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Oct 2018 · 410
I hear
JBH Oct 2018

The word blurts out

These voices wont stop...

As my body sleeps

My mind can't rest

Because its plagued by these voices these terrible pests...

Prehapse they're my past regrets ?

Things I never said ?

Things I never did ?

Prehaps they're emotions of a confused kid ?

Sadness ,anger ,fear,hate,joy,lust,passion,nothingness, pain.

All of those fighting for control







I shout again

Stop your driving me insane..

I know I  am broken that I can not change

The world turned me into this

And like this I will stay

I can not change so the voices to will stay

Emotions regret

So to I pray tonight

Lord above give me peace

So that I may rest


Lord above take my soul so that I may forver rest

Freed from these voices

these terrible pests.
First one in a while please leave you're thoughs
Dec 2017 · 380
JBH Dec 2017
Man how I have chaged

From a insecure little kid in search of fortune and fame

In search of intimacy and love

And I never found it it evaded me like a wild dove flying away each time I get close

So I changed and became a cold heartless boy living fast and mean
Doing bad things hurting people that wouldn't cross me

I broke hearts made the sweetest girls fall apart

I used them over and over again swearing that I changed

I just caused destruction and pain

And I hate myself for it

I was tired of the drugs and  of the ***

               I was tired of this meaningless ****

So I quit and I changed again into something other than this tragedy

To a  man hoping to feel intimacy

To feel anything actually

But my past keeps following me

Haunting me
past ghost never leaving me

Alone ....

Its probably karma that ***** is getting me back for being so cold

So maybe I will change again ...

That's just what I do

I am the human chameleon

Nice to meet you.
Dec 2017 · 408
A sad sunday night
JBH Dec 2017
What is this ....

This feeling I cant explain

This feeling I get

Every time I feel something worth while for anything and it gets taken away

Why ?

I don't know ..
I don't ******* know

Its seems I am Destin  to mess everything up

Everything worth something

And I thought you might be different

That you might be the one thing I was capable of feeling something for without ******* it up


Maybe I was wrong

Maybe you are not different or maybe I am just the same

The same guy that ruins every thing one way or another

What is this ?

This feeling I get every time I **** something up ?


If I had to describe it .

I would say nothing

But a nothing that causes pain in everything that I do

Because no matter what I do

My mind always runs back to you

And then this nothingness returns

Cause I ****** up .....
Dec 2017 · 300
JBH Dec 2017

The first time I saw you covered in white at the wedding

With your blue ..... blue eyes

You took my breath away and you crumbled my nerves

You looked like an angel with the beauty of a godess.

The first time I talked to you

I saw how you could silence my demons with a simple hello

I found a joy in your laugh that I haven't felt in a long time

I found comfort in your late night whispers that brought peace to my restless soul

The first time I kissed you

I felt a rush no drug could compare too

I realised that there are things worth dying for

since we met

I have found someone who around  I can be vulnerable again and not get hurt

I realised that no matter how bad **** gets you will be there for me

But most importantly you Angelique made me believe in true love again (something I had given up on )


You are truly my better half
And that is why I love you.
Nov 2017 · 344
Lost in love
JBH Nov 2017
I don't wanna know your outside
Your mortal flesh

I want a intimacy greater than that

I want a love so strong it can withstand time it self

I want  not to know your outside

I want to know your mind

I want to get a glimps into your soul
Into the rawness of your very being

I want to know who hurt you
I want to know who you love

I want to know you on a deeper level

Deeper than you know your self

That's the type of intimacy I want
Thats the love I desire .
Nov 2017 · 373
The amazing race
JBH Nov 2017
We rush through life taking it to seriously
And most of the time we end up living miserably

We all just wanna fight to get to the top
Yet there is  no one who takes a minute to stop
And no one to realizes it's only a matter of time till we drop

So take it slow along life's bends
And watch the movie life

Spoiler alert we all die in the end.
Nov 2017 · 371
JBH Nov 2017
It's true you know,

It's true when they say everything wil change.

It's true that people change ,even we our self's change.

Isn't it a scary thought ,that you can't be certain about people.
Even our selfs.

That you can know someone your whole life and they can change infront of your eys.

But we can't judge them for that
We cant judge their change.

Because It's true ,
It's true that people change.

But it's pain that causes them to change....
Nov 2017 · 236
Rainy day
JBH Nov 2017
Rain sweet blissful rain
Come and cleanse the land
Wash away it's pain
Seep through the earth and the dessert sand
And Make wet the ground upon which we stand

Open the flood gates up above
And let the water fall down
Peaceful and gentle like a mothers love
Pit pat o what a gorgeous sound
Pit pat give life to the ground
Nov 2017 · 356
Wise words from a stoner
JBH Nov 2017
Feed your head

That was the first thing the stoner said

Followed by

Give it some time

Take a ****

Inhale the smoke

And blow your ******* mind

And behold this trippy plain

And it's all thanks to Mary Jane
Nov 2017 · 313
The clock
JBH Nov 2017
Tik tok

My name it's seems you have forgot

Tik tok

With time The love we had disappeared seems a new love you 've got

Tik tok

"Time heals all wounds apparently"
But if I tell you the truth you might be shocked....

Tik tok
Because of you my heart has turned to rock

Tik tok
With you in cages my demons were locked

Tik tok
Then you left Now their free to run amok

Tik tok.....

Someone please stop the ******* clock.
Nov 2017 · 356
JBH Nov 2017

You forced me to become a man when I wanted to stay a child and I am thankful

You told that life is hard and no one cares if you suffer and if you struggle
And I am

You showed me life is a dark and unforgiving place and you thought me about heartbreak and loss
And I am

You also showed me the countless mistakes I have made and are probably going to make so that I may learn from them and for that I am thankful

You protected my childhood innocentness when all of the world grew up and I  am

You comforted me when the tuff Times stood outside the door and I am thankful

You were my light when dark thoughts  and heartbreak filled my mind I am

You showed me all the good things I did in my life and you showed me all the things I still may do and I am thankful

Together you showed me in two very different ways how to not only survive but thrive in this ****** up place called life

You showed me how to keep my hands and feet inside at all time and just enjoy the ride the ride of life and for that I am not just thankful but

It's for that,that
                  I love you with all
Dedicated to my mom and dad
Nov 2017 · 268
JBH Nov 2017
I am stuck
Trapped in this ocean of emotion

Yet I have nothing to write

I have all these gut wrenching
Yet I have nothing to write

I have all these emotions of all

But I can't put it down on black and white

Torn by a choice between two people
I love with all I have

And I can't explain it to anyone
In anyway

I am trapped
And even my normal escape goat
putting it down on ink and paper

Can't free me
This prison of my own thoughts

How do I cope
With thoughts and emotions

That I can't even explain

Emotions that cause me pain

Yet I also feel numb

And I know to all of you this might just
Sound dumb

And I am not asking for sympathy

I just ask what should I do with
Thoughts and emotions
That fill me up with dark ideas

Yet also leave me feeling

I can't decide  
I can't even Wright it down
Nov 2017 · 366
The real wonderland
JBH Nov 2017
Follow me to wonderland!
The place where I live

A place of mystic and wonder
A place where you never have to grow up
A place to dance with the lightning and thunder

But... like all good things there is a catch

If you choose to follow me down the rabbit hole throug the hatch

The price of admission you have to pay ,its not money in stacks....

Is your sanity my dear how bout that!
And before you yell thats a gruesome

Please let me explain give me the time

In wonderland
You see my dear friend in order to survive

You must truly lose mind

Other wise you will never get there
Not in this life time

So let's go hand in hand

And let's stop with this meaningless chatter

And follow to wonderland where you will become as mad as a hatter.
I wrote this in honour of my favorite childhood movie and memories
Nov 2017 · 274
Domestic violence
JBH Nov 2017
Leave him leave him !!
I yelled time and time again
Yet you would always defend him

He's toxic!!! How can you not see it

How he
You from friends and family

How he cages you up in this God forsaken house

Never aloud to leave
Locked up never free

Leave leave I said! time and time again

Yet for him you would always defend

He loves me you said !!

I warned you there was a day that you would not be able to defend yourself ...

And that day came when that monster snaped

And he pummeled you blue and black

Leave him leave I said!

But it's too late you're already dead.
Nov 2017 · 229
JBH Nov 2017
We can't be broken they told me
But it's not that simple you see
Because when you love someone so deep

You love them with everything you have
With everything from your future present and past

Is that that wrong to be sad
Is it that wrong to feel this bad
Is it that wrong that these feeling were woken

These feelings that left me this broken

A brokenness I can't explain

If I had to I probably just say pain

So today I will proclaim!
Not so that I will a get an appreciation token

But to let every one know it's ok to feel

I wrote this after my best friend past away
Nov 2017 · 278
Time changes
JBH Nov 2017
What happened to us
We were such sweet
We would never smoke
We would never do drugs
We would never drink

And now as I'm sitting here drunk
And high out of my mind

I truly understand the power of time

And how it can change people
Those sweet kids
Nov 2017 · 997
It's beautiful
JBH Nov 2017
It's beautiful isn't it
The rawness of love
The rawness of human nature
That no matter how
Much we get hurt
We always love again

Why does this happen
Perhaps it's the fear of being
Or perhaps We fear that we will be judged
Or worse we will start to believe that
We can not be loved.
Please let me know what you guys think

— The End —