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 Mar 2015 Cait
 Mar 2015 Cait
I still remember

all the conversations we had,
the promises you made
when you told me you loved me
the way you played with my hair
the way you'd smile at something I said
how you held my hand
your laugh
the way you texted
your snore
when you told me you had feelings for me
your voice

But you don't long for me the way I long for you. Anymore.
 Mar 2015 Cait
Poppi Mae
i would die for you,
if you would die for me too.
because i've been aching to meet you, in heaven if i proceed to.
'cause we're all a little different once we're laid bare,
and you're so beautiful its impossible not to stare.
encompass me with your angelic embrace,
and watch me shiver in this cold space.
it's not hard to love a ghostly face,
i mean, really, you make my heart race.
you make my heart soar even though that stopped long ago,
my heart is so attached to you it could never let go.
so what is love after death?
after-life dating?
cold-heart mating?
whatever noun it may adopt,
i know, that even once we're dead our love cannot be stopped.
 Mar 2015 Cait
 Mar 2015 Cait
A heavily breathing forest hums with the air
trees whispering softly as the buzzing bees dance
Birds in a choir; searching the rays.
The sun don’t shine much down here.
As the creeping willow offers me a perch, I realise this moment is beautiful.
I’m so close to the earth; it’s with me as I breath’
It grows deeper in beauty, i know everything around me lives.
The baby birds are frolicking in bushes
While the ground beats it’s heart like a drum.
It breathes while we breath and she’s still young
She is glorified with radiance and she lives with humanity.
The earth was created for me, not just me but us.
We’re all in sync, like clockwork.
We all tick like the same clock connects us together.
Just think about how we remain alive, this world is more alive then we shall ever be.
 Mar 2015 Cait
Laura Jane
 Mar 2015 Cait
Laura Jane

standing for prayer
the corner of the school desk
thrice daily finds me

flatness and hardness,
and the fluorescent lighting
heavenly verses

it’s tuesday morning
forgive us our trespasses
and I’m told to chant


horseback riding is
a wonderful thing for girls
it builds self-esteem

trail rides through the scrub
learning skills in the outdoors
Palomino flanks,

hard leather saddle
rolling, dazed, back and forth and
sweating in the heat


vaseline vignettes
of slick and dewy couples
raw, tanned romance, all

in rapid Spanish
the love in *Latin Lover

is jacuzzi steam

all we can do is
laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh
and laugh, and watch them
 Mar 2015 Cait
New street use
 Mar 2015 Cait
I feel like I've started a new addiction
Weaker than herion
Stronger than *******
This **** should be illegal
But I'd still go for it
Because there is no better
Then what you can provide.
******* emotions man
 Mar 2015 Cait
The clouds are thin
Like a piece of silk
They keep rolling in
In a blue glass as milk
Warm and tender
Of white, yellow, and fire
With the air, they linger
As if they don't get tired
They're our fleecy goodbye
From the light in our eyes
Weightless of all
Though leaves a sullen fall
But truest promise
Lives as it leaves
We're tomorrow's fate
On horizon's brightest gate
 Mar 2015 Cait
its not julia
its late at night again
and my hands are shaky
because i think i drank a bit too much *****
the burning in my throat is better than the hurt in my heart
and my palms are sweaty and my heart is beating fast and i
wish i could call you but you won't pick up the phone when you see
my number anymore and the scars are becoming more noticeable just
like your love for her and i wish you could see what you did to me but
you just left me here to bleed
 Mar 2015 Cait
// sun
 Mar 2015 Cait
wake me up with your sweet touch
eyes glistening in the crack of sunlight sneaking in between the curtains
watching us in envy of what we have
dancing on your skin as if to take part
in the love we share
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