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 Dec 2018
Night Train, travel through the world unknown
The black hills with a maroon sky thick behind it
The metallic sound of friction valiantly losing battle to the poignant silence
Night Train, write an epic of the hands that cup around the eyes
Of the eyes that talk to the distant light
Of the lights that blink and the ones that stay still
Night Train, don't slow down for each breath falls faster than the wind outside
Night Train, don't slow down for the still is more piercing than the dark blades of grass lying far below
The rhythmic oscillation of the half sleeping bodies stacked one above the other
The threatening aura of the stiff backbones stoically awake
The lone observer is lost in the nightly delusion
Night Train, chronicle a dark fantasy of the broken fragments the night narrates
Night Train, stop, send a jolt, deaden the incantations
Before the dawn or its harbingers intrude
This piece of poetry is about how the night looks like for a passenger on a sleeper class Indian train. I remember the first time I boarded a train I was six years old. I was travelling to Dehradun and it was a long journey, around 36 hours. 36 hours on a train with bunk beds to sleep in, I felt like a gipsy travelling in a caravan. When the night fell I stayed awake. The train travelled through the countryside, acres and acres of farmland bordered by hills. That was the first time I realized, looking outside the window, that the colour black comes in so many different shades. Even though the train pierced through the night with a deafening sound but the somehow the silence and the stillness was so very prominent. At the entrance of each coach, there is a small, seemingly uncomfortable seat for the railway constables. They stay awake at night, expressionless, guarding the entrance.
Dawn is never announced by a colourful sunrise. At dawn, no rooster will wake you, no birds will sing. When at dawn the train halts at an unimportant station with a poetic name, the first thing you will hear is the "chai-chai" (in English means tea-tea) of the tea-vendors. It has a familiar melody to it. In all the different states of India, people speak a different language but wherever you go the cry "chai-chai" of the tea vendors will sound exactly the same.
 Dec 2018
Fahad shah
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
 Dec 2018
Mohamed Nasir
Foreign soil leaves fall
One by one so too we all
Leaves, us, waits God's
 Dec 2018
Dawn Bunker
Sometimes I sit and wonder
who would I want to be
if I weren't me?
Would I be that girl who always
accomplishes her goals?
Would I be that woman
who made it to the top?
But then I start to wonder,
to the top of what?

Sometimes I'll sit and daydream....
of something spectacular I want to do.
But I can never fully grasp
what that spectacular thing is.
I run from one dream to another
with no closure
and never really waking up
from the dream.

Sometimes I'll sit and think about
yesterday, or ten years ago... or twenty
and I question why I did the things I did.
Some events were easy,
some were difficult....
and I pat myself on the back
for making it
through those tough times.
Then I scold myself
for not accomplishing more
during the easy times.

But most of the time
I just worry a lot.
I worry about the future.
How will I ever afford to fully retire?
How will my children care
for an elderly mother?
How much longer will I live?

Sometimes I simply look around me
and drink in the here and now.
Sometimes I feel so full of love and joy I could burst!
So many things to be thankful for,
so many.

I know now that life goes by so quickly.
So lately when I sit and wonder about my life,
I think the best way I can spend the rest of it
is by simply thinking of others and doing for others.
Even some simple little thing
like bringing someone flowers,
or visiting someone lonely....
might just be the most important things
I can ever do with the rest of my life.
I think this free verse is really a letter to myself, and I didn't realize it until I was done!
 Dec 2018
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
Go ahead and feel the breezes,
brought to us by the wind and rain;
As the rustling leaves tell their stories,
some of joy and some of pain.

They whisper nightly as dark descends,
upon our sleepy little town;
Forgive me now, they'll often ask,
not wanting to be left alone.

Tears drip softly from those trees,
as their leaves let go and fly;
To the yard in which the children play,
in crisp bundles towering high.

Wild laughter permeates the air,
as each child decides to climb;
And the rustling leaves feel solace now,
when finding their place in time.

Crackling red the Autumn glows,
a roaring fire in every tree;
Brisk waters from the rain above,
cannot dampen their energy.

For Nature gives its soul to us,
from visions that often stay;
Within our hearts for countless years,
and never drift far away.
the gift of Autumn is upon us with sights and sounds that glow, opening hearts around the town, feeding off the restlessness of Nature !
 Dec 2018
When life
seems all hopeless
still don't you loose
all scope of hope
for there's
this thing
in the air,
Reach out
for God's sturdy rope.

For how
sure can
you be
death will
take you
to a better fate
What if
you are
into a
worse where there's no turning
back at any rate!

In times of trials and tribulations invoke Him
Or your chances of contentment remain slim

You too haven't been infallible and above all blame,
that you wish for a perfect rosy life
The excuses for suicide are usually so lame,
Better enjoy your share even so in strife.

friend, plan to commit this act
just to invoke another's pity and regret.
The pity and regret will come and go
Besides it soothes no decomposed,
and a large slice of your life
May lie in waste, your soul disposed

Why rush for thy grave,
It may further gloom.
Suicide's ain't a way out
fellow human friend.
Pray a godless way ,not send
you unto this doom.
You haven't right to bring
any life to its end.

And it's probable that all
those years
that you now wish to recklessly
discard in dust
have something bright ahead,
got to be a ray of
Extinguish it not if in God
you trust!
To help prevent suicide with hope.
 Dec 2018
O' heart, I wonder how
you can store
so many different
emotions of ours
in just thy four puny
while pumping away the
liquid of life

O' heart in you we
discover love
but side by side you can
harbour hate
In you we find the
emotion of happiness
but side by side you
simmer rage!

When you cease to beat
many plans you thwart
May God protect the
young human heart.

And while some O' heart
you hold dear
some make you skip a
beat in fear!

O' heart but we find in
you as well
the vile emotion of
Such a potpourri of
emotions in you dwell
Help filter out any wrong
ones for you and me!

A mere four chambers
indeed, but spacious are
Invite therein
whomsoever in the
world you may

But in the end forget not
to reserve
atleast a single chamber
for its Creator, to
The creator of hearts
More than that deserves.
 Dec 2018
Dr Zik
You are!
The source of
Pleasure and calmness!
I recall You!
In deep city noises
I request You!
In deep dark nights
I talk with You!
In a solitude
I smell You!
When I wander about
I have You!
When I need You, Lord!
You are the answer!
Of unseen questions
You are the solution!
Of upcoming problems
O! my Lord!
You are!
The source of
Pleasure and calmness
For the heart
That recalls You!
With and within heartbeats.
Dr Zik's Poetry
 Dec 2018
So that my fist
would relent and bloom
like a flower
given rain and sun.

So that one day
it might unfurl
to willingly take what comes.
 Dec 2018
Hussein Dekmak
My home is a:
Warm smile,
Sacred tears,
Loving hearts,
Delightful books,
Innovative ideas,
Endless acts of kindness,
Sweet murmurs of prayer,
A guarantee for a daily sun rise,
And a night sky decorated with shining stars!

Hussein Dekmak
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