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21h · 20
Comfortably numb
Kimmy 21h
There are times she feels so alone
Trying to do this thing called living
Aimlessly she wanders and roams
A path that's rocky and unforgiving

There are times she wants to quit
She's trying so hard to rid her depression
It isn't easy she must admit
Sometimes she feels it's her only possession

She is so comfortable feeling this way
A familiar place to be
And sometimes she would rather stay
In the dark, instead of free

Some people just don't understand
When you've been through trauma and pain
It doesn't matter who holds your hand
Things will never be the same
21h · 13
Kimmy 21h
I wish i could explain it all,
Pple say I'm crazy and i don't listen
Don't throw me away because you think im broken
Im afraid that everyone will leave me
I push you away because i can't stand to be the one left behind
It doesn't matter how you treat me,
I'll do anything if you just stay,
To me your perfect ,But i hate you
Do you still love me?
I don't know who I am,
I used to be someone else
But that person is gone,
I don't want to become the person i am,
I do things im ashamed of ,
You tell me to control my urges.
Thats all i do is TRY,
I wish i could stop,
The pain is unbearable ,
I don't want to die, i just don't want to exist
I know you don't understand
Hurting myself eases the pain,
You say im not trying, im better than that,
I feel so many emotions all at once,
Most of the time im in darkness or i feel nothing at all

I have a void that i cant fill....
Im a hollow shell...

I lash out at people around me...
Say things i dont mean,
I hurt you before you can hurt me
I don't know my own mind from reality
Lost in confusion
I just want to run away
But in the end it finds me
I'm scared, I'm sorry i hurt you
Im not a  monster,
Please don't give up on me
BPD is known to be the most hardest and painful mental disorder to live with . No meds to cure.
21h · 15
Is it me?
Kimmy 21h
Well someone just looked at me weirdly
What the **** is weird about me?
Am I doing something wrong?
What do they see?
Whatever man, I don't care
Go off and just ******* stare
Never mind I'm going back inside
This kind of **** I just cannot bear
It feels cozy in here A day worth forgetting Time to try to sleep Eyes no longer viewing Again and again
I sense that comfort is near
I think I feel like myself now
As my identity is starting to appear
This feels great
I'm able to think straight
Well these thoughts are atrocious now
What a stupid ******* trait
The sun is setting
Without making it too upsetting
Mind is now skewing
Just another night of intrusive thinking
I guess that's what I'll be doing
Again and again
And all I can do is ask myself
What will I feel?
And when?
Welcome to the life of BPD (Borderline personality disorder)
21h · 7
Kimmy 21h
When it comes to the fear of abandonment, I’m no stranger.

I see pretty much EVERYTHING (a ****** expression, a sigh, body language) as a sign that someone is going to leave me.

I’m worried that if I make a mistake, mess up, aren’t “good enough” or disappoint my “favorite person” in any way, that people will get sick and tired of me and leave.

And then — even with a lack of evidence that there is any real, true cause for concern (the person has reassured me they have no intention or desire to leave me), the spiral is already in motion.

I behave and react from that place of certainty that they would leave me.  I panic, freak out, and go to extreme lengths to stop abandonment from happening.

When this happens, understandably, it’s really confusing for the other person.  

Essentially, I’m  interpreting little things as being big (and certain) indicators that someone is going to leave or abandon me when, in reality upon checking,  the other person is NOT wanting to leave me.

This can be really confusing for people on the other end of this: lovers, friends, family members, colleagues, bosses, subordinates, therapists…

Sometimes they feel an obligation to reassure me. I worry sometimes that I am wearing them out.  And sometimes I do think I have evidence for this, because,, as they put it, “What can I possibly do to make you believe that I am not going to leave?”

Sadly, if I don’t break this pattern when fear of abandonment rears its ugly head, I realize that people can become very burned out.

I may be doing the exact thing I don’t want to do by pushing people away and alienating them. This hurts others, and they may end up feeling uncomfortable and unhappy enough to leave at some point…for real.

Well, this just proves that everybody leaves and rejects me, right?

Not exactly. I need to understand my responsibility in all of this.

I keep repeating the same patterns and having the same outcomes without the tools to communicate and express my fear in a way that is not off putting to others.

I don’t know how to ask for what I want and need and trust I can get it in healthy ways.

I don’t know how to establish and enforce boundaries that help me feel safe and secure.

I don’t know how to trust that I am worthy of someone loving me and sticking around.

So, I respond the way I always have…I get hysterical…I have panic attacks…I get very clingy, jealous, and sometimes angry and even paranoid.

And then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that people are going to leave. But it’s because I’m pushing them away.
Kimmy 21h
I hated being alone more than a day, but I often found myself hiding away, because I needed to be alone.

when you feel the need to be close because everyone you love seems to drift away.

So, I would chase them like it was a race to keep them close.

I thought I needed their presence to feel safe, but the chase for their heart costed me.

Those abandonment issues were unhealthy attachments to never face my trauma, until I came face to face with my demons.

I was chasing comfort in the people who left me, I abandoned myself.

There Are there doors in my mind Some closed and locked with secrets to hide, Some wide open like a book-begging to be held by anyone's hands, my head sometimes feel on fire,With all those memories that burn (the good and the bad)? Nos-talgia can do that to you. Heartbreak too. I sometimes wish I could be someone new, And dump all the keys to all my doors somewhere where nobody has been before, And nobody could find them,Then maybe I wouldn't feel so lost. But I can't just put my  life on pause. It doesn't work that way. I just have to trudge on day by day and pretend I know which direction my feet are taking me and where my mind is at.
21h · 10
Wilted flower 🥀
Kimmy 21h
My family's generational curse is unkindness.

Unkind words, harsh voices. Screaming, shouting, arguing.

They wear it like a badge of honor.

And they expect everyone to forget.

Sweep it under the rug and never talk about it.

No matter how much it hurts.

And never change no matter how many boundaries you create.
21h · 16
Inherited hunger
Kimmy 21h
we are the children who  instead of being raised, were always left hungry despite a full plate.

we are the children who had a home that never felt like home, surrounded by family yet still all alone.

we are the children who were forced to grow up too fast, whose mothers used to cry an ocean in our lap.

we are the children who never got to be children at all, who never had loving fathers to catch us when we'd fall.

we are the children who grew up despite all the pain. reaching to the sun, even in the rain.

we are the children who blossomed with broken hearts
Kimmy 21h
I've spent my life recovering from things that I should have been protected from.

I was too young to become a ghost full of grief, children are supposed to be happy and free.

don't tell me I wouldn't be who I am today, without all the struggles I faced.

I already know that. I could have been a kid instead of being forced to grow up.

the people who were supposed to protect me,,
failed me. no amount of healing will change that.

**** right I'm angry, I'll never get my childhood back.
My childhood innocence was taken from some one I trusted. No one understands why I'm so angry 😡
21h · 52
Lost soul
Kimmy 21h
. It’s like I don’t know why I search for answers , when I know my heart wants nothing to do with life. Even mustering words to be noticed doesn’t matter. Anyone can say anything, truth is life is unfair, we just want to squeeze some false hope out of it. I hate myself, and I hate people.  but as time passes I lose my state of thought, now I don’t even respond to pain like I use to. I just let it soak in, I don’t eat like I use to , I just let my stomach feed off of me, I don’t speak to anyone anymore, I just stare at them and pretend the voices is some eyrie soul telling me to end my life. We hold on to life because we don’t know what’s going to happen. As I slip away day by day in my thoughts I find I’m dying slowly. Slavery was around the corner. The world is not over it. I won’t speak of power, who cares who wants it. All I want is the same as you , to forget everything and not forget how much I hate being alive , I have no friends I don’t want any, I don’t see family I don’t want any. Alone makes you crazy, I talk to myself, and I bleed. When you become lost. Nothing matters what ppl say. Cause everyone is a hypocrite me too . Hope you find a way to live. If you have to go then sit and pray to anything , the devil God the plants pray to the insects that bit you. Just find energy to deter your mind. Because you will do it **** your soul then you will **** yourself. Don’t research anything on the internet it’s designed to make you wanna die more. Nothing can help you in life when you give up. That doesn’t mean nature cannot help. Hug a tree , lie in dirt and roll and scream out loud make the world hear you. If your ashamed to do any of this then you haven’t reached the stage of suicide you just feel life is unfair and wanna die. For me , im crazy and won’t accept help,  Why is like this, because all I see is slavery in life. Freedom is there but you suffer if you don’t input to society , so be here if you want go if you want. Stop worrying about who has the better answer for your problems , none of them can help you. Not even me, so die if you want live if you want post a message about dying if you want. You will still feel the same. I pray to the universe that the strings of your life be plucked differently so that your burdens in thought will fight for you and not against you.
This i wrote before I had to check myself into the suicide ward.. I still feel like I wanna die. Don't think that will ever go away . I'm just getting better at living through the pain
21h · 25
I survived
Kimmy 21h
I survived and im not stroger for it...
I am not proud to wear the scars. They are a reminder of the pain i endured .. although my body has healed ,my mind still feels like its fresh
People around me are so tired of my same story, I don't even tell it anymore ,i wish they understood how tired i am to ... Tired of pretending im okay, and that time heals wounds ( they Don't)
The trauma literally changed ny brain  hippocampus, weakened weak prefrontal cortex....
This is about when you have past issues that have not had any closure . You tend to carry it with you your rest of your life. How tired my soul is.
Sep 2024 · 56
Morning sun
Kimmy Sep 2024

As I wake up to the morning sun
I hope my nightmare won't be true
But my nightmare is not a dream
And now I don't know what to do

I know no matter how hard I try
I can't change what has happened
But if I try to keep it all inside
It's only me that I am trappin'

Everything feels like it's falling apart
And all the work I've done, for not
Now there's a crater in my heart
That you left in there to rot

It's all coming back again
All the hurt from my past is here
I don't want to do this all again
And not a thing at all is clear

I will not stay silent, no I won't!
I will speak what's on my mind
I will not crawl inside my hole
I will fight for what is mine

I cannot sleep it all away
I can't hide from everyone
I have to go through everyday
As I wake up to the morning sun

I myself have a hard time to let go of my past and what has happened, I’m truly trying to let go and go through every day , I have to
Aug 2024 · 104
I’m trying
Kimmy Aug 2024
I wake up in the morning and I already feel as I have failed.  And I know it’s confusing for
You and it doesn’t look like I have done a single thing . But please know that sometimes fighting looks a little different for me. Sometimes failure doesn’t require action, it only requires that I moved in my mind And my minds not impressed with what I did ,
I hate to reduce my depression down to an   hypothetical illusion inside my head , because it’s more than that, and much heavier . But if I somehow can make you understand half the reason why  I can’t move from my bed today , then maybe I’ll be one step closer to breathing a little easier . If I can somehow share what it’s like to be in my mind, then I’m one step closer to being liberated of it. Maybe if I can make you comprehend why I feel like a failure when i haven’t done a single
Thing your understanding will somehow set me. Free
Something I wanna say when pple close to me just don’t understand depression, it’s not a mood that a walk or a nap will cure, it’s more serious ,
May 2024 · 147
Kimmy May 2024
I had always been in a relationship, so being alone wasn’t something I was used to.. when I wasn't with someone
I became the one thing I realized that I feared the most........  ALONE
I had always chased love, not because I always found the person to be irresistible or appealing, but because I didn’t want to be alone.
I sacrificed what I really wanted because of my subconscious fear of facing life without someone.
It’s those defining moments in life that changes  not only you, they can change your entire future as well.
I never had to face myself because I was wrapped up in someone else all the time..
And now, as I looked in the mirror, I realized that I didn’t know the woman staring back at me..
At least not in the way I should.
Sure, I knew the basics of what I liked and didn’t like, but I didn’t really know the answers to all the hard questions.
I knew who I was..but only through the eyes of others- not because I knew and loved myself.
What made me truly happy?
Where was my joy?
Did I do the things that filled up my soul?
I had spent all my time and energy on other people instead of focusing on me.
A single tear welled up and rolled down my cheek as I stared in the mirror.
I had never truly loved and found myself because I was busy trying to love people that didn’t deserve me..
And more importantly, I would never be able to accept real and lasting love until I learned to love myself first.
It’s a hard place to be when you finally understand that you’ve neglected your own self love and happiness for so long..
But that stops now.
I’m tired of choosing love because I’m lonely..
No, I want love to choose me because I’m happy..and because it’s what I want.
That they are who I want, not just who I’m settling for to not be alone.
No more dead end men and kissing frogs that pretend to be princess just because I’m scared to be alone.
No, I’m going to chase a different kind of love now..
The type that won’t let me down, that’ll always be there and will always be worth it in the end.
The kind of love that is genuine, passionate and respectful- one that I’m proud to call my own.
I’m going to spend my days making my heart happy and my nights fulfilling my soul.
It’s time I changed my life..most of all, starting with me.
I’m going to do more than fall in love with being alive..
I’m going to fall in love with the person that I should have loved a long time ago..
The best love story of all: with myself.
That’s the happily ever after I’ve always deserved..
And now, I got this..
I don’t know where I’m going or how to get there, but I’ll find my way-
One step at a time.
Found this poem I wrote 5 years ago, I’m married now and have definitely paid more attention to myself !
Jul 2022 · 1.6k
She has two faces
Kimmy Jul 2022
She has two faces.
One face that she shows the world, loved ones, and in public.
The smiling one.
The happy, friendly, and talkative one.
The confident one full of laughter and positivity.
The face that everyone is used to.

The second face is the real face.
The one she tries not to show anyone.
The face behind closed doors, when she's alone away from the world, in the security of her own emotions that she doesn't want to show anyone else or have to explain them.
It's exhausting trying to look happy and like nothing is bothering you.
The face that stares off at nothing or patterns on the floor or drapes.
The face that cries in the shower, in bed, car rides alone, cries sitting on the couch, or doing things around for house.
The sad face that stares back at her in the mirror and looks nothing like she used to be.
Well to her anyway. Others say she looks the same. The face that looks strong to the people she knows, but is really just shards of broken glass inside.
Yes, the girl that was there for everyone, and strong for now split into two.
Two faces, one broken spirit.
She can't bear the losses.
It feels like a chapter of a wonderful book closed never to be open again.
All she has are memories and visions in her head that she plays over and over.
Nothing is the same to her.
Everything is different. She can't cope with daily life, her Doctor said. So she writes to help herself, and she has her two faces.
What's funny is, the sad face is the face worth a thousand words underneath in the depths of complexity.
While the happy face full of laughter, love, positiveness, and a straight shooter."-
Everyday life I am constantly changing my masks
Aug 2021 · 411
Kimmy Aug 2021
I am writing this letter  knowing that you will never get to read it . There are things I need to hear myself say to you . First, I am going to tell you that you were lucky. You are a man who was able to violate the trust

You were able to cause pain and suffering in a child’s life and just  move on without any repercussions.
The destruction you caused was a mere chapter in your life. I know that you deny what you did to me when talking to others,

but you cannot pretend with me.
I am the one you violated.
I am the one you betrayed.
I am the one who remembers
. You cannot run away from me or God.
We know the truth
, no matter what you tell others
or say to yourself.
When I first met you 6 years ago.
You were so easily able to still deny what you did even though you knew i knew what you did duane!.

When that chapter in your life was over, and you couldn’t touch me again, you moved on. But your actions had a huge impact on the rest of my childhood.
Your actions gave me anger that a child/adolescent should never have to feel.
You gave me fear that only children who have been traumatized have.
You gave me nightmares every night for years
I would wake up screaming in terror, trying to escape the monster in my dream that, even at a young age, I always knew was you.

You trampled my trust for any man or boy to enter my life.
You gave me a temper that led me to harm others as well as myself.
Due to your actions, I suffer with depression couple of times  almost led me to end my own life
For years after your new life began, I struggled to keep the only one I had.

Even when times seemed to be good, a simple trigger would give me a flashback,
sending me right back to when and where all the fears began.
You took away my childhood.
You took away my mother’s chance to play and have fun with her only daughter during what was supposed to be a happy, free and playful time in her  life
You took away my chance to have what other kids have,
a protective,
and respected father

You took away my time to learn and develop respectful and appropriate relationships with others.
You left a child with nothing but
to grow and develop with
To this day, at 35, I still am trying to learn about what makes an appropriate and healthy relationship between a husband/wife,
father and child
I am still trying to figure out
if I will ever be able to decipher
a good man,
from one like you.
You did not just ****** your daughter until she was 5,
you damaged her entire life in ways that you cannot even begin to, and never will,
Sadly, you are not the only man to do this, or something like it to his child
But I want you to know that I came out on this positive, compared to what could have happened,

All my life I went to church with my adopted family . Every Sunday. I remember always sitting there not wanting to be there. I was mad and confused on why he did this to me. Years after I was still holding that anger towards God. 
Then one day recently actually I was sitting out side . It was dark and stars and the quiet all around me was what I needed. I realized I never thanked God for saving me when he did..  I was so angry with him I forgot he was the savior in my situation. I used always think what would I be like if I ended up staying with you guys. I dont think I would of survived. So I thank God every night as well as apologizing to him for all the anger. 

He is now showing me how to be strong, move on, learn and use the feelings I had about my situation to drive me in a better direction.
The Lord showed me how to save myself from you , However, I believe that these goals have been decided on because I have developed something that others might not have.
I have experience in this type of trauma. I have passion needed to make a difference in the lives of other children who are being put through what you did to me.
I also have the intelligence needed to out-smart anyone who gets in my way of protecting those kids from people like you. They deserve a chance like I had to overcome.

There is one more thing that makes me different from anyone else who has been violated in such a way.
I have forgiveness.
the Lord ,is  showing me how to forgive you But hear me when I say, do not be mistaken. I do not forgive you because I feel  you deserve another chance. People like you do not change I firmly believe that you would harm another defenseless little girl.
I dont  forgive you because I feel you had been punished enough. The only way I would feel that justice had been served would be if you were in prison for life,  I do not forgive you because time healed all my  wounds. My scars are still very much there and I will always struggle, to some degree, with what you did to me.

I forgave you for myself and myself only, It is because the
are a distraction
It's  something I do not deserve to have. I let the pain and suffering you caused me run my life and love for 25 years and that was too long. Itsx time to let that all go and find the emotions and feelings that truly make up who I am deep inside.
All those feelings I have  towards you, as well as the ones you made me feel towards myself,
were like a blanket covering the real me. I forgave you to find myself,
and I have.
You deserve no credit for this
. You are lucky. Your child survived a traumatic experience and violation by you, her father,
and came out an
beautiful woman.
However, you do not get to claim me and my success. I did this on my own, (but in the beginning with the help from adopted family My anger towards you however is gone. I wasted too much time and energy on you and I learned to put it towards fixing what you broke. Now that I have, I feel you should know what you caused as well as the result.

You broke me, and ruined my childhood, but you will not have my present or future. I welcome an apology from you. But do not think for a second that I will accepting
anything less than a true, honest-to-God and responsibility-taken, apology. Remember, I am smart enough to know the difference. If you do try for contact I will also require an apology from.  my mom. I deserve an apology, but  i will not hold my breath.  From the daughter you broke
Sorry if this caused any triggers for anyone.  Im so happy im finally able to start finding myself after all this time in pain
Mar 2021 · 205
Lost myself
Kimmy Mar 2021
I've lost myself.
                I can't find who I use to be.
                Although I keep searching.
                 I can't look in the mirror,
             And see the old me any more.
                         I can only hide
                  And look into the eyes
                            I call mine  

                       I wonder alone.
                        Not by chance,
                         But by choice.
             There are people ,who love me,
               But I can't bring them down.
                      I'm a sinking ship,
                   A ticking time bomb.
             I'm just not sure when I'll

                         Or finaly explode.
                         I've lost myself.
                           I can't seem
                    to figure out who I am.
                       I thought I knew
                    but i am only defined
                            by a man.......
             I cry myself to sleep at night,
                      and ask"God why?"
               I make my share of mistakes,
                   but everyone only seems
                       to remember them.
                  I can't let go of my past,
                and I can't see my future.
                     Everyone says I'm
                      like an open book,
                      but can they read
                    the lines I've wrote?

                       I've lost myself.
                          I' smoke ***,
                        I do other drugs
                        and gotten used
                          to being numb.
                         I have taken pills
              only to wake up in the hospital
                          I told myself it
                        will all be okay,
              it's just a lie I have to say.
                I fake a smile everyday,
                   so no one will notice
                      I've gone astray.
           I fight the demons in my head,
                      but I'm a one man
                     army against many.
                        I can't tell you
                    I'll keep my promise,
                 when I know it will break.
                        I can't tell you
                          I'll be fine,
                        my mind isn't 
                        working right.
                       I can't tell you
                     that I'll be okay.

                       I've lost myself.
                    I can't understand
                           who I am, or
                          why I'm here.
                    I can't comperheand
                         why I'm alive,
                      or why I still breath.
                         I can't tell you
               I'll live to see another day
                when I know I  don't want to
                I can't tell you I love you,
            when I'm not sure how to love.
                        But I can tell you,
                     if I see you tomorrow.
                 That I survived another day
                     and I'm still here to stay.
                     But if I don't wake up
          it's because today and yesterday,
                    Have finaly broke me.
              Hopefully I can be finally free
Depression has hovered over my whole life and unfortunately these feelings come alot more than not ..
Mar 2021 · 150
To myself
Kimmy Mar 2021
Im sorry for all the hell I put you through ,  I've given u away to the wrong person time and time again. Somehow you always find a way to love again.  I know you are hurting right now, so ill have to give u some time I cant feel anything sometimes so at least let me know your fine, you've been snatched from my chest to many times before , when you left me I cried my eyes out laying on the floor, but somehow you always found away back to me, as scared as you are im surprised you haven't given up on me yet , but don't worry I have now built a wall around you, just don't let my demons inside and surround you
Nov 2020 · 4.7k
The girl behind the mask
Kimmy Nov 2020
I didn't write this one. Its actually part of spoken poetry lyrics .. im sharing it because I feel like start to finish I can relate to every word, every feeling.  I consider myself the girl behind the mask

The girl behind the mask doesnt understand the beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and it doesnt matter how many times I have told her she still relies on the opinions of people of who dont realize that what they see as shy is in fact the feeling of lonley,
The feeling of whatever she does Is not quite good enough, the feeling of constantly disappointing the people closest who only want to see her happy,
But instead they have to watch the detoeratation and can do nothing.  They hope and pray that one day the girl behind the mask will finally say with content and honesty to herself "IM HAPPY "
I can put these feelings of no self worth on the shelf and live on, build up my life and repair myself from the past, 
And can finally say to myself that at last " IVE DONE IT"

I've beat the demons inside my soul, the demons that made my thoughts and life cold,
The ones that made me contemplate my life, my confidence,  my existence and my future,  made me feel hurt that cant be fixed with a suture,

The girl behind the mask doesnt see that her strength shines so much brighter, you see the girl behind the mask doesnt know what she is capable of, it's as if how blind to how happy she makes everyone, she puts a smile on a face of the person feeling down, shes blind to the fact that she can turn a sad day around, and make people smile from ear to ear,
But when she takes off the mask she's filled with nothing but fear,  fear of what the next day brings her, as if she's waiting for her sentence and there's nothing but rumours being spread around about her.

The girl behind the masks is the definition of beauty , the meaning of strength, she needs to know thats its the duty, of everyone who cares to help in the fight, to make her realize that her life is her life, to understand that there is nothing to be afraid of, she has family and friends that will show  depression what they are made of,

The girl behind the mask needs to lift her head up and open her eyes and realize  that she'll never be alone and as much as she may feel it, the pain she is feeling now.... happiness will heal it

So be strong and proud of the person you are because with strength and power the end of these feeling isn't far, and you can smile,dance, and sing  live thr life that u were deprived from, the life you have not yet felt..  the life u lived contemplating overdose or the rope. The feeling of eating was hell, the life u lived where everything goes wrong you will be free from all the anxiety and pain

Look at yourself in the mirror and  say these words to your self, "why  am I letting this control me, look at your beauty. As hard as it seems you need to smile.  Its your duty,  then see your pain as a emotional journey, 

Remember certainly there is a destination waiting for u to be happy at last..  but please be strong stay strong the girl behind the mask
Sooken poetry lyrics.
Oct 2020 · 276
Dear addiction
Kimmy Oct 2020
Dear addiction
                    This is goodbye

You have been a close friend, that i have always been able to count on over the years
Always had my back through all the highs and lows,
You have  had a huge impact on my life  but not in a good way!
I have now realized how much time I have wasted on you
I also have realized how many times you have taken advantage of me
Especially when i was at my most vulnerable
Im tired of letting you control me
Im tired of always having to depend on you to make me feel a certain way.
Im tired of this love- hate relationship im ready to release this shame
And self-hatred you have been causing me for so many years,
I am ready to find freedom for myself and create a life that is worth living
Thank you for all the important lessons you have taught me about my self
Better off
Without you💕
I am in the process of beating my addiction. Its hard and yes there are times I want to give up. Then I think of how everything was just so wrong and messed up. My mind couldn't handle anymore abuse... I had to stop.
Oct 2020 · 1.2k
Take me back
Kimmy Oct 2020
I attached myself to you so I wouldn't be alone
I became who you wanted me to be, my goal was to please you and only you, and in doing so I lost myself, and forgot the real me,
Now it's time to move on.. to cut the ties that bind.
It's time to take back my independence and freedom... what was always mine..........
This poem is describing myself. . I have lost myself in a man I'm pretty sure is a narcissist, I've been with him for 5 years now and in the last little while I've noticed behaviors that match up to what narcissistic behaviors are like....I know what I have to do. Take back whats mine..  the only problem is.... I love him 🙈😢
Oct 2020 · 107
Im scared
Kimmy Oct 2020
It's gotten to
                             The point where
                         I dont know who I am
                           I constantly feel
                           Im on the verge
                          Of  breaking down,
                     I feel like I'm going crazy
                      and if my mind is a ocean
                    my thoughts are a tsunami,
                                I can't sleep,
                         I can't concentrate.
                   I can't even think straight
                         Im coming apart
                          from the seams
                        and its scaring me.......
Oct 2020 · 391
I should be.....
Kimmy Oct 2020
I should be happy and not so lonesome.
   I am engaged not to many friends .,
            Yet I feel so alone 24/7.

                            You see,
                I'm constantly trapped
                     in my thoughts
                   I have a hard time
               interacting with others
                 That are not like me,
                     which in my life
                   have been 1 person .
          I try to see the good in people
,              but can only spot flaws,
                  and though I'm far
                        from perfect
                    I seek perfection.
                   Why is perfection
                       or perfection
                   to my perception
                    so hard to find?
              And why do we have
                    to be lonely
                   in a world full
                      of people
                 and possibilities?
                 It seems so hard
                To find anything
                That brings us
        Everything is a mess 🤍
Living like this has got to be the hardest thing I have done. Whats worse is no one understands, I mean really understand...
Sep 2020 · 322
Hard drugs
Kimmy Sep 2020
Be who you want
Talk to who you want
You are you
No one can stop that

My name is Kimberly
I call myself a different name
Hard drugs is who i am.
Before you ask, no
I don't care what you think
They help me ESCAPE

I consider myself different from all the rest, I'm distant, the drugs really overpower me. To me it makes me have a rush, I can **** it in a heartbeat. I know its just white powder
It makes me feel invincible, grateful for this powder while every body is against it

My nose will bleed. .my family can most likely notice the powder on my nose then I know I'm not invincible
Yet another failure on this ******* planet.
Another disapoitment,

Well I pretty much described myself . Everything gives me a rush and.....well
I've grown to love it, you can push me off a cliff
And ill do a kick off, I'm ready to ****
The tides
Ready to lose blood as I'm hitting the
Im honestly am ready for anything
Because everything possible has already happened
Im ready for the good rush
I wrote this a few years ago when I was having addiction problems. When you think all u have is that one drug to call a friend. You loose yourself in the drug. Im glad I got out
May 2020 · 329
Kimmy May 2020
I've heard so many people tell those who suffer depression to just 'cheer up.' I wonder if they can really believe that it’s that simple.

Depression isn't just sadness. It is emptiness, it is misery. It is pain and nothingness at once. When you are truly depressed you lack the ability or will to cheer yourself up. No one just ‘has depression.’ You suffer from it. This is depression:

You will wake at 5, 6, maybe 7am, feeling as though you had only just fallen asleep. It’s likely you did. If you don't have to be somewhere, you could lie in bed for another 3 hours...too tired, too miserable and pathetic to crawl out of you bed. Or maybe you will sleep until 1pm, because it’s so much easier to sleep through most of the day than actually live it, and you’re so unbelievably tired anyway. You will push through the day, knowing that every hour will be a struggle and not knowing how you will feel tomorrow. People will ask what is wrong, and you will simply smile and say 'nothing, I'm just tired.' Yes you are tired. You are so tired of drifting through every day, with no will to actually live. But you simply smile, and they'll believe you. It’s so much easier to lie anyway, and most of the time you can push away the guilt.  Sometimes you might find a way out, temporary as it may be. You might write or draw or sing. Or you might cut, burn, binge, purge, drink, starve, scratch, pull, overdose...anything to take your mind away from the utter misery it seems to be so obsessed with. What you don't know is that soon these acts will take over your thoughts. You will spend your days not only lost in the haze of depression, but your mind will be so consumed with these thoughts of escaping and self destruction that you think you could explode. You will see a series of lines, and think of the lovely scars you could make, where you will make them. Your mind will be permanently spinning with thoughts of this pain, and different ways you might destroy yourself or, more precisely, this monster inside you. But of course none of this will work. You will still spend your night alone, sitting and staring at nothing, completing mindless tasks as if they have some importance, as if you are really there. Be careful where you let your mind wander. Night time is the darkest time in depression. That's when all the demons come out, when you become weaker. It is when you will hurt yourself simply to make the urges stop for 5 minutes. It is when you will spend hours crying or screaming for no reason other than the agony inside. You will shake and feel as though your whole body will cave in or explode. No one will understand. You do not have hospital beds, drips, bandages or needles to make people worry. To make them realize that this sad little girl is actually sick and needs help. Of course the depression will have destroyed any self esteem you might have had, so you'll be too scared to ask for the help you need. You just go on, hoping someone will notice your slow, meticulous self-destruction. Don’t worry, it won’t always be so bad. Some days you might even feel stable. You might walk tall for one day, feeling a glint of hope that maybe one day things will get better, that things are getting better and you have the strength to fight. Then one small thing will go wrong, and you’ll fall apart all over again. You feel stupid for even considering that things could get better.

Have you ever felt as though your whole body could just crumble any minute? Just crumble and fall apart, like it’s lost anything it had holding it together. That’s what it feel like all the time to be depressed. That raw fragility. It feels as though the smallest disruption in our life, or in your head, or in the world, could send everything spiraling downwards. And it can. The tiniest mistake can cause you to hate yourself more than you could possibly imagine. The smallest crack in your world can make it all seem pointless.
Depression destroys any resources you have. Any strength or courage you kept stored away for emergencies. So if the tiniest little storm hits, you are left to trying to survive the ravages of a cyclone without a life boat. It wears you down and even the smallest crack can seem like an earthquake and every minute is spent waiting for the next shake. And then one day, you will find yourself curled up on your bedroom floor, sobbing, because you can’t find anything to wear. Every little thing is just more proof of how worthless you are.

Eventually, you begin to expect it. You anticipate the bad times, because you know the good times are just fooling you. And they are filled with fear and anxiety over when everything will come crashing down again. You are always waiting for the next breakdown. You’ve become so accustomed to feeling miserable, that happiness is a foreign feeling that you won’t even let yourself experience. You don’t deserve it. So you become numb, which at times, is worse than the full-blown screaming and crying depressive ‘episodes.’ You find yourself begging to hurt again, because any feeling is better than feeling nothing at all.

Depression is one of the cruelest of all illnesses. You see, it’s much easier to fight when you can see an end to it all. When you know that in the end you will either win or lose. But whatever the outcome, the war will be over. The thing about depression is it blurs your perception of the future and makes it near impossible to see that end. You start to think that there’s no such thing as ‘winning’ and why bother fighting if you already know the outcome. It gradually strips you of any hope you previously had. And without hope, it’s difficult to see a future or a reason to fight.

Apr 2020 · 603
My depression
Kimmy Apr 2020
My anxiety and depression can make me a ****** friend, but I’m not sorry.

For as long as I can remember, I have always felt the need to apologize for my mental health struggles. I felt the need to over explain everything. I always felt the need to apologize for canceling plans.

My mental health struggles come and go. I have good days, and bad days. When I have bad days, or weeks even, I disappear.

I don’t answer many texts, I don’t make plans, and if I do, I cancel them. It makes me not a very dependable friend, sometimes. But I’m not sorry, anymore.

Sometimes I need to take a break from everyone.

Sometimes I need to take a step back and be alone, while I figure out what’s going on in my head.

Sometimes I feel ready to see you again, but I’m really not. I’m not ready to talk about the struggles I’m facing yet.

I have always felt the need to apologize, and I’m done.

I don’t choose to struggle with this.
I don’t choose to have my thoughts racing all day.
I don’t choose to have a war with my mind everyday.
I don’t choose any of this.

I’m done apologizing for something I don’t have control over.

So, yes, sometimes, my mental health will make me a ****** friend. But that’s only because it is needed for my own sake.

So I won’t apologize for that anymore.

I won’t apologize for doing what is best for me.

And for the friends who have stuck around while I cancel plans, go radio silent, and patiently wait until I’m ready to talk, you’re the real ones. And I’m lucky to have you.

But, I’m not sorry for doing what I need to do to make my mental health a little bit better.

I’m not apologizing anymore.

Instagram- Caitlinfladager
It ***** having to deal with this everyday. Always saying sorry for how I am.. When not no more
Apr 2020 · 121
The girl
Kimmy Apr 2020
"Im The girl who has few best friends but doesn't need anyone.

Im The girl who laughs the hardest at her own jokes.
Im The girl who expects way to much, but no more then she is prepared to give.
The girl who doesn't care what anyone thinks and is to everyone.
She's the girl that will always say sorry, the kinda girl that will put her trust into you until you give her a reason not to.
She's the girl who will never leave your side when you need her, the girl who will go out of her way to cheer you up, she's the girl who will never give up on you......
The kinda girl who believes in loving somebody forever..."
love you guys ! Xoxo
Just another day of my life.
Kimmy Mar 2020
People that I called
Walked out on me
God I got nobody,
all I got is you..
so God...
please dont leave.
Cause in this storm,
the devil is attacking me.
God please hold me..
Dont loose my hand
Cause I
CAN'T live without
I WONT!!!!!!

YOU AGAIN.......
knocking on my door.
Depression you here to hurt me some more? got no where else to go? I was scared you would take over me. You did. No prescription can get rid of you. You knocked me down mentally. Thanks for keeping me up at night. Cant sleep you got the worst of me. The pain its cuts me so fuckn deep I'm so tired. Please I'm hoping and praying I will leave this world and find peace. You need to leave. Not me.

No one cares if I'm dead or alive. I've got no friends.
Can u imagine being 5 and wanting to die?? I just hurt so much I'd rather be flying high. Everyone says I'm delusional. I guess they wont see the real me until they have to bury me.

You see a shooting star?make a wish for me. Going thru alot and its hitting me. I break my bones for everyone I love. Somehow they are never there for me
It's like they ain't hearing me. They tell me to open up to talk.. really you all are not ready for it. You have not seen pain like this. You never seen a ***** as strong as this.

Why do we love the things that hurt us. Why do we close our eyes when we pray? Or when we cry? Guess it is because the most beautiful soul most beautiful things in life are not seen. But are felt with our hearts.

Trying to be strong for my love of my life. I'm losing my mind . Losing myself in this battle called LIFE, what helps me is when I feel like I wanna die I just cry. Feel like it's to hard to take. Time to FAKE. No one will know. They all got places to go. Now it's my turn to hide and be no more

What if I told you I cry myself to sleep every night cause thats when my demons love to fight. What if I said I want to take my own life nothing I ever do or say or have or had matters. They say god protects you and this is just a milestone. This is a test from the devil. You will get past this level only he can make u successful.
Mar 2020 · 91
Im the girl.....
Kimmy Mar 2020
"Im The girl who has few best friends but doesn't need anyone.
Im The girl who laughs the hardest at her own jokes.
Im The girl who expects way to much, but no more then she is prepared to give.
The girl who doesn't care what anyone thinks and is to everyone.
She's the girl that will always say sorry, the kinda girl that will put her trust into you until you give her a reason not to.
She's the girl who will never leave your side when you need her, the girl who will go out of her way to cheer you up, she's the girl who will never give up on you......
The kinda girl who believes in loving somebody forever..."
love you guys ! Xoxo
#outcast #lonley #depression
Mar 2020 · 133
Kimmy Mar 2020
As I ponder the love that I see in his eyes,
A Godly love, given without compromise....
I recall many times that he stood by my side,
And prodded me on with great vigor and pride.

His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair,
Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care.
The power and might of his hands was so sure,
I knew there was nothing we couldn't endure.

It's true, a few others provided insight,
Yet, he laid the foundation that kept me upright.
He's the grandest of men to have lived on this earth,
Although he's not royal by stature or birth.

He's a man of great dignity, honor and strength.
His merits are noble, and of admirable length.
He's far greater than all other men that I know,
He's my Dad, he's my mentor, my friend and my hero 😍😍❤️❤☺️☺️️😘😘👌🏻💯
This poem is for my dad. He has been the best dad the only dad.
Jan 2020 · 93
Broken (lyrics)
Kimmy Jan 2020
[Verse 1]
You all hate me, and I hate myself
Woke up this morning, ******' waste of pills
Haven't seen myself in over seven years, 'cause I hate my face
So I avoid the mirrors (already smashed them up)
The glass it cuts. I'm like a sinking ship its hard to swim when
I'm all alone and I ain't got no one here to depend on
Cemented meat dragged through the street every one's is ******* looking
The anger thickens I can feel depression as its cooking
No emotion on my face 'cause I conceal the pain
Standing outside in the storm so I can feel the rain
Pouring down on my face. I pretend their tears
You know, 'cause I've tried, but I haven't cried in many years

I hate myself
I loathe myself
I should off myself
Why not? I'm broken!

God- God lost His way
Made a mistake when He made me
They say I'm lost, and I agree. I'm ******'
(Broken!) I-I-I-I don't wanna be alive. I just wanna die
(Broken!) I-I-I-I don't wanna be alive. I just wanna die

"Depression is one of the most debilitating-"
I'm broken!
"Ugliest, most awful, horrible, negative-"
I'm broken!

[Verse 2]
You wanna **** me. That's okay, 'cause I agree with you
My arms have many cuts. You see the ones I'm bleedin' through
Step off this chair and shut the windpipe that I'm breathin' through
They say always believe, but **** them. Believe in who?
I don't belong, I know. I snort the strongest blow
That **** is wrong, but so, I don't have ******' long to go
Every night I dream I'm gonna die; I hope it's real
I found a bag of pills. I hope it's dope so I can feel
I'm straight-up suicidal. The ******' rudest I know
I hope somebody feels my pain through this crude recital
It's only Judas I know. Buddhists and Jews are ******
Don't know [?] stuck in this ruthless cycle

You hate my guts
I hate my guts
Let's all hate my guts
Why not? I'm broken!
This song explains exactly how I feel.. broken and done
Dec 2019 · 326
Kimmy Dec 2019
You were my dad that I once knew,
But little do you know
the pain you put me through.
I've grown up and realized
That your life is nothing but a thousand lies.
You say that you love me more than I know
But if that were true then why doesn't it show?
You had me as a daughter to
Did you forget I'm in your blood too?,
But obviously that doesn't mean
anything to you,!!!!
I remember when I was the twinkle in ur eyes
Then you left one day without saying goodbye.!!!!
What was standing in the way
Of u being able to stay?
I'm your daughter,
And you're supposed to be my father.
Does that mean anything to you?
But that you'll never see,
And a father you will never be.
If you could see the tears running down my face.
the years have passed you can't replace.
So, Duane I've given up on you, and this time I'll leave.. hope you drown in pain
From this day forward I'll just call you duane
Dec 2019 · 24.4k
My major disorder. B.P.D
Kimmy Dec 2019
For all my friends and family i know you are all feeling
frustrated, helpless, and ready
to give up. It’s not your fault. You are not the cause of our suffering.

You may find that difficult to believe, since we may lash out at you, switch from being loving and kind to non-trusting and cruel on a dime, and we may even straight up blame you. But it’s not your fault. You deserve to understand more about this condition and what we wish we could say but may not be ready.

It is possible that something that you said or did “triggered” us. A trigger is something that sets off in our minds a past traumatic event or causes us to have distressing thoughts. While you can attempt to be sensitive with the things you say and do, that’s not always possible, and it’s not always clear why something sets off a trigger.

The mind is very complex. A certain song, sound, smell, or words can quickly fire off neurological connections that bring us back to a place where we didn’t feel safe
, and we might respond in the now with a similar reaction (think of military persons who fight in combat — a simple backfiring of a car can send them into flashbacks. This is known as PTSD, and it happens to a lot of us, too.)

But please know that at the very same time that we are pushing you away with our words or behavior, we also desperately hope that you will not leave us or abandon us in our time of despair and desperation.

This extreme, black or white thinking and experience of totally opposite desires is known as a dialectic. Early on in our diagnosis and before really digging in deep with DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), we don’t have the proper tools to tell you this or ask for your support in healthy ways.

We may do very dramatic things, such as harming ourselves in some way (or threatening to do so), going to the hospital, or something similar. While these cries for help should be taken seriously, we understand that you may experience “burn out” from worrying about us and the repeated behavior.

Please trust that, with professional help, and despite what you may have heard or come to believe, we CAN and DO get better.

These episodes can get farther and fewer between, and we can experience long periods of stability and regulation of our emotions. Sometimes the best thing to do, if you can muster up the strength in all of your frustration and hurt, is to grab us, hug us, and tell us that you love us, care, and are not leaving.

One of the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder is an intense fear of being abandoned, and we therefore (often unconsciously) sometimes behave in extreme, frantic ways to avoid this from happening. Even our perception that abandonment is imminent can cause us to become frantic.

Another thing that you may find confusing is our apparent inability to maintain relationships. We may jump from one friend to another, going from loving and idolizing them to despising them – deleting them from our cell phones and unfriending them on Facebook. We may avoid you, not answer calls, and decline invitations to be around you — and other times, all we want to do is be around you.

This is called splitting, and it’s part of the disorder. Sometimes we take a preemptive strike by disowning people before they can reject or abandon us. We’re not saying it’s “right.” We can work through this destructive pattern and learn how to be healthier in the context of relationships. It just doesn’t come naturally to us. It will take time and a lot of effort.

It’s difficult, after all, to relate to others properly when you don’t have a solid understanding of yourself and who you are, apart from everyone else around you.

In Borderline Personality Disorder, many of us experience identity disturbance issues. We may take on the attributes of those around us, never really knowing who WE are.  You remember in high school those kids who went from liking rock music to pop to goth, all to fit in with a group – dressing like them, styling their hair like them, using the same mannerisms? It’s as if we haven’t outgrown that.

Sometimes we even take on the mannerisms of other people (we are one way at work, another at home, another at church), which is part of how we’ve gotten our nickname of “chameleons.” Sure, people act differently at home and at work, but you might not recognize us by the way we behave at work versus at home. It’s that extreme.

For some of us, we had childhoods during which, unfortunately, we had parents or caregivers who could quickly switch from loving and normal to abusive. We had to behave in ways that would please the caregiver at any given moment in order to stay safe and survive. We haven’t outgrown this.

Because of all of this pain, we often experience feelings of emptiness. We can’t imagine how helpless you must feel to witness this. Perhaps you have tried so many things to ease the pain, but nothing has worked. Again – this is NOT your fault.

The best thing we can do during these times is remind ourselves that “this too shall pass” and practice DBT skills – especially self-soothing – things that helps us to feel a little better despite the numbness. Boredom is often dangerous for us, as it can lead to the feelings of emptiness.  It’s smart for us to stay busy and distract ourselves when boredom starts to come on.

On the other side of the coin, we may have outburst of anger that can be scary. It’s important that we stay safe and not hurt you or ourselves. This is just another manifestation of BPD.

We are highly emotionally sensitive and have extreme difficulty regulating/modulating our emotions. Dr. Marsha Linehan, founder of DBT, likens us to 3rd degree emotional burn victims.

Through Dialectical Behavior Therapy, we can learn how to regulate our emotions so that we do not become out of control.  We can learn how to stop sabotaging our lives and circumstances…and we can learn to behave in ways that are less hurtful and frightening to you.

Another thing you may have noticed is that spaced out look on our faces. This is called dissociation. Our brains literally disconnect, and our thoughts go somewhere else, as our brains are trying to protect us from additional emotional trauma. We can learn grounding exercises and apply our skills to help during these episodes, and they may become less frequent as we get better.

But, what about you?

If you have decided to tap into your strength and stand by your loved one with BPD, you probably need support too.  Here are some ideas:

Remind yourself that the person’s behavior isn’t your fault

Tap into your compassion for the person’s suffering while understanding that their behavior is probably an intense reaction to that suffering

Do things to take care of YOU. On the resources page of this blog, there is a wealth of information on books, workbooks, CDs, movies, etc. for you to understand this disorder and take care of yourself. Be sure to check it out!

In addition to learning more about BPD and how to self-care around it, be sure to do things that you enjoy and that soothe you, such as getting out for a walk, seeing a funny movie, eating a good meal, taking a warm bath — whatever you like to do to care for yourself and feel comforted.

Ask questions. There is a lot of misconception out there about BPD.

Remember that your words, love, and support go a long way in helping your loved one to heal, even if the results are not immediately evident

Not all of the situations I described apply to all people with Borderline Personality Disorder. One must only have 5 symptoms out of 9 to qualify for a diagnosis, and the combinations of those 5-9 are seemingly endless.  This post is just to give you an idea of the typical suffering and thoughts those of us with BPD have.

This is my second year in DBT. A year ago, I could not have written this letter, but it represents much of what was in my heart but could not yet be realized or expressed.

My hope is that you will gain new insight into your loved one’s condition and grow in compassion and understand for both your loved one AND yourself, as this is not an easy road.

I can tell you, from personal experience, that working on this illness through DBT is worth the fight. Hope can be returned. A normal life can be had. You can see glimpses and more and more of who that person really is over time, if you don’t give up.  I wish you peace.
Dec 2019 · 107
Heart breaking
Kimmy Dec 2019
My heart breaks for all of the kids with addict parents. For the small kids who don’t understand why they’re always staying at Grandma & Grandpa’s, and aunts and uncles, and friends of friends, and why mom and dad are hardly around.
For the 1st grade school children who just got bullied for the first time because their clothes aren’t always kept and their hair not always brushed.
For the fifth graders who are exposed to addiction and the cruelty of it way too early.
To the pre-teens who never have extra money for the football and the basketball games, to the ones who are finally understanding why their parents are the way that they are. To the hopelessness in the pit of your stomachs... Crying yourself to sleep because you aren’t sure how to help, because you aren’t sure of anything...
To the 15 year old who is so jealous that everyone else around you has a mom..and yours is missing.
To the 16 year old who just dropped out of school to make a life of your own.
To the 17 year old who works 40 hours a week and continues going to class to try and provide a life for yourself and your younger siblings...
To the 18 year olds with holes in their heart, looking back on their childhood and making vows that if you ever have kids of your’ll give them the world, you’ll show them all the love that you lacked.
To the 20+ year olds who beat on bedroom doors and spend nights searching for them when they’re on a ******...begging them to get help, you feel so useless. So used. You want to help them, they say they’re clean now. But you don’t get your hopes up never lasts long.
To the 30 year olds who haven’t spoken to their parents in years, because they decided that the heartache of loving an addict was truly too much bare...
My heart breaks for each and every single one of you. I’m sorry, that you feel you were robbed, that you were unloved, that you got the shortest end of the stick, but I hope in all of the ways it breaks your heart — it makes you grow. It makes you strong, and it makes you, you.
And in the end, when you make a life of your own, when you succeed, when you accomplish, when you become extraordinary, wonderful, can be proud, because nobody can take credit for who you are, you became absolutely ******* sensational all on your own.

And dear parents, no matter how many years it has been, we hope you know, if you ever get clean, we’ll be waiting to welcome you home. It’s never too late to change your life, even if it’s too late for you to change ours.
Aug 2019 · 131
Kimmy Aug 2019
Dust to dust
ashes to ashes,
Like a movie,
our life is a
bunch of
with our minds
stuck on rewind,
  we have
succeeded and
   we have left
    as I’m floating
      up to the sky,
   I ask god out loud
    “why god why?”
“I’m not supposed to die,
please answer me why”?
With a helping hand and a tear in God’s eye,
he says dry your tears, have no more fears, you are now here with me for eternity, these wings I give you embracing you to fly forever free!!❤️
Hoping when I die I will be given the wings to finally be free
Aug 2019 · 195
Mom behind your shadow
Kimmy Aug 2019
Behind your shadow
I stand and fall
It's a tough battle,
Which I feel so small,
My feelings towards you,
You might think it's
And numb!
When i needed
A mom, you
Were never
To talk about
Boys, even
To fix my
Yes you called
Once and awhile,
But a ocean
Of tears
Are behind this
I see other
Girls laughing
With their
I go dizzy
From all the swirls,
Then i crash
Like a bomb,
The anger in
Me rages a
Always angry
Try to stay
They say
Time heals
I don't think
That's true!
I know
Time did
Not do
Time has been
Flying, for
A long
I'm still
Fighting the
Ocean of
Tears behind
This smile,
One that
Hurts, and
I don't know
Why? It makes
Me cry,
When I think
About this,
To myself
I lie,
I've gotten
Over you!
That i
Never wanted
To try!!
You are a
Mother of
Two! Me
And my
I hardly
Know you!
Every night
I think of
How my life
Would of been,
Tears running
Down my
Face, and my
World starts
To spin,
My childhood
And teenage
Years, have
Been really hard!
For the rest
Of my life
I'll be
It took
Me time
To realize
What you did
To me!!
Tears in
My eyes,
And your
It seems!!
I try to
Be brave!!
It really
You could of
Instead of
Making it
I want you
To know this!!
It's sad but
****** true!
You Hurt
Your little
Girl! You
Ruined me,
You made
Me cry,
You really
Hurt me!!
The doctors
Or anyone
Don't see,
What my
Mother did
To me!!
If you ever
Want me
You have to
Prove you
Can be a mom!!
When i screamed
For you,
Did you hear?
I guess not
Cause you
We're never
I will tell
You can't
Once you
Hurt your
Kids, it
Will soon
Come to
This is to my adopted mom who no longer talks to me cause she can’t cope with my lifestyle

— The End —