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1.1k · Jan 2014
Diverging Thoughts
How many times do I flit across your thoughts like a
   (Breathtaking butterfly?)
   (Horror-movie vampire bat?)
Please don't answer that.
Any response you could make would
  (Utterly fulfil?)
  (Keep your silence)
  (Come to me through the darkness and the storm)
I'm waiting for you to
  (Leave my head)
  (Warm my bed)
I'm waiting to see what you
1.1k · Dec 2013
Sippy Cup Shenanigans
Baby watered her bears
And fell asleep in a sodden heap
Dreaming, no doubt,
Of a world where watered teddies grow
Like flowers, throw
Their paws to the sky,
Fur unfolding like petals,
Chummy grins becoming monstrous,
Button eyes like black holes,
Threatening to gobble her up.
She woke screaming at 3am
I replaced the wet with dry,
Soothed with cuddles,
Changed the scary dripping bears
For dry dollies.
Now she's sleeping soundly,
Hairy scary bears, downstairs
Waiting to be be tumbled,
Wanting to be dry.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Trying Time
I am trying so hard to be happy,
At times, I almost succeed.
I have a beautiful life
Filled with wonderful people,
Yet, my soul leans towards melancholy
Like a flower following the sun,
And will not be diverted.
I am opening up now,
Like the petals of that flower,
Hoping you will hear me.
I am tired of trying.
I need my kindred spirits
To lift me from despondency
And turn me to the light.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Lessons for an Ugly Beast
Don't think that you are in control,
Or ever were.
I don't know you,
And though I danced with you,
It was, in retrospect, once upon a nightmare,
Not a dream.
Unlike Sleeping Beauty
It took three kisses to awaken this princess,
But I think I prefer the role
Of the wicked queen.
Bite my apple,
Take this glass slipper full in the face.
It's midnight,
I never liked pumpkins,
So I won't be attending your party of pain.
Laugh if you will
At a tale as old as time,
There never is a happy ending,
Wicked witches want revenge.
1.0k · Apr 2015
Fire and Flame
I will be
The candle that lights your way
Not the wildfire
That ravages your world.

You must be
The hearth that brings me home
Save me from my secret self
Drawn to the danger of the flame.
1.0k · Mar 2014
Conquered Queen
I have such power
But wily Knight could take me
If he moves with skill.

You are behind me,
Where you belong. Careful now…
I can move backwards.

A pawn is in my path.
I can’t take him,
He is protected by you.

There is a way out
But I do not want to win
I want to be won.

Take me, game over,
I willingly concede, my
strong, sweet Knight, checkmate.
These are linked haikus/senryu's but I don't think the poem needs to be labelled as such.
1.0k · Sep 2013
Grateful for Rain
Like everyone else, these September downpours have me grumbling,
but secretly, I couldn't be happier.
Rain has come for me, my saviour from the skies,
Cautioning, encouraging restraint.
Thank you rain,
For hiding everything from everyone.
For masking tears,
Blurring fears,
And keeping me away.
I am still so vulnerable,
But I want to stay strong, and am trying so hard.
This downpour, this baptism,
Washes away weakness, and temptation,
And may tip the balance the right way;
Move me further from Summers' indulgence
Into abstinence, and resolve.
I am ever grateful to the Gods of Rain,
Who saw what I needed, and supplied,
They may save me from myself.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Little bird
No longer a symbol of
Freedom and flight.

Little bird
Your flutterings haunt
My featherlight, restless

Little bird
Hover no more, Horror feathers
have no place here,
Migrate, away, begone.
1.0k · Jul 2014
She dances in circles,
Moving through the beat
In the hazy spanish heat.
Skirts fly, hungry eyes
Following her firm brown thighs
Pumping arms, and thumping feet
in the hazy spanish heat.

She dances with abandon
Lost and found, dizzy and wet
With a stranger she just met.
Hands clasped, waist grasped
Churning dust amidst a fevered lust,
Move the dance to tangled sheets,
In the hazy spanish heat.
Watching a dancing girl and a captivated boy, on a sultry spanish evening.
1.0k · Aug 2013
I want to pull you back, back
into my arms and onto my mouth
I know, I know
You are doing what you must
In keeping away, for both of us, but
If I could only know
That you are thinking of me
If I could only catch your eye
And re-establish what we found.
Is this the end?
The unclaimed ecstasy of us
Come back to me, I will give it all up,
And never look behind
If you will come back,
Please come back.
1.0k · Feb 2014
Oh, August
I don't want to write about the cold, the wind,
The rain or these January doldrums.
England at this time of year is desperate and depressing,
And I'm longing for warm breezes, nighttime teases
A pregnant, chuckling moon at midnight. August dances,
Wild advances, stolen, secret, hungry glances.
Magic, confusion, summer scents
BBQ, Samsara, Bacardi and Cava,
And the kind of flowers that try to impregnate you with their scent;
Smell me! they plead,  then kiss as I burst, spilling my pollen,
Blessing the union of your hungry, eager mouths.

January is barren but August is ripe, heady, ready,
Moist and pulsing, life is in the air,
Flee the doldrums, take me there.
I still don't know what to do,
So I do nothing
For another evening.
Waiting for the right moment
Is nothing more than cowardice.
I am too afraid that you will ignore me,
Or delete me,
So I do nothing,
Because while you are an option,
I could do something
While you are still there, connected,
I could be the one to reach out.
I want it to be you,
But know it won't be.
You have left the door open
Only to see if I will follow,
And if I do,
You will have won,
And may well slam it in my face.
And also...he doesn't care enough to want to rectify or reach me or to anyone else.
Bitter truths sinking in, lessons learned, strength within.
1.0k · Dec 2013
The Fool
Nothing has changed, nothing will, not this way.
I am a poor fool, bound to you
And begging, on my knees, for every scrap you toss my way.
Reconnection leads to reinfection,
I am a sad fool,
A mad fool, to risk again, all that I have.
And yet, as you reach out…I am lost,
Clinging to virtual words, dreaming of a world that’s gone,
Trying to glue together something shattered
Wishing for time reversal, praying for a miracle
To salvage my remembrance of a desperate year.
1.0k · Feb 2014
Cocktail Hour
I know that you will mix
Something wonderful for me,
Because you know what I like
Without me having to tell you.
You know what I like
And I love that you know what I like.

I know that you will watch
As I take the first sip,
Because I know what you want
Without you having to tell me.
I know what you want
And you love that I know what you want.
1.0k · Apr 2016
All my thoughts of you are purple.
You will ever be inky,
The last colour of the rainbow.

Lush berry stain
And a famous rain.

Pools, purpled with the heart of the moon
through thunderclouds,
Viscous and inviting.

Amethyst lover.
A rose dappled with dew.
As if it wept
Like my bruised and aching heart.
1.0k · Dec 2014
Behold (haiku)
Before such beauty
Reason flees, restraint is mocked
By wild, glad desire.
1.0k · Dec 2013
The power of Lust
Don't underestimate the power of lust.
It can unmake you
Unmask you
Bury good intentions in a landslide of overwhelming want.
You switch from sister to *****,
Disregarding friendship, family,
Faith, hope, happiness,
None are a match for the dopamine high.
Now you're on a slippery *****,
A path to disaster,
Tumbling faster,
Losing rationality, perspective, judgement, humanity,
Succumbing to the hungry beast within.
You will resist, you may think you have it sussed,
But lust will always win.
1.0k · Feb 2015
You are the Sun
A small flower
Forlorn, questing,
Reaches skyward, tight-budded,
Yearning for the gentle touch
of nurturing rays.
Oh, fragile,
Trying not to drown
In the cold, relentless rain.
Bright star, I need you so,
Without you, I will shrivel and die.
Warm me, lift me skyward,
Touch me, kiss me
Open my petals,
Only you can see my colours,
Feed my heart,
Encourage me to bloom.
999 · Feb 2014
Sadistic kisses froze me.
Though I begged for melting,
He laughed as I shivered
And stripped me bare.
Oh, the cold, I cried.
Immobile and compliant as he staked my heart.
Impaled on an icicle,
My blood froze where it ran
But then, I found a fire.
Now I burn
And he freezes, unaware
That he shivers, lost and bare.
I am sad to hear him cry
For, no succubus am I.
996 · Sep 2013
Uncomfortable Choices
Just thinking about seeing you, tonight,
Makes my eyes water
And my head spin
With various aspects of crazy.

I am considering (and trying to find an excuse)
To abandon a cosy dinner in a candlelit restaurant
For two hours in the rain, watching a Disney movie,
just so I can see your face.

Of course, I’m hoping there’ll be a resurrection
Of longing glances, whispered messages
And later, electronic conniving
Of the kind we have both been avoiding.

It won’t happen,
But I will derive a certain sick comfort
In seeing you there, in the rain,
Watching it trickle over your beautiful face
And wanting to kiss it away.  

I will be happier, and more comfortable
Squirming there in rain-soaked clothes
Than sipping top price Burgundy in you-know-where
With you-know-who.

But I know what I need to do,
The sensible thing, the only thing I can.
I'll leave you there, dewy and delicious
Kissed by rain, and wishing it was me.
988 · Aug 2013
The Perfect Peach
I found a perfect peach
And let my greed engulf me
Ate it dripping summers' blood
It tasted of life, and glowed
Like a miniature sun.
I drowned in the juice
And for less than a minute
It was my universe.
When I came to the heart of the thing
That stern unyielding stone
I nearly wept that it was over
Although there were others in the bowl
None were at that perfect moment
And never would be.
They were as hard as rocks
Or soft, but slightly weathered, starting to fur
The juice not quite ****, not quite sweet, not quite right
I don't think I will ever find another perfect fruit
I don't think I will try.
986 · Sep 2015
SHE she she
No longer the Oracle,
Unworshipped now,
I long for the thunder of four feet
An offering; scalped dolly, smashed toy,
SHE did, SHE took, SHE broke
Pudgy legs akimbo, bursting righteous rage
Turns to salty sobs and snot,
Defensive, downcast eyes
Flick up to meet my own.

But you have grown.
Shouting now abruptly quelled,
Transgression negated, a different fear,
but did SHE hear?
Tears transformed to giggles,
The idol is abandoned, rots in reminiscence.
Solace in each other,
The thrill of sister-secrets
And the joy of learning
*not to tell.
A poem about the dynamics of the relationships between mother, daughter, and sisters.
986 · Oct 2013
Ugly Defined
There is nothing ****, romantic, beautiful or admirable
In starving, bingeing or throwing up.
It doesn’t make you different
And it doesn’t mean you’re in control.
Fish-Bone body,
Spine like shards of glass,
Risking a rupture each time you indulge your
sordid, secret habit.
Why are you trying to find beautiful words
To pretty your ugly, violent acts?
There are none.
There is no beauty
In ***** and bile,
There is nothing to admire
In the punching of your stomach
The water loading,
The blisters on your knuckles
And your grey, grainy skin.

I watched someone die from this.
I refuse to do it again.
I know you can't help it...I can't help that it upsets me.   :-(
984 · Nov 2013
Drunken Hubby
He will come home tonight
Full of wine, his friends, and steak,
And gently 'wake'
Sleep faking me.
He'll be loving,
Vocal, animated, demonstrative,
He'll want to talk.
Apologetic, clumsy, sweet,
I will meet
My love again,
With a smiling snuggle,
And an indulgent, happy kiss.
983 · Jan 2014
Playing 'Office World'
Players 1 and 2 are after the same role
Pretending friendship with a higher power
In a laughable effort to get what they want.
3 just drinks coffee.
All day long.
No-one knows what work she actually does
Or is indeed employed to do.
5 will soon be retired
Right now he's just tired
of all the silly games
So he sneaks a nap at his desk when things are quiet
And reads his newspaper under the desk.
There's one guy, number 6, he brings wine
To work and hides it in the toilets
Has a plan to confess soon
The company are obliged to pay for rehab
But at the moment, it's cheaper to turn a blind eye.
4 is the office joke
Gets in at seven
No lunch, last to leave,
A real workhorse
But he's next up for redundancy
Makes everyone else look bad.
And me?
You know my story
I write poetry
All day long.
And I drink coffee.
I Stay out of the way
I don't like office play.
981 · Sep 2013
Mysterious Backache
Why does my back hurt so badly
Every morning?
Is it because all night,
Through my dreams
I am carrying you home?

Or is it because
On waking,
I break a little more each morning,
Crushed by your absence,
Snapping under the weight of guilt?

Soon I will be you.
Of course, it could just be because I need to buy a new mattress! ;-)
973 · Sep 2014
Two Stars
A lost, dark star
Resisting the relentless pull of a black hole,
Taking, draining, breaking,
Its light could not escape.

Approaching the Event Horizon
A high-energy collision;
Caught in the gravitational pull
Of another, kindred star.

An expanding universe
Unleashing the power of creation.
Darkness recedes, banished,
Twin suns shimmer, renewed, rebirthed

This is us; you are the star that saved me,
The universe blazes with innumerable others,
Your light outshines them all.
970 · Feb 2014
I'll be my cat
I'm going to transmigrate my psyche
into my cat.
Spend most days curled in a beanbag,
Emerging only for food, cuddles and a quick saunter round the garden.
On days like today,
I'll lay down in a shaft of sunlight
And playfight with my brother
In the tentative February glow.
I'll be well rid of human angst
And inner turmoil,
Content to acquiesce to occasional petting
Soaking up affection
Purring softly in response.
965 · May 2014
Fighting at four
4am, awake again.
It is hard to hold onto the self
When engulfed in pain,
The essence of me,
Overwhelmed by analgesics.
Fight, fight, fight,
Everything will be alright.
Time enough to shed this murky shroud,
For now, coffee, codeine, carry on.
959 · Jul 2014
This beautiful island seems lonely, as if it yearns for a shipwrecked sailor.

It has a hidden current that repels ships and swimmers.

Navigate that sly, strong pull
And risk being dashed to pieces on invisible rocks.

But oh, the rewards, should you reach that sandy shore.
Another old one, written last year and never posted til now.
I kissed my lover here,
Sandwiched between the smells and the sells;
Turkish delight and baklava,
Over ripening fruit,
Roast, moist meats in sourdough,
And him, heady, ready and in my spell.

So excited, we both were,
To be kissing, at last,
Surrounded by delicious.
All these succulent wonders,
But I wanted to eat him,
Eat him, with my eyes, my mouth,
Savour every moment
Every morsel, while I could.

Lost to me now, my Prince of Feasts,
Do you ever wander, among the fruits and flowers,
Hoping for a glimpse of me?
Do the scents and sounds evoke
The ghosts of us, kissing?
They do, for me, every time.
I close my eyes, and salivate,
Longing to devour you again.
946 · Nov 2013
Rhymetime Grime
I call myself a rhymeslut
A poetic coquette,
I deal in grimy slimy rhymes.
Here I am,
In all these words
I love it.
Write a poem
Shove it
in my face
This rhymeslut
Will take the full load.
Inspired by 'Rhymeslut' by Harriet Tecumsah Watt.
Tiny Nutcracker
Back into the box with you
Until next year - sleep.
944 · Apr 2016
Untitled Goodbye
Your music was a lovers kiss,
Welcome, unexpected,
It swam inside, traversing psyche depths; a sleek fish
With purple scales, overflowing,
Like your heart.
There was never time enough
To share the surplus of your wealth,
But you tried. I want to walk
The filled-to-the-brim vaults,
With my eyes open and my ears attuned
To nothing and everything,
Catching from the chaos a crystal riff, a purple pulse,
Musical graffiti,
Splashed on mind walls,
Astounding, and alive.
Leave there in a Paisley daze,
Saturated, never sated,
Ever now emancipated.
I can't give this a title. I spent ages trying to think of one but it's just a goodbye poem, really. I have adored Prince since I was thirteen years old and for me, he WAS music. I am devastated that he's gone. It's one of those 'before' and 'after'  defining moments. I am only posting this as a dear friend urged me to do so.
941 · Aug 2015
Ferguson's Father
Grief consumed by vampires
Ravenous for pain and loss,
An arm around the shoulders,
A rictus grin, another gaping maw,
Then a quick flash.
Acknowledging their hunger, he has none of his own
And no-one else to feed,
He is the son of a new angry tribe
And a father of none.
939 · Jan 2014
Spectacular She
She is utterly, sluttily delicious,
Spectacular, actually.
Her mind is ****.
What trips from her tongue
Is a reverse feast for all who care to listen.

Tragically, too few do.
935 · Feb 2014
Crossing Over (haiku)
Crossing Tower Bridge
I time travel, past many
Thames borne broken hearts
Love glove dove
It up your
Hole whole
Oh, divine
You're mine, mine, mine
The air is sweet
And sweaty feet
have walked me here, we meet
And greet
With outstretched wings
And other random things
That may, or may not rhyme
You'll understand, in time.
Hmmmmm. Go to bed.
931 · Mar 2014
Where you want it, you won't find it,
Where you find it, you will return unbidden,
Hopelessly addicted
to the chemicals of connection.
Tentative mental kisses
Become heartfelt communion
Elusive and fleeting and forever.
Breathe it, live it, be it,
Love it, shape it, coax it gently into life.
Do not run from it, do not be afraid
to grasp and hold it, to let it overwhelm you,
Or, to let it go.
It may be gone in a moment, or
grow, and change,
It might live forever, or instantly die.
930 · Aug 2013
Hardly Blameless
When you were clearly flirting with me
I should not have asked if you were flirting with me,
And when you replied yes, and asked if that was allowed
I should not have said yes, and asked if I were allowed to flirt back.

Everyone is wrong
When they **** you for this mess
I could have called a halt to it immediately,
And even later
The second, third, or fourth collision
I could have made it stop.

I should not have invited you out, alone
I should not have told you I needed a drink to tell you a secret.
I should not have whispered "I'd love to, too"
Then leaned in for your kiss.

You suggested things, and I agreed.
I should not have agreed to find you on Twitter
Or send you that photo,
I certainly shouldn't have met you for lunch
Or told you that I wasn't wearing underwear
Or taken your hand in mine, and pressed your fingers gently,
Or stayed silent when you asked me when...when...when...
Inviting misinterpretation.

See, I am far from blameless
I concurred, agreed, enjoyed
Every second, every moment, I regret nothing.
Nothing, except that I could have kept you,
I needn't have lost you.
If I hadn't allowed a beginning,
Then I wouldn't now be struggling with the end
Dearest friend.
930 · May 2014
Codeine Dreams
I have been in an almost sleep all day,
Perpetual semi-twilight.
Each time I surfaced,
I popped another pill (on an empty, aching stomach)
And returned to not quite dreams,
It was almost fun.

The moment when the little pill kicks in
Is all the relief you've ever felt.
Pain, the master of your world, recedes,
And febrile fantasies erupt,
Spilling from your head, to your bed.

There was...This...Most fantastic poem,
But I couldn't break the surface
For long enough to capture it.
It eludes me now, while lucid,
But the pain is creeping back...
So, time for some little white saviours,
Perhaps I will rediscover my lost masterpiece,
Buried in the desert of disease.
an oldie, revised slightly. Oooh, look, I've even used some hashtags!
929 · Jan 2014
Old Scars
Cigarette burns
A nearly-broken arm
Spit *****, sandpaper,
A face rubbed in the mud.

So used to all those other names
I quite forgot my own.

It was all dealt with differently back then,
Not really condemned.
I was made to feel that it was my fault
For not conforming
To social norms.
I brought it on myself.

I hid under the stairs
Tensing, sensing
Their approach
Anticipating spit, and pain,
Determined not to cry again.

They found me, of course
They always found me
I had nowhere to go.
The hiding places were easily unearthed
By jolly torturers.

Eventually, It was easier to join in
And self torment.

It took me years to ditch those angry habits
And some of them
Have never gone away.
927 · Jun 2014
Night Repast
Tonight, the dark feeds with splintered teeth,
The moon a bloated glutton, spitting light like shards of bone
Through corpse-grey, carrion clouds.
The night feeds and I shrink.
My dreams are dessicated,
All desire ****** dry, the marrow of me mourns
For the incarnation of before.
I was plump, proud, succulent, I lived
for the delights of the night, but now
the stars themselves spew from the sky
Like the ***** of a long neglected, hobo God.
Tonight, the dark feeds with splintered teeth,
All are devoured, we are an amuse-bouche
For who? For what? And *why?
Thought I'd try something a little macabre!
I have you, ******* and helpless
Shackled and defiant,
In a prison of my darkest, most determined dreams.
There is not the slightest chance of escape,
Beautiful boy,
And the more you struggle,
The more I chuckle.
Are you missing your princess?
I'm sorry, she choked on an apple
I had made, specially for her, from ground glass.
I like to see you livid, and resistant,
Pull, and scream, and curse me,
Then fall silent, and
give in **** you, give in to me,
You know that you'll get everything you want
Everything you ever dreamed of,
Just not your freedom, never that,
You're mine,
You have to learn it,
I will enjoy teaching you,
It's time for your first lesson.
926 · Nov 2013
As She Crumpled
Have you ever seen someone crumple?
I have,
And I was one half of the cause.
She’d taken a bullet
But didn’t yet know it.
She wasn’t angry
As she looked from me to him and back again
Waiting for one of us to explain
What couldn’t be explained.
She wasn’t angry, she was imploding
Chipped glass about to shatter
Fragmenting shards.
Atoms swirled in chaos,
She stood alone, in a tornado
Still and silent
Not realising the oxygen had all but gone.
Time stood still for us all
And as she realised,
She started to crumple and turned and fled
Too proud to disintegrate
In front of those who fired the gun.
We don’t need swaying palm trees and cicadas,
Not to feel as if we have stepped into paradise,
Cradled in the still, warm shadow of devotion,
We are soothingly bathed in love’s sweet heat.

Emotion surges within, rising, an upwelling,
Breaking with the speed of a tropical storm,
We are saturated with loving, wholly drenched,
The feeling; as water offered to a parched soul.

With burning words we urge our worlds to merge,
Unexpected blending during the summer of our lives,
Forging an alloy of free-flowing emotion, so powerful,
So intense, we are captured by its undeniable allure.

We don’t ever need to speak of our love aloud: no,
Finding our affirmation in the sighs between lines,
The liquid longing whispered into stories that we build,
Mirroring our deep desires, hopes and needs fulfilled.

From heady dreams, creating our own sweet heat,
Exploring unconditional passion, trembling, complete,
On cold, starry nights, embracing, sated, warm, alive,
Our coalescing, enraptured spirits, breathlessly writhe.

Across the challenging separation of distant night,
Languishing on the cusp of sleep, edging dreams,
Images rise, silken gossamer threads of thought,
Brushing against latent desires, calling, calling.

Irresistibly drawn together, ah, sharing the dream,
Thrumming pulses racing as we gently caress,
Languorous kisses, hot, sweet and hungry, we love,
Sleep entwined in moonlight, streaming from above.
Paul and I have been collaborating on various writing projects since the early summer of 2014. During these months we had never jointly worked on the same poem, until now, producing 'Dream Fever'. We used the method tried and tested in many writing groups, passing lines and words back and forth until we were both satisfied that the finished poem was a piece with which we were both happy.
921 · Aug 2013
How I laughed
When she said, “You’ve been corrupted by him,”
It’s so true
But not in the way that any of them think
I’ve allowed you to make me all about
***, all body parts and fluids and ***** words;
Come, ****, *****, ****
You have tuned me into your turn-ons.
Don’t get me wrong
It turns me on too
But – silly little girl -
All the romance
has only been in my head.
How you would laugh if you knew
How I have listened to these yearning songs
And dreamed of you
When all you really want
Is moist, willing flesh
And a warm, wet tongue.
I have been your *****.
No more.
919 · Nov 2013
I have nothing to say about anything important,
Being wholly preoccupied with my own little dramas.
So I'll do what I do whenever it all feels overwhelming,
I'll look up at the stars.
I am insignificant.
All is so much nothing.
This is what they teach me,
And it comforts me.
The realisation of my own inconsequence
Gives me perspective.
Maybe there are other beings out there, somewhere,
Doing better than we are at living,
Making more out of existence.
Or maybe they too are looking out
And dreaming of us,
Wondering what it all means.
913 · Aug 2015
It did not look like rain.
And then, slowly,
Clouds gathered, fat drops fell.
A perfect storm can take you by surprise.
Words fall into my hands and your lap,  streams of language,
A downpour, from that stern and sombre sky,
A deluge, spilling sudden, wrenching, overwhelming need.
I fear that we will drown.
I hope that we will not.
You cannot stop the sky when it cries,
And so, we let the storm pass.
Now, I take your hand, and run towards the sun.
Laughter sparkles, there are diamonds on the wet, worn road,
Washed clean, the landscape itself surprised, renewed,
It did not look like rain.
913 · Feb 2015
Between us lies
An empty space.

How could we know
How great the gulf would grow?

I carried the strain.
You would not share my burden,

Now find me
An unwilling host.

I have found a rare mutation
Spliced, we are perfection.

Uninfected, we evolve.
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