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 May 2015 CJ Hattingh
When I saw him again, I was no longer nervous.

When I talked to him again, I was no longer convinced that people that love you so dearly can turn their backs on you I'm a second bc suddenly 16 months felt like 2 minute commercials in between the tv shows right before something majorly dramatic is about to happen.

I questioned everything, I believed nothing. For once in my life, my heart was strong but oh was my stomach weak.

I wanted to touch him in the most innocent way you can say it.

I wanted to see if he was real even if his words weren't.

Because though you never truly get over your first love, you get over the lies, wrongs, and injustice they've committed.

He told me I changed him 2 years ago. And when I saw him yesterday he said it again, but I knew the difference between the 2. Falling in love changes people, but so does getting hurt.
The Shot
The Gun
The Bullet
The Fear

Everything is trembling
The Death is near

The awakening
The shock
The confusion
The dread

The sun shines bright
Are you really dead?

Then the conclusion
Then understanding
Then fear is gone
Then this mad grin

The world wakes up
It was just a Dream
In a Mirror,
I shalt not look,
For I dread the Mirror,
Behind my eyes.

For when I looked,
It craved for my hand,
And in mere darkness,
I fain reached hers.
 May 2015 CJ Hattingh
Nessa dieR
It was a pinch of*  Insanity
*That saved the world.
When the moon howls
Thats when she talks
Loud, so loud
I can not think

All I do is
and Listen

Nothing more but
Follow her lead

Out of bed
On my feet
"Get the rope
and follow me"

I grab the
She gets
the blade

I slowly
Drift to my
Last breath

My final smile

Underneath the
Blood moon
 Apr 2015 CJ Hattingh
This generation has become so lost,
The idea of perfect wrapped around,
Believing being perfect and better looking,
Is the only way out.

Because of this flaw and so much more,
We are the generation,
Who will teach our children,
To love and accept,
Everyone and everything,
No matter race, sexuality, weight or gender,
For being unique and original,
In their own special ways.

Because we know,
How much it hurts,
Being kicked and taunt,
To feel out of place,
Like somehow we just don’t belong,
And no one understands.

We are the generation,
Who will be there for our kids,
And let them know,
It’s alright to talk about their feelings.

We are the generation,
Who will not let them hide in the dark,
But bring them to the light,
Which is filled with delight.

We are the generation,
That will begin a new formation.
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