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Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Paris Jun 2014
I can be surround by people,
And still feel completely alone.
It's this ache right in the center
Of my chest, and it's a constant
Reminded that I will never
Be enough for someone to love.
May 2014 · 1.8k
The third times the charm
Paris May 2014
They say the third times the charm, but what if the third time is what pushes me to finally kick the chair that's under me?
May 2014 · 14.9k
Neck deep.
Paris May 2014
When you have b.p.d you can't really control your emotions.
Everything hits you like a wave.
And you can't take it all in because
It's exactly like being hit by a wave.
You panic, and try to grab hold of
The ground to keep you from going
Deeper but your grip loosen and the next thing you know you're neck deep.
Borderline personality disorder (b.p.d)
May 2014 · 1.3k
Paris May 2014
Some guys will leave lip prints on your body that will fade away, but will leave cuts in your heart that will last forever.
May 2014 · 484
Paris May 2014
Two months ago,
I would have done anything
To make us work.
To make you happy.

Two months ago,
I was yours and you were mine

You want me back.
You want to prove to me
That you've changed,
That you're not the same.

But today,
I think it's too late.
I'm battling between the voice
In my head, and the voice
In my heart.
May 2014 · 791
The worse day of my life
Paris May 2014
June 23rd
the love of my life died in my eyes. He's not a skeleton in a grave,
but it surely does feel like it.

I was young and dumb when I
Opened a message from him.
The next 3 years flew by
As I never received a phone call,
Visit or video chat.

On June 23rd,
My phone fell to the ground
As I fell to my knees.
In disbelief I found out he was a she.
May 2014 · 1.3k
Paris May 2014
I tried to fix you.
Cause that's what I do.
I look for imperfections and cracks.
And as I tried to put your pieces
Back together is when I
Notice that I was s l o w l y
Chipping away.
I am more broken than you.
Instead of putting you back
together, I should have been
saving myself.

— The End —