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 May 2016 Chloe Zafonte
m i a
i don't think i've ever felt this way about someone before,
you always seem to sneak into my thoughts at around four,
you always seem to make my inner core, burst with fire
because of my lovely desire
for you,
and only you
even when i'm the bluest of blues,
you have no clue,
how happy you make me,
with a simple 'how are you?'
darling i can't help myself,
falling for you,
but please tell me one thing,
*am i in love with you, or the feeling?
i honestly don't know what love feels like. so am i in love with you, or the feeling of being in love with you?
When raids of knaves
And smitten sheep
Aimed to pervade
Our hide and seek,

Beneath enclaves
We'd creep and keep
Their souls, we flayed,
To hide and TWEAK.
In Plain Sight is the Best Place to Hide
Not prison, nor killed,
But his memoir's fulfilled
He named me Ann Williams
Amidst hints he instilled.

His fact is our fiction - demurely disguised.
Bad move, Tomas Gregory
You're tied to your lies
Unwise, catalyzed

Your pathetic demise.

Gang ***** in Aspen:
The personal account of an innocent man, savaged by American injustice.*****-Aspen-personal-injustice/dp/0984940111

how bizzare; how bizzare
You act as if you hadn't a clue
You act as if I hadn't talked to you
You act as if I hadn't tried till in the face I was blue

I did, I tried
I did, but you only sighed
I did,rivers of tears I cried

Why are you such a *******
Why is your agony dispread
Why did you not listen and ended up mislead

I beckoned you to come near
I beckoned you so I could make it clear
I beckoned you but you only looked at me with that sneer

So I let you do it your own way
So I let you become the prey
So I let you crumble in just mere days

Now i'll just set and watch
Now I'll just set while all of it you botch
Now I'll just set as you make another notch

If only you had not just listened but heard
If only you hadn't let things get so blurred
If only you hadn't acted so absurd

I sat and I watched you expire
I sat and I watched as your situation got dire
I sat and I watched as you set yourself on fire
  Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
Living in this world but no-one seems to care.
It’s all so Scarey!
So I’ll pull on my hair so I can be free
I can’t wake up though cause I’m rooted down like a tree.
I can’t open my eyes
I don’t even know why I try
I fell water forming in my eyes as I begin to cry.
I need to talk to somebody but I’m to shy
So I’ll retract into my mind and ask myself why?
Why am I so scared of this world?
Probably because everything is soiled.
Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
Living in this world but no one seems to care.
It’s all so scarey!
Now I’m afraid of the dark
I jump when dogs bark
I’m even scared to go to the park
Swimming? Forget that,there might be a shark.
Everything just leaves me with another mark.
I try to think of ways out but nothing seems to spark.
It always starts good but then everything just falls apart.
Story of my life man
I got scared so I ran.
Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
Living in this world but no one seems to care.
It’s all so scarey!
I’m so tired but I’m afraid to fall asleep
Cause every time I close my  eyes something tries to hurt me.
I’m surprised they even try
Cause for sure they want a prize
But they aren’t going to get anything though cause
I’m finally waking up
I’m not whimpering like a pup
As I quit my pout…ing
I no longer need to shout.
That’s what I want to happen but it won’t.
  Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
Living in this world but no-one seems to care.
It’s all so Scarey!
Everyday is just more wear and tear.
I live my life in fear
I can’t even spare a tear.
  Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
Living in this world but no-one seems to care.
I’m so scared.
The whole world is just so scarey
I need a magic fairy
To make it through my days of nightmares.
I’m living in a nightmare
Slowly drifting off to no-where
But not one seems to care.
So I’ll disappear.
Feels like I’m living in a nightmare
I live in a nightmare
All I see is nightmares
All I hear is nightmares
All I feel is nightmares
Night                                  mares
Possibly a song but I don’t know, tell me if you think it would make a good song please and thank you.
I took a walk in the woods and a patch of Kudzu turned black. I leaned up against a tree and all of it's leaves turned brown. I went swimming at the beach and the Algae turned red, perhaps that's why I am banned from the ocean? I once lay down in a bed of poison Ivy and I had to chase it to get it to support me. I am not really sure, but perhaps plants hate me.
He studied law,
so I wish he’d had fought
a harder case for me.
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