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Dec 2022 · 675
Lost and found
I’m lost

And need help
I don’t know what for

By myself
You enter
By the door

So confused
Can’t take this anymore

So profuse
My heart
Beats and soar

In an ocean
Wrecking our floor

You hold me
Your embrace
Brace yourself

In time nonlinear
A spectrum unclear

I’m lost

So it’s okay
For I’ll see you
Another day
Apr 2018 · 417
Messy place
My heart’s a mess
and my mind’s the same.
But moving onto another day
Knowing I can’t have you
Brings me such dismay.
I’m not adequate, it’s such a shame
That you seem so perfect
In every way.

I need to shatter
this rosy image.
Apr 2018 · 308
I wasn’t weak.
I let my pride slide and apologised.
This is the happiest I’ve been all week.
Apr 2018 · 352
Outside / Inside
Outside, she smiled and laughed.
Nothing’s wrong, her mask is strong.

Inside, a shadow roamed her mind,
Making her question her own kind.

Everyday she weeps.
But she’s too afraid to speak.
From February 5th 2016.
Feb 2018 · 875
I fear nothing
I may shiver when I see a slug
on the road;
I may shrink when it’s my turn
to order some food;
my heart may drop when a
drunk comes near;
my feet quicken and my eyes
widen when I walk through
the dark;
I may stutter when I
deliver my presentation to
bored students;
I may be silent during
recess while surrounded
by friends, lest I want
awkward conversation;

but I fear nothing.
That is my lie,
yet it is true,
for I should know
that these are things
I can overcome,
and continue my day.
21:38 15.02.18
Sep 2017 · 1.9k
10 years from now
I hope to see you glow
Bask in glory and happiness
Live life with no sorrow

Maybe you've forgotten
The conversations we've had
But if you still remember me
I'll forgive you for that
Sep 2017 · 358
Summer turns to Autumn
As Sleep abates my Days
In my Bed I shall rest
But rest I never may

I hear the Birds chirp
I see the Sun shine
If only I was deaf
If only I was blind

I could sleep
and not whine
Sep 2017 · 353
Follow me
He stares into space
And wonders aloud:

"Why does that clown
Follow me around?"

His teacher glares at him
A glare so fierce it burns
He wishes he'd stayed in bed
Her ugly face turns red

The boy screams again
The clown forever dead
Sep 2017 · 310
No surprise
You know what?

I **** at math, I **** at breathing
In my head, everyone's screaming
I can't stop the pain when I walk
Can't stop the fear when I talk

I regret I even exist
I'm sorry for being like this
But I'm afraid and I'm scared
No surprise
no one cares.
Sep 2017 · 691
Blind love
We often don't see what's in front of us,
our lover's kindled heart

We're too careless and ignorant,
it's tearing love apart

— The End —