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Jean Dec 2018
My heart is heavy
and it’s weighing on my soul,
which is screaming,
getting out of control,
and now I am bleeding.
I am no longer full,
as my heart is reeling
because I feel nothing at all.
Composed 12.2.18
Jean Dec 2018
My heart has turned catatonic.
I’m ready to explode.
All it takes is one good touch
and I’m ready to implode,
but I won’t admit it
untill I have given up my all.
Composed on 12.2.18
Jean Nov 2018
I play this game with myself
It’s in then out
Up then down
When flying turns to falling
and then back to flying again

It’s alone
then sadness
then panic
and then all over again
all over again
Composed 11.8.18
Jean Nov 2018
And she is spiraling
faster and faster
and the longer it lasts
the more she knows she’s falling down
and the less she can do to stop it-
-the less I can do to stop it.
Composed 11.2.18
Jean Nov 2018
I stumbled upon
the world
in your eyes
as the green and blue
swirled together.
Composed 10.31.18
Jean Nov 2018
A Night in the Desert
unlike any other night.
This is where the sun gets go heavy
and falls out of sight.

A Night in the Desert
unlike any other night.
This is where the moon shines the brightest
as the stars can all tell

A Night in the Desert
unlike any other night.
This is where moon guides peace towards us
and wishes us all well

A Night in the Desert
unlike any other night.
This is where the water runs little
yet our spirit runs high

A Night in the Desert
unlike any other night.
This is where mountains sleep for us
and the canyons as well
Composed on 10.20.18
Jean Oct 2018
Is that what this is?
I’m drowning instead of breathing again.

Is that what this is?
Because I’m feeling more awake than alive.

Is that what this is?
Because I no longer have feeling inside.
Composed 10.28.18
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