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they say you shouldn't hold tight onto a dark memory
because the demons will slowly take over
and corrupt your sanity.
what they fail to mention is releasing your grip, allowing yourself to cave in and be consumed with your reality is the most painful of all.
frame by frame of the haunting must now be relived.
the aroma, the deafening pounding of your heart in your ears, the clenching of your bones.
the most engaging and powerful moment of one's life is undoubtably the moment you must
allow yourself to not only remember,
but be enveloped by the terror
once again.
speaking aloud is what changes
a memory into reality.
**why must facing the truth be the most painful?
poem poetry honest author inspire question pain **** abuse neglect drug terror real life anxiety depression torture
Marlo Jun 2014
Suicide undoubtably swallows my family whole...
Wether it's failed attempts or successful memories
It consumes us.
Well, me anyways,
and whatever "family" I have left.
By suicide,
I don't necessarily mean death.
Drugs eating the brain,
Alcohol stealing life...
And then,
Literal suicide-death.
When my brains trails off to this action,
I let its leash go and it runs wild,
Going through different scenarios and planning my lonely funeral.
Jumping through hoops and falling off the cliff of sanity,
I can't capture my mind again without the help off medical candy.
When my mind's ******* again,
I open my eyes to reality of
White walls and crazed people surrounding me,
Locked in mental institution yet again...
. *** .
Emma Zanzibar May 2011
If you think this might be about you, please, don't stop reading.
Though I might not know you yet I have probably encountered you before.
We probably avoided colliding but secretly we wanted to. Maybe you are one of the boys on the bus who, for a sixteenth of a second makes my heart pound and my fingertips go numb, hoping that you'd notice me.

I want you to play your tongue across the piano keys of my teeth.
I want us to sing the themes of Pucchini operas while we make rainy Sunday pancakes.
I want to walk with you through the vineyards of your homeland.
Let me take the weight of your world and put it somewhere beneath my shoulders,
for me to carry with me.
I will never use us in the past tense.
We will never look sad in photographs
and our airmail correspondances will be kept in floral boxes and hidden
for one of our daughters to discover.
Our love will be in the brushstrokes of Signac and Monet.

We will discover that the island of Hawaii
is like the excess emotions of the world
that have congealed out of the earth
to be comforted by the rocking waves.
The sunsets hearts of the people will welcome us.
On the black earth
they walk
their hands filled with sun bleached coral stones.
And they spell out messages and write out the names of the ones they love
so even God can read what's in their hearts.

And when the world takes you from me
which it undoubtably will
I will scatter your ashes in the places we have walked.
along the vineyard trails
and the mountain peaks
and in the deepest oceans we crossed for one another
I will let go of you
let you leave my hands on the winds that rush through Death Valley
while I drive along the same highway
that we carved together.
And I will return to the island of Hawaii
carrying white stones to write out your name
for God to read.
Wouldn’t it be grand
if everyday were a masquerade?
Hiding behind mask and hand...
Mystery to never fade.

Emotions to run free!
As they hide safely away.
One becomes whomever they wish to be...
As all are unseen through each night and day.

What confusion it would breed!
To never know who is who...
Certainty would quickly become a need.

Plague our world with doubt these masks would surely do.
Off they would eventually go...
As the thirst for truth is much too strong.
It is quite the curious thing however...
Honesty, without a mask, still goes wrong.
That’s the unfortunate reality.

Although a mask provides a comforting lure,
lies thrive in all that is thought to be undoubtably seen.
Brooke Bello Jan 2014
I am part of a fighting generation
and i don't believe that
I am among people who will help me
I understand that
we all struggle sometimes
but my friends let me know
I mean nothing to them
instead of saying
they appreciate me as a person
when i struggle
even my family tells me
to **** it up
no one says
it's okay to be weak
I know that
we have lost any love we used to have
and i'm dumb to think
I will find someone who will always get me through
my problems.
To get help with
the social scene
I will dismiss
my distressed friend
to spend time with
the kids who party
I will ignore
the boy that asks me how my day was
to fall in love with
the boy who cheats on his girlfriend
I will scream at
my parents
and I will love
i will undoubtably hate
and i will treasure
material things
I won't need
All I will know is
I know that nothing will
reverse this
Unless I choose to
Steve Page Aug 2020
Love is not nice.
‘Nice’ is soft and inoffensive
‘Nice’ is careful and non-assertive
‘Nice’ is easy and effects no change
she’s cotton wool trying to soften the pain
but not stuffed tight, just resting on the surface
ready to be blown away or pressed
under a muddy boot of disinterest

‘Nice’ is a damp whisper
a mouse cowering in the corner
hoping you will blink and miss her
lest she attract your notice
lest she presume too much
and cause a whisker of offence

Love is not like that – 

Love pushes in, quick and nimble
a hero with no mask, unasked
unexpected, dodging the turmoil
leaving nothing unsaid and little undone
in her pursuit of creating a counter-disruption 

Love defies convention

Love carefully aims her weapons of choice
and advances relentless and regardless
of any and all obstacles in her way
Love perseveres all the love-long day

Love doesn’t delay

Love is gleeful for the chance of invasion
ready to disarm with expert compassion
with her regiments of patience
armed to the teeth with gracious
placing tanks of good faith on all fronts

Love confronts

Courage is her currency, kindness her language
trust and hope are her passports to lands long unexplored
happily wearing all-weather clothing
for any and all unexpected storms

Love transforms 

Love weakens all defences
and challenges all camouflaged pretences
Love pours itself out to fill unhealed wounds
and on shrapnel-seeded battlefields
she - blooms

Love perfumes

Love is not 'nice'  
Love isn’t in this for the likes
Love bites
She’s a take-on-all-comers, undefeated delight
Love never bails from the fight
never fails, never takes flight

Love is nothing casual,
nothing incidental
This love is elemental
She is Avengers-Assemble, End-Game-level

So as the wise man known for his proverb-ials
might have said:

Rob and Polly

Don’t be nice
and I’ll say it twice
nice is a vice that will never suffice

So heed this scriptural advice
[Proverbs 3 - expanded version]

Let love and faithfulness never leave you
bind them both to you (whatever the price to you)

Sustain one another with mutual collaboration
and on a God-given foundation build up a reputation
for a love that,
okay, as the good book says
might be a poor reflection of perfection
but for now - what you two have become
is a fairly close representation
of Christ’s love for his bride, his church
and that should never be besmirched

so let God’s love rise to meet you
at each and every unwinding curve
because it is nothing less
than what both of you

Let me end by being more precise
follow Christ’s advice:
love one another
every day and every night
forsaking all others
with all of your might
and do it in a way
that pushes
on the occasion of the marriage of Rob and Polly
Alyssa Oct 2012
Im saying goodbye
but not to you,
because you have been long gone.

Im saying hello
To a new woman
who has grown from the ashes of that destroyed little girl

Im saying farewell
to those never ending tears
which will undoubtably fall again for another

Im saying its great to see you again
Since you’ve been so down for so long
doubting every thought entering your mind

Im saying never speak to me again
because you wanted nothing but to bleed
to gasp for a last chance at life

Im saying stay with me
to that courage
to the smile that shines through those eyes

Im saying its over
Because i dont love you
not like i love her

Im telling her I love her
because you didnt anymore
And to be deadly honest

Im better off with you not loving me
I rather love myself then you.
Rochelle R Jan 2015
She's a thousand miles from where she needs to be,
With a hundred and seven things to do.
And the only things she manages are
"Wince, breath, hold it in, and turn blue."
She turns to see a path carved of her own destruction

In her wake.

Unaware of how she got here, and now:
Her heart is torn in two.
You think it's wether it's him or wether it's you.
But it's wether it's to sleep forever or stay 'til forever gives up on her.
She stumbles on the trail of bodies

In her wake.

It's months or maybe millennia later,
Time has no compassion here.
Her immortal face is as unwavering as stone.
But the scars she's counted have undoubtably grown.
Her bones hide secrets the whole world knows.
And though she'll burn from the heat of the stones they throw.
Everything is still drowning amongst waves

In her wake.

But she knows how to make time and all of everything stand still.
She can ease the world of her venomous touch.
With a single bolt of lead and palm full of small white relief,
At last,
All of us can be put out of her misery.
Only the obligatory tears will fall
When the guest books from her history spill from the celebratory halls

At  *her wake.
If only that was the end!
But this is where it all begins (again).
As her bones turn to ash and summer to autumn,
A single drop of blood ignites a light.
A new dawn has begun.
And now there is only a bare foot print molded in the mud from her ascent.
With the only premeditated thought she's ever had,
This time there will only be ghosts left

*In her wake.*
Alyssa Dec 2013
An open mind and a weak heart
A smile that never ceases
With eyes that undoubtably tear

A resilient shell
Covering the most delicate of emotions
Never fearing the pain caused by herself

Anger never staying concrete
Forgiveness often giving for the non deserving
A soul to often crushed

I still smile
I still love
I still have hope.
Olivia Brown Mar 2014
once the small
haze lifts,
of your
blue adoring eyes,
it will all
come crumbling,
but surely

once your hands
are lifted,
from the angles of my
your fingertips to follow,
releasing my blood
flushed cheeks.

it will all
come fizzling,
but absolutely

once i stop
will something
else follow?
Daniel Duran Apr 2013
The culmination of efforts over time.
It is never a linear thing.
It is never out of reach.
We all face struggles that devour us like a sandstorm consumes a village.
And then there are days where the beauty of life surrounds us and we are undoubtably thankful and blessed.
Threw these trials and tribulations,
These conquering moments and tremendous defeats. We must always remember to focus on the beauty of the life around us.
Keep your eyes on the goals you set before yourself and never close your eyes on these goals.
For the moment you lose faith and look away is the moment that success is closer then you think.
That is when you make the most.
I'm learning to join this community of poetry, please leave any pointers or comments.

Thank you.
Nicole Wheat Apr 2013
It kills me sometimes
-- sometimes how you say my name:
the harsh undertones
in your eyes,
-- sometimes how you speak with me:
Sometimes how you love me
-- so passionately,
so truly,
sometimes how you love me;
it kills me sometimes.
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
I'll never forget the amount of time I had to save the life of the man I loved, 34 minutes.
Later, they would say I did everything right, but they couldn't be more wrong, could they.
If that were true, a beautiful life would remain instead of the legacy of pain and death that has followed every day since.
Besides, who is it that determines what is right and wrong in situations like these.
I've begged God for those 34 minutes back, to have another chance to get it right and not fail him this time, but God isn't listening just as he wasn't that night.

I made the call for help, the only one I thought would make a difference.
I called who I always called for protection and help, my father, not just mine but like a father to him as well.
A call made in desperation, a call made out of fear and panic.
Had I known the burden I was placing on shoulders I've always felt were beyond limit, I might have made a different call.
I know now that, because of that call, the regret and guilt and self-doubt that I carry are carried by my father as well.

Did we do the right thing? What could've been said or done differently to change the outcome?
The truth is we'll never know and the not knowing is the cross we both have to bare each and every day.
34 minutes from that phone call to the gunshot that ultimately became the single most horrific and defining  moment of my life.
The moment that serves as both the starting point and ending point for all events to come before and after.
The moment that serves as both an internal compass and measuring stick for all progress and demise.

A dark quiet family home in a good neighborhood, where most were making their way to bed for the night.
A place where things like this weren't supposed to happen, not to people like us anyway.
Civil servants, a policeman and a nurse, paying our taxes and raising our children and living our lives right.
Our two perfect little princes asleep in their beds, unaware of the bomb about to implode in their tiny worlds.
An alert family pet with an instinctual sense of something amiss and at the ready to protect at all cost.

34 minutes for a husband to say goodbye, caught in emotional turmoil between his unwavering love for his family and a sense of loyalty to men he calls brothers.
Secrets, held for reasons of protection and self-preservation, suddenly brought to light for the whole world to see and judge.
Hopelessness for a future of unimaginable shame and consequences for impossible decisions already made.
Actions carefully planned and taken to end an overwhelming and unbearable pain, which didn't quite go as planned, so a new plan had to be put into action.
A desire to hold on to the love he was about to leave forever, overshadowed by the mental inability to face the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

34 minutes for a wife, so devoted and terrified, to say the things that would change his mind and save them both.
I said everything I thought would matter and searched my mind for something more.
I ran the gamut of emotions, trying to sway his disillusioned mind or gain control of the situation.
Through my tears and pleas and cries  and begging for reconsideration came his screams and threats and tears and professions of love.
I was rational and emotional and weak, which was no match for his incoherence and determination and strength.

Then the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock where 34 minutes had passed and my time is up.
Maybe my father could help where I had failed but deep down I felt my husband, my love, slip from my grasp.
My father tried to reason but was met with his mounting anger and pleas to take me and our boys and leave.
With weapon already present, my father had no choice but to take his grandsons and daughter to safety.
As I argued with my father to take the boys and leave me there, the screams from inside the house for just me to stay were getting louder and angrier, and I was torn between staying with my love and maybe having him take me with him and leaving with my boys who are the truly helpless innocent victims in this tragedy.

My father in his immense love for me and his grandsons made the right decision for me, for I would have undoubtably chosen wrong.
We sent help and it arrived quickly, but I knew when I crossed the threshold to leave, I left everything I knew and loved behind.
My husband, the center of my world, was gone and I failed in the 34 minutes I was given to save him.
34 minutes that have haunted me every day since, each one I have relived millions of times.
34 minutes which cause me so much pain to remember but I am terrified to forget because they are my last 34 minutes with him.

34 minutes, too short to sum up the love in my heart and the hearts of our boys for him.
34 minutes to convince him that everything would be alright and that he would make it through because we would be right beside him.
34 minutes to make him realize all the experiences and moments he would be missing out on as our boys grew into the men he would help mold them into.
34 minutes to convey the pain and heartache and utter carnage he would leave in his wake as we tried to pick up the pieces of our broken lives and go on without him.
34 minutes, not long enough to change his mind which was already made up, but long enough to change the way my mind thinks about everything forever.
Big Virge Dec 2020
So Who’s The HARDEST... ?!?
And Who’s The Smartest... ?!?

And Who HITS Those TARGETS...
Where... Profit Margins...
Get Careers STARTED... ?!?

Like A WINGLESS Starling... !!!

I’m ONLY Really NOW Starting...
To See How DARKNESS...
... RULES The Markets... !!!

of Those Now CLAIMING...
To Be The... HARDEST... !!!

From Sport To ****...
To Who Runs FASTEST... ?!?

It Seems That What’s POOR...
Is What People... ADORE... ?!?

So As I Said It’s... ******...
Who Keep Getting Applause... !?!

From **** Now Born...
From The HARDEST Dark *****... !!!

Splitting MORE Than White Lips... !!!

To The Type of Shows...
Where The HARDEST Jokes...
And Earn REAL HARD Dough... !!!

So YES... You’ve Guessed...
That What This Poem Suggests...

Is That The Word HARDEST...
In This Case Means The BEST... !!!

Or In The Case of ***... !!!
It Means The BIGGEST *****...
With The Length And Breadth...
That Girlies... CAN’T Resist...

Because of HOW WET...
Their ******* Get...
When They Let Them In... !!!

It’s A FUNNY Old Thing...
How A Word Can SWING...
And Link To Different Things...

Like The HARDEST Lyrics...

That’s RIGHT Like..... ME..... !!!

NOT Quite... “ LEGENDARY “...

But In The End Folks Will SEE...
That Big Virge Has Written...

That Deals In TRUTH And REALITY...

So Is FILLED With Visions...
To Which Folks Should Listen...
Because of The WISDOM...
That Is Shown Within Em’... !!!

Built From DEEP Thinking...

Who Wants To See The SYSTEM...
Be What IS... “IMPRISONED”...
In The HARDEST Prison... !!!

And Forms of DIVISION... !!!

That’s Been MORE Than SCRIPTED... !!!
Because It’s What’s DRIVEN...

What Is NOW In Vision...
... WEAKENED Markets...
Protests CHARGING... !!!!


Than There Is Folks LAUGHING... !!!

Just Like Those TARGETS... !!!

With Wordplay PROVING...
That... What I Design...
In Words That I Rhyme...

Just Like A Bugs Varmint... !!!

They May NOT Be The SMARTEST... ?!?

But Are Those of An ARTIST...
Whose Art Is WAY PAST...

Those Who Are CLAIMING...

To Be The...

.... “ HARDEST “.... !!!
It seems that many are now making the claim !

However, who are just names being called, and who REALLY are, The CHOSEN ... ?
stone the bear Apr 2016
Organizing the desk
on solid wood
if only i

Sorting the papers,
a perpetual mess,
my mind
to confess.

Shredding the confidentials
security measures,
they could never
my secret treasures.

Boxing the pictures
with pain
the moon moves
along with the tide.

Time is always changing,
looking from
I know the life
I must choose,
But you?
will undoubtably
see it,
a life full of sin.
Nameless Feb 2012
Stop, I shout
At the venom you spout
I am fine the way I am!

Please, I say
God made me this way
I am fine the way I am!

Angrily, I cry
Am I broken, I sigh
Aren't I fine the way I am?

You are right, I whisper
I am not a pretty picture
I will change the way I am!
Ok, I state
And part hesitate
I will change the way I am!

Entangled and trapped 
I can't react 
I'm trying to change the way I am!

Enslaved and broken
My words unspoken 
I can't change the way I am?

Wearily, I speak
Confusion at its peak
I can't change the way I am!
The essence of me
Is undoubtably me
And I am the way I am! ! !

Enraged, I scorn!
You have been warned!
Love me or let me be....
Nikki Nakamura Oct 2014
Pale cheeks and eyes of innocents
she with holds too much pain to be known. Invisible unless needed, deprived of self worth, and discarded for the sake of not meeting society's standards for what is considered a beautiful person. Accepting the sorrows of others for the sake of them not being hurt by their own misfortunes thus causing her to spiral down a never ending staircase which only gets more lonely the farther she tumbles. Surrounded by those with claims of desires only to be shown through the selfish lusts of their own wants different than spoken, for ending in a tragic flaw presented by the misinterpreted Heroes themself. What is worth her time for she is more wise than those of her time because she spends such hours in situations unfamiliar to those of whom before her time. Her uncharted royalty illuminates individuals that recognize such value and are drawn to the aura glistening off the dullest of unpolished possessions leading them to question the recognizability of her worth which appears undoubtably answered through the remarks and expression of the crumbling world around her. However after she makes her depart from this temporary home of which we call a world, equals find her to be appealing and more wise than any role model whom set the standard. Others do not have this problem because they were part of those lucky individuals with appearances socially acceptable. As if society it self actually knows them. Her pale cheeks and eyes of innocents which withhold too much pain for one person shall continue their days being a passing face as only a blur on a page with worth cast aside until she breaks from the never ending sorrows of others.  One does not receive a value nor acknowledgement by other humans unless they are either pretty of dead.
October 11, 2014
Annie Dec 2018
When I am with you, you shall find
I undoubtably lose my mind
I hate my life, I thrash, you sneer
You do this to me every year!

The pain is like a tearing scorcher
You subject me to such deadly torture
I will not stand it. I cannot.
I must not get another shot.
A parody.
Paul Kgaje Aug 2018
Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes.
Your hands are full of blood, the victims everlasting cries.
Your voice is swarmy as you hide beneath the tides of your lies.
You ******* with fear as your smile is not sincere.
The ringing bell shall be of help but if it rang.
With the question at mind I ask you very nice.
Where were you last night when Mrs Helmer died?

Your rage reeks upon your neck as you answer me.
Your sky is no longer blue and I can see.
It's on this day when I wish I couldn't see.
Oh what great trouble you're in.
"Curiousity kills a cat"
I now know what that means.
I wonder of the ****** weapon and where it's hid.

Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes.
You've ruined my life intirely.
For years you've been a friend undoubtably.
Lies, lies, lies.
There comes a time for those, the wise man knows.
My poker face isn't as fine as that of a friend I know.
Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes
A poem about a crime committed
jimmy tee Apr 2014
the conversations are magnified by the bare walls of the room
what causes people to have so much to talk about ?
themselves, naturally

you would have to turn people inside out
to eliminate the constant first person narrative

this is going nowhere fast

while the Walls of Jericho did undoubtably tumble
they were built of inhuman stone
and fell much more easily
Chloe London May 2014
You know the fear in losing your own mind is far from gradual at pace, when the outernet deems to be far more displeasing each time you look out of the window. Yes, it's spring and yes the sun is shining, but staying in bed feels like the undoubtably right choice, when in reality, the gliding of the butterflies that you witness will one day become just a faint memory, cause let's face it, we all die a little inside when winter comes...
But for the butterflies, it's a little more personal.
David Nov 2019
Sometimes I sit and wonder about the strangers who read my life.  
Do you think I’m using rhetoric?
Do you think I’m spinning webs?
Do you think it’s all words spewed from a wandering mind of fantasy?
Am I?

There are three sides to every story:
That is yours, mine, and the truth.
If I recorded every moment
and shared them all
With you
Would you see my lense as skewed?
Undoubtably it is.
Can a man really be objective?
One can try,
But there is no try
Only do or do not.

I wish I wrote fiction.
Maybe I’ll give that a try
Hank Van Well Jr May 2015

Gentle kisses , like raindrops I shower her with my affection
The clouds close like window shades and block out the gaze of the sun,
The only light is the glistening in her eyes fueled by the burning desire we share together.
Our lips dipped in raindrops our own special nectar , so savory the taste , we can only devour.
Enveloped in the rain , enveloped in each other, saturated  in love,
The rain hypnotic , our vertical blanket as we make love with our mouths, stuck to one another,bodies being massaged by those liquid sheets ,unable to harness the passionate heat that nearing the critical mass of desire,the waiting explosion, that is undoubtably immanent
the catalyst , cocooned in the showers , locked in an embrace joined  in our kiss , lost in the moment, we " make out " in the rain !
Francis Sep 2016
To die in my own arms.
To experience rapture in my world
encompasses a field of hindrance.
Undoubtably failing,
to seek those who comfort me in a world of nonfulfillment.
A confined receptacle of positive emotions
struggling to be kept shut tight,
as I meander the streets of the bold and proper.

Unconventional workings of the mind projected by waves of sound ******,
causes discomfort to those who have listened in company of me.
Notability has been afar,
since I had last possessed it so greatly.
I am now the last of what to be known,
as the person I once was to be.

Lust awaits behind a door,
a door that has weakened with seniority.
Love appears to be concealed in fear.
Rejection is relative to love's own emotion.
Lust is what terminates the opportunity of love,
when oral phrasing is miscalculated from it's true meaning.

Never have I been so doltish,
and scatterbrained I seem to be.
Alone I am It seems to me.
Will solitude become my everlasting acquaintance?
It's been surely devoted for quite some time,
although I'd prefer to meet it's demise.

Nevermore I seek to idolize,
such a classification that rebuffs me.
I'll keep to me and one day I shall see,
It is but only me,
who has been faithful to fidelity.
Failure to remain in solidarity any longer,
with thoughts I blindly accept.

Denial will get myself nowhere,
but a premature casket that aimed to be fulfilled by an obsolete version of me.
I have yet to find such love again.
Nostalgia appears to be such a unique function of the memory.

Yet nostalgia for me,
causes misery when reminding me of what I once had, and will forever fail to achieve again.
Two malignant relatives haunt me as I attempt to dream of peace and tranquility.
Malicious enemies such as depression and loneliness will forever cease my ability to dream.

Opposing the peacefulness they provide the nightmare.
But no nightmare is as gruesome or horrific as the constant reminder that,
I am alone,
And I will now know what it's like,
To Die in My Own Arms.
lauren Oct 2016
sometimes, the body suffers.
and the once warm and undoubtably
skin caressing,
hand held goosebumps cover the surface
of porcelain skin.

but, much like a clock and its gears,
if one piece is missing,
the heart cannot work.
and if the heart cannot work,
sometimes the body suffers.

cold for no reason other than the
pocket of regret.
fortunently, the amazing thing
about the human body
is that
it heals itself, painfully, slowly through time.
these times are forbearing but
sometimes, the body has to suffer.
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
Street lights shone down on the curvy silhouette of a black corvette. The reflection of the road side glistens off of the flawless Chrome coat of the vehicle. The engine roars at the slightest touch of the gas petal as my father turns to me from across the table.
"It sounds amazing doesn't it."
I nod my head in agreement as another beauty of a vehicle passes by us. A porche convertable glides smoothly across the pavement with a purr slightly different than the corvette that had passed before hand.
"I like that one better though, don't you?"
I shrug my shoulders. The cars were undoubtably impressive and incredibly expensive. They were beautifully tailored without flaw, but for some reason I felt nothing toward them.
A strange smile spread across my face and my father looked at me confused.
"Why are you smiling?"
I looked down at my hands and thought for a moment to myself, not allowing much to slip out as I thought of one specific car that I really loved.
"I don't know...I like the sound of trucks better"  
I say looking down at my hands, remembering.
True story that happened tonight. I found it quite funny how symbolism can apply to every day things.
Bandhana rai Jul 2017
Your dreams are not unworthy
So do not give up on them.
They simply need a grain of faith
And you simply need to water them, faithfully
Sprinkle them with your efforts and watch them
One day grow fully, and they will, undoubtably.
If only you fight for it resolutely.
Clare Apr 2021
Stand still and let God move
Your severe trial will undoubtably lead
To the creation of something new
It is in this quiet crucible
Of your personal and private sufferings
That your noblest dreams are born
And God’s greatest gifts are given
In compensation of what you’ve been through

And just like Martha and Mary
Sometimes Jesus will wait three days
Or three years even thirty years
If it means at the end
Of that time God will be glorified

And to be used by God
Our own  effectiveness needs to DIE
We must FAIL in our strength
We have to LOSE complete control
And to be totally CONSUMED by Him

We cannot see in a tempest
God won’t be sensual in it
He won’t appeal to our senses
(They add to to our comfort)
He’ll make us uncomfortable in our storm

We’ll never understand what suffering is
Unless we can understand God’s love
Serenity is not the absence of pain
But His awesome presence in it
And what wonderful peace ensues from it

It is staying with the breaking
That will bring that final breakthrough
Untold agony will lead to victory
It is not what we do
But what we become that is vital

God will show up on schedule
Your severe trial will undoubtably lead
To the creation of something new
It is in this quiet crucible
Of your personal and private sufferings
That your noblest dreams are born
And God’s greatest gifts are given
In compensation of what you’ve been through
Jacob Moslund Apr 2019
I’ll stoop down to save you,  I’ll howl at the moon
I’ll walk barefoot to you when winter’s in bloom
I’ll cross every heart, your colours I’ll wear
I’ll fight your dragon and you’ll tame my bear.
Sometimes I’m undoubtably lazy,  
 But never, never will I leave this vow.
Sometimes you’re unreasonably crazy,
I’ll love you forever like I love you now.

Still at times I’m too young to cry,
I’m too old to die, I’m passing you by
I know I stagger, I don’t do my best
Then life catches up,I see you, I’m blessed.

— The End —