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8.0k · Aug 2014
William Aug 2014
strange world we live in,
Two letters
separate the poison
from the poisoned.
i suppose we all try see
yet we fail to believe it ,
we work every moment for them
until the alcohol becomes
the **A-L-C-O-H-O-L-I-C
the collapse of a person and they're family due to the poor decision of a father
William Sep 2014
slip my hands around your throat
slip my blade though your vein,
Little monster.
Throw the first punch
you're already dead
why not die twice?
Theres already blood on my hands.

Guilty pleasures of the deviant mind
scratches down the spine,
Bite marks along your side,
Love bites across your collar bones.
my little monster,
Make a sound
leave your moans down the hallway.

Latex gloves against the skin,
Making his incision
victims lie screaming
eyes wide open
he looks down
for he found his little monster,
3.5k · Aug 2014
Marry me Mary
William Aug 2014
swindling the air of its delight
using Cannabis pipes,
i have never written high
i finally understand why,
pen to paper
all i can write "cigarette break",
cannabinoid receptors
putting my mind on brink,
My feet get heavy as i start to float
my stress anchors me down,
like a twinkling eye of a magpie
drawn to the red sparks of the spliff,
chasing the magic dragon.
alexander and i wrote a poem about ****
1.8k · Oct 2014
angel dust
William Oct 2014
im to ****** up to function
chasing lives, high as hell knows why
but I'm having a ball
i may not be moving but the room sure is
**** girl in the corner asking if I'm fine
do some blow and i guess i am
functioning to well for this level of ******
was it just that line of angel dust
1.5k · Feb 2015
William Feb 2015
I'll get out of this hole
when I'm good and ready.
So say your goodbyes
I'm never coming home.
810 · Oct 2014
William Oct 2014
When wil I ever be better
Out shadowed out done
Words on a page
You give not a ****
So why the ****
Why am I here
Why shall I breathe
When I can beat my arms
With razors and blades
I can bleed
It's the feeling I have left
Paint my canvas red and my body ******
When will I not be out shadowed
When will I ever have something to my own
652 · Oct 2014
William Oct 2014
Heavy hearted human beings
They're souls weighing on they're mortality.
Death a slip a bash or a crash away
Looming, praying you ****** up.
You lose your humanity
And pick up your insanity.
Those who lay in the path
Making life painful **for us.
take a closer look
522 · Feb 2015
My other self
William Feb 2015
Don't let it hurt
Don't let it consume you
Failing is a fear
It consumes us all
This place...
It's dark it's eating me
I've watched myself become the other
Everything I saw as broken

I am.
My dark place
505 · Oct 2014
The feelings within
William Oct 2014

They're my feelings not yours
Stop asking the questions
504 · Sep 2014
William Sep 2014
Contemplation of what is my reality ,
fascination within these four walls.
A mess ,mockery ,creation, desperation.
written across the four walls of my psyche ,
Push, Heave, Shove,
try all you like you wont get in.
Pressed against the wall
with all my capacity trying to create a door,
So someone, anyone can come in
i don't need saving
i need someone to publicize whats locked
all amongst these four walls.
501 · Aug 2014
Dry Drunk
William Aug 2014
Tell me, Did you ponder ?
Dry drunk you were pushed
Tell me 3 months.

I'll tell you, You're waiting
Waiting for a reason
To break the promise

Not to yourself
But to the hands that pushed

Chips, Tokens mean nothing
Not to those left in your wake,
Picking up the pieces
Not of you

Instead the peices of the soul we lost
Trying to save you.
A dry drunk is a alcoholic who has failed to commit to achieving sobriety.
416 · Sep 2014
William Sep 2014
Often to quickly we make decisions
This might be the case ,
We are only human
The decision to find yourself alone,
The realization
You cannot find yourself
You need your other half
You need support
You need the fall back
You need your love.
I need you here with me today
William Aug 2014
Oh if you knew what it meant to me
the fall of faith and not religion
the human race has lost all,
Faith is that of dreams
it fills my night terrors.

We are a broken species
mercy is seen as weakness
it is treated like terrible diseases.
I just want to be seen,
Seen for me
Not my prescription

Only the departed whisper...
Oh if you knew what it meant to me.
Gone is me
stainless, sharp and metallic,
Breaks my taught flesh
leaving a red drip.

It spirals amongst the water encasing me,
Hoping no one will find me
**Praying someone knew what it meant to me.

— The End —