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Among the market greens,
a bullet
from the ocean
a swimming
I saw you,

All around you
were lettuces,
sea foam
of the earth,
of the ocean
of the unknown,
of the
shadow, the
of the sea,
the abyss,
only you had survived,
a pitch-black, varnished
to deepest night.

Only you, well-aimed
dark bullet
from the abyss,
mangled at one tip,
but constantly
at anchor in the current,
winged fins
in the swift
a mourning arrow,
dart of the sea,
olive, oily fish.

I saw you dead,
a deceased king
of my own ocean,
assault, silver
submarine fir,
of seaquakes,
only dead remains,
in all the market
was the only
purposeful form
the bewildering rout
of nature;
amid the fragile greens
you were
a solitary ship,
among the vegetables,
fin and prow black and oiled,
as if you were still
the vessel of the wind,
the one and only
unflawed, navigating
the waters of death.
Amanda Nov 2014
It seems like the cells in the spine of my body ache for another to fit against it.

Perhaps not a mirror image or unflawed symmetry,
rather just a presence.
Something beyond the lilt of a shadow and shallow breaths.

My fingertips unconsciously linger & idle on the place on my collarbone. Left side, a kiss's width from my chin.

Notice, the word, 'place?' I felt a tad bigger of a human, a bigger piece of this starry starry universe with you.

Eyelashes still flutter, giving way to soft gravity. Hoping your eyes would be reflected against mine again.

I am so very human
with & without
Remember to breath deeply, sweets.
Then, you can only start living.

Hello darlings!
Gazing into her crystal eyes
not a glimpse of light
in her pale illustrious orbs
her couture matched
the threads of a goddess woven by silk
never has the world heard such a harmonious voice
her hair as black and glossy
like raven feathers
a frame so divine
complexities came to mind
that god himself was almost unable to
carve a radiant smile as glimmering
her soft skin made her known
as the temptress of the night
her sweet mouth sang of hymns children slept too
the curvature of her chin wickedly attractive
following the course of her smile to her rosy cheeks
the ring on her finger is one of saturns
the hue from her lips are as red as foxes
burning with infinite intensity.

Her pale forehead knew every answer in the universe
the glow between her eyebrows majestic
her third eye spoke of exquisite beauty
holy light was her aura
angels danced around her
shrouding her body with stardust from the heavens
butterflies applied her makeup
whenever she arose from her chrysalis
revolving the world on her throne
without a bead of pressure to perspire
her vocals an instrument to my heart
listened to with wild passion
luster from her skin expensive as gold from India
her existence was solace
for rational reasoning alone
unflawed her lips reached mine
under the eclipse
the shadow of my phantom
caressing her hips
my wild craving tasting
what it it truly means to be in love.

The orchestra of her movement
can save a man from death
her words whispered to me like rhinestones
the touch from her waxy hand
trembling across my stature
cracking, shaking
with electricity at every fiber
pulsating from my heart to hers
capsizing from secrets dripping in my ear
she treats me to more wine kisses
traces of her ruby red lipstick
on my chest
her lofty thoughts completed mine.
the golden trim of life
seen throughout the land.
Natalie W Aug 2013
you're a long-distance splendour
never to be replaced
maybe i'm not likewise
but i'd do anything to see you smile
it's been complex
but complex feels utterly worth it
you may have your flaws
but i have mine too
we're a disquiet pairing
not to be shattered
your agony meets my comfort
i'd have to trek round in circles
just to say this to your complexion
*you're beautiful
It's so hard to find the perfect breeze,
One blowing none too hard nor soft,
Carrying a scent of wild flowers,
And moving clouds about aloft.

It's so hard to find the perfect sky,
One blue and deep and bright,
Carrying a sense of openness
With the birds of summer in flight.

It's so hard to find the perfect night,
One warm, quiet and unflawed,
Carrying a mood of solitude,
And a closeness to a god.

Yet no perfection's so hard to find
As that which you extend
And none I'll ever treasure more,
Than to simply be your friend…
Elizabeth Frost Aug 2013
He loves me...
He loves me not…
White, unflawed rose petals
One by one
Slipping through the air
Into a pool…
Of tears.

If only I could be
Pure and unflawed
Like the rose
From which the petals fall.

He loves me…
He loves me not...
The flower is

Losing its fullness,
It's beauty,
Being torn apart…
It reminds me of something,
But what?

He loves me...
He loves me not...
The last petal has been pulled,
The beauty is no more.

Now the connection has been made.

He loves ME not...
I am the rose,
Being torn apart by love
*Another old poem that I wrote last year*
Christine Jun 2010
I love you now, my sweet honeybee
When your collector is full of pollen.
I'll love you then, my lovely hummingbird
When your bright, buzzing wings have fallen.

I loved you then, my dear brown buck
When your antlers were still sprouting.
I'll love you forever, my protector, my pet
Unflawed, unending, undoubting.
           The figures stood still, a blank expression to fill. Their waxed complexion holding dust, soulless cages immune to rust. Light bulbs flash in rhythmic delirium, contrived joy running at a premium.
           Flocks of herds came to take notice of this brand new attraction, one designated worthy by an overriding faction. Social conscience had said its peace, and passed on its opinions in a shifty lease. Word had spread as fast as it could, regardless of whether it necessarily should.
           “T. Elsey Wax Museum” was the hottest ticket in the city. Vouched for by an annual subcommittee, composed of men of no esteem, and opposed to views deemed too extreme. Every vacant mind had jumped on board, its entrance fee was small enough to afford.
Prosperity renewed, discord unglued. The walls of Briar Field, seem to leave much concealed. It’s owner, a Mr. Holden Reeve, is a vain little creature beyond reprieve. He sees no value in an altruistic life, and seems to anguish in his everyday strife.
His facility has been thrashed in print, and regarded as no more than a publicity stint. Still, if true, his machine would be a marvel, something verging on plausibly being artful. Its said Mr. Reeve has tapped into the human soul, and made monetary gain his lonesome goal.
The patents of Mr. Reeve lay out the plan for an odd looking device, but it’s purpose isn’t made overly concise. According to speculation, the machine can resurrect an individual’s ideals, but I can’t tell you how worrisome that makes this reporter feel. Mr. Reeve is toying with the work of God, something he should know to be intrinsically unflawed.
Eliot Tern was standing in a ridiculously long line, it ran four blocks down to a street named Woodbine. Elliot had been there since midday, though he had begun contemplating whether or not he should stay. Looking back there was a hectic crowd, pushing and shoving in a manor quite loud.
Eliot had dragged his friend Henry along with him, though that boy thought their odds of getting in were pretty grim. Henry stood casually, kicking stones, outside the front of BMC Savings and Loans. A woman in front told him to knock it off, Henry called her a ****, but masked it with a cough.
It was two in the afternoon by the time the two boys were about halfway, a nearby baby cried as it spat up apple puree. Some of the sauce found its way onto a man’s face, he told the mother that her parenting skills were a complete disgrace. The woman slapped the man in vicious spite, though to speak truthfully she had every right.
The man screamed and pouted for a minute or two, then he calmed down, and began to clean up the child’s spew. He glanced around to see if anyone was glaring, and poor Henry was noticed hesitantly staring. The man pointed to Henry and began to call him a coward; he spoke with the type of veracity that made it quite apparent that he felt empowered.
Henry stood calm for only a moment, and then began to stare at the man like he was no more than an opponent. The boy picked up a large rock from a graveled path, and hurled it at the man with the feeling of contempt and wrath. The stone struck the man just bellow the eye, and for a moment it looked as though he would cry.
Then the man screamed with a furious hate, it became quite clear that he was now irate. Henry took off; leaving Eliot on his own, it wasn’t exactly a measure the boy could postpone. The man had begun pushing through the crowd trying to get to the boy; his face reflected no hint of joy.
Henry ran for about 10 minutes, he had pushed himself to no new limits. The man had given up the chase after leaving the line; he tried to reclaim his spot shouting, “*******! It’s mine!” The crowd booed the man as angry mobs do, and he had to walk his way to the back to calmly stew.
               Henry was only 12 when he walked in through the rusted doors of Briar Field, it’s hinges shrieked as though inadvertently sealed. A reception desk stood before a large, arched entrance, and there sat the owner’s, under-skilled, apprentice. The man spoke in a seemingly mocking tone, as though Henry was standing in a restricted zone.
         The boy, feeling mocked, turned towards the exit, the man ran up, in a manor quite hectic. He told Henry that he was only joking, just doing a bit of nonsensical provoking. He said to Henry that his name was Fredrick Barnes, grew up, quite happily, on several local farms.
           Fredrick, or Fred as he liked to be called, began explaining the nature of how he went bald. He told Henry that he had developed an addiction to charity, making his true nature no more than a parody. Lived for years with his ego at bay, and gave every dollar he earned away.
            It took its toll in rather short time; though to live vicariously makes it all seem fine. Fred ignored his dreams for far too long, believing God to be king making him just a pawn. Then one day, he told Henry, “I was caught in a storm”, he said, “The falling rain against the wind seemed so pleasantly warm.”
             Then a man came by, begging for some change. Fred had no issue giving up his entire measly, well-earned wage. His Christian nature told him he was no better, then this hungry man in a beat up old sweater.
            Fred handed over 1,200 dollars, a mere hours work for some uneducated scholars. The beggar began to smile, showing all of his teeth, there was a yellow glow from a plaque-ridden sheath. He then turned to Fred, with a more sinister grin, and Fred noticed then, that the man stunk of gin.
             He asked Fred if he had any money, timid, Fred responded, “This really isn’t funny.” The beggar pulled out a small caliber pistol, and said that, “one has a responsibility to be fiscal.” Skin peeled off of Fred’s wrist, as the beggar pulled at a watch through clenched fist.
              In the end, the beggar took all but Fred’s clothing, and left with a bang, as to not to seem imposing. He had only shot the man just bellow the knee, but blood loss had made it hard for Fred to see. He crawled and clawed his way towards a distant street lamp, but movements were elongated by the weight of his clothes, which, obviously, were quite damp.
              Fred laid hopelessly on the cold, wet cement, with the rain mocking him in its relentless dissent. The beacon he had crawled towards turned out to be a dead-end, the severity for which was hard for the man to comprehend. There in the stillness of the night, Fredrick Barnes became aware of the true nature of his plight.
              Holden Reeve had found Fred while the man was riddled with a complex terror, spouting off nonsense about living his life in error. Holden took the young man in through the doors of Briar Field, a museum, which, to the public, had yet to be revealed. It didn’t take long for Fred to fully recover; eventually he began to look at Holden as a brother.
             Fred turned to Henry and told the boy that was the end of his story, and now, it was time for the moment of glory. He opened the two doors hidden under the arched entrance, and Henry walked into the room, followed by Holden’s apprentice.
             When they entered the room Henry immediately asked, “Where’s Mr. Reeve? ...I’m sorry if he’s passed.” Fred laughed and told the boy Holden was most certainly not dead; in fact, the two of them were standing in the middle of his homestead. Then the boy noticed the nature of the room, and how cobwebs gave it the foreboding feeling of doom.
             There was another set of doors at the end of the room, but Fred turned and knocked on a bare wall with the backside of a broom. A panel slipped open and retracted into the wall, and out stepped a noble looking man, though, truthfully, quite small. There were no visible features on the man at first, so initially Henry was expecting the worst.
              Fred acknowledged him as Mr. Reeve, so Henry stood tall, and tried to make his back as flat as the wall. It wasn’t so much that the boy was often courteous, in fact, with regards to that sentiment, the boy was usually impervious. He just felt that in this particular situation, there was going to be no recapitulation.
              This was clearly a man who only spoke with the most precise of words, those capable of collecting and massacring mass herds. Though Holden Barnes would never speak to such a crowd, his absentmindedness for them would be hard to shroud. The man was indifferent to any collective thought, and his principles were to firm to ever be bought.
              Holden spoke to Fred in brief manor, those unheard of in the print of “The Banner”. He asked if Henry seemed like a reasonable boy, or if he was merely some shady companies plotted decoy. Fred vouched for Henry, who he didn’t know; playing a bluff, and hoping it wouldn’t show.
               Holden nodded and shook his friends hand, and spun to the boy, as though his motion had been a cautious ploy. “Who are you?”, and “Why should I care?”, Mr. Reeve asked Henry, the response for which seemed to be lost in the boys memory.

“If you can’t speak to me I don’t know if you should be here, I’m not the one in the room who you should naively fear. My greatest achievement lies just behind those doors over there, but if your this timid, you could get quite the scare. I’ve constructed a testament to the human soul, and it’s designed for any man to control.”

“Though to put it in such terms is hardly fair, it’s just not something that easy to compare. I’ve gotten to where I am, if you’ll dare me to say, through myself and am not one to decline the pay.  My invention just doesn’t seem to arouse much attention, in the press Fred says I haven’t even stirred up a mention.”

“I tell you this though, it’s been their mistake, for what I’ve created here is no preposterous fake. I’ve created a method of speaking with many various forms of reason, though to them it’s some form of religious treason. They seem to think I have resurrected the soul, ghostly figures ripped out of a black hole.”

“But that simply isn’t true, as you’ll come to see, now Fred tells me your name is Henry. You have to choose now before your walk through those doors, if your ready to dance on such hallowed floors. The mystery my seem quite vague to you, but understand this offer has been made to but a few.”

“I don’t understand, what should I say?”

“To ask such a question, here I thought you were a stray? An opinion, like ego is something to treasure, not cast off at someone else’s pleasure. This decision is yours and yours alone, you can use no alchemy from the philosopher’s stone.”

Henry was caught up in an odd predicament, one with no true equivalent. He had no real idea what he was choosing between, but he knew that he couldn’t let that fear be seen. So Henry said yes, without further discussion, and hoped along the way there would be no major repercussion.
At the end of the hall there stood an entrance, Fred stood by acting as apprentice. He told Henry to try and open the door, as Henry pushed his feet slid across the floor. Fred laughed and said that it was locked, and could only be opened one way, Holden kicked a loose rock imbedded in the wall, and soon, the door moved, quick to obey.
The room was not nearly as large as Henry had pictured, and distant light bulbs scornfully flickered. There was only one object in the center of the space, here Henry began walking with a quickened pace. It looked as though it was just a large computer monitor, but its framework seemed composed by an ancient astrologer.
Objects spun about with contact precision, and small fractures of light seemed to meet through collision. The spectacle was truly something to behold, though Henry still had no idea what was about to unfold. Mr. Reeve walked up to the machine and began to touch its screen, and all the lights stopped, and then seemed to reconvene.

“Alright Henry, I suppose it’s time I explained the true nature of this device, but somehow I only now realize you got in here free of price. No matter, it’s been a while since it’s seen someone new, I’m curious what some of these people are going to say to you.”

“What you are looking at now is a labor of scientific process, but believe me when I say there is no need to be cautious. There is no black magic at work here, though many have said so without coming near. This machine I’ve created does what some say to be impossible, like Nemo’s creation, just far less nautical.”

“This machine collects and records all forms of the written word, sweeps them in like collecting some massive herd. It organizes and sorts data of all different norms, and emits it in a conversational form.”

“You see this creation has given man a chance to talk to those of the past, allowing for a legacy only time can outlast.”

Henry stopped and stared at the man for quite a long period of time, and tried to figure out why Mr. Reeve looked so perfectly sublime. Henry now thought he understood the nature of the device, in fact Holden had made it all seem so concise. The machine would allow Henry to talk to anyone from the past, as long as there had been enough information amassed.

“Who do you want to talk to first? I’d suggest Ayn Rand, if you’re okay with being coerced.”

Henry had no idea concept of Mrs. Rand, so the concept to him didn’t seem overly grand. He lingered on the thought for a second or two, not wanting to pick an individual who could be considered taboo. Then, it came to Henry like a sudden case of dysentery, he saw this man as more than a visionary.

“Is it possible for me to speak to someone who didn’t actually exist?”

“I can see what I can do if that’s what you insist?”
Eliot was furious as he saw Henry; the boy had been gone so long it had slipped from his memory. He stood and waited for Henry to ask to step back into line, and then he would make it clear that everything was not fine. Eliot was now standing at the front, to just let Henry in would be a great affront.

“I’m going home.” Henry said as he let his eyes roam.

Eliot felt sick as Henry walked away, then he became curious how he had spent the last three hours of the day. “No matter” thought Eliot as he waited patiently, he’d have his victory soon enough, and he would take it graciously. Very suddenly a woman opened up the front doors of the institution, and thanked everybody for their “contribution”.

“It’s time to say goodnight. The museum will be open at 9 o’clock tomorrow, during daylight.”

The woman very casually walked away, as Eliot was in complete dismay. Then he had a calming thought, none of the creations were going to rot. All he would have to do is come back the next day, everything, he thought, will be okay.
Ash Nov 2014
The reason why I always forget,
Why my life would always reset
To some kind of euphoric state;
In a phase of unflawed perfection

Your voice: it's some pleasing sound
And to this, I am happily bound
'Tis the drug that I truly love most
'Tis the crime—this crime is why I live

My thoughts would always stop with you
But one thing I regrettably knew:
Your thoughts you have, when about me—
Opposite from mine: in that exact direction

Yet my love: so overly ignited—
In addition, obviously unrequited
Yet let this be known: that I won't give up
That my all in all: I will to give
With a "I" because I'm pretty sure there will be more to come.
Julian Mullins Jul 2010
I wish to fly free,
Like the soaring birds,
To let out the emotions within me.
I speak of shallow thoughts,
Those that gather like a flock
In the center of my head.
It is the flow within our world
That deep feelings are pushed aside.
I guess anything is possible.
I wish to roam free,
Like the majestic beasts.
To bring out the creations within me,
To imagine worlds unflawed,
And maybe one day go there,
To that place of true joy.
I yearn for a believing race,
One, which believes a great truth,
That anything is possible.
However, something can change.
There is always change.
We can wake up and realize,
Our ways are not always best.
We can change.
After all, anything is possible.
The title says it all. Anything is possible! I think that's the philosophy I want to live by. Anything's possible.
Smothered Divine Jan 2021
Unflawed minds seek a destiny no other mind can dream to crave for,
Understand things no other mind would bother learning.
These unflawed minds know no boundaries,
And by that law they are suppressed.

Suppressed minds dare to dream!
But perhaps that is why so many dreams are lost with age..?
Ice tastes better from a glass but you can't bear to part with plastic. I cannot for the life of me understand why you keep your room so cold. The window open, the fan blowing. It's set on high and you sleep undisturbed, unmoved, and unflawed. Splashed across the face of your television is a glossy reality that is anything but. When will you learn that life viewed through rose colored glasses is not a life at all? Worn tight around your finger is that ring you bought at the market eight Sundays ago. Impure metal, as I said, will stain you. But that's you, isn't it? Constantly going for the gold, but getting only green. The barren, glaring space beside you will soon be filled. It's love that you seek, but it's merely warmth that you'll find. Goodbyes were always difficult between us, so I'll say it to your sleeping face. Goodbye. I hope the world is kind to you.
kal Oct 2013
What is perfection?
What defines being perfect?
It eats a massive hole inside of me
A super massive black hole
So I try to fill the void
with meaningless
unrealistic words
Told by the famous, the rich,
Of unrealistic lives
Unrealistic perfect lives
Where one goes through trial, and tribulation
But in the end, everything is perfect
Perfect human in a perfect world with a perfect life and perfect clothes and a perfect unflawed masterpiece of perfection
Perfect perfect perfect
But everyone falls short of the idealistic life
that everyone so desperately wants
Or what everyone expects
Don't have time for this
Or this
Or for you
Or for thinking,
Because only a couple numbers and letters determine the rest of your life
Or so they think
You will have perfect test scores
Perfect grades
Perfect GPA
And if something happens, it'll turn out perfect anyways
But perfection is only in the mind
So tick tock
The bell rings at 2:15
And gives you only a short time
To find perfection
And live perfectly
Demitrius Aug 2010
Every crystal
So soft, unflawed
Like water you can hold

But I dare not touch it
For there tears
Tears of those who never made it
Who were dumped in the ocean
Who didnt know there mom and dad
Who never knew how to dream
So I dont touch
I give them peace thats well deserved.
brandon nagley May 2015
Do we inquire to just be heard? Or found?
For I thirst both!!
A movie, a toast, to all concupiscence!!
An attraction between Atlantis and mythology!!
An ideology,
Gleemed between twos kisses,
Where two benches shall be made one!!!!
A clasp tightend by staunch extremities!!!
One soul connection,
Two entities,
Unflawed by mans ***** delight!!!!
A tunneled heaven,
A table polite!!!
Musteth I gait this ill-fated terrain?
Where there's no love, yet all pains to come as womb grosings!!!!
Disheartening it is to find mine other fragment,
Where no dialects cometh with mints,
No fridges to hold enduring magnet!!!!
Gridlocked I am to such erroneous enterprise!!!!!
Anna Jun 2019
For all my life, all I had ever wanted was for someone to tell me I am beautiful, I'm enough.
That they loved me and thought me perfect, completely unflawed.
But you know what, recently I had an epiphany.
I was flawed and my flaws merely added to or maybe were my entire beauty.
I don't live to be perfect, I live to be me.
And me is a flawed beautiful fierce thing that now I want you to see.
Because I don't want to be seen anything less than,
The wild raging mess of a storm I am.
v i c t o r i a Apr 2015
walking as if holding a black umbrella.
children splash in the water of the fountain.
pacing myself by the cracks on the sidewalk.
if I fall I will shatter on the pavement.
no one will be there to pick up the pieces.
natalie Nov 2020
the moon sets in the sky
like a bird knows how to fly,
many people travel by
they never wonder why.

days go by and by
are you living on a lie?

when you speak do you think?
do you ever stop to blink?
have you ever felt the brink?

you have to come to terms
the reality flame must burn,
you cant live your life like this
if youre living like a fish...

trapped in endless water,
do you ever even bother
to look at yourself and say
there has to be a better way.

there has to be happier days,
a tree with perfect shade
an unflawed picture in its frame
life cannot be a waiting game.
Litha Aug 2015
Like do you ever just look at me & say well I'm **** lucky to have you ? Probably not I'm too weird , anyway well I do that with you all the time. I just lay thinking about you every night. I could talk to you all day. We wouldn't even have to say anything to each other really. I crave your touch to the point that my body tenses up for a few seconds. I crave you in general. I don't know what I'd be like without you or where I'd be. You make me so angry when you don't reply after 10 seconds.  You make me feel all I need in my life is you (which isn't really true for anyone in reality) but however you're a big part of me, who I am , & who I wanna become. You mold me. You've shaped me into a person who has things to be proud of. You bring so much happiness into my life I quite often ask myself what did I do to deserve it. I'll never get tired of you. Your flaws are what make you perfect. Everything you do is so unflawed to me. I respect you & your hustle.  I'll be there for you through rags & riches. They're always like "be somebody's Sunday not Saturday Night". You my angel, are my 7 days a week , 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You're just always there. You love me & all my broken pieces even if at times they cut you , you love that scar it gives you too.   Loving you will never get old. But even if it does I'll  find a way to start loving you all over again .... ♡.
Renae Nov 2014
And she walked the path winding to and fro in her serpentine steps. Balancing on the side of her right foot; coyly she smiles that lopsided mischievous grin and ***** her head:

"I want adventure and romance, a life of excitement! You can't find that in an office or slaving on end for ends." I thought about these words as she plopped back down on both feet and I ask , "what will you do?" she shrugged,  "I just don't know but I need to be far from here, I'm on the pursuit of happiness" ....

So that doesn't include me? I thought to myself, and a sudden sadness swept over me. Her 16 year old figure unflawed and beautiful, she was still my gangly girl inside, wasn't she? Where is my happiness in seeing her acheivements, in watching her grow and change and love? But no, her eyes drop, she is distant, aloof.... she is separating and dividing me heart and soul. She doesn't mean to, it is just her happiness she is after.
shivam tuli Dec 2014
Existing merely, my life was blasé
A lone wanderer, trying to escape the indispensable
I built my world on pillars of sand,
Nefarious logic razed my cradle
Ravaged my world where it stands.

Extant for years I was born that day
Rising from Lucifer’s lap to her kingdoms bay.
From a state of limbo I was awaken
By the serenity of the fairest maiden

A promise of nature, she was an angel of god
An enigma in oblivion, she waltzed gaily
Pious was her aura, heart unflawed.
The horde and the crowd, basked in her holy fire
Yet unfazed lay the maiden, void of desire.

In abyss of her soul a pristine child laid
Yearning for love beneath the masquerade.
For Fortuna played wicked with her past
Cynical was maiden, lost and aghast.

A wanderer amongst the enthralled I found my abode
Enticed by the gullible child, towards her I strode.
Unfathomable was the gypsy’s love for the maiden
Cupid and Aphrodite commenced the wheel
And with love and glory was there fate laden.
for my girlfriend, my soulmate
Nay Mar 2019
Beauty is not -
Fair skin, small waist and skinny legs or -
Curvy figure, wavy hair and unflawed skin
The lights in your eyes ignites from the fuel that you consume

Everyone owns beauty
Your attire makes you like how your past shaped you

You said shine your way but your unconscious words are peeling the colour off - exposing your bare thoughts
Are you, you? Or are you just following - to fit in?
Rina139 Feb 2016
Look into her eyes
and tell me what you see
do you see a reckless girl
or someone depressed at 15?

Do you dare see the tears
that spread across her skin?
Do you see all her losses
or the very few she wins?

If you dare to touch her hand
will you feel her softness
or will you feel the calluses
from burns and feeling-less?

Do you see unflawed youth
or do you see a broken child?
Do you see all her pain
or do you see her just as wild?

Can you tell she’s screaming
out for help she needs?
Or is she just the silence of
the whistling wind without heed?

Look into these eyes
and peer into her soul
tell me what do you see
is she broken or is she whole?
Pen Name Apr 2014
One. I loved you for five years back when that was eternity. But we grew closer and further apart, simultaneously, and though it killed me to. I could not wait any longer for you to make me a priority.

Two. I was very drunk and so were you.

Three. I had the desire to become careless. You were too young and I thought you wouldn't tell anyone. Thanks for keeping my secrets.

Four. I heard you call me pretty.

Five. You told me to meet you in the back room of that party. You lied to everyone rather than admit it.

Six. We listened to some great music and I found things out about you that no one else knew. I admired you for some reason, but you wanted more that I couldn't give.

Seven. You couldn't "rise to the occasion," but I always counted you anyway, since we were there and I would have if you could have.

Eight. We'd made out a few times in lockers rooms and in the dark curtains on stages. Ha! You were an orphan that made everyone else believe it was their fault and like they owed you some kind of an apology. Well, fast forward a few years and you're drunk and joined up and you ***** me. I'd already been ruined enough, so I stuck around. Never hoping for anything better for myself. I was only good enough for you at three am when you needed a ride home, you drunken coward. But I wasn't good enough for you the nine months I carried our daughter, the last year and a half our lives. You've missed out on all the joy she's brought me, and for someone without a family, I expected better. I hope you burn in hell.

Nine. Post-baby, feeling bad about my new body. I had rounded in places previously flattened, and you were a trial run for something I knew shouldn't be as important to me as it was.

Ten. All good things come to those who wait. The only man worthy of my love. I wish I had preserved every good thought and feeling in a jar so that I could share with you. You aren't completely unflawed, but that's fine. You somehow accept me with all my baggage and emotional trauma and tear-streaked moments. I thank God for you every moment I breathe, and you're my salvation from a world that makes women feel like nothing but an object, even though I played the part convincingly. I could never go on without you.
temporary Jun 2018
My sentences get rambled up.

They make sense up there, but not once they're down here. They lose their "umph", their clarity, their ingenuity. Some too short, some too long. Never comfortable or natural in my mouth but perfect and unflawed in that glorious thought bubble.

But I'm learning to say it all anyway. Despite uncertainty, despite unoriginality, despite "perfectness". Because the biggest "despite" I've come to learn is myself.
Been feeling lately that I shouldn't say things and try things because they aren't correct or original. But so what if it's correct or not.
Grace E Wagner Mar 2018
I’ve always seen the world
Through rose-colored glasses
Teal glitter
Sunflowers and Baby’s Breath-
Something happy
And beautiful

Then you died.

The rosy lens shattered
Piercing my eyes
Drawing blood and tears,
Scouring the oceanic glitter
Staining the flowers
Forcing them to wilt.

Killing them as you were killed.

Gutting me of every sense
Of security I possessed
Clogging my veins
And fraying my nerves
Until I was so devoid of sensation
And stripped down
I became empty and numb

the numbness wasn’t terrible
It was bearable-
Comfortable and safe
Sustainable and sustaining
I fell in and out of love,
pushed myself harder than usual,
Isolated myself  
I didn’t care that was painful-
At least I could hurt
In a less tragic
And obvious way.

And to keep you with me?

I pulled all the photos of us
Out of the dusty album
That lives in our basement-
the pictures began to leave
The ghostly scent
of flowers on my skin

I re-read old letters, cards, and texts
Called your phone even though I knew
You wouldn’t answer-
I found specks of dusty blue glitter
Accumulating in the corners of my room
Between bed sheets
and at the bottom of my bathtub

Then I cried
When no one was there
When it hurt the most to miss you
When I wouldn’t cause a scene-
The tears washed my eyes raw
But that rosy hue
Never returned

through this shattering
through this torture
through this tragedy

I began to realize what it meant
To love someone
And not realize how centra
l they are to your life
Until they’re not here anymore
They can’t hug you
and tell you its going to be okay
You won’t ever see them smile
You will never be able to them you love them
And hear them say it back.

They are gone.
And you can’t do anything about it.
i tried to write a happy ending here
but it was unfitting.
thomas Jun 2014
because of you my world is now whole.
because of you love lives in my soul.
because of you i have laughter in my eyes.
because of you i am no longer afraid of good-byes.
you are my pillar my stone of strength,
with me through all seasons and great times of length.
my love for you is pure boundless through space and time, it grows stronger everyday knowing that you’ll always be mine.
your like a undying flower, perfectly unflawed through all seasons, unpicked because of beauty, watched because of your strength to stay even in the harshest times.
i love you, i owe my life to you.
lj brooks Oct 2016
her blanket kept getting tangled in between her legs and she couldn't get it right she couldn't get anything right. she drops her books one day and cries over what seems like nothing but is actually a big deal to her because it's a load of things, little things, that add up and up and up until nothing is right nothing is ever right or even okay. even 'okay' would be better than 'bad', than 'wrong'... she does her makeup perfectly but of course there's a zit. she cant thread the needle or she can't keep the camera still or she can't draw the lips right or she can't get a hold of herself and stop ******* up, but really it's not anything unusual she tells herself. everyone always says that no person is perfect or unflawed but then why does it always seem that way? why? why can't simple things work out ? nothing works !? nothing is okay, the air is slightly too stuffy and the bagel shop messed up her order. the bagel shop didn't mess up her friend's order. she lost her ten dollars and even though someone else offered to pay, she couldn't help but let that occurrence add up and up and up into that big pile of mumbo jumbo that is her misfortune. her thoughts are so muddy. they're so collective and her mind is so full of **** that she's just lost focus. her eyes are glazed and her hearing is muddled now because shes just so ******* tired of life never working ever . never working, always adding up, her big problems are worse and shes just so tired because nothing works life never works her brain  never works
Anaïs Nov 2019
The twinkling stone
is what becomes most
desired~ A diamond,
a ring, a promise for

Rare a love that does not
encompass fears of solitude,
Oh, the drills of society!
How it drills and drills
and drills into us.
How it perfects us and makes
us unflawed~ us, women,
how thankful we should
be for a life in the selfless
Fear not, moments of
contained frenzy,
are left unheard~
For we live, trapped,
in an inescapable
Satsih Verma May 2018
Night was descending
on the tonsured heads,
terracotta robes,
clasping the palms, hiding the seeds
of earth.

Against a ban on lips
for belonging truly.
Blissful. The squids settle in the weeds
of overbrimming sea of arms.

Blood was red, brown and pale.
oozing from the slit eyes,
soaking the green voices, herbs and sad kisses.
In the death, your name will be engraved on your shoes.

The steps were small
but shadows were very long on the ice.
The stings unflawed, did their job.
Suddenly you go
in anaphylactic shock.
espaic09 May 2017
here I sit, as I have
countless times, yeah

with liquid bread
and my thoughts
for my self

I peered into my empty bottle
realizing I spent hours
admiring a craft
mostly flawed
but revered by many

as perfection creeps
cloaked she already knows
she is unreachable and lonely

I bet God feels the same way

as I uncap another vessel
I realize that it is twenty four past two
so I sketch a few moments
but a few moments now
permanent on my sketch book

time I won't get back
and I can see it
it's ink, a doodle
on a worthless piece of paper

I stare at my text
this and these are moments
I wont get back

so much for perfection.

I hope God isnt as lonely
because it's sad
even with a all these humans
loneliness finds a way
always disguised

— The End —