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798 · Sep 2020
Good Morning New York
Austin Reed Sep 2020
Autumn air;
How you steady me.

Dewy overcast;
Where have you hid the sun?

Swayful trees;
I bought this sweater for you.

Mirrored puddle;
You can’t fool these boots.

Crowding pigeons;
Find your own bagel!

Taxi driver,
Over here! Hey! Over here!
699 · Mar 2021
Austin Reed Mar 2021
You’re a safe haven,
blessing me with great vastness,
392 · Aug 2020
Austin Reed Aug 2020
Give me undying love
My selfishness wants your time
Listen to my words;
They’re more important than what you’re doing

Fill my void
Be something I can’t conflict
Welcome me like I do my self-indulgent thoughts
368 · Feb 2021
Austin Reed Feb 2021
He got excited,
almost thought to kiss her then,
but he fought the urge,
knowing she wouldn’t feel the same,
and God, it was heartbreaking.
350 · Oct 2020
Ohio Oct. 26
Austin Reed Oct 2020
I can see my breathe,
my fingertips are frozen,
and my notes are damp.
332 · Feb 2019
Austin Reed Feb 2019
Wrapped to our wrist
Pinned on our walls
Dawn till dusk
Time is always present
Before we were born and after we die
It’s measured by memories, effort, split second decisions
It’s of the essence
Apparent to its incapable yearning to stop
It flies by.
Days we spent angry
Hours dreading our jobs
Regrets and what could haves
We’ll never get it back or be there like we once were
I could say enjoy today and take everyday one step at a time
Or I could be righteous to the ever longing tick
Why should I
With the time I took to write this is now gone
I’ll be tired once morning comes
But I did what I wanted to with my time
Choose your time wisely
Because forever is unkind
282 · Jan 2021
Beach house
Austin Reed Jan 2021
There she was again,
in the same yellow sundress
feet burrowed in sand,
staring off at the ocean,
joyous in all its splendor.
266 · Feb 2020
SR 301
Austin Reed Feb 2020
Windows downs,
On the state route;
daddy driving a 93’ pickup
2000s blasting through the speakers
In the front seat with a gameboy
Joyous as any kid could be

What I’d give to relive one day...
One more day of innocence.
I miss that truck man.
249 · Mar 2021
The First Move
Austin Reed Mar 2021
Is it hot in here?
It feels awfully warm right?
Maybe it’s the room
Either way I need a drink.
A few minutes… just SOMETHING.
236 · Feb 2021
Dear, Macy
Austin Reed Feb 2021
I walked past your old house.
I stared at the dark windows,
wishing I could turn back time.

Your bedroom light would flick on and I’d call you.
Asking you out for ice cream.
You’d run to the window and there I’d be.
You’d run out of that house all giddy like,
wearing an old flannel of mine.
We’d hold hands as we walked down the block.
You’d start to ramble on about nothing.
We’d admire our neighborhood
as the leaves rustle across the street.
admitting this was our favorite time of year.

You’d find us a table while I stood in line
I’d ask for two Oreo shakes.
Your eyes getting big when I brought them over.
We’d sip away and talk more about nothing
and I’d be so happy.

The night would get cooler
And we’d snuggle each other walking back.
Squeezing me tighter
the closer you were from home.
We’d stand under that light
in your front yard.
Saying nothing but
feeling everything.
Both tired and cold,
refusing to let go.

Tonight, I stood there again.
begging to be that kid again.
Inspired By Kacey Johansing
“Let Me Walk Right In”
194 · Apr 2021
Glass Half Full
Austin Reed Apr 2021
Bright and colorful,
optimistic of today,
how I envy that
180 · Dec 2020
Game Night
Austin Reed Dec 2020
The sudden outbursts,
Your unearthing demeanor,
irregular tone.
Steve, you’re scaring the whole room.
Relax, it’s just a board game...
174 · Feb 2019
Austin Reed Feb 2019
Roads became vague
Wound up in a ditch
Following street signs, I headed East
Stumbling upon a ghost town
All I heard was whispering winds

Looking down vacant streets and allies
I saw a smile,
Her giggle echoed
As she waved for me to follow
I chased her my whole life
Just to hear,
You’re not alone
167 · Jan 2021
Austin Reed Jan 2021
This was so foolish,
I thought I’d be different,
dreamt we’d be anew,
but I can’t escape the gloom,
in your arms of this ballroom.
162 · Feb 2019
Austin Reed Feb 2019
It’s all manifested
I can trace back to then
I was just a boy
Trusting my heart
Stumbling upon life’s hards truth
This parasite burrowed, deeper and deeper as I aged
Living in the dark corners of my mind
Somehow I found it to be a friend
It was solid
My whole life happiness was borrowed
Time would run its course for the things I cherished
youth, loved ones, crushes, anything that made me smile
Where did I go wrong?

this little buddy though
I still had him
We shared loss,
We learned from it

Laughter, voices, embraces
All Pigments of fading memories.
Everything just leaves
Scrambling through grieve to make sense of it all but i just can’t.
Love must never die.
We must.
To celebrate old times is a toast to a funeral.
When does right and wrong become apparent in these states
When does insanity and normality become neighbors
Fearful, reflection and complexion go their separate ways
Weak and fragile I weigh my knees
Cold and motionless
My friend had reached my heart.
Feeding off everything I had left.
I became numb.
Every day was yesterday and tomorrow was today.
Slowly, I lifted myself
I kept falling
In a hot sweat
I lost what was most important
I lost myself

This is my life, embedded pain.
A screech rings through my head.
In the hazy fog I hear a feint scream
Begging and pleading for me.
There’s a flickering light
I feel my heart begin to pound
I can almost touch it.

Until the screech echoes again

I’m living in a war
hiding under the beautiful eyes I’ve been gifted

Sleepless nights have restitched my tone
I hide the agonizing sorrow like a gun

Truly listen
You may just find me
161 · Feb 2021
Austin Reed Feb 2021
She caressed his face,
speaking softly unto him,
bearing all his tears.
161 · Jan 2021
Austin Reed Jan 2021
Had I never left,
would we still have ended up,
in separate beds?
153 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
I gaze upon her,
fantasizing what I’d say,
given she said hey.
152 · Mar 2020
Austin Reed Mar 2020
Crippling fright
Restless nights
Envious thoughts
Endless haunts
Petrified of lonely
150 · Jan 2021
Austin Reed Jan 2021
You’re barely focused,
pressed about uncertainty,
you’ve forgotten me.
135 · Mar 2020
Transparency V
Austin Reed Mar 2020
It’s lonesome
Watching life through pictures
Wishing you had a moment back
Longing for a new venture

It’s lonesome
Feeling the way you do
To shy to tell
Yearning for their touch

It’s lonesome
Sleeping in
For there’s no plans
Just your bed
124 · Mar 2020
Mr. Fitch
Austin Reed Mar 2020
A fragment of a man once was
A distant man at the crossroads
Desperate and no where to go
Ready to face the debt he owes.
124 · Mar 2020
Austin Reed Mar 2020
Down but never out
The crowds hail his name
He stands strong
Weathering each storm
Dancing around on tired legs
Slow & fatigued still keeping his hands up
By shear will, he keeps coming
Bruised and battered
Biting down, marching forward
People jump to their feet
Bookies clutching their dollars

In deep waters he rises victorious
Screaming to the glory
Carried on the shoulders of men
Parading his belt
For he’s the best in the world
123 · Oct 2020
Austin Reed Oct 2020
Don’t look so shocked kid,
victory awaits you too,
patience is virtue.
122 · Nov 2020
A word of Advice
Austin Reed Nov 2020
Go take sometime off,
look at today’s forecast,
take a walk outside,
see the gray and the wrinkles,
son, don’t be like your father.
111 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
I try reaching out,
though, I’m waved off or dismissed,
it’s embarrassing
Sometimes you just need a friend
111 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
rarely is it ever shown,
just your short comings.
108 · Sep 2020
American Dream
Austin Reed Sep 2020
I romanticize a thought:
My work is done, my constant trembling and anguish fades from my head.
All my “what if’s” have withered.
The camera slowly zooms upon my weeping face.
Laughing in an uncontrollable fit of tears.
My epic has come to its end; Joyously happy
107 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
He’s not listening,
you whisper in tongues of love,
afraid to be bold.
104 · Apr 2020
Carpe Diem
Austin Reed Apr 2020
In the cold dark
I won’t tremble
I’ll arise like morning sun
And ever so daring
No longer in the shadows of yesterday
For today is the first day of the rest of my life
103 · Jun 2020
Just Forget It
Austin Reed Jun 2020
Suppress my feelings.
I stuff it down.
I’m less full now.
Funny how that works.
Something inside has faded into the black.
A fragmentation of yesteryear
whisked away
Now this...
This is solitude.
101 · Jun 2020
Austin Reed Jun 2020
I dance in public,
parade myself down city streets,
sliding, and twirling through crowds;
Sundays I rollerblade,
Give the DJ a few request,
Snake walking my way to you,
Anything to be slick in my gesture;
You make me sing songs.
I hop around all too much,
Ooo my neighbors must hate it
I just can’t help this feeling;
Fun and lighthearted
100 · Mar 2020
Austin Reed Mar 2020
It’s an early March morning
There’s an overcast sky
Winds whipping through the pines

A man stands hillside
Alone & afraid
Accompanied by clattering chains
Theres a distant wagon in the valley
Each gallop growing closer
He begins to weep

He prays for a miracle
Maybe the wagon will crash
Just anything he begs

A crowd can be heard near
desperately he thrashes around
Kicking the cage  
Over & over
Surveying for help
All can be seen are the roaring pines

He grips the cage tightly
As it creaks open
Two men drag him out
Pulling him through the streets,
Brought down to his knees
He pleas, screams, mercy please

Everythings exhausted
He feels numb & defeated
As the Warden marches forward

Reaching for his big axe
The Warden overlooks the man
Raising his blade
The air becomes still
A small thud echoes through the town,
The wardens lip quivering to sight beneath his feet
99 · Feb 2020
Transparency IV
Austin Reed Feb 2020
We do everything to be nice
understanding whatever excuse
Even if we bite our tongue

Just to put all our energy forward
Only to find ourselves  
Hurt and exhausted
98 · Jul 2020
Austin Reed Jul 2020
Lying in the dewy grass
Happy and cool,
unphased by buzzing flies.
Unaware of the rising sun he dozes back to sleep

Few hours pass  
The air has grown dry, and still.
grass has withered and become brittle
Not a cloud in sight

Birds flock to a neighboring pond
Bothered by chirps he awakens, panicked and wide eyed.
He’s drowsy and growing warm,
his stomach rumbles.
He takes a stroll around, ready to ****** some quick grub.

Unsuccessful in his venture, he’s parched and famished
The sun sits at 12 with little shade.
All he can muster up is getting over to that pond.
He find his path,
it’s black and waves hover above it.
He puts his digits on it,
refraining immediately.
It’s too hot... even for me, he thinks.

Few hours pass,
he still lies close to the pavement, sun bleached and dry, staring blankly at the pond...
His heart beats softer and softer with every minute.
The light begins to escapes his eyelids.

Slowly he fades.
Feeling as if he’s floating.
Until a warm refreshing sensation comes upon him.
His eyes open, a tall figure hovers above.
“Yea, now that’s better isn’t it little buddy“
97 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
He doesn’t speak a word,
worried he’s too annoying,
so he stares blankly.
96 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
Our timing is off,
I long for that day to come,
until then, my love...
94 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
Find your inner joy,
carry it like an old toy,
don’t ever let go
94 · Oct 2020
Austin Reed Oct 2020
Little locus tree
It now just occurred to me
Just how big you’ll be
94 · Oct 2020
Austin Reed Oct 2020
I long approval,
from people I barely know,
how silly is that?
90 · May 2020
Austin Reed May 2020
A clever jest; May,
Blooming trees and fierce snow squalls...
Such antimony!
89 · Dec 2020
Lost Time
Austin Reed Dec 2020
You’ve become so vague,
I can’t even remember,
the back of your neck.
A lazy haiku
88 · Feb 2020
Austin Reed Feb 2020
On this somber night
I hide under blankets
Safe and sound
Dreaming of home
The place where I can weep
Screaming under water
As the angels carry me away
Humming to everlasting horns
Washed in good graces
Reborn in salvation
Free of blistering evil
In the sweet surrender
Of Zion
86 · Feb 2020
Mr. Daily
Austin Reed Feb 2020
On his porch the fickle man rest
Wrinkled and worn
Like a blue collar wallet

He watches the day pass
Vicariously through the youth of the block
Often pondering his dog days

He reads his morning paper
To the sound of neighboring dogs howls
Growing annoyed, he howls back

Wise to the humid day
He finishes his chores early, pulling out a rag
Wiping the sweat from his forehead
He sits back down to a long awaited Budweiser

Watching the neighbors come home
He smiles, back to the kiss of his late wife
What freedom she gave after a long day

After supper he settles down for dusk
Reaching for his radio
Tuning into the ball game
Pirates up two, bottom of the fifth

On his porch the man rest
Wrinkled and worn
Watching the sunset
Cherishing his every breath
85 · Mar 2020
Austin Reed Mar 2020
Every morning she’d complain
“I never get any sleep”
“He tosses and turns all night”
“Always up early too”

She’d warn friends,
“He’s a bit much sometimes”
“He means well; really”
“He just don’t know better”

Oh she’d groan,
“Why you always want my food”
“Don’t... Don’t look at me like that”
“Ok, one bite y’know I hate sharing my food!”

There’s an old picture of them in visor
She slides it out
Looking upon the empty seat
Tearfully chuckling; “I miss that **** dog
84 · Jun 2020
Move Along
Austin Reed Jun 2020
Drums beat a little harder on Mondays,
So I keep a pep in my step,
Can’t be swallowed up
Not gonna let it.
So I keep a pep in my step.
84 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
Fear is only the unfamiliarity of uncertainty.
Just a thought
83 · Dec 2020
Austin Reed Dec 2020
I’m on a mission,
dodging every distraction,
I won’t “lighten up”.
82 · Nov 2020
Austin Reed Nov 2020
She’s such  a cutie,
blue jeans and a thrifty tee,
lost in the city.
81 · Nov 2020
Austin Reed Nov 2020
Constantly rushing,
always procrastinating,
I once was young too.
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