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Jul 2017 · 5.3k
Concealed Depression
Caroline Grace Jul 2017
Concealed depression is
Buying water proof mascara
So you won't have to reapply makeup
after each daily breakdown.

Concealed depression is
Laughing at everything
so they won't question
why your eyes always water.

Concealed depression is
staying up until 4 a.m
because it's the only time
you can ignore the world
and no one will notice.

...Or concealed depression is
taking three melatonins
in hopes you'll sleep deep
enough to keep the terrors at bay.

Concealed depression is
Staying consistently busy
So your mind will be too exhausted
at the end of the day to fight you.

Concealed depression is
the impatient selfish monster
that burns bridges as you cross them.

Concealed depression is
feeding yourself lies like
"I'm fine" or "I won't cry".

Concealed depression is
the uphill battle that you don't get to win once;
it's a mountain you're forced to climb every single day.

Concealed depression is
silently screaming, hoping someone
will have super sonic hearing,
swoop in like a bat,
and carry you under their wings.

Concealed depression is
never hugging too tightly
or meeting a gaze too intensely
in case your guts may slip
out before you can catch them.

So when they accuse you of changing,
when they accuse you of rage and indifference,
of violence and apathy,
when they ask why you never called,
when they ask why you never told them,
all you can say is that concealed depression
is like an overbooked hotel and there's only room for one.
All you can say is that you were afraid
Your darkness would drown them too
and then there would be no one left to save you.
May 2017 · 2.9k
Under the Influence of You
Caroline Grace May 2017
Your telepathic soul
Greets mine
On an April night
When the moon rises
Blue against black
Like the bruises
Still left on my back.

You make my words f
                     ­              l
off a c
I stumble, searching for them
in fields of violets.
Once collected, the consonants, the verbs, and more
pour from my mouth this:

"My arms explore you
Like apples explore orchards;
I reach a higher state
When your cedar oak lips
Meet my pale birch ones
in twilight.

You scare away the shadows of insecurities
That come alive on my wall at night.
You turn my life into bright acrylics and oils
Too vivid for fingers to paint.

I never expected to
Swim under the influence of you."
Dec 2015 · 614
Caroline Grace Dec 2015
Rain swept away our pain
From the empty nights filled with
Cold stares and cold stares.
The storm blew through
Tearing to shreds all that we regret
Leaving only the foundation

The skies teardrops
intermingled with ours
as our eyes smiled again.
On the swing, God sprinkled
us with evening dew
and "I love you".

We sprinted as it poured
and the bell chimes echoed
through the foggy air.
I saw us  run out church doors
I saw us hold a little hand in our arms
I saw us breath with finality.

As the water dripped down our spines,
magic emanated from our bones,
flowing out of our souls,
And darling, it was beautiful.
Dec 2015 · 588
A Girl Can Dream
Caroline Grace Dec 2015
I don't know how one compliment
On my haircut could possibly
Ignite an entire firework show
Under my skin,
But that's just what you did.

I don't know why
All it took was your silhouette
As I sat silently in the back
Entirely deterring from Larry's sermon,
But it simply did.

I can't comprehend
How your complete dorkiness
Could decisively alter
My future in matter of a minutes,
And yet it did.

Though not even a glimmer
Of you and me is a possibility
A girl can and will
Dream within the pages of poetry
Of a kiss that lingers with locked fingertips
Of watery eyes spilling out from the hushed passion
Stirred by the inconspicuous beauty you so clearly see
Within every confine of me.

Let my fantasies unfurl in a world
Where hope runs rampage
And love forever thrives.
Dec 2015 · 2.1k
Opposites Attract
Caroline Grace Dec 2015
We're drawn to each other like snakes
feeding the other with a need to love
and be loved.
Chemistry unbearable, we hold fast to the fire
that rages inside of us
because it voices our love
better than words from our tongues.
There's no science
to being opposite.
Aug 2015 · 646
Caroline Grace Aug 2015
Wake me to your heart beat
Pressed against my cheek
As your heavy breathing
Rustles my hair.
I'll kiss you awake with the taste
Of pure, simple contentment:
This is our happiness.

Fill me with the aroma
Of you as you hold me
And tell me to never let go.
How could I leave
What I know to be
The only thing beyond Heaven
That breathes truth?

Love me with the kind
That rattles my bones.
Kiss me with the lips
That pour water like wine
Into my soul.
Be my constant in the chaos
Be my anchor in the tempest.

Weld us together, God
Wouldn't tamper with fate
For the moon and the stars
Bless the air we share
With sweet glows of
The sun to stroke us
Into the new dawn.

Steal me in one fell swoop,
I'll never run back;
My dear, are home.
Aug 2015 · 772
Caroline Grace Aug 2015
I've never loved you more than when you were hers.
When the tide swept in to steal my best friend
When the frost bit deep in my core
While you made love to a *****.
I never wanted to loose you
But you couldn't beg me to stay

So I rode the fence
Held you at arms length
But all the money in the world
Couldn't keep you away
Till the mirror on the wall
Told you who was the fairest of all
And it wasn't me.
Jul 2015 · 629
Caroline Grace Jul 2015
I AM the wind
That blows through your hair.
I AM the eagle
That soars through the air.
I AM the sun
That radiates your skin.
I AM the light
That fills all men.

Where you cannot see me,
Where you cannot feel me,
I AM there.
Jul 2015 · 709
Caroline Grace Jul 2015
I don't know
How to say
That I'm okay with tearing down these fences
And letting you
Stroll on through

Because bit by bit,
As you kiss my neck,
In my half-asleep stupor
I hear you whisper
"My sleeping beauty"
And I start to forget the mirror's lies.

As you gaze into my wide eyes,
Turn the radio down
And say it clear as the starry night,
"I love you."
I think there's something
In me you might see.

Though we're polar opposites,
(You speak your mind
While I think 2 or 3 times.
You devour steak
While I glower with hate),
Our witty arguments
Can't wipe my cheesy grin.

So clear my head
Because I can't forget
How your warm arms feel
Wrapped around my waist
And just how great
Your sweet kisses taste.

Sit here in my place
When the top's down on a cloudless day
You're singing above the bass,
The brightness showers your face
Lie here in my place,
While your deep stare
Steals my breath away.

With you,
Is a good way to begin again:
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
Sunless Sky
Caroline Grace Jul 2015
You are the sunless sky,
The moonless night
I can't survive
Though I've tried to stray
Your hatred hovers above my head
Like a cloudy day I can't repress.

You're the tattoo etched on my soul
The tattoo that moans and groans
Aching to forget
The sunless sky who stole its ever burning light
That coldest night
Where our breaths entwined
For infinite moment in time
And though the moon never glowed
Our eyes shine in the starlight
We created with our toxic dreams
Of what never was and never will be.
Jul 2015 · 1.6k
Caroline Grace Jul 2015
We don't touch
For the risk of it being too much
We don't feel
For the risk of falling in love
We don't admit
For risk of looking stupid

We hold defense
Against all emotions
We guards our hearts
Against any devotion
We cover our tracks
Against our past notions

And yet despite all sense,
Us, shattered, and tattered
Worn away by the senseless wind and ceaseless rain
If only temporarily,
Jul 2015 · 611
Written In the Sand
Caroline Grace Jul 2015
Our first date, you stepped outside
The fortune cookie slipped
And cracked on the concrete,
The start of what it had foreseen:
"Your one joy
Shattered into hundreds of sorrows"
The start of empty wishes and bleak tomorrows.

But you & me
Could be so much more than what a cookie sees.

So let's slip ever so gracefully
Into the other's bruised but open arms,

Let's let our dreams rise above
Preconceived notions of love
Let's let our minds forget
The ghosts before we met
Let's trek our own new lands
Nothing's binding our plans
For everything's written in the sand.

We both have different broken bits;
You've got a past you'd rather forget
I've got one I fear to relive.

Even still,
I remember the day
Your eyes shined
As the sun dipped below the sky
I waited for your smile to greet mine.
I thought of your blue-green eyes
In contrast with that stark winter night;
Only today that charming gaze
Kissed me in the March rain.

As you pull away from my driveway
And the distance holds persistence,
I can feel your warm hands
Pressed gently on my cheek,
I can hear your chuckles
As you tickle my feet,
I can see your dimpled grin
From the movie Theatre seat.

I think we're slipping ever so gracefully
Into the others bruised but open arms,
Letting our dreams rise above
Preconceived notions of love
Letting our minds forget
The ghosts before we met
Trekking our own new lands
With the time built in our hands
For everything's written in the sand.
May 2015 · 487
Against the Law of Physics
Caroline Grace May 2015
My first rendezvous with you
Catalyzed and equation equipped with elements
of cutting passion and delusional euphoria
Equaling to a recipe for catastrophe.

Even now, we forget
That we are just friends.
As your skin brushes against mine,
The friction builds
And static flares like a dying sun
Your flames bursting into the abyss
When our lips part open
Silently begging for a kiss,
Remembering the days
We always did.

My insides churn  to the deep ring of your voice
Our breaths entwine visibly in the stark morning air
Like our limbs had once upon a time
In a heated frenzy of guilt and lies

Physics denies the sun to kiss the planets
Just as God forbids Eve the pomegranate
Yet your fiery blaze habitually
Crashes into my earth
Until the chaos of daily life
Numbs my mind.
Even still,
A red star splits the sky
Every morning and every night.
May 2015 · 13.1k
Caroline Grace May 2015
You're the old growing on my skin.
The bone slowly withering
Aching, worn with age
Like the water-marked page
Of your favorite book.

I keep you under the nook
Of my arm.
I keep you pressed against
My skin
With a breath that pours into your pores
Deeply embedded
With each rise and fall of my chest.
Oct 2014 · 535
Writer's Ressurection
Caroline Grace Oct 2014
It's too late
They said as her petite frame
Spiraled then plummeted into the sea.
She's already ascended like a dove,
They felt no need to hesitate
At proclaiming the unfortunate's fate.

Always quick to hate
What they cannot annotate
Yet so eager to love
The greatest of us
Reborn from our ashes.

She took the leap
Not to cease
But to breathe -
Through airborne lungs
To see-
The greatest moments ignite
To fuse-
With an infinite moment in time
In one fleeting hope:
After the waves
Drew her lifeless limbs away,
After she slept
On the ocean bed,
Her words might eminently thrive
Though no one heard while her lips held life,
Their once-deaf ears would at last listen
To a phantom's composition.
Aug 2014 · 552
Caroline Grace Aug 2014
I couldn't take one second more
Of your four letter words
Directed to every single person I love.
I couldn't take your confessions of regret
For not already leaving my father in the dust.
All else I could handle:
The regrets of my existence
(I did provoke it)
The mistake-infested upbringing of my sister
(I can admit it)
I could bear all else but the split
Of a sacred promise
Between one man and one woman.

So it didn't take much to slam the door your in face.
It didn't take much to run in the pouring rain.
It didn't hurt much to press bare feet on solid ground.
Because any real pain I felt, I was sprinting away from.

The skies' tears mingled with mine
No clear difference to the cars passing by.

For first time in my little life,
The stars simultaneously align;
Crashing before they combine.
With every yard I push further away from you,
Unraveling the truth-
I still love you.
Even as I slide down against the oak's trunk,
To fall in a puddle of mud,
Even as all those lies we used so cleverly as knives
Press against the darkness that invades my heart-
I still love you.
Even as the abyss unfolds in my stomach,
And fury whirls inside my mind-
I still love you.

As the familiar hum of an engine grows near,
Hurriedly a car door opens before me,
And a hug wraps itself around my limp frame,
I uncover that-
*You still love me too.
Jul 2014 · 409
The Girl Who Never Lived
Caroline Grace Jul 2014
Coffee at midnight on a Saturday
Just to feel alive
Tear stains on every journal page
To stir the beast inside
Slit wrists and wool sweaters
To conceal the pain
Sound cancelling headphones
To absorb the screams of other lost souls
And block those coming from the next room.


The shatter of another glass
The slump of another body
The slam of another door
The silence of a mangled home
That once was filled happiness
Now overwhelmed by emptiness
Though life forms still remain
There lies nothing but dust and decay.


"It's a sign,"
They whisper as she shuffles by
"It's a sign,"
Before long, you'll see her in the headlines
As the girl who never lived
But formally died today;
Defeated by lost love and bitter hate.
Jun 2014 · 499
Still A Boy
Caroline Grace Jun 2014
Which is worse?
The permanent wonderment
With what could've unfolded
Or the brokenness of what was
For a flash of an instant?

I wanted those lanky limbs of yours
Wrapped around my heart
And they almost were-
In the silence you cupped my face
With solemnity and questions in your dark eyes
I almost let that inquisition tip of over
Unto my lips
Before reason washed over,
Calming my goosebumps
Pushing away the rashness of our meeting
With hesitancy, your answer eased its way out-
"Not yet."

Not ever, so it seems.
Because the third grade boy, left on the playground
Only grew taller.
Not braver.
He still can't leap
Without the fear of falling,

But dear little boy,
Not all falling
And sometimes
It's worth
The pain.
May 2014 · 519
Caroline Grace May 2014
It's funny, really.
He uses the exact same words.
He kisses with the same revolting slobber
Lies with such familiar touches.

It's scary, really.
They are too much alike
But you would never admit it.
At least not to them.
Because they would laugh in your face
Say "I told you so, Caroline,"
"I told you so."

So play your games,
"Sweet" James
Play your games.
But for every move you make
I make ten thousand more.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
My Arsenic
Caroline Grace Apr 2014
This is the dangerous part-
When the dark shadows withdraw
To the deepest recesses of my mind
And I forget why I bid "adieu"
To you.

This is when the bruises
The blood stains
Wash away.
The heart ache

And the mirage begins.
The paradise pressed against my parchment skin
And dehydrated lips-
So tantalizingly sweet
So pure and pristine
As it slips down my callused throat
Though they say
arsenic tastes the same.
Mar 2014 · 849
Benediction of Ben
Caroline Grace Mar 2014
She told me you worked at space camp now.
That must be fun, right?
I can see you sprinting through
In a bright blue flight suit
A kid attached to every ligament
You breathless, with an enormous grin.
You'd mention being overweight
And I would hit you playfully across the arm
Deny it like Peter denied Christ
Three times.

She told me you met a new girl.
Showed me a picture too.
She has dainty red curls.
I guess you meant it;
You do have a thing for red heads.

They say you met her at the Lego station
In Books A Million.
I can envision you stumbling upon her
Smashing a Death Star into an Ebon Hawk
And you would admirably gawk
At this childlike beauty.
Next thing you know
You would be prancing away
With a little piece of paper in your pocket
And a confident smirk on your face.


A sixteen year old girl can only conceive
Ideological fantasies
But a nineteen year old boy kept them company
Beneath the pillow of her dreams.

Though the first to stir from Make-Believe
Is cursed as the first one to leave.

Even as a child
I stared desperately at the darkened ceiling
Their snores and sighs my only lullabies.
And I would witness the misty dew
Clear the horizon at the gale's morning song.

I covered my tracks as I left
Yet I swear I heard your heart wrench
In your stupor.


The cursor blinks incessantly
On the blank page of a perfectionist
The only words satisfying
Are born not from my lips
But of an Irish mother-
Or perhaps a lover-
Long ago:

*May the road rise up to lead you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God keep you in the palm of His hand.
Mar 2014 · 786
Bedroom Requiem
Caroline Grace Mar 2014
Lips dangling right above yours
Your hot breath sparking against my skin
Again and again
The hum drum of your greedy hands
At the sharp end of my pelvis
Transferring jolts through the core of my body

Your whispers beg for more moans
Groans left to disguise the inner gears
Creaking, screaming against the friction
Just enough
Till you closes your eyes

This is
Your nobility
This is
Your felicity
and my captivity

Your chance to shine
Against the ripples of my bare skin
Your chance for fingertips
To dance across my ****

My favorite part
Is hiding in the blankets
Safe from your touch
My favorite part
is clutching the wall
Reaching the temporary end
Knowing there will only be
Another day to begin
When lights darken.
This is a lot more graphic and crude than my normal writing but I didn't write this for anyone else but me. It is raw. It is real. And it's here whether or not you choose to like it.
Mar 2014 · 413
Transient Alignment
Caroline Grace Mar 2014
He walked with an ambiance as if no one could break his collected composure;
Not even me.
His face played the role of a soldier, no one could infiltrate his enigma;
Not even me.
So I breathed in oxygen dampened by the strife hidden in his eyes
I swayed nonchalantly by his facade
Tempted to scream, beckoned to fall at his godforsaken knees
To beg for his return if he so pleased.

But each quickened pulse, each boil of blood drove my heart
Every mile away, my feet following it astray.
The stars lapsed into their old places as if they knew no other way.
The poignant silence
Mustered one word
Before the heavens faded
One singular trivial phrase:
Jan 2014 · 361
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
Run from the woods
That holds the blood of your soul
Run from the wind
That rips and tears at your clothes
Run from the tree
That bears your shameful name
Because hidden beneath
Leaves and debris
Lies the skin of a little girl
Jan 2014 · 452
The Game
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
It isn't healthy; the way we live by each ration each tidbit of each other's lives
that slides through the grape vine.
We thrive on the unquenchable thirst
The untameable yearn
For the space in our fingers
The cold in our beds
And the void in our hearts.
To meet an end.

But it was me
Who tore the unbreakable apart.
It was me
Who fled when we came too close, came too far.

I convinced my brain to believe
That you were no good for me.
A vermin.
A thief.
But my heart slowed on the day my lips told you to go
The day my hands led you away
But my eyes I begged you to stay.

Your name is still the one I breath
As I drift off to sleep
Yet your name is the one I
In the terror of my dreams.

So tell me, who has won?
Who has claimed checkmate
In the game of love and hate?
No one can say.
Because the game is not over;
It has only just begun.
Jan 2014 · 987
Last of All
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
Today there is no fluidity.
No breathtaking analogies.
Just simple, poor, old me
And these tears that creep too easily down my cheeks.

Do you know what the hardest thing is?
Knowing with every fiber of my being
That no future passion can match
The one we had
Cradled in each other's arms
Two frail, broken souls
Two crashed and burned worlds
Irrevocably at each other's disposal.

I want that.
I want you.
More now than any other time before.

With complete awareness of your insanity
With sound believe in your cruelty
I know
When the grass withers
When stars burn out:

*You may have loved me first
But I will *always
love you last of all.
Jan 2014 · 686
The Devil's Daughter
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
The news which rolls nonchalantly off her tongue
Doesn't send a jolt of hatred through my veins.
Nor are those tears which
Incessantly sting my eyes
Because this is no surprise.

So what if he had another warm body
Pressed against his chest
Towards the end?
I was cringing at his touch by then.

He knew my every motion so
He must have known his charming love wouldn't have a fairytale farewell.

But really?
With her?

The one he so adamantly claimed to hate,
Day after day to the point of revulsion?
He tasted those lips which spewed nothing but cruelty in his general direction.

But we accept the love we think we deserve.
So he really must gag at his morning reflection
If she is his final decision.

Well here it is sweetie:
May your visit down under
Be ever so warm and inviting;
I've heard the devil's daughter
Throws one hell of a party.
Jan 2014 · 491
Oh, the Irony
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
He is the one
You want on your lock screen
As picture of him
Kissing your cheek.
His is the one
You dream of
Whispering and comforting
With warm arms to hold me.
He is the one
You find yourself
Spilling out your hopes
And loosing your trust to.
He is the one
Who knows what you need
When you're angry.

Not the one
They pat you on the back for
Proclaiming "He's a keeper!"
Not the one
They are so quickly to befriend.

They do not state love for him
No not at all,
Far from it.
Yet still he is the one
That claws at my heart
He is the one who has
From the very start
On that November day
When he smiled so bashfully
And said "Hey".
But he is not the one
Or so they say.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
While you sat there
Knee deep in self pity
Your cries created me an enemy of many.
No one has forced me to leave
But pleaded me to stay
With shouts heard round the world
To stab me clean through the back.
But congratulations.
You're the first to realize my self-worth
And hate me for it.
You'll deny it's the truth
Like the elephant in the room
But if your heart hasn't already begun to freeze for me,
Its beats dying slowly,
It will.
Oh, it will.
Jan 2014 · 413
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
It's the heart racing
It's the water works so close to the surface,
Like fragile glass:
One touch and shatters into a million pieces.

It's the thoughts falling into the darkest abyss
Because this is the end.
The end, just dangling over the edge
And you know his heart is

And it's your fault
Your fault he's lost touch with reality.
You're all that he has left
Until he tips over the edge.
Jan 2014 · 809
Mangled Pride
Caroline Grace Jan 2014
Left in hopelessly, irredeemable shreds.
But you're over him,
You have been since the day
You picked up your pride
And left.

Brush it off your back,
Because there's no pity
For those who look back.

He may have another catch
Dangling grossly from his lie-invested lips,
But with one call
He would leap the distance
Between you and him
To fall into familiar oblivion.

Into empty, unrecognizable pieces.
But you're done with this,
You have been since
You kissed him one last time
and whispered in his ear

So grant her the freedom
To relive your old life.
Dec 2013 · 569
Caroline Grace Dec 2013
There shouldn't be sparks that fly
As your velvety rich eyes
Lock so tenderly on mine
There shouldn't be a thrill
At each witty message you send
There shouldn't be a blissful shiver
When your lips form my name
Your own name shouldn't ring
Through my consciousness
I shouldn't give in
I won't give in
When my heart should belong
Not you but to him.
Dec 2013 · 964
For the Devoted Centurion
Caroline Grace Dec 2013
That second that slithers in
Beckoning forbidden fancies
As your lifeless figures lies in shadows
That eat at your lonesome soul

While he frolics among his virtuous games
Uninformed of the stains and bruises
You so carefully conceal beneath
Petty giggles and witty banter

This is what you so desired
What you long lost
When the others ripped your innocence
Limb by limb-
The purity which glimmers so brilliantly
In his golden eyes

That sincerity so eagerly falls at your feet
Yet your calloused hands reach
For the one who knew the girl
Before her brittle bones
Aches with sores and colds

The one who not only knows the history
But watched it unfold familiarly
Dec 2013 · 944
Caroline Grace Dec 2013
Lash out on the beautiful
Steel doesn't bend beneath
Bitter remorselessness
Crack a vicious whip
Bronze doesn't blister under
Vengeful hatred
Scream morbid threats
Copper doesn't tarnish from
Sadistic Tactics
Twist grace into cruel neglect
Silver still shimmers beyond
Manipulative attempts

Throw burning coals
Upon his head
Witness each dull crumble
Burst into
May 2013 · 2.6k
Caroline Grace May 2013
I'm not who I once was
This me is scary

Because I'm me on the outside
I've become everything
I've always wanted to be

On the inside
I've conformed
To nothing but decay

Like shriveled moss
Clinging to a grave
For more of my poetry, visit my blog, A Girl of Sixteen at
May 2013 · 3.4k
Caroline Grace May 2013
Look up at the sky
See how the embers fly
Through the crisp evening air
The warmth of the bonfire
Drawing everyone in
The husky wood aroma
Clinging to our skin
For more of my poetry, visit my blog, A Girl of Sixteen at
May 2013 · 747
Caroline Grace May 2013
The only thing
That woke me up
From that silly dream

The only thing
That keeps me
From giving in again

The barrier
Between desire
And reason
May 2013 · 426
The Cross
Caroline Grace May 2013
How many times
Have you driven by
A cross on the side of the road?
How many times
Have you wondered why
God had to take their life?
How many times
Have you thought of their stories?
Of who they left in mourning?

Have you ever wondered
Where they were going?
Have you ever wondered
What they thought of
In their last moment?
Were they lonely?
Were they loved?
Are they down below or up above?

Have you ever noticed?
Those flowers beside the cross?
Have you ever noticed
How many broken hopes and dreams
Are nestled in those leaves?
How many times
Has it ever crossed your mind-
That worn-out cross
And shriveling rose
Could be resting there for you.
For more of my poetry, visit my blog, A Girl of Sixteen at
May 2013 · 571
Just Wait
Caroline Grace May 2013
You're beautiful, dear
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You're intelligent, honey
Don't let them get to you
You're important, love
Don't listen to their lies
They can't see
How much you take to heart
Their harsh remarks

Years from now
When their lives are left in decay
You'll outshine them all
Just you wait
For more of my poetry, visit my blog A Girl of Sixteen at
Jun 2012 · 702
To My So-Called Friend
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
You may call me paranoid
You may call me weak
But trust me
I'm stronger than you think

You may have gotten the first two
But you're not getting him
I'll make sure this time
That you won't win

You say you're sorry
I know you're not
And don't bother trying
To make him think you're hot

You can't steal my men
And get away with it
So here's to you
My so-called friend
Jun 2012 · 536
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
All I could say was-
Not him.
Not now.
Not here.
Not without a goodbye.
Not without a reason.
Why him?
Why now?
Why here?
He's still alive.
This all a dream right?
I'll wake up tomorrow morning
Everything will be fine
I'll wake up tomorrow morning
And realize he never died.

From this world he's-
Passed away.
Moved on.
No more of his beautiful smiles.
No more of his deep blue eyes.
No more of his giant hugs.
No more of his love for everyone.

I can't believe it.
I won't believe it.
Until he never shows to church
As early and faithfully as before.
Until I stand before his grave
With a flower in my hand.

I want to see his face
Just once more.
I want him to walk
Through that very door
He walked through
Countless times before.

But he's gone.
Passed away.
Moved on.

So let this be goodbye,
Till we meet again.
I will always love you
My faithful friend, Nick.
I wrote this the day after my first love died in a car crash with his girlfriend last December at the young age of 17. I never got over my love for him, and it was my first experience of the death of someone close to me.
Jun 2012 · 629
Whatever Happened
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
The handwriting was written
On the wall
That doesn't help
As I try to stop my fall
You looked me in the eye
Said, "Everything will be alright"
What ever happened
To the boy I once knew
Who held me that day
When I couldn't bear the pain?

Everyone saw it coming
Everyone but me
They knew she couldn't be trusted
But I refused to believe
My "best friend"
Would ever betray me
Whatever happened
To the girl I once knew
Who promised to always
Tell me the truth?
Cheating is never pretty, but it's even uglier when your supposed best friend is the one who stabs you in the back.
Jun 2012 · 509
Language of Eyes
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
Words can't even describe
Everything about tonight
I can't even begin to explain
How much pain
We've shared tonight

I would have never imagined
That behind her smiles and laughter
There's a world full of hate and diaster
I couldn't attempt to comprehend
How much she values me as friend

Desperately I want to believe
That somehow her life will be easy
I want to hold on to the hope
That one day everything will change
Though deep down I know
Life doesn't work that way

I've never opened up to anyone
Like I did tonight
And no guy has seen me cry
Like I did tonight
Even though your words helped
It was the language of eyes
That made me feel just for a second
Like everything was alright

Thank you for showing me
Even though the world's full of suffering
There's light somewhere in the shadows

Thank you for showing me
What is to fully believe
In the things unseen

But more than anything
Thank you for showing me
What love truly means
Jun 2012 · 992
The Moment
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
The moment of weakness
That brings you to your knees
The moment of hopelessness
As if no one hears your pleas
The moment of darkness
When you scream without a sound
The moment of infinite sadness
As if your heart no longer pounds
The moment of numbness
Believing it was just a dream
The moment of painfulness
Realizing what you've seen
The moment of regretfulness
Wishing you had them back
The moment of forgetfulness
Trying to get your life on track
The moment of humblness
Begging for His love
The moment of hope
When you feel strength from above
Jun 2012 · 734
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
It must've been dreams
All those things you said to me
Must've been dreams
You left as quickly as you came
Was this just a game?
You had me believing
But I guess you were just teasing me
I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo

It's driving me crazy
That's all I get from you lately
I was expecting some kind of explanation
But all I got is this frustration
You don't even care
Even if you did
It wouldn't make a difference

I want you to be
In the back of my mind
Because everytime I think of you
I start to cry
I know "us" is impossible
You don't have to rub it in
And yeah, it's impossible
To be just "friends"
You could've just told me
Instead of playing Pretend

Wasn't it just yesterday
That you said you missed my pretty face?
Wasn't it just yesterday
You said you loved me without doubt?
Little did I know
It was just yesterday
You asked her out

Well congratulations
I hope you're happy now
Jun 2012 · 741
Tell Me
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
You can say
We are young
We know nothing about love
Then what is the look in his eyes
That stops all time?

Tell me why
When he kisses me
I forget everything
All my worry, all my cares
It's just me and him, right there

Tell me why
When his hand touches my face
It takes me to a whole new place
How simple it is
To live in this bliss

Tell me why
He knows me from the inside out
Yet he loves me without a doubt
He'd give up his life up
To show me his love

Give me a reason why
I shouldn't believe
What true love means
Jun 2012 · 726
The Girl You Loved
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
It's been a long time
Do you remember me?
I'm the girl you loved
When you were sixteen
We were so young
Didn't know anything
Except that you and I
Were mean to be
But "forever" took too long
You got tired of waiting
And moved on to get a degree
At your dream college, Swanee
It's been eight years
Do you remember me,
The girl you loved at sixteen?

We were a little Romeo and Juliet
Hoping for a happier ending than death
Our parents said we were too young
And told us to wait
They wanted us to graduate
We would have to wait and see
If this truly meant to be
The years passed by
I gave other loves a try
But they never worked out
Like ours did
Even though we were just kids
There's something about you
I just couldn't forget
I felt the urge to cry
When I thought about you
And everything we've been through
Because the truth is
I haven't forgotten you
The boy I loved at fifteen

So how have you been,
After all these years?
You're a priest, you say?
Glad to know you've chased your dreams
But you say you're missing one thing
A wife
To keep you company at night
I hope you find the right girl for you
Very soon
What's that you say?
No, I haven't had my wedding day
Mr. Right hasn't come along
My love always turns out wrong
But it's good to know you remember me
The girl you loved at sixteen

Promise me you'll stay in touch
Even if you find true love
Always remember me
The girl you loved at sixteen
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
When I Close My Eyes
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
When I close my eyes
I can see you die
I see you take the last fatal blow
In the pain you're paralyzed
And there you lie
Your blood spattered on the ground
You take your final breath without a sound

When I close my eyes
I can feel remorse crash over me like a tidal wave
Because it took every ounce of my strength to be brave
To believe you would survive
You always did, every single time
You'd fight back
You promised me that

When I close my eyes
I can hear you calling my name
I swear I hear you say
"I'll be alright, love, I'll be okay"
Why didn't you stay?
I'm broken beyond repair
And you're the only one that cared

When I close my eyes
I can smell the flowers laid on your grave
There's the epitaph, written under your name
"A son, a father, and a friend
Gone but never forgotten"
You were my hold on reality
Without you, I've got nothing

When I close my eyes
I can taste the salty tears that fall like rain
The only way I can express my pain
You're still here
You've got to be
You promised me you'd stay alive
You promised me.
Jun 2012 · 560
Silly Me
Caroline Grace Jun 2012
I should've seen it coming
Everytime you talk to me
There's something that you need
I should know by now
That everytime you're nice
It's just a trick
And it's making me sick
To know, I could've let you go

I should've listened when they said
"There's no way you can be friends
He's dangerous you should stay away"
But I didn't hear what they had to say
Now I'm falling
I'm falling so endlessly
Because I believed

You haven't changed one bit
Though you made me believe that you did
I was stupid not to see
You will always be the same
I was stupid enough
To fall in love with you again
I was stupid to think
You'd be everything I need
Silly me
May 2012 · 439
Game of Hate
Caroline Grace May 2012
Day after day
Constant infliction of pain
Your harsh remarks
I take to heart
You have no idea
How much it hurts
Because I go home to cry
Every night

We used to be best friends
But now we just pretend
Like nothing ever happened
I can see in your eyes
The anger you fail to hide
But I'm the one to blame
In this game of hate

What changed?
Is it me? Is it you?
Is it everything we've been through?

We've both stopped trying to make amends
I think we're better off not being "friends"
Cause we're too hurt
To make this work

It's too late
To change
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