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 Dec 2018
Hussein Dekmak
You are more beautiful:
When you cry, when you smile,
And help others by going the extra mile.

You are more beautiful:
When you are like a dove,
And fill your heart with so much love.

You are more beautiful:
When you dress your soul in the garment of giving,
And strive to be a role model for the living!

You are more beautiful:
When you speak the language of the flowers,
And with your ideas, make others feel empowered!

You are more beautiful:
When you carol the song of life,
And keep at bay the danger of religious fights.

You are more beautiful:
When you let go of your sorrow,
And prepare for a better tomorrow!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
 Dec 2018
Hussein Dekmak
Under the garment of winter,
I see sunshine,
New dawn,
Crocus flowers,
Melodious birds,
And a hint of spring breezes.

Waiting to be awakened by
An act of kindness,
A murmur of prayer,
An innovative idea,
The song of life,
And the whisper of love.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
 Dec 2018
Hussein Dekmak
Don’t just say it with words,
Convey it with your wishful thinking,
Say it with your glistening smile,
Carry it with your pouring tears,
Speak it in the delicate language of flowers.

Don’t just say it with words,
Express it with the tenderness of your heart!
Deliver it through a helping hand,
Whisper it in the murmur of your prayer,
Declare it with the language that is unspoken!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
plucks            all                 her

He                                         privacy

She                              moans
 Dec 2018
Jamie King
Matrimonial stars in aisles of Auroral rainbows. Mizzling rays of twilights, arraying bays with skylines of lucent waves.
A plethora of scarlet roses reposed in florid clouds. Ashore the Giddy ocean in a gentle motion, caressing Mali garnets, mirroring effulgent lights, kissing the mountaintops before refulgent nights.
lost in moments of bliss thinking There is beauty all around us earth is beautiful life is beautiful you're beautiful
 Dec 2018
Jamie King
The Strength of The female carrying a nation in her womb, leaders, criminal master minds and you.

Feeding clans, communities and villages, nurturing earth. Sheltering the youth, in storms of the future ahead, wiping your tears strengthening your heart again.

She is always there and has The Hands of warmth, holding you tight to lands of joy
Women are the pivots of our nations the true meaning of love the one true home within our hearts
 Dec 2018
Marshes and meadows
Sunshine and shadows

Gentle ripples on the calm river
Foaming rapids in white water

The jungle echoes in the semi-darkness
while daylight creepy-crawlies clear the mess.

Peasants toiling and pheasants scratching
as I spy a cricket somersaulting

The cactus the desert's prickly femme-fatale
elsewhere a lone leaf floats in the canal

Prairie dogs go popping
while hares go hopping
and ladies go shopping

Swans have formed a V-line
The flora too is divine
as bees nosedive in bee-line.

Seista seizes birdlovers too
Thus they miss out on the hoopoe's song
For the hoopoe, it does not sing on cue
since a bird may sing anytime to woo.

What a medley eh of scenery
Murky eve and dawning greenery

Ah, wherever you go nature's so panoramic
While we make and take pictures
God actually makes what's so picturesque!

— The End —