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Kit Aug 2018
I destroyed the pretty.
It's all emptiness now, what do you expect? You can't expect me to trust you further! Why would you let me break?

I destroyed the pretty.
It's not the question if you trust me, it's the question if I still feel a needle in my arm. It's the question for love and pain; a heart attack in a field of broken Roses.
Why can't you break me further? I am done, and you took my lifesaving essence.

How may I feel betrayed today? If it wasn't you that destroyed, oh, but it was me.

I ruined the pretty, I destroy the last lovely, I broke it.
One was left, now two are shattered.

So give me pain,
pain to ban the feelings,
pain to ban my life decisions,
pain to ruin further what's already lost,
has always been meant to be lost.
God why does it hurt so bad?
It's not like heartbreak,
it hurts like betrayal
and it hurts like death.
The feeling of death, deeply sitting down, wearing me out like a broken glass of beauty.

I threw you down, Glasshouse
I destroyed the pretty all the beauty is what I took away.
Shattered on the glass wood floor.
Death crawls up my spine like a spider to its to be killed prey.

I can't hear you anymore, how could you???
How on this earth dare you???
You left me!
You let me break you.
Why would you want that?
Isn't one destroyed body enough?
Isn't my misery beautiful enough?
I felt the worst when I wrote this (not about writing it, but I was chaos when this was created) , it's about selfhate and a person very important to me...
Kit Aug 2018
I feel your dark, wet whispers on my skin.

I am waiting for you to jump me, bite me and poison me like the spider.

Crave my flash like the spider craves a fly, I'll rip out her wings, run over the table little girl, try to escape only to fail in the end, try to escape only to surrender.
Oh, you will surrender.

But for the love of God, don't talk to me unless it's for divorce. I hate your voice, but crave your touch.
Let me feel your skin one more time,
what have we lost, and, what is left?
A little child with no parents, just bones.

I will bury you under the mistakes of yesterday, but I will burn your remains in the face off my past wrath.
I can **** you on spot, but oh, don't talk to me, just touch me,
make me feel, for you are the only one to make me feel, deep deep down in my tainted, wretched heart make me feel divine again.
Question this in every possible way please.
Kit Aug 2018
I don't want to dance, I just want to feel the floor like it's shaking me to death.
I don't want to die, I just want the earth to swallow me like a hero treats his wife.
I don't want to talk, I just want to feel a different heart against mine all time of the year.
I don't want to brag, I just want to show you my intese trust.
I don't want to hit you, I just want to remember why I can't have children.
I don't want to see your face, I just want to imagine your death over a waspnest.

I don't want to write, I just want to stay alive.
I am slipping
416 · Jul 2018
I kinda stopped the killing
Kit Jul 2018
It's the kind of pain that just won't fade,
the kind of pain that feels like heartbreak.
Choke me
**** me
Just make it stop.

I just can't take this anymore
give me a break
why won't you break me?
I gave up, I lost myself over this,
so get up and stop saving me!

It feels like ******* heartbreak,
why does it feel like heartbreak?
God, it hurts so much,
why does it hurt so much?

Cheer all you want,
but what's lost is lost!
Fight me, cause you can't **** me anymore, something broke and I went too crazy to be calmed.

Pain makes you strong they say,
but honey I can tell you all it does
is break you in pieces and numb your sorry soul,
for there is no strength and suffering.
404 · Jul 2018
All the candles bleed black
Kit Jul 2018
I can sense your needs,
I can ******* smell your hunger!
And the desire?
It's written all over your face!

The ****** sheets proof
that you are very much able.
Able to take what you crave.
Able to split open and rip apart.
Able to destroy.
Able to hurt.

And the stones are dripping blood on my hands, crying like abandoned children in the desert,
but through the virgins breast,
I can feel the life pulsating in every single one of them.

All they see is red,
all they ******* bleed is black.

You came to destroy,
Oh look, how beautifully you destroy!

Now go and take, take what you want,
Kit Aug 2018
Easy girl, you stole something.
Can you return my death please?
I need it more than anything.
More than life.

Emptiness is eating up my lost soul,
so if you don't plan
on putting me in the next grave,
at least hurt me more,
for it's coldness and death that I crave,
above love and kindness.
You stole, you free, you destroy.

I have to face my fate,
I have to **** the bird to feel alive again,
to bring my long-lost misery back home
where it belongs.
And it belongs with me!
So would you please scream?
Would you ******* scream?

Crush a skull and swallow the pieces,
I need the greed and hunger deep in my bones.
I am not a mother, I don't love.
But I can destroy,
I can vanish
and I can feel the last rip on my skin,
dragging me down in my own
personal perfect agony.
About a person very important to me again, don't worry about my feelings, I can take criticism :)
369 · Aug 2018
Devilseyes the other night
Kit Aug 2018
We truly did feel the devil inside

Old castles hold a beautifully dark aura that poisons the mind

with dark energy and the need to keep the pain alive that we caused in others

Never let that energy die and never surrender to the forces that want to hold you down,

but rather make them feel a bullet in the head

cause you can beat them down and break free

And in the end tell them I  wish you hell

because looking at you simply just makes me love the way you hate me

Make them feel the bitterness in your heart
and see the chaos that is dominating your mind like a storm
Based of one of my favourite bands, Like A Storm, check them out...
Kit Aug 2018
Little broken home has lost me, small passions creeping over dusted skin like gritted teeth in a monsters maw.

I lost you long ago
and finding you was never an option and hell I know you don't even want me back, but baby situations have changed and certain desires need me and you to be together.

I felt a connection to you once, long ago in a passed lifetime and with hopes I can build it up again
to make this work.
Are you willing to try?
Are you willing to be mine?
Are you willing to find out if we can be united in a bond made for love but based on lethal bitterness?

I can't promise kindness,
but I'll promise to be fair,
I won't make you bleed for another man's crime.
Don't think you are better off dead, when it's my hand you are playing against, I am evil and you hate me, but face the devil to change it.

All hope is long lost, and bitter birds have left an empty nest with foul eggs and a golden promise to raise hell upon your face. I tell you, you are lost and not better off dead, but better off rotten in the ground with the skeletons ***** minds monsters.

It's not force, but still not a choice, just really bad opinions, and don't try to find out the glorious tragic pain in your heart that will be revealed at a refuse of this demand.
Don't know what made me write this. A surpressed inner crisis I guess...
269 · Aug 2018
Just a peace-loving killer
Kit Aug 2018
Take me with you,
for I am without you,
and I but need you,
because without you,
I am just me.

And who is me?
Who is me anyway?

— The End —