On The Wing
In the beginning
all of the good souls were separated
and spread across the earth
to keep balance and peace among the troubled souls
the good souls had to give up their happiness

well if you ask me that was a stupid idea
the good souls deserve each other
despite our need for them here.
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