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Dec 2020 · 185
Looking at the smiling faces
The happiness lost
in the old graying photos
forming into blank stares
rouge on cheeks
hinting the interest of
glossy lips
brightening tooth-filled smiles
perfectly manicured nails
glinting in the sun
lost in translation
from a life imprinted image
that could never wholly encapsulate
that one moment of
that one day
that now seems thousands upon thousands
of miles away
Apr 2018 · 361
Thin Ice
your boots send shivers across ice as thin as paper
wisps of snow float through the air
you can't help but think
as the cracks in the ice circle around you like a web
about all the times you kept walking
when the people who loved you most cried your name out in vain
when you locked your eyes on the ground with your head down
no time wasted but no time spent well
you think of your ignorance
when you refused to let anyone help

you realize all the things you should've done
you feel the empty lurch of your stomach as the ice breaks
as you fall to a freezing death
thinking - if only

if only I had kept my head up high
if only I had smiled just that once
if only I hadn't pushed all my friends away
if only I had listened

if only I had read the sign that said,
'thin ice'
heyyy <3 its been awhile
Nov 2017 · 287
1 knife
2 hands
3 tears
4 regrets
5 wishes
6 people loved and lost
7 friends gone
8 souls circling
9 times I tried
the 10th time I will succeed

too many lives changed..

too many to count.
just thinking... if only BB was here....
Oct 2017 · 228
am I really living?
Is living a life worth living,
really living?

Meeting deadlines
a goal

making promises
that are always broken
never kept
sold like drugs on the black market

waking up each day
knowing that you won't meet that deadline
that you won't reach that goal
that you broke a promise
that you have failed.

So ask yourself
Did I meet that deadline?
Did I keep that promise?
Have I reached my goal?
Have I lived my life to the fullest?
Or have I gone beyond the limits?
How have I done this?
And how can I share this virtue with others?
Will I fail?
or will my life end up being everything I wanted it to be
And more.
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been gone so long. I blame School, work, classes, etc...

Ok, love you guys! Byeee
The sweetness of her voice lingers
holding the room within her innocence
remembering the day years ago
when she sang the melodious tune
sharper and duller
louder and softer
captivating the entire room with her voice
all eyes transfixed upon the beauty standing tall
proudly daring the world to compete
an attempt to match
the stunning voice

I blink twice,
then again
the once glowing white floored stage
is scuffed and broken
the massive shiny circular tables
covered in white sheets
making the room look like a ghost's playhouse
then I remember
it was years ago
it feels like only minutes have passed
from the bellowing audience
and the dazzling acts
to the hurricane that ripped apart the roof
then to the debris scattered about the floor
no one had bothered to clean it up
then why should I?
Jul 2017 · 350
Breaking Moment
And I run to you,
with aching legs
and an aching heart
I run into your arms
closing my eyes
In hopes as to never forget this moment

and with soft promises of tomorrow.
tiny whispers of "I love you"
silent prayers that this wouldn't be the last time
A kiss on my forehead
holding me close to your chest
tears in our eyes
sadness overflowing
onto the pine needles crunching beneath our bare feet

Delicate hands on soft cheeks
"I have to go.."
Sadness sparks again in your eyes
"I love you."
"I love you too."

We break away,
only to stare at each other for another minute
our hands and our eyes locked together

carried away by the wind
"Rem em mber  m me  e.."
And our hands part
We break our gaze
More tears.
I'd never seen you cry before.

That moment.
the one moment where you are at the point between sanity and insanity.
the worst moment
but the best
the one that seems to last forever
but is gone in the blink of an eye
The breaking moment

"I love you"

We both retreat back into the safety of the darkness
Ok, I should stop now. I'm sorry, these past few days have been pretty hard for me.. I miss the second home I've created for myself when I went away.
I love you Lara,
from your "little sister."
Jul 2017 · 270
circle of candlelight
you stand in front of me
only slightly to the left
yours one of the many
the small candles lighting up in the darkness
encircling those who I've gotten closer with this summer
singing sweet songs of happiness
I force a smile onto my face
mirroring those around me
trying to hide the tears streaking down
my rosy cheeks
it feels like an eternity,
but it went by like the snap of a finger
and everyone walks away
retreating back into the darkness
the circle of candlelight breaking off
and heading in the other direction
a single candle slows,
letting the others slip ahead
You turn around,
the candle resting in your fragile hand
And I run to you
with aching legs
and an aching heart
I embrace you
praying to god
that I might see you again tomorrow

You kiss me on the top of my head
whispering, I love you
our matching brown eyes meet
twinkling by the fading candlelight
somewhere in my gut I knew
that I wouldn't see you
but somewhere in my heart
hoped that I would
I will always remember this, the sad circle of candles. It's been only a few days but I already miss you and everyone else so so much.
I love you Lara,
xo- Your "little sister".
Jul 2017 · 278
I will miss you..
And when I said, "I will miss you"
I didn't realize the depth or the meaning
until now.

Like claws against my face,
my tears burn into my porcelain skin
How could someone I knew for a few days
turn into an old and good friend?
I may have only known you for a little while, but you'll always have a special place in my heart, Lara. You were like my older sister, and I will always love you like one. <3 <3 <3 Thank you for being so amazing, smile forever, you light up the world. Keep hugging, you give amazing ones. Never stop being you.
Jun 2017 · 309
the internal battle
your harsh words set my heart ablaze
following the flames that light up my darkened soul
for I am not one to be weakened by hate
but I am the master of truth, justice, candor

I may battle day by day
to send your stinging words away
for I wash my bruised skin again and again
scrubbing away the hurt left inside
from the remembrance of you
the resemblance, but also semblance
misleading, misjudging, misinterpreting
leading me away
into a dark hallway of misery
but holding clarity
sending my mind into a black hole of despair
a single light will shine.
the question is,
will you follow it?
depressed. even at the beginning of the summer...
Jun 2017 · 245
Sometimes, the distance resonates between my words and your eyes
rumbling within me
quaking, churning, bubbling up inside
filling my every ache
all my pain
to be brought back
to my zen
my peace.
my home in your endless
deep blue eyes
Today my big words.... ;)
Jun 2017 · 275
Day after day,
month after month,
time goes by
people are born,
and others die...

no one can stop
the tick of the clock
and although many try
I know you will die
if you try
to defy
the fly
of Time.
Time flies by, cherish it while it lasts. don't try to defy the flight of time. ;)
Jun 2017 · 424
Grandfather's Wisdom
I ask, puzzled.
He squinted like he was looking at something far away but could't see it. He pushed his small brown rimmed spectacles up the bridge of his nose, stroking his white beard.
"I couldn't tell you that. You must look inside yourself.. There is the time and place you will find the answer you are looking for."
And he vanished, as fast as he had died the last time.
The pair of spectacles were all that remained, glinting in the sun on mothers old wooden dresser.
"I will grandpa.. I will."
From a book I am writing, not very poetic maybe, but the quotes are simply brilliant. Had to put it here. Thx for reading!
May 2017 · 239
I lie awake in bed
pondering silently in the dark
thinking of what, -of whom I may become
who I'm taught to be
what is right
what is best
but it's not me..

But it's just not me...
be who you are, not who others think you should be. And if you haven't stopped reading this yet, but are just wondering why I'm just repeating a bunch of bull*** slogans that you see plastered on t-shirts and on signs. Well, I am glad you're wondering because even now as you are probably clicking the thumb-down button, annoyed that I am just rambling on and on about the same old ****. Well, If you believe in this as much as I do, then you go girl! (or boy) This random inspirational message is getting too long now..
so that is a wrap, and zooP!
May 2017 · 233
When I cry,
The one thing that saddens me,
is to see those silver tears falling down your face

The only time I'm ever upset
is when I see you sad

You can punch me
and I'll take blows like no one else

But the only time I will cry
is when you cry too

If you know me well, you will know that most of the time I am just one big happy rainbow. If one of my friends are upset though, that is the only time I cry. Even if we have met only yesterday, I will cry for you...
So don't cry,
for I will cry too at the sight of your tears.
Don't cry, for I will cry too at the sight of your tears.
May 2017 · 345
The Two Verse Song
I used to know
a two verse song
it went like this;

If all hell breaks, who would be there to see it
And if we all die, who would be the one to know it?

If this song was to be sung
echoing from a crowd of people
began by one voice, elaborated by many
by now the song has died.
and I am the one who knows it.
Pray for Manchester
May 2017 · 250
Feathers (10W Poem)
Feathers float
gliding gently
landing lightly
sliding softly
burning brightly
Trying out the new HP...
May 2017 · 200
my life
rips apart at the seams
just like in my dreams
or is it a nightmare
trying to give me a scare
crumbling down
like the little old town
down in the slums
hearing the beating of drums
keeping time with my heart
wishing I could restart
or go back to the way
I wished my world would stay

So I send to you this rhyme
In hopes that everything will remain
until the end of time
to release the chain
my only hold to you
May 2017 · 224
the room is filled with a deadly silence
then you walk in

And the silence breaks
scattering the shards that once were
May 2017 · 249
dying with the devil
In a life of blackness
within the darkness swirling around
I ponder
deep into the darkest night
wishing, wondering, waiting
for something to happen
but not here,
not in this charcoal dust filled room
clogging my throat and my nose
I can barely breathe
but the black dust dances,
creating a story of the demons
and devils that fill my soul
The blackness thick around me
like a cloud
but I die
knowing that I was right
I died within the blackness of the demons that haunt my soul
I died with the devil inside of me
And with me inside the devil.
Just thoughts...
May 2017 · 290
sil ent ly...
don't pull the plug
from the power source to my life
keeping me alive
making the single dot of light
that is me
go out...

Now all is black
and I ponder
silently in the dark
for my dreams to come true.
May 2017 · 718
You're too loud
You speak in your writing
spreading hate through those very words
killing hope with comments
and making poetry your foe

You put out the flame of love
within your icy words
created here on this public site
for all to see, but only some will know
and cherish the words we say and flow
across the page in sweeps of meaning

Even few words hold more meaning
than the meaning of meaning, you say you know

Stop making her live a hell to be in
and start making a compassionate place to write in
We luv ya bryn, don't get upset at a few stupid hate comments. :)
May 2017 · 300
Pebble vs. Wave
I am but a mere pebble
your waves floating me to sleep
rocking me gently
foam seeping through my gray cracks
pulling me out into
an endless, endless ocean of blue
bringing me into a deep, deep silence
lulling me into a black, black sleep
Peaceful time of night,
May 2017 · 310
H e r
she wonders
she travels
she believes
she achieves
she laughs
she cries
she lives
I will never say those next two words in fear of making them a reality
She will never die
her spirit will live on forever
in me
in us
as a whole
she will never die
May 2017 · 200
The Line
A shove
you push me across the line
I stumble forward a few steps
looking at you staring at me cross-armed
I back up, trying to cross back over to you
I bump into something solid
the line has turned into a wall
I can't see you anymore
if I look hard enough
I can see small holes forming
but they are too hard to get through
too small
I don't know if I would ever be able to reach your side again

You can't just shove me over here
in a new atmosphere, a new town, new people, new places,
nothing is familiar
and you toss me in here
like yesterday's trash
expecting me to mix
to fit in perfectly

*but what if I can't?
I recently moved, and only some will know when it gets hard. It is tough when you are just expected to fit in with the new group you're tossed into. It's really hard sometimes, and it gets you down and it's impossible to drag yourself out of your personal hole of misery. But I guess I can. It's hard. I'm not sure if I really could. Like a fantasy...
May 2017 · 285
bullets ricochet off my chest
never to hit my steel heart
but like a grenade,
your bomb hits me
breaking my heart
May 2017 · 317
I didn't question,
when you came into my life
nor did I oblige you
when you said the few fateful words
I love you
And I would never agree
to let you back into my
wretched, blissful life.
May 2017 · 556
Give me my space
  aas             th
    yyooou   rr
       hheeaart     tttt
i              c     a       h
s                r      s          i  n g
I  n  v aa  d ii n g
my  MIND
                                     my  s ssp pp paaa cce ee
Get oouuuuttt
              lls             over
       hi         t           ls th e
   h e              h      hil       h
T                        e            ills
and    OfFfFFffff
toooo         buurnn
       y           s   o     u    l
   m            s   o    u    l
               s   o   u     l     ...
How I feel right now. so Get Out
May 2017 · 341
what I know
I'm told,
not to be angry
with myself or others

I am taught,
to live by simple rules
obeying and pursuing

I've learned,*
to live a quiet honest life
filled with laughter and tears

I know,
that one day
I'll escape from this
**** dammed world

and I will be happy..
If you ever feel out of place and alone, repeat this, one day we will all live, and thrive-hopefully away from the wretched world that we must call home.
but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
I have a headache
I feel sick
"No chance... I'm sorry..."
you're not
you don't know
the pain,
but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
parts of this were taken from the book I am writing in my free time. enjoy!
May 2017 · 377
Cherish the days when you are a balloon
held thoughtfully in a child's hand
lolloping along but teathered down

Love the days when you are a balloon
flying free
higher and higher
yet the feeling has leashed you
as you float back to earth

Never Fear the day,
when your balloon pops
. . .

just a pinprick can send you crashing down
Don't let others put a damper on your flame
be who you are and never be afraid to stand up for yourself.

I hope you think about the last stanza before the ...
May 2017 · 1.4k
i c e
My shedded tears cover the earth
coating its green wonders in water
a word representing demons

like your stare
crystal blue eyes
penetrate my soul
digging deep
reaching in
grabbing what's left of me
in your clenched fist

Sliding away
with my heart
May 2017 · 356
You know my name

not my story

you've heard what I've done
BuT NOt wHaT I'Ve bEeN ThRouGH
May 2017 · 750
I fear the thought of failure
my name written in the dirt
spat upon
Standing in line
picked out
like a painting
ashamed of what..
of who I've become
The mistakes
the bad things
I look back down
at my name in the dirt
a gravelly scribble
I grab a stick,

Your mistakes make you human.
May 2017 · 348
Blue Bird
Oh little Blue bird
shining light on my small world
blue streaks in the trees

Oh little blue bird
no vast array of color
brightening dark days

My little blue bird
sitting in your tiny cage
not to fly again

Fly little blue bird
the sky darkens in your wake
sadness following

Come little blue bird
for safe and sound you will stay
right here in my arms

Oh little blue bird
lying on the scarlet grass
eyes not opening
Don't go..
May 2017 · 1.1k
blank mind
rid me of the dark memories that haunt my soul
shed those tears I cried so long ago, into the depths of my pillow
but only minutes have passed,
it feels like years...
the concept of time is lost on me..
May 2017 · 339
Never ending
on   and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
and  on  and
on  and  on
"are you alright?"
Noticing my red eyes
the silver tears
the small moments
"I'm not sure."
Cool and blunt
"Find it then."
leaving me
*Find what?
May 2017 · 404
Suicide note for a friend
Nails on my skin
you pull me back
the only thing keeping me from death
you whisper,
don't go..
But you let go
my arm falling limply to my side
I shake my head slightly
and you nod
Tears streak down your red face
but you know
that I have to go

I remember,
looking up
I could see the shining stars
twinkling happily
out my old bedroom window
If only I could be as happy as them
Clouds cover the stars tonight
coating the world in a navy slur
But I hold this knife now
taken from my kitchen
hidden in my sock drawer
And I stand here
feeling stronger than ever
hidden so no one will find me
I can't deal with this
I don't care about the abuse
I know you won't miss me
I write this to inform you
that I was never happy on this earth
I might be on the next
No one will know
No one will care
So today I draw my knife
and I press it to my chest
as one for the billions
No one will miss me
My hand shakes
droplets of blood fall
mixing with tears
I have to
Don't worry about me,

**I'll be fine
From your BFFs (AM, BB, CC)
Don't go..
May 2017 · 307
A pessimist's proverb
Everything you hope for
and everything you wish,
is as likely as a bicycle
being ridden by a fish.
Written by Elizabeth J,
go check out her page!
May 2017 · 1.0k
Why does everyone have a category?
put into separate boxes
but why do we need these "titles"
because aren't we all the same?
aren't we all the same stupid people?
the same stupid
****** annoying
that put us
into these categories as well?
So why all the TITLES
We r all the same, but different at the same time...
haHA Think about THAT
And yes I've posted a lot today...
keep up :)
May 2017 · 427
Waterfall of Tears
Small droplets
cascading down my cheeks
forming a puddle
that will grow into a lake
soon to be an ocean
no land to be seen
for miles
a waterfall of tears
May 2017 · 311
The feeling of flight
The feeling of flight
not many will know
or experience
the joy
the wonder
or the tranquility
of the feeling of flight
soaring above the clouds
higher than all
lower than none

except that day
th udd d
Now I stand low
lower than low
at the base of the hierarchy of life.
Ever feel low? my day so far...
May 2017 · 244
Roaring winds of life
In the roaring winds of life
The best I can do is to hold on
thrashing and lashing out
in the midst of the storm
Daring to sweep me away
off into the eyes of the
whooshing wild winds
Originally made by Allie, I just added to it.
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
The Song of Nature
Whistling a gentle tune in the forest
as the wind swoops and bends the trees
chattering with the birds
their flashes of red blue and yellow
swinging throughout the green branches
that hang low over a glistening meadow

Singing the song of the sand
as it swirls and twirls around you
whispering its silent prayer
a lure into the depths
of the hot grains

Humming a lullaby
singing sweetly to the enchanting river
as it carries you along
Its white waters wash
away your sins
as it carries you away
through the heart of the jungle
the middle of the scorching desert
through and through
up and up

Now here I lay
on the face of the moon
a glowing arc in the sky
whispering kind wishes
from our spot in space
I sit here with my mouth closed
for I am silent
and therefore
my songs will not touch the earth
not ever again
Apr 2017 · 609
scattering sunshine
Shadows dance along whitewashed walls
scattered dark shapes float in the air
outlining thin patches of sunshine
splattered like yellow paint
on my bedroom wall
staring out the window
feeling more depressed than before
thinking of reaching up
taking the glowing ball
by its feathers of light
taking it in my arms
and carrying it away
not to hide it from the world
but only
to scatter sunshine
Be happy! Scatter sunshine
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Birthstone (Do I belong)
The small rock representing your birth
engraved deep into a necklace
proving your worth
to the world
and to you

the one sitting there
staring out into a moonlit sky
the thousands of twinkling stars
dapple the sky
as the whooshing wind whispers

the proud dark eyed girl
standing tall along an old wooded pier
the spray of the sea splatters your face with its salt
bellowing waves crash underneath your feet
You belong

And You
are still here
one of many
on this earth
loved and guided
through this life and to the next
and you,
so many people feel out of place here on earth, i wish that i could change this but the ***** truth is, that i can't..  I've always felt different and sort of out of place, I'm still not quite sure why.. maybe because I have different passions/interests that other people, but that burden is mine, not yours, always be who you are.
Apr 2017 · 302
Soaring high above the clouds
Your wings flying like shrouds
Never to land on the earth
Never wondering the worth
You use your wings to your advantage
And I never doubt that you can manage
The sky has always been your playground
And you were crowned
it’s playful child

Your feathers linger
Like wild fingers
Brushing gently along my shoulder
And I stand here resting on land
But death swoops along like a big hand
And falling through the sky
I can almost hear you whisper good-bye
Landing crumpled on the dirt
so I wrap you in my shirt
to carry you back to the sky
in the hopes that you will be able to fly
once again
I love birds, I mean, who can't?! ;)
But I saw a dead one today, which motioned me toward this poem..
Apr 2017 · 374
Midnight falls
I cry silently
sitting underneath a moonlit sky
cascading down my bright cheeks
like a waterfall at midnight
Apr 2017 · 954
Too small
I may be too small to see
over the edge of the countertop
but I am not too small
to see past your lies
and into your heart,
mind, and soul
I have many good friends who are smaller than I, but watching other people underestimate them, motivated me to write this poem. Enjoy.
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