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Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Do you want to know my phone wallpapers ?
Three years ago I often set up wallpapers of naked ******* models.
Two years ago I often set up wallpapers of Nintendo game characters.
But a year ago I started setting up wallpapers of watermelon , handala , kuffiyeh and Palestinian flag.
To this day my wallpapers are still the same.
So now can you show me your phone wallpapers ?!

December 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Sora Feb 2014
I'm sick of feeling stuck
To holding on
And to isolating myself
And to feeling numb, not because of all the pains
But just because it's sitting there.

I want to move on, start over
Breathe a new cloud
But I don't have the energy,
But I lay in bed all day on my laptop
Under the covers, skyping the girl who gives me all her love unconditionally.
I don't want to feel so stuck
And I feel stuck.
Andrea May 2016
threading the thin line of uncertainty,

you had told my closest guy friend ****, i think i'm falling for her.

and later you would pinpoint that one moment, that one moment we realize we adore a person,

as the slightest second you were staring at your lock screen, which was my photo.

it had been a collage of me doing wacky poses in eighth grade,

a photograph i had posted on twitter as some sort of throwback thursday.

unbeknownst to me, you had saved it to your phone,

setting it as your lock screen and showing it to me the next day mainly to spite me.

over the next few weeks, you would save the photos i'd post or send you,

and set it as your wallpapers,

and come up with some witty one-liner to annoy me with.

and you'd tell me months on about that time you went to unlock your phone, stopping to smile at my old photo in all its chubby cheeks and corny poses glory,

only to realize,


i have never been more thankful for throwback thursdays.
Ursula Wolf Aug 2022
Let me fall through these walls
Into my own existence.
Don’t pull me back,
I want to crash into my soul!
Glen Brunson Jan 2013
words are limbic
chemical nonsense

a whole mess
wallpapers my cranium
in semantic membrane

my floating mass
still greys with age

I am but a brain,
and ink-addicted.
RILEY Jul 2013
Why can't I be a pair of scissors?
Cutting my way through unneeded pieces of paper
Creating shapes of something I hide inside
And even if I don’t pick the colors of my forms
I form a voice of the colors shaping my opinionated margins
my margins are opinionated because if the side lines weren't there
The court would not exist would it?
And if the benches didn't exist
Well you wouldn't have a team would you??

Why can't I be the voice of truth
Roaming around people
Perpetrating through human voices
And righteous leaders now fail to exist…
And existence would be simple
And simple would not be impossible
For your complexity drives me through alleys of doubt
And routs
I take for a mistake
I'll never love you as much as I do now…
Look at me
He says to the slightly misguided princess
Now rubbing the dirt of her red converse
Conversing here and there,
Diverse attitudes thrown upon her face;
Like she's delightly unpleased with you
And jovially laughing upon her anger
And angry as I be, I cannot but look into those eyes
On phone screens
And wallpapers
Creating walls of papers
For my heart shaped scissors to cut through
And create a notion of change ill never arrange
But what would be the master conductor of it all
Is my deranged heart

Why can't I be just another teenager
A stranger
So as to say she would never get to know me
And I will just be feeling the exact same thing I am feeling now
Why can't I be just another teenager that is fooled by politicians?
Consumes the blooms of colerly glooms in rooms
Posters and fumes of dark metal flumes
Like the night wasn't enough to empty rage reflecting upon stars

The product of man
The lifelong process of spending money to get money
Call this the circle of life, the cycle of human beings
Creating asylums and cages and pentagons
To get out of their own
I build my empire upon your thrown
I breathe the last exhaled strokes of oxygen you have thrown
I conclude whatever you hypothesized
And size doesn’t matter
For matter scatters when the seed is not firm
A seed becomes a tree
And a tree becomes me
And I become this land
And this land is not free
Farmers affirming formulas upon frightened fortune tellers
Fortune was never destiny
Fortune was the future fought for
Lets fight ow man…ow trees
Lets fight

Why can't I just be her eye lashes?
So I could stare into her honesty all day
Prepare myself to contract and kneel to protect her delicacy from dust
Open widely as I represent a sense of her pleasure
And shut when my heart shatters on her melancholy
As my tender touches console her frail eyes

I don’t want to be just another majd
Another shidiac of the family tree
Those existential moments embellished with a thought of her smile
Sponsored by a scent on my hands
I hand out the clarity she hands out to me
I unknot the ties you created with a simple smile
The grins are so thin with the upper lip of nonexistence
Yet the content descent upon thee
Like the holy rain that has never been experienced by the uninvolved
We humans do not experience
We humans create experiences
Expressions show upon our faces as we agree upon our work
Or decide to disregard
Disagree with the outcome of thoughtless days of planning
I plan to be something more than what I am
I plan to be something she wants me to be
And go passed that to something bigger
I plan to be the savior of my earth
Yet be the only earth that could give water to her smiles
I plan to be the director of revolutionary wars
Yet the warrior under the flag of her eyes
I want to be whatever she wants me to be
In twine with what I plan to be
And a bit more than that…
And a bit more than that…
winter sakuras Apr 2017
I want to slice open this blanket of illusion
that seems to coat
reality the way the night sky should,
because here it thrives:
pouring over the lit up city and it's cable lines,
in the iPhone 7's
and the moving wallpapers,
in the water (soda) that I drink everyday,

I feel it in the wasted seconds that tick on by,
the petty, whines
of shady drawn, stick figures
surrounding me, it feels like
sickeningly sweet, sticky fingers from having pried open
a can of sugar coated lies,

like a dollar bill floating upon
the wind,
my high pitched giggle is snatched by blaring car horns
swallowed by an adolescent's carelessness,
stomped on by the
cross guard transporting kids and air across the cracks
in the sidewalk,

I can feel it underneath my drooping eyelids,
how they
beg for truth (or sleep) in the middle of the night,
when I can't seem to get the **** math problem done,
in the slouching of my back on my
black, duct taped chair, for we all know
it is duct tape that holds you together these days,

I flail around with words and colors
flashing in my mind, showing on my skin,
I try to stick my earbuds in
and blast pretty worlds across the scenery,
but even then until the very end
the illusion doesn't go away...
and I still feet so empty and sweet,
kind of like bleach
being poured
into a cake batter,

and so on I dance and writhe through each day,
still feeding myself poison disguised as
comfort food,
still covering reality with
the blanket of illusion,

still complaining of my stomach ache,
and claiming that for some people,
nothing will ever be enough.
and the truth will set only a part of you free, while the rest of you is left to feel the pain.
Nicole M Grubbs Nov 2011
Take my tattered wings and learn how to fly
Reach the cosmos, past the sky
Go to the moon
Take a dip in sparkled specks of space
No place like this
In the mist I'll sit and wait
In four walled rooms with no ceilings attached
Like endless hallways with wallpapers that don't match
Relax and float down stream on Neptune's rings
Sipping moon beams
Snorting moon dust
Huffing moon musk
Feeling reborn
But stuck in the middle, the cusp
fray narte Jun 2019
And there are nights when
the weight of missing you
sits on my chest,
so I come out and
look at the dull, blue skylines
and I believe —
I believe that
in a world similar to ours,
we’ll always have the star-mapped skies
and the backseat cuddles
and wallpapers graffitied with our names.
We’ll always have shopping at 4 am
and those strawberry flavored kisses
and each other’s erratic heartbeats
syncing amid horror movies.

And in that world, we’ll always have
summer plans
and library dates
and chess games and black coffees
in the middle of a thunderstorm.
And in that world,
we’ll always have
the paper plane letters
and the eye contacts
and the ‘goodnight, i love you’s
and each other, darling,

and everything else
we lost in this one.
The smell of ink and abandonment lingered in the air as I stepped inside the room we had scarred. Dust has found a home at last - a place where all your faults were accepted and my hope was never questioned. This is where we hold our entire world. This is where each second lasts everlastingly. This is where forever lives.

Tissues slept on the floor like confetti for my return mixed with crippled promises you have dropped and forgotten.The bedsheet lay awake, exhausted, weary, heaving the sigh you exhaled in a lock room - the smell of your desire, of my frustration, of our longing, of my name. I wonder if they had kept your heartbeat. I wonder if I could have it back.

I wonder if I could have you back.

The silence had preserved every single thing you have uttered - every word a bar, each sentence another lock. Your voice hanged themselves on the cobwebs, the cobwebs had consumed the space and you had filled me with wishes, longing and regrets. I have never expected you to say hello again. I certainly never shall. You never did. You never will.

We slept in our mask and redressed in denial.

Forever is still etched on the atmosphere. I can feel you touching the small of my back, paving your way through my spine, reaching your way to where the burnt maps, love letters, crumpled clothes and drawn out nights were. I can feel you possessing my nape. I can hear you whispering my name. I can see you piercing the night. Why do always you have to be so wonderful?

The scars you have etched on my skin breathe like stars on the pillows you have wounded. They glowed longingly for that smell of yours they’re acquianted with. They stood beyond eternity. The inteminable look in your eyes before you sleep had tampered the wallpapers - the audience of those nights we own, when everything was forgotten, including the world. The story of what if and what could have been filled the space between us - never allowing my arms to cling around your neck, never wanting you to kiss my ear, shielding you to find us on the swell between my *******.

The clock had stopped working.

At least it won’t steal my time.

Maybe I can sleep tonight.

Maybe we can be infinite.
~Lacus Crystalthorn, 2012
x a l Mar 2016
i've digested crimson tiles off your bathroom floor just to get a reaction;
an influence for the perception of acceptance.
does it at least hinder or unsettle you, the red that runs down my face?
lower than low; close to invoke
even when the color’s close to my chest,
it ceased to disturb.
i've only existed behind someones else's eyes for so long  
i need to shut my own lids next to you till I’m out of a blur.
your sphere of smeared wallpapers close in on you,
i claim what you walked out of —
a circle that rounds your comfort.
you’re boiling in a shade that reflects what I’ve stained myself with.
the room is in fragments; a gore and scene of demolishment
reminds you of a cancer burnt unseen.
hands of guilt washed with mournful streams of survival
you find drops of me left in the sink
i’m a mere nosebleed,
you recollect me off your floor thrown
into the blackness of the back of your head,
that you rest and rest, as you lie down,
until you’ve forgotten all about me
Ana Gonzalez Jun 2014
Dear popularity
You think you are so clever
Like the monsters under our bed
Hiding when parents come
Denied by most adults
But the kids know the truth
We feel the pain
Because with you around
The smaller people
Are wallpapers
And the it kids
Are neon logos
Vandalized on our walls
Slowly seeping their
Poison into us
Leaving no room for
Our thoughts
Making us zombies
In our own world
What will become of them
When our walls break down
When they can't feed off us
When we give up
And the bricks crumble
What if one of us
Took off the mask
Tore off our label
Which was planted on our forehead
Without our consent
What if we defied them
And let our light shine
What would we lose
If they took everything
And we realized
there is nothing
To cover our light
But if we outshine them
Will the world become
Topsy turvy
Will the ****** follow us
Will the world revolve about
The shiniest star
Making them another
Generic mean girl
And ****
There is
No justice in power
No divine being to lead all
And not give in to the darkness
Because the one person
Who could figure out
Who would be smart enough
To take a step back
And see the wall
See our generation
Break out from
Would be stupid
To not remember
The pain caused
By the ignorant
At least
Most are brain dead
And their thoughts only
Stretch as far as their
Of what people
But the smart ones
Befriend all
And cleverly
Use them as stepping
Stones to the top
No mercy
If we tore
Off the rotting wallpaper
We would see
The dark insides
Of the it kids
The hunger for
revenge in the
And those
Who copy
Who don't feel
Don't think
Would jump off the
Bridge happily
If everyone did
Not interested
In saving their own ***
But then there's the quiet ones
The ones who take
All the **** you throw at
At me
And shape it
Into something beautiful
And when you glimpse
Our power
You befriend us
To take it
But I give it to you
Because in your hands it's ****
But in mine
I can make it gold
I can be the sun
But will I use
My power
For good?
For evil?
Whose side are you on.
Because I have enough
Self respect
To want to live
Without further
And if that means
Not being part of your group
Well so
Be it
I will live
Without you
Pulling me down
Pea Jul 2014
White bed sheet
Strangely picked wallpapers
White eyes, white eyes
Army and explosives
Molotov never did taste this sweet
Yellow lights, beware of God
Pray for us sinners? No ---
Let Mary Jane sing
the sonnet alone
Let Marionette
see your death
Believe her, believe her
No Jesus would be
Stop praying the Rosary, stop it
Don't you want to puke when you hear
Hail Mary? Führer! Führ---
You live like Cleopatra
whose tongue was a cobra
whose eyes were the black swans
on the lake where you first
yourself. Are you Narcissus?
I am an echo
An echo not Echo
The smell of rain won't ever
Won't ever
Won't ever
Won't ever

Peeled toad's skin
Like an apple's
The Cs are not enough; Never ---
Crescent moon
Cat's sad eye, another blind
I miss you
Babu kandula Jan 2013
ఒక Purpose కోసం తిరుగుతున్నోడిని
తేనెలాంటి కళ్ళు చూసి
వేణువంటి ఒళ్ళు చూసి
మల్లి మల్లి తొంగి తొంగి చూసాను
అర్రే చిన్న చిన్న Propose కోసం
Hutch కుక్కలా వెంట తిరుగుతున్నాను
చిన్న చిన్న కళ్ళని
నన్ను చూసి చూడగానే
పెద్ద పెద్దవి అయ్యిన్నాయి
అవి చిరుతలాగా చూస్తుంటే
చెంపపైన చేయి తాకుతుందేమోనని
చిరు చెమటలన్నీ కారుతున్నాయి
మాట పైకి పోకలేకుండా
మూతి చుట్టూ ఏదో అవుతుంది
వణుకులో ఉన్నానో
తెల్లని మంచులో ఉన్నానో
ఉలుకులు  పలుకులు లేకుండా ఉండిపోయాను
అమ్మాయిల expression ఏమిటన్నది
కళ్ళు చూసి తెలుసు కోలేనిది
వింత వింతగా అంతలోనే మారిపోతుంటది
Speed మీద ఉన్నోడిని
Speed breakerలా  నన్ను చేరి
Ultra Slow motion లా మార్చేసింది
కోపంగా చూసావంటే బొమ్మా
Bombai కైనా బయపడి పరిపోనా
Railway Station లో announcment లా
ముద్దుగా ముద్దుగా నా పేరు పలకరించేయవా
నా confirm berth వదిలి నీతో నడిచి వచ్చేయనా
ఈ జన్మకి నా జంటగా Trial వేయవా
నచ్చితే నా వెంట ఏడూ జన్మలు ఉండిపోవా
Celebrations కోసం waiting Dear
నువ్వు అవ్వునట్టే open చేయిస్తా మన పెళ్లి పుస్తకం
ప్రతి Page అంతా మన wallpapers నింపేస్తానే
మంచి తరుణం ఇది మించితే దొరకని భాగ్యం
నువ్వు సరే అనేంత వరకు Saint లా Meditation లో ఉంటానే
Helios Rietberg Jul 2010
I was always vaguely aware

Colour the sky and the wrinkles of time
Mother paints the wallpapers
Sweeps the leaves of yesterday
Sighing in the magnitude of endeavours

Everything seems so distant, forgotten
Nobody remembers it anymore
Chiselled and chapped like my lover's lips
Crawling in the dawns of their reveries

You have something that they need

It takes the gut, silence and dissipation
Grief or sanctuary in the aisles of light
Pay me a kiss or sparkle the sunshine
Exhaling nature in the voids of abyss

Joy of the times, in cream of sin we settle
Growth of the words and the dimming passion
The pacing of the trees have gotten louder and wider
Ash to azure and brazen in the forge

Within and without I miss you whenever
Encryptions and deception in the miles of my life.
© Helios Rietberg, July 2010
Nayana Nair Mar 2018
My life is divided into different rooms
as is my heart.
For as long as I remember,
from the time I used to care for decorations
to the time I am too lazy to clean up.
From the moments of sweet solitude by the window
to the clinking glasses and winking eyes.
The room belonged more to them
than to me.

And I often found it unsettling,
as if on a night
when I would be hiding under covers
not knowing what to fear,
someone would knock at the door
and with that knock, would come a pair of shoes
and a set of clothes, holding a person
whose face, motive or aim
would soon be inconsequential.

And slowly she would drag me
out of each room,
snatching away each memory that she touched,
knocking down my bookcases filled with my escape,
tearing away the wallpapers
behind which I hid my unvoiced cries.
The doors would be shut on my face,
leaving me out in a storm on a moonless night,
leaving me alone to face all that I didn’t know of
taking away all that I know.
Elizabeth Apr 2016
frozen paper dolls,
draped in filthy wallpapers,
Eyes ricocheted.
Little Piper May 2017
Is where the heart is
Where warm arms embrace me
When glorious food filled the table
With beautiful wallpapers giving it life

Home is not only shelter
But it has all the love everyone needs
Comfy beds and childhood toys
Holding all the memories filled with wonders

Stepping out of my home
My eyes glow to the sight of
Sunkist skies on a Monday evening
Puffy clouds roam along with pigeons and larks
Clean pavement with nothing but dry leaves dancing
Old and new cars and an outgrown mango tree
I enjoyed every scent around my home.

When the day falls into darkness,
Shimmering stars shine upon me.
As if, I was the only one admiring their beauty
Walking beneath them is an honor
With every light steps,
The stars and moon watch over me,
Never leaving my family

Now that I am no longer home,
Happiness has disappeared
Creases on my forehead increase
Being a vulnerable person out in the world
I became an easy prey, target
To be the one to absorb all the negativity
Possessed by city-born humans

Love is not around anymore,
Stars and moon shy away from the skies
Hidden behind the grey crowd
Filling humans' lungs
And causing disease
Adding on sadness and despair

I miss home.
Where love originally came from.
neth jones Mar 2019
Are thieves ants ?
And are ants up on my pillow ?
Can't count all the trees
that villain up the wallpapers
In silent non-light

A Percher weighs himself upon my chest
Fidgeting and hurting the spurring of my breath
I can't speak to he
Nor he to me
I've not made any friends here
I'm always the quiet one.

The tools of the drapes make-eye new fashion
I yawn in-breath the scenery
Til I'm replumbed a fear familiar
I've not taken note
And they'll be a cell toss in the sorrow light
And stern disused adults
With their 'on clockwork troubles'

I turn in this muffle scape
I'm feverless and struggling
In the ample warm bright shade
Capsized in an umbrella
Of an altered canopy nest
Lovingly bed laid
And to the falling
And fawn the ceiling
Well in for teething
Water floats the basin
Town in for weening
The coast of new morning
I gorm to life
Jump started and fit fused
From the perspective of a bad night of sleep. Told nonsensical to match the wax and wane of the dreamworld and the ‘Real’. Aspects of sleep paralysis and infiltration of the visual room in which the irrational slumber took face. Kind and fearful but more at comfort in which world ? All my strive used to be this way... t’was in days when I was less active against my disorder and pandered to its practice oft. Interesting results but impractical depression.
How empty this feels?!
Stained,wallpapers, peeling,
Falling with sounds of fading memories

To let go of the good, but exceptional,
A past,
One step into her shadow

An old flame to be rekindled,
Denying fortunes of the future
The new yellow on a ****** candle

Scented, the breath of a rebirth,
A reincarnation, in spirit, for the heart,
To love, and  to be healed

An essence to be cherished
But lost in the smoke,
When the wind blows,
To steal the flame
badtaste Dec 2019
this is
we're falling in love
taking our time.
this is
we're caught making love
we're out of line.

this is, the happily-ever-after that was meant to be.
this is, your dream of growing old
but not with me.

this is the hot regret in your stomach
this is the cold prison you've never wanted
this is a daydream gone grey
this is the cycle of pain you just can't escape
this palace built on pleasant patience-
aged well with genuine grace-
underneath these wallpapers
a smell of rot-
an infiltrating sour scent of danger-  

this is the crushed rock wall in my soul
this is myself never to know why-
since ignorance makes the best slaves-
I will resist  to change
this is ironic ig
magalí Nov 2022
It's always a house.
In shelved books, in five-drinks-in five a.m talks, in cheap rhymes and lavish ones—commonplace for anywhere you can find words on, a standard metaphor to stumble upon. Infrastructure lets itself be borrowed for anatomy and soul: a soot-tainted chimney standing for smoker’s lungs, the fire burning warm at its feet for scorching anger, the crayon scribbles on nursery wallpapers like the prints of anyone an angry smoker has ever loved, shutters as eyelids and walls for bones and tablecloths for clothes and pillars as brawn.
An easy metaphor, a house as a body. A lazy one. Sluggish, yawning Metaphor, craving a nap, a break from being used up. Boring enough to make me look up from my page and at everyone else sitting around the table, writing about vessels vined in breezeblocks and headache diagnoses from front door knocking. Dreary enough to make me want to leave the room.
So I do. The door closes shut like a wind’s mistake, clicks, and it stands between me and the other side of the bone-white wall, an oaken bodyguard of drowsy writers working on.
Go on. Look around the room.
Chair. Tables. Walls. Oh, a roof leak.
No. Really look, I mean.
Lining paper yellowing in the places where hands and chair tops brushed past for years. Shiny furniture with dust collecting in the crannies out of sight. A bowl of food (dog one, full to the brim—human one, empty with a filthy rim). Rusty hinges and inherited silverware.
Marked up, unkempt on weekdays, prettied up for visitors, its value found in numbers, its keys given out for access, put up for rent or sold to the best offer, filthy, hungry, painted, remodeled, lived in, abandoned—and they won’t let me back in now, but I’m scratching on the body-guard's wooden trunk to write down about body-like house limbs.
BoogzThePoet Jan 2019
last week, one of my students told me, "Excuse me Mr. J, But can i tell you something, You've changed my life in such a great way",
#7 "Inspire the Youth" Scratch that one out.
Or throw yourself at candles in the form of a prayer.
prayer that #100 can be met by my winged hands that is to soar with my dreams.
Ring the door bell of roots as if you're loosing your mind.
#3 say what you really mean to the deaf so a blind man can tell you the meaning of love at first sight,
or talk as fast as you can about a deck of cards, be the joker in the crowd.
#9 "touch a whale",
although i have no interest in become a marine biologist or working at sea world,
so perhaps seeing one will do justice,
i want to know how big, is biggest on earth,
i want to size that to earth just to remember how small i really am.
#10 "have a good day" this means 24 hours a day,
this means 24 hours without wanting to slip under the storm drains like rain.
or use those 24 hours to mean something to someone.
i have written enough love letters, i can repurpose them as wallpapers.
but perhaps one of the biggest faults of being a writer,
is having countless ways of telling someone i love you,
and only hearing one way back.
#34 break every mirror in the house,
and watch the wonder's of superstition control my mental. breaking the code will only strengthen my whole.
#4 go an entire night without flirting with the steak knives.
we all have days when we feel we've lost ourselves right? but find someone to wake up with to flirt with at breakfast.
flirt with the idea of knowing someone is something to you,
you are something to someone,
and someone saw that in you.
#2 "live long enough to see your child grow"
make sure you're there and able to walk her down the aisle when she's ready to say i do.
everything isn't perfect but i promise you,
the man that i give her away to,
will have to be.
these are just some of the things i need to do before I'm casting myself as casper.
some of the things i can never finish but up mostly will endure to do until the lifts of my soul are called for.
my bucket list.
finally, #1 always fall forward.
use these 365 days knowing you'll fail
but fail towards your green light.
the road isn't always a slipped *****
but a stairway to heaven which heaven placed that dream just for you.
I'm amazed by you.
I'm amazed that i was able to do all of this with the same 24 hours as you.
I'm sure you're expecting this list to finish along with the clip of its bits,
but this list finished while i spoke it all into existence.
now tell me, what on your bucket list?
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
The stench from liquid, almost transparent
wallpaper glue
stunk up the room for a long time.
It took half a day to stick merely few
of those soggy and vile rolls.
Though the desire to change the overall
palette of the room to a favorite blue
existed anyway.

However by night, the area around
the window had dried up and peeled off the wall,
holding only around the ceiling
and the floor. The draft from the window was probably
to blame, the old frame even closed
still let the wind through the cracks. The worst
pieces had to be throw away and new
ones were cutted out. Those wallpapers, which were
still more or less holding on, were
put back on a simple office glue. While leaving the
room for re-drying, the most dangerous
sections of the window frame were covered with rags,
the door - with foam rubber and
old clothes.

It took 8 rolls in total.
In the 4 by 2.5 m bedroom, at a height
of about three meters,
one roll covered almost a full
two meters of the perimeter. Therefore,
excluding the window,
but taking into account the gaps to adjust the pattern,
seven rolls were used for the walls. The eighth
remained spare but never came in handy.
Eight rolls cost (roughly)
230 UAH. Also glue for 83 UAH.
Universe Poems Aug 2022
It would of been bad form
not to have enough chairs,
for your guests,
to feel comfortable and rest
Ornate wooden carvings
Decorative Parlour
Victorian quintessential gala
Patterned wallpapers and carpets
Let's entertain guests,
and family times the very best

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Ptax Kuro Jan 2020
Prepare two spackling knives in advance:
narrow and wide. Make sure
they have
sharp edges
although it isn't always important.
It's better to cover
the floor with poliethylen
before beginning the work.
You probably won't find any other
material in the same large quantities,
and you'll avoid washing the floor. Paper
has to be moistened,
so power outlets and switches
should be closed, covered or else.
Next, apply water on walls
using a sponge rubber roller
or cloth. In a few minutes
(you should wait)
the paper becomes soggy
and can be removed
with a simple moves
of the knife.
The damage done to the walls underneath
was minimal.
Buckshot remained stuck inside
along with pieces of skull.
It was decided to leave them, while pieces
of flesh were peeled off
with the wallpapers.
Mix a small amount
of spackling powder
and level the surface using both
wide and narrow knives.
Remaining putty was used to cover
dark stains left by fluid
dripping on the floor.
Due to the fact that
no one touched them for a long time,
they managed to soak
into the wall. The sandpaper
destroyed the rest of the details.
winter sakuras Sep 2016
Anger is the little red devil
with hornet's wings and
sharp young horns
perched upon one's shoulder
whispering foul resentful hatred
into a eager manipulated ear

as the intensity rises
the mouth becomes
twisted grim and set
with clenched teeth brimming
of lucid seething words
eyes exploding fiery from sockets
glaring the look of accusing
nostrils flaring and
rushing out steam with
great intakes of restricted trapped air
tongue sharp and flicking
throat vibrating with
low rumble of canine growl
clenched fists slash out
dripping ink from wallpapers
hurling objects across room
smashing destroying throwing away
bits and pieces of lifeless innocent objects

afterwards the soul is
completely drained and empty
back is bent and slouching
lungs contradicting small breaths
mouth shut eyes watery
inner workings of heart
lining of stomach
still and faded
drabness and realization

even though I have never
witnessed my anger
face to face
I can only imagine
there must not be
a sight more grotesque and pitiful
in the world.
Bharti Feb 2019
My dreams haunt me with the faces I left behind
I cry and demand explanations
Only to get a smirking smile and unspoken answers
That I try to decipher after waking  up
I wonder where did I go wrong
As I see people moving ahead with the speed of escalators
While  I struggle to build my own staircase
For an infinite stories of a building
Every room of which has self made wallpapers of exquisite metaphors about how I suffer inside my own mind
And keep doing so or else I will lose the purpose,
That sadness brought to me on my platter,
As I sat on my bed contemplating laughters of people,
Who once promised to hold on to me
Like a kite thread which is cut now.
So I fall aimlessly
Until I land in the backyard of a stranger,
Who has deserted his home for months now,
Yet I scream for help from bricks and branches and that garbage bin.
All of them lie fallen on the ground,
I find it hard as the wind blows and the ******* flies over  my face,
As if I once belonged to it.
Where is my redemption if not in sleep, I ask myself,
When dreams were supposed to be escape and not a web woven by the eight legged reality which stings.
My poetries carry the words "regret", "guilts", "loneliness",
Like a three meal which is important for nourishing my so called art .
I am scared to close my eyes,
For I will see my friends I miss sometimes,
But just like my chemistry teacher, I was a substitute too,
Till they met their desired kind of people.
I sit with phone in my hand
Tears in my eyes
Words in my mind
And that burden on my chest
As I see them making memories
And like a heartbroken lover convinces myself about why didn't they deserve me.
But everytime I drown myself in the memories
Without flapping my hands ,
I allow those memories to sink me inside this whirpool
Which takes me back to past
Where things were happy and calm like a lake on a mid summer day.
I eat the laughters from my childhood
Till my stomach hurts
And realise how certain pains are good.
I drink away the non existent sorrows
When the only misery was those small fights
Which were resolved before lunch breaks
Because sharing better food and better memories
Were far more important than sharing egos and denials.
I see how I used to write letters to my best friend
Who would actually cry when I would not talk to her
Maybe sometimes the value of a person is realised at the cost of losing him.
I see how my teacher taught us non conformism in a subtle way
When she said there are different way other than five plus five to make a ten.
I added two and eight and was shocked about the beauty of a simple equation,
Sometimes antonyms big and small add up to form a solution,
And so I tried finding one with my doubts and me.
But I fail like that origami
Which my sister made for hours
And broke as soon as I held it in my hands.
Things break apart in my hands
Like friendships, relationships and maybe the ship of my sinkin life which seems to float pleasantly like a duck.
So I try to ask for a hand
Who can keep me intact
As I scatter grain by grain
Like a sand castle made by a kid
Who didn't know things stand together with a binding force
And all the times
That force is love
b33 Mar 2021
The walls are small and the voices are loud,
the hearts are empty but the people are proud,
all in this tiny house.

I cant see clearly past the fog from the kitchen,
the *** screams but nobody listens.
I watch as the fire sizzles and burns,
i wonder what’s become of this tiny house.

The wallpapers peeling,
i hear the voices squealing,
fire and flames begin to engulf this tiny house.

I wish i found a reason to run, a place to call my own where i could sit by the sun.
I wish i could but i know i can’t, instead i walk to the ***.

as the flames tickle my bones i come to accept my role in this tiny house.
Devon Brock Nov 2019
I can smell my own pits,
my night sweats,
****** up in my week
unwashed robe.

I am disgusted.

And yet, there,
in the garment bags,
lingered in your suits,
your suits I brought home
from your funeral
in the sands so long far gone,
remains these same
and bitter musks.

And there, in the bags,
the pastes of rose wallpapers,
struggled up but aligned remain.

And there, in the bags,
a spruce topped Goya,
thick hipped as forests
and earth angels remains,
there before a sniff.

And though I sit here
in the acrid smoke and
coffee fumes, wondering
breakfast and baths,
you stand stiff as dry-clean,
tall on the hangers,
held and never squandered
for a tear, there,
thankfully there,
the scent of you remains.

— The End —