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V. TO APHRODITE (293 lines)

(ll. 1-6) Muse, tell me the deeds of golden Aphrodite the
Cyprian, who stirs up sweet passion in the gods and subdues the
tribes of mortal men and birds that fly in air and all the many
creatures that the dry land rears, and all the sea: all these
love the deeds of rich-crowned Cytherea.

(ll. 7-32) Yet there are three hearts that she cannot bend nor
yet ensnare.  First is the daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis,
bright-eyed Athene; for she has no pleasure in the deeds of
golden Aphrodite, but delights in wars and in the work of Ares,
in strifes and battles and in preparing famous crafts.  She first
taught earthly craftsmen to make chariots of war and cars
variously wrought with bronze, and she, too, teaches tender
maidens in the house and puts knowledge of goodly arts in each
one's mind.  Nor does laughter-loving Aphrodite ever tame in love
Artemis, the huntress with shafts of gold; for she loves archery
and the slaying of wild beasts in the mountains, the lyre also
and dancing and thrilling cries and shady woods and the cities of
upright men.  Nor yet does the pure maiden Hestia love
Aphrodite's works.  She was the first-born child of wily Cronos
and youngest too (24), by will of Zeus who holds the aegis, -- a
queenly maid whom both Poseidon and Apollo sought to wed.  But
she was wholly unwilling, nay, stubbornly refused; and touching
the head of father Zeus who holds the aegis, she, that fair
goddess, sware a great oath which has in truth been fulfilled,
that she would be a maiden all her days.  So Zeus the Father gave
her an high honour instead of marriage, and she has her place in
the midst of the house and has the richest portion.  In all the
temples of the gods she has a share of honour, and among all
mortal men she is chief of the goddesses.

(ll. 33-44) Of these three Aphrodite cannot bend or ensnare the
hearts.  But of all others there is nothing among the blessed
gods or among mortal men that has escaped Aphrodite.  Even the
heart of Zeus, who delights in thunder, is led astray by her;
though he is greatest of all and has the lot of highest majesty,
she beguiles even his wise heart whensoever she pleases, and
mates him with mortal women, unknown to Hera, his sister and his
wife, the grandest far in beauty among the deathless goddesses --
most glorious is she whom wily Cronos with her mother Rhea did
beget: and Zeus, whose wisdom is everlasting, made her his chaste
and careful wife.

(ll. 45-52) But upon Aphrodite herself Zeus cast sweet desire to
be joined in love with a mortal man, to the end that, very soon,
not even she should be innocent of a mortal's love; lest
laughter-loving Aphrodite should one day softly smile and say
mockingly among all the gods that she had joined the gods in love
with mortal women who bare sons of death to the deathless gods,
and had mated the goddesses with mortal men.

(ll. 53-74) And so he put in her heart sweet desire for Anchises
who was tending cattle at that time among the steep hills of
many-fountained Ida, and in shape was like the immortal gods.
Therefore, when laughter-loving Aphrodite saw him, she loved him,
and terribly desire seized her in her heart.  She went to Cyprus,
to Paphos, where her precinct is and fragrant altar, and passed
into her sweet-smelling temple.  There she went in and put to the
glittering doors, and there the Graces bathed her with heavenly
oil such as blooms upon the bodies of the eternal gods -- oil
divinely sweet, which she had by her, filled with fragrance.  And
laughter-loving Aphrodite put on all her rich clothes, and when
she had decked herself with gold, she left sweet-smelling Cyprus
and went in haste towards Troy, swiftly travelling high up among
the clouds.  So she came to many-fountained Ida, the mother of
wild creatures and went straight to the homestead across the
mountains.  After her came grey wolves, fawning on her, and grim-
eyed lions, and bears, and fleet leopards, ravenous for deer: and
she was glad in heart to see them, and put desire in their
*******, so that they all mated, two together, about the shadowy

(ll. 75-88) (25) But she herself came to the neat-built shelters,
and him she found left quite alone in the homestead -- the hero
Anchises who was comely as the gods.  All the others were
following the herds over the grassy pastures, and he, left quite
alone in the homestead, was roaming hither and thither and
playing thrillingly upon the lyre.  And Aphrodite, the daughter
of Zeus stood before him, being like a pure maiden in height and
mien, that he should not be frightened when he took heed of her
with his eyes.  Now when Anchises saw her, he marked her well and
wondered at her mien and height and shining garments.  For she
was clad in a robe out-shining the brightness of fire, a splendid
robe of gold, enriched with all manner of needlework, which
shimmered like the moon over her tender *******, a marvel to see.

Also she wore twisted brooches and shining earrings in the form
of flowers; and round her soft throat were lovely necklaces.

(ll. 91-105) And Anchises was seized with love, and said to her:
'Hail, lady, whoever of the blessed ones you are that are come to
this house, whether Artemis, or Leto, or golden Aphrodite, or
high-born Themis, or bright-eyed Athene.  Or, maybe, you are one
of the Graces come hither, who bear the gods company and are
called immortal, or else one of those who inhabit this lovely
mountain and the springs of rivers and grassy meads.  I will make
you an altar upon a high peak in a far seen place, and will
sacrifice rich offerings to you at all seasons.  And do you feel
kindly towards me and grant that I may become a man very eminent
among the Trojans, and give me strong offspring for the time to
come.  As for my own self, let me live long and happily, seeing
the light of the sun, and come to the threshold of old age, a man
prosperous among the people.'

(ll. 106-142) Thereupon Aphrodite the daughter of Zeus answered
him: 'Anchises, most glorious of all men born on earth, know that
I am no goddess: why do you liken me to the deathless ones?  Nay,
I am but a mortal, and a woman was the mother that bare me.
Otreus of famous name is my father, if so be you have heard of
him, and he reigns over all Phrygia rich in fortresses.  But I
know your speech well beside my own, for a Trojan nurse brought
me up at home: she took me from my dear mother and reared me
thenceforth when I was a little child.  So comes it, then, that I
well know you tongue also.  And now the Slayer of Argus with the
golden wand has caught me up from the dance of huntress Artemis,
her with the golden arrows.  For there were many of us, nymphs
and marriageable (26) maidens, playing together; and an
innumerable company encircled us: from these the Slayer of Argus
with the golden wand rapt me away.  He carried me over many
fields of mortal men and over much land untilled and unpossessed,
where savage wild-beasts roam through shady coombes, until I
thought never again to touch the life-giving earth with my feet.
And he said that I should be called the wedded wife of Anchises,
and should bear you goodly children.  But when he had told and
advised me, he, the strong Slayer of Argos, went back to the
families of the deathless gods, while I am now come to you: for
unbending necessity is upon me.  But I beseech you by Zeus and by
your noble parents -- for no base folk could get such a son as
you -- take me now, stainless and unproved in love, and show me
to your father and careful mother and to your brothers sprung
from the same stock.  I shall be no ill-liking daughter for them,
but a likely.  Moreover, send a messenger quickly to the swift-
horsed Phrygians, to tell my father and my sorrowing mother; and
they will send you gold in plenty and woven stuffs, many splendid
gifts; take these as bride-piece.  So do, and then prepare the
sweet marriage that is honourable in the eyes of men and
deathless gods.'

(ll. 143-144) When she had so spoken, the goddess put sweet
desire in his heart.  And Anchises was seized with love, so that
he opened his mouth and said:

(ll. 145-154) 'If you are a mortal and a woman was the mother who
bare you, and Otreus of famous name is your father as you say,
and if you are come here by the will of Hermes the immortal
Guide, and are to be called my wife always, then neither god nor
mortal man shall here restrain me till I have lain with you in
love right now; no, not even if far-shooting Apollo himself
should launch grievous shafts from his silver bow.  Willingly
would I go down into the house of Hades, O lady, beautiful as the
goddesses, once I had gone up to your bed.'

(ll. 155-167) So speaking, he caught her by the hand.  And
laughter-loving Aphrodite, with face turned away and lovely eyes
downcast, crept to the well-spread couch which was already laid
with soft coverings for the hero; and upon it lay skins of bears
and deep-roaring lions which he himself had slain in the high
mountains.  And when they had gone up upon the well-fitted bed,
first Anchises took off her bright jewelry of pins and twisted
brooches and earrings and necklaces, and loosed her girdle and
stripped off her bright garments and laid them down upon a
silver-studded seat.  Then by the will of the gods and destiny he
lay with her, a mortal man with an immortal goddess, not clearly
knowing what he did.

(ll. 168-176) But at the time when the herdsmen driver their oxen
and hardy sheep back to the fold from the flowery pastures, even
then Aphrodite poured soft sleep upon Anchises, but herself put
on her rich raiment.  And when the bright goddess had fully
clothed herself, she stood by the couch, and her head reached to
the well-hewn roof-tree; from her cheeks shone unearthly beauty
such as belongs to rich-crowned Cytherea.  Then she aroused him
from sleep and opened her mouth and said:

(ll. 177-179) 'Up, son of Dardanus! -- why sleep you so heavily?
-- and consider whether I look as I did when first you saw me
with your eyes.'

(ll. 180-184) So she spake.  And he awoke in a moment and obeyed
her.  But when he saw the neck and lovely eyes of Aphrodite, he
was afraid and turned his eyes aside another way, hiding his
comely face with his cloak.  Then he uttered winged words and
entreated her:

(ll. 185-190) 'So soon as ever I saw you with my eyes, goddess, I
knew that you were divine; but you did not tell me truly.  Yet by
Zeus who holds the aegis I beseech you, leave me not to lead a
palsied life among men, but have pity on me; for he who lies with
a deathless goddess is no hale man afterwards.'

(ll. 191-201) Then Aphrodite the daughter of Zeus answered him:
'Anchises, most glorious of mortal men, take courage and be not
too fearful in your heart.  You need fear no harm from me nor
from the other blessed ones, for you are dear to the gods: and
you shall have a dear son who shall reign among the Trojans, and
children's children after him, springing up continually.  His
name shall be Aeneas (27), because I felt awful grief in that I
laid me in the bed of mortal man: yet are those of your race
always the most like to gods of all mortal men in beauty and in
stature (28).

(ll. 202-217) 'Verily wise Zeus carried off golden-haired
Ganymedes because of his beauty, to be amongst the Deathless Ones
and pour drink for the gods in the house of Zeus -- a wonder to
see -- honoured by all the immortals as he draws the red nectar
from the golden bowl.  But grief that could not be soothed filled
the heart of Tros; for he knew not whither the heaven-sent
whirlwind had caught up his dear son, so that he mourned him
always, unceasingly, until Zeus pitied him and gave him high-
stepping horses such as carry the immortals as recompense for his
son.  These he gave him as a gift.  And at the command of Zeus,
the Guide, the slayer of Argus, told him all, and how his son
would be deathless and unageing, even as the gods.  So when Tros
heard these tidings from Zeus, he no longer kept mourning but
rejoiced in his heart and rode joyfully with his storm-footed

(ll. 218-238) 'So also golden-throned Eos rapt away Tithonus who
was of your race and like the deathless gods.  And she went to
ask the dark-clouded Son of Cronos that he should be deathless
and live eternally; and Zeus bowed his head to her prayer and
fulfilled her desire.  Too simply was queenly Eos: she thought
not in her heart to ask youth for him and to strip him of the
slough of deadly age.  So while he enjoyed the sweet flower of
life he lived rapturously with golden-throned Eos, the early-
born, by the streams of Ocean, at the ends of the earth; but when
the first grey hairs began to ripple from his comely head and
noble chin, queenly Eos kept away from his bed, though she
cherished him in her house and nourished him with food and
ambrosia and gave him rich clothing.  But when loathsome old age
pressed full upon him, and he could not move nor lift his limbs,
this seemed to her in her heart the best counsel: she laid him in
a room and put to the shining doors.  There he babbles endlessly,
and no more has strength at all, such as once he had in his
supple limbs.

(ll. 239-246) 'I would not have you be deathless among the
deathless gods and live continually after such sort.  Yet if you
could live on such as now you are in look and in form, and be
called my husband, sorrow would not then enfold my careful heart.

But, as it is, harsh (29) old age will soon enshroud you --
ruthless age which stands someday at the side of every man,
deadly, wearying, dreaded even by the gods.

(ll. 247-290) 'And now because of you I shall have great shame
among the deathless gods henceforth, continually.  For until now
they feared my jibes and the wiles by which, or soon or late, I
mated all the immortals with mortal women, making them all
subject to my will.  But now my mouth shall no more have this
power among the gods; for very great has been my madness, my
miserable and dreadful madness, and I went astray out of my mind
who have gotten a child beneath my girdle, mating with a mortal
man.  As for the child, as soon as he sees the light of the sun,
the deep-breasted mountain Nymphs who inhabit this great and holy
mountain shall bring him up.  They rank neither with mortals nor
with immortals: long indeed do they live, eating heavenly food
and treading the lovely dance among the immortals, and with them
the Sileni and the sharp-eyed Slayer of Argus mate in the depths
of pleasant caves; but at their birth pines or high-topped oaks
spring up with them upon the fruitful earth, beautiful,
flourishing trees, towering high upon the lofty mountains (and
men call them holy places of the immortals, and never mortal lops
them with the axe); but when the fate of death is near at hand,
first those lovely trees wither where they stand, and the bark
shrivels away about them, and the twigs fall down, and at last
the life of the Nymph and of the tree leave the light of the sun
together.  These Nymphs shall keep my son with them and rear him,
and as soon as he is come to lovely boyhood, the goddesses will
bring him here to you and show you your child.  But, that I may
tell you all that I have in mind, I will come here again towards
the fifth year and bring you my son.  So soon as ever you have
seen him -- a scion to delight the eyes -- you will rejoice in
beholding him; for he shall be most godlike: then bring him at
once to windy Ilion.  And if any mortal man ask you who got your
dear son beneath her girdle, remember to tell him as I bid you:
say he is the offspring of one of the flower-like Nymphs who
inhabit this forest-clad hill.  But if you tell all and foolishly
boast that you lay with ric
I fret torpidly in my lair;
Your scent is around, but I've seen nobody.
'Tis sordid about me, with rolls of dutiful smoke—
and unleashed winds growling about unseen.
Beside me here stands a perfect mirror, a perfect glass,
But nothing seems imperative, nor talkative, nor patient;
Everything is just silent—what a robust fear—foolish impediment.
Ah, if only can I fast **** this petulant temperament—
do you think I shall feel better, or magnified?
I feel that myself is like a wind:
Thin, fragile, and constantly diving and swelling upwards.
Even my narrative is about to betray me;
Vehemently indeed—should this happen,
I might be able no more to write any poetry—
As my chest above there hysterically bellowed, I shall be pushed upwards—
Upwards, upwards, I am curling upwards—like we all naturally are,
Over the earth, along the oceans, and their sample images of Paradise;
Every single day, at noon, and against this midnight sky.
My darling has left, and thus I have but Him in my shabby hands;
With skin marred and scratched and dried by the rude winter;
Ah, say, but who says that winter is clever and polite?
Like my love perhaps is, she is but a relic—or even statue, of blunt disgrace—
She is neither merry nor cordial; she never is aromatic, and flaws us with its brutal haze.
I am alone, alone, alone, and totally alone—
O my love, my love, my love, where can I peruse
your felicity just once more?
I have but loved thee all along;
I love thee as magnificently and preciously
as I loved thee one year back and yesterday.
You are my purplish, reddish, greenish, but incompatible moon,
You are comparable still, to the joyous soul of this stained poem;
by whom my love has thrived, by whom I can always replenish.
I shall rise you again within my dreams;
I shall face myself within your sour vapour—but never let you fade.
I shall let you halt my paint, and brush dirt upon it;
I shall let you scatter your grossness over me, and acquire even your sins;
But as long as you are there, over me, I am not scared but keen;
I shall not be mesmerised, nor even heart be broken and pained.
May my heart break, so long as it has its consolation floating by.
Ah, and who, beside this breakable moon—can claim my erupt forth;
To comfort my sleep and give solace to my shrieking doors;
And throw unheeded calm into my quiet walkways;
While looking me in the eyes as we step sideways.
Who can ambush my chest along this hairy path;
With a charm far stronger than yon behind the grass;
Who can heal me, and who can heal me not,
Ah, have I but still the courage to make this right?
I shall look for you again amongst the city roars and rumblings;
I shall look for you again in the mornings—and amongst the bleakness of evenings.
Look, my love, how the rainbows have a turquoise face today;
So beautifully crafted and charted like the skies of yesterday;
I should fall asleep now, but still—I don't want to be lulled alone without you;
Even though you are faraway, I can still feel your breath and air.
Your absence, as I hope then, shall fast perish;
For I want to grow old not by the countenance of miseries.
I want to be injected into your space now—as maelstroms of sleeps greet me again,
And as the clouds of heaven start to feed on me;
I shall feel light again, and thereby not turn grey;
I shall feel that you have welcomed me back;
I shall feel your breath tingling by the sides of cheeks;
I shall feel my hairs anew—as they raise against the corners of my neck.
And there we shall play together against the sky;
Against its pedal who anew blooms in wan suspicion;
Ah, my love, I shall entangle you then—in my varied, and multiplied visions;
I shall tell you the funniest of one thousand lies.
I shall give you only the finest of kisses, and jokes;
I shall startle you by my poem and my beautiful black locks.
Ah, thee, to you whom I have written this poem, and shall always do;
To you whom I have loved, and have to this day admired;
To you for whom a forest of grace and salutations has been dreamed;
To you for whom my heartbeat grows, and fastens and slows,
To you for whom I woke up today, and open my eyes tomorrow;
To you whom I have loved in the name of Him;
To you for whom I lit the glitters of the sky;
To you for whom my heart was startled and passed justly by;
To you for whom my palms sweated and eyes started to cry;
To you for whom griefs disperse into brighter saturations;
To you for whom life continues, and gives birth to more immediate sparkles;
To you for whom I have celebrated my soul; and made one true promise;
To you by whom I have halved my heart, and without whom shall never 'come the same anew;
To you for whom all favours are spelled, and words dedicated;
To you for whose grins I shall wait again forever;
To you whose eyes are darker than the midnight river;
To you by whom my belief shall stay strong, and consciously devoted;
Ah, you, my love, so this remorse shall fall over me and back again,
With creases I curse, and remarks that my ruined chest censures;
Abhorred by the moon, and its very own celestial abode—
Which shakes and stretches along the crimson universe,
I have thrown my life into your horizontal, and longitudinal spectrums—
In both superficial and artificial ways, you have haunted me.
Ah, but still—cannot I erase your name from the fruit of every essentiality;
You are the sweet tyranny of my soul, and the leaves of my very gay sensibility;
You are the throne of my love; you are the specified satire—
though but funny and not—you are my destiny.
Like a vinyl birch tree that howls when stabbed, I have become your prey;
I shall wait for you at dawn and give my whole self to you at dusk.
I shall wait for you to claim my destined—and prescribed heart;
I shall wait for you to finish your abominable task,
As long as you can emerge for me—and listen to my poems and follow what I say.
And like a scar that stays for long in one's fair skin;
You are stubborn though things not go well;
Ah, let's now confess that your heart needs me;
But still—you are too proud, and far too docile, to admit your sin.
The question now is: how should we ever eradicate love?
Love is a prison, I know, and it is the most unforgiving jail;
It is merciless and painted by colours of abomination;
And nothing in it is plentiful—like Him in the shivering sky;
It is where tears crowd and gather—as I have perused;
It is where insolence and crudeness unite—even when not provoked.
Ah, my love, but have I fallen into this snare of love—whether or not I want it;
And your gaze is still the sole sweetness I hope to meet;
Never is my love sweeter—or petite, than a grain of wheat;
You are the foreverness for whom I shall sweat;
And in the loss of you lies my venomous assassination;
And I am wary now—and afraid of facing this everlasting trepidation;
Your shadows shall never go away, and for this I can be wronged;
For when I am dying—shall my mouth be falling asleep and recite your song.
My art has torn; it has been filthily murdered.
Its fervour was lost in, as you saw, just one wave of scenic mortality—
But still, the true essence might still be there, as it was once fertilised—
As by you, my Imagist, my Wilde, I was terrifically astonished by you.
You are my painting, my picture, and even the shared portrait of my self.
You share my veins, as how I supposedly hold some share of your blood.
Ah, and I remember now, how your warm blood did once touch my wrists—
So engagingly, so thrillingly, so brilliantly.
My heart, my head, my mind—all were brutally consumed by thee.
I want to die by thee, but you pierced my heart—
and in brief, made my spine grow dead tears;
Everything grew worse and I was manifested into your bitter triangle;
I was your lonesome moon who got forgotten soon;
Ah, it seems that yon French lady is better than I am—
With her curly hair and tittering oceanic eyes,
She was the filter of your noons, the storms
And devilish desires of your nights.
She was as gusty and spooky as the windblown thorn;
poisonous were her words, but still, you carried yourself to her.
I fretted and screamed and my blood gurgled—
but I guess I was fortunate still;
for I had the chance to keep myself pure and chaste
while you unstoppably sinned and defiled yourself.
So you were disgraced.
And you were enduringly consumed by your own fires;
The fires to which you confined yourself;
Not the calming, sooting, leafy bonfires we use in winter;
but ones you will also greet in the earth after.
Ah, thee, I felt but disgust towards your molested heart and deeds;
You grew for yourself, instead good ones—sick, avoidable seeds.
At that time, I swore to never ever share any more of my blood with you;
I would looked for one more honest, playful; one decorated with more virtues.
But still—as I said before,
I have again decided to sit and pray for you.
While my love for the other is not true;
It has faded and you are irreplaceable still;
You are congested, invalid, and not new;
But should you come back again to me;
I shall receive you with open hands
And one seal of heartfelt goodwill.
Ah, my love, look at the smiling heavens above—
As night deepens and snowfalls come low,
I shall think and think again about our postponed love—
Which, perhaps—though happens not amongst the jumble of this juvenile night,
Shall come again when dusk is cleared, and the first bud of spring leaps into sight.
epictails May 2015
Through the incredulity burning
in the grim reaper's eyes,
He unwillingly received the souls
of those who did not deserve to die

The bright fluids of life lay bare
and insignificant in the godforsaken lands
He sighed the heaviest breath he could muster
Death was his trade, but this affair had him
loosening his grip on the scythe
Mumbling the dead's prayer,
The half-living defied fate's ruthless threads
And squirmed for barren hope
A child nearby cries for the light to save him
As the shadows devoured their youngest feast, so far

Now standing alone, the reaper cursed the gods
Who may or may not be listening to him
He was disgusted with the greed of these people
And their bloodbaths
Where those who avoid death and the
ones who thrillingly seek it
Summon each other with empty excuses
Thinking these are enough to fling
their guns at the righteous
Drink the innocent blood like
the finest wine from their vineyards!
Stab the weak at their remaining spots
Oh how foolish they are!
How foolish indeed!

He pities those who speak death as their honor
When they have only lived like rats
Scavengers of chances that purifies
their filthy names
He scorns those who
do not even speak of death
In their wild belief that some curse
will hand them like a platter to their graves
When death is the end that no one ,
not even him, can escape
Those cowards!
No one lives to cheat that dark fate!
No one!

The reaper was provoked by humans
Them and their incessant wonder and fear of
That that is unknown
Them who have stopped looking
at their small, definite lives
To anticipate what they could not
even begin to understand
Feeding their illusions that a special place
awaits their petty souls to rest on
Ahhh!!!He was tired of them all

Might as well finish his job...
Idk what's with my idea of this grim reaper but he suddenly made a story inside my head. Will try to do Stories x Poetry just so I could have something different every once in a while. This is weird af but I guess I msis writing stories that I just came around doing this. i had mad fun though so all's square and fair
Steve Sufian Jul 2019
Serene and sylvan,
Thrillingly simple,
Living a life with Nature’s Blessings:

Friendly and pure,
Smiling with dimple,
Spontaneously right,
No need for guessing.

Connected to Source
Not just the surface,
Everything’s easy,
Nothing is pressing.

Thrillingly simple,
Blessed and Blessed.

Thrillingly simple,
Blessed and Blessing.
Travis Green May 2021
I feel the deepest explosions
Of exquisite sweetness
Oozing over me
You are a sunset
Brightening over my skin
An unconquerable king
Filled with a thousand entrances
To the most thrillingly tender dreams
Travis Green Apr 2022
I know I am gay when I see him coming my way
Delightful, man-size muscles, rigid vicious chest
Strong unbreakable arms, substantially strapping shoulders
A lushly smooth stomach, bright paradise thighs
I take phenomenal pleasure in his incomparability
With his sumptuous hunky tattoos
His astonishingly skilled and sinewy hands

His luxurious peerless beard is so pleasurable
To peruse with my silky smooth lips and fingertips
Boy, he got me so confused with the way he gazes at me
With his sensual, seamless, and inklike eyes
Makes me so outrageously ossified
While I think about laying my hands
On his blossoming black hair to feel
To feel his incredibly tantalizing texture

Savor the lusciously ingratiating nape of his neck
Allow my celestial breath to travel the map
Of his thick-skinned dreamy back
He makes me so enraptured
With cherishable perspiration
Drizzling down his navel

My gayness is greatly rampant
I stare at the way he blows his cigarette smoke in the air
With his spectacular swagger walk
So stimulatingly hot when he talks
I bet he doesn’t know how much I am fantasizing about him now
How I can see him in my mind
Ceaselessly caressing him to fulfill my growing needs

Put my mouth on his thick chocolate sausage
And **** him day and night
Draw the delicious milk out of him
Taste him sensually
Drain him dry as a well
I am so gaylicious

He doesn’t have the faintest idea of how bad
I desire to devour him
I need his overload of scrumptious chocolate in my world
Allow his immersiveness to swirl down my throat
Bewitch my lungs
Run his hands down my lush busters

Taunt my **** tips
While I rub his seductive, rippled abs
Trace his valiant veins with my fingers
Collide into his paradise
Feel the hardness of his flex
His thrillingly eye-catching thugness
Kenz Sep 2012
She walks delicately,
carefully, easily.
Right on by you.
She talks quietly,
beautifully, gracefully.
Right next to you.
Quickly she locks you in.

She whispers seductively,
huskily, sexily.
Right into your ear.
She says sweet things,
cute things, great things.
Straight to you.
And now she's getting through.

Her heels clack.
He nearly spat.
But all you do is stare.
The way she talks is planned.
The way she walks--rehearsed.
All those things were petty lies.
But it's too late.

She smiles cutely,
quickly, embarrassed.
Just to get to you.
She blushes deeply,
innocently, easily.
While getting ready for you.
She has got you chained now.

She acts timidly,
shyly, less boldly.
To get closer to you.
She treats you well,
kindly, graciously.
Just to lie to you.
She's got you begging.

Her heels clack.
He nearly spat.
But all you do is stare.
The way she talks is planned.
The way she walks--rehearsed.
All those things were petty lies.
But it's too late.

She holds your heart frighteningly,
tightly, brightly.
Making her own you.
She looks strong,
powerful, unforgettable.
Showing herself to you.
And now you see through it all.

She steps lightly,
passionately, happily.
Over to you.
She seems cruel,
evil, sinister.
Having played you.
Too bad it's nearly the end.

Her heels clack.
He nearly spat.
But all you do is stare.
The way she talks is planned.
The way she walks--rehearsed.
All those things were petty lies.
But it's too late.

She holds herself dignifiedly,
highly, gloriously.
As she brings the knife to you.
She cuts deeply,
thrillingly, chillingly.
Straight into you.
If only you had known.

She moves smoothly,
willingly, cutely.
Right on by you.
She is biter,
sinister, crazy.
As she continues.
And it restarts, nothing new.
I loved the idea for this poem.  It really was really fun to write.  The violence that I wrote was unplanned for but completely fun!
Emma Johnson Oct 2012
With apathy,

I am happy.

Without apathy,

I am horribly frustrated,


occasionally disheartened

where I am not myself.

But so unarguably alive

thrillingly animated;

unmistakably blissful;

So utterly

in love.
Travis Green Oct 2021
He was a peerlessly mysterious man
That I grew to love, to be addicted to him
To his fierce, flawless masculinity
The **** space between us
The air perfumed with lavender
As I dwelled on caressing his forearms
Letting his magic project itself upon me
Be my magnetic masculine hooligan
Smoke my soul, send me into a sea of flames
With his unceasing kisses

I want to feel his lusciously long dreads
Become exceedingly transfixed
On his titillating tattoos, his authentically
Aesthetic appearance, a hot looking ****
So corruptive to my soul, so highly exhilarated
With every intense moment, with his splashy stares
So helpless and speechless, in his superheated
Sexiness, unleashed freshness, saucy storming
Allurement so electrically exciting, drawing me
Into a thrillingly amorous entanglement
Travis Green Feb 2022
You are a thrillingly tempting dream
That I feen to stream into and cling
To your solidly supreme limbs
Feel your limber gleaming thighs, legs, and feet
Let our magnificent, masculine chest coalesce
Release your breath over my sweetly pristine neck
Let your gorgeously thick beard caress mine
As I press my hands tightly against your back

You are a robust, aggressive, and dark-haired man
Your eyes are swirling pools of green, gold, and brown
You enslave me so with your boldly bright dopeness
You engulf me in your velvety vividness
Smooth, sensuous lips that mesh with mine
How they send me into transports of pleasure
I ache for your ******* caresses
Kiss my third eye, make my temperature rise

Let my emotions ignite and fly out of sight
I love how your flesh touches mine
How you possess my sexiness so effortlessly
Hold my hot, responsive, and luscious *******
Kiss them with so much pleasure
While you entrap me in your fiery, passionate
Depths of ecstasy, bewitch my blessed beauty
Drown me in your magicalness
Let your masculineness devour my world
Elle Dougherty Feb 2010
i remember you, little earthquake
and all those dark nights trembling together
that was my favorite season.
you and i, we handled each other like
porcelain and that made things awkward most of the time.
but -- thrillingly so.
you first showed me the right way to gather a girl's curves against my own
so that they lined up right and smooth
and how feminine vertebrae just feel so much silkier and
more pleasant under the fingertips.
i wish i could open my eyes one more time to your
head under my ear and your lips (the prettiest lips)
relishing the weight
of my name on them: "lady."
hey, about that time i touched you --
sorry for startling you.
and sorry for backing down so easily.
i wish we could have shown each other
even more of what it means to
feel girls and to
feel like a girl, finally a real girl.
Travis Green Sep 2021
His love thrillingly
Tamed my soul
I felt flawless fire
Rising thrivingly
Inside my soul
Feeling his deep
Revitalizing kisses
Unsurpassed passion
Emerging in his
Liquor-flamed eyes
Taking me on
An exhilarating ride
The Dedpoet Jan 2016
I walk between life and death,
The hours when the days are like
Stakes to the nocturnal heart.
   And I know a walk among tombstones
Is a like a fresh death when the earth
Is covered with scarlet and scenic
    I can already write my death on
The slab as clearly as I see the onset
Of the dusk upon my sun.
   And I know to be dead is but another
Interminable word,
   Like the carnival rides of my childhood,
Lost in a crowd but thrillingly unknown.
   Tonight the stars speak a hope
In a new year, and all the years disappear like
Geese to the North,
   Like Gnarls of teeth locked in a mongrels
Cry behind enclosed yards.
     I am ready to die,
But instead I will write death and
Write a verse to make one think
One knows the true beauty of life,
    Like the insufferably brilliant
Deaths of heroes told in myth
And legend,
    A dissolved illusion to the real illustration
Caught between worlds of perceptions.
     I see death on a dance floor,
A psalm sung and written by me
As my soul whirls the words in spectral
Atoms and lost in the momentary
       And I remember I'm a just a man
With Latin blood spitting
From the womb of my mother.
    And I am on the same side as my heart,
The hourglass fades,
The brutal eyes of truth facing me,
Fierce and unredeeming,
I dance with death,
And there is nothing I can do now.
I have nothing to prove I was here,
Except the poem
And even the words will fade.
Except the song I wrote for death,
It plays over and over
And death dances eternal.
CeilingStar Jun 2017
You navigate the landmarks of my body
As if you are creating a map
Sailing into my calm black waters
Let me engulf you like a sea monster would destroy a ship
Drown on the shores of my lucid dreams
Under the shining crescent moon that is my smile

Your tongue is like the tentacles of a sea monster, wrapping around the caves of my back, dragging me into the waters depths

Lips forming blooming blossoms of anticipation
My body trembles under your magnificence
Like a God you look down upon your simpering creation
Begging for deliverance, to be thrown into the deepest of oceans

Fingers leaving a trail of tingling and goosebumps
A vicious yet caring touch
With the dangerous pull of a riptide
I feel as if you should drag me irretrievably out to sea  
You memorise every dimple and every curve as you move your hands lovingly up my body: an explorer who has discovered the new world

Absorbed in each other's mouths
Your being floods mine
Gliding over me like a bird glides on air
Clouds in my vision, waves of shock thrillingly pulse through my body like waves ebbing and flowing

One and the same the moment lingers
Ragged breathing fills my ears like a strong gust of wind
Mind spinning like a compass

A new land you have conquered

He breaks me down to nothing and yet we're everything together. I worship him like my God because he deserves the world. My love for him is deeper than the deepest of oceans and it's ingrained immovably into my little soul. The only thing I long for more than his touch is his affection. He's the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes upon and I'm spending the rest of my life with him
CeilingStar Mar 2017
I'd do anything
In the golden haze of the night
Surreal and forgettable

Bright lights, strange people
It's all so unpredictable
So lucid, it's all a dream

Crowded, the feel of people
It's thrillingly comfortable
Gentle touch of a stranger
Lips locked tight
Lack of meaning allows a strange focus on the physical
Hands through hair
Hands on skin
Seeking always for the spark of an instantaneous attraction

Breaking apart,
You say farewell
Lost in an eternal search for something you don't quite comprehend
It goes on like this too long to tell
Yet the night seems so short
I'd do anything
Anything to feel that temporary connection, floating above the city
Anything to forget the dawn
To forget the apocalypse that is love
From night till dawn
In blithering torment I shudder.
The pain has built to a deafening roar
of yawning madness.
I huddle as the dry scrabbling claws of
endless agony pry at my mind.
In desperation I cry, but the pain goes on.
No amount of writhing takes me from it.
No position more comfortable;
No bargains with God, heard.
The days wax on relentless
and nights go on and on, sleepless.
My face is an unrecognizable mask
and I forget my meals, my medications.. me.

Suddenly, I am free. I escape to my mind
in a well etched memory.

I am in a treasured moment and I feel no pain.
In my madness, there is you.
The scent of you is as real as I know you to be-
and touching you, I feel such happiness and desire.
I live again the first chaste kisses
and then, thrillingly, the taste of your lips.
Shocks of ecstatic electricity spasm through me,
and I feel us meld our minds kaleidescopically.
Spinning in all this beauty I fall senseless.

At last I sleep. Thank God.
I sleep.
Travis Green Aug 2021
I reminisce on the nights
When we unite and write
Stunning songs with our artistic lips
Secluded in the studio booth
Our bodies so soothingly moving
And losing it to the heavenly
Sound of our voices in concordance
Our eyes glistening like downtown
Streetlights, upbeat heat, hypnotized minds
Our worlds thrillingly traversing
In rousing reverberation, feeling like
An ocean of waves oscillating
In exhilaration, creating indefinite
Enchantment with the meshing of our flesh
TR3F1LD Feb 2020
some words go US Eng, some go UK Eng
so inside the word-dividing "[ ]" is the chosen sound

strolling through some au[ɔ]tumn spo[ɑ]ts
sa[ɔ]w some gyals
being dolorous
stole up o[ɒ]n 'em
once I'm close enough
I'm exploding
with that mind-blowing stuff
I've noted 'bove
ba[ɔ]wling "lit morning, quit mourning"
so ear-splittingly like my ba[ɔ]lls just go[ɑ]t
torn apart
they, seemed to me, were in
total sho[ɑ]ck
unloading, giving 'em a[ɔ]ll I've go[ɑ]t
which got 'em a little overpa[ɑ]cked
each of 'em got a lethal cor atta[ɑ]ck
overdosed, they dro[ɑ]pped
on the ground like ja[ɔ]ws of cha[ɑ]ps
at the sight of girls with bo[ɑ]ds
that are smoking **[ɑ]t
lyrically, these word-co[ɑ]mbs
come close to what a ***** does
performing a blowjo[ɑ]b
[once was told that I have 0 SELF-IRONY]
remade into "killing joke (a rhyme tale)":
Gigi Langer Jul 2021
the phantoms of you rest thrillingly in my mind
they dance in my dreams
and scream in my ears
taking me back to our time
Cm Jan 2019
Like a soft and cool breeze
Brushing my hair gently
Whispering in my ear softly
Holding  my hands lovingly
Echoing  your voice thrillingly
Reaching my core throbbingly
Leaving my ***** sore badly
Frozen heart aches more and more sadly
Each moment So much tears pour rushingly
Was your presence Real or dream  
Here I am Unsure
Were you really here?
Was I dreaming ?
After all life  is a dream
Realize it Right ?
Yes now I am sure
Life is nothing but
A momentarily dreaming

Shelby Majaiya Nov 2020
Scrambled colors rearranged in my background
Sacred words that make tears fall
Silent whispering in your absence
Wither your leaves turning them brown
Burning pages of journals from which you once cried on
Leads to finding blank pages to write new endeavors to carry on
I am constantly my greatest taunt
Daring to thrillingly free fall

But you can fall if you want to
If you can't control how far
You'll get lost within your walls
And forget just who you are
Troubles will stay with you until your soul has found
Maybe it'll be found wandering around
onlylovepoetry Jan 2020
lovely questions, lovely quiet

them words, soap bubble-burst, in my mind’s eyes,
but no finger pointing, this the way to go, no,
here lies the poem, you need be writing,
here, buy the poem, release belief, be the relief

thinking past loving, glory, pain, depths plumbing,
farewells, opening gambits, unplanned strategy,
first move, drugged highs grand expectations
chase, hunt, capture, surrender, regroup, defeat

skip to only endings directly, where’s the fun in that,
no, lovely must be earned, only years later cannot
recall, name, why we separated, but each, her face,
cut, grooved, in the cells, how I stroked her skin, thrillingly

finger’s cells keep memories in cold storage, summoning
with great and minimal difficulty, reversal atmospheres,
breathing the air we shared, oh god, oh god, how,
could I have let the times escape, each lover lost, unforgiven

lovely interrogatories, each, a cup, half full of changelings,
the passions expended, losses unintended, greater fool,
the chameleon fooled only himself, each memory a blessing,
a curse, and when sleep darkens the eyelids, the tears pool

no peace I find, the wetness caresses both the closure,
and the retelling, drowns me  in measuring cups of
who I was, who I am, and demands do better, do it all
over again, only with lovely quiet, with tenderest kindness

and guilt clings, hope lingers but sleep arrives as I count
my sheep, repeating whispering of “do better, be better,
do better, do better, be better and better, and better still

Travis Green Oct 2021
I know that it will
Be me and you
Dancing in the brilliance
And magicalness of the sunset
Staring at your striking amber eyes
Receiving the best high
When our emotions rise
When I kiss your substantial
Enhanced lips, revering my king
Getting enthused in your magnetic moves
It feels so thrillingly refreshing
When our breaths and bodies are this close
When your hands are clung to my neck
Feeling me with your tenderness
As we stream with the breeze and seep
Staggeringly into a romantic trance
Devin Burger Jan 2019
I have crossed Death’s courtyard more than once,
In hopes that she will keep my heart for all the months,
For Death does love me so recklessly,
In her hesitance to claim me, accidental immortality,

What she considers reward,
Has become my double edged sword,
Every time I've tried to die we've danced through her orphic kingdom,
Before I utter once, her amaranthine lips again return me to life.

I’ve returned to the horrid living land,
Wandering lost I find myself a bench for I can barely stand,
This insufferable quandary has finally consumed my soul,
Doubled over now crying into my own hands,

Why can’t I die, why can't I say,
That I would stand beside her every day,
How troublesome it is my hollow solitude,
Of heartbroken eternity,

For I so loved Death that I found no luster in life,
What will it take to finally end my repeated strife,
How is she so blind to how I feel for her as I've gone to her near ninety times,
My condemnation has reached its tantamount,

As if in answer to my tribulation, a stranger has come with murderous designs,
Against the waning moonlight his knife shines,
To commit the most apprehensive of crimes,
Thanks to this miscreant a barbarous scheme I have devised

If you should take my life, I have but one request,
Take your knife and carve a message upon my chest,
Do this deed for me I plead,
I shall give you all that I’ve accrued and sign the rights over to you.

With minor coercion, he set about his ****** work,
In finding my intricate solution, I died with a pained but knowing smirk,
Closing my eyes, I hoped for the final time,
In so few hours, I again returned to her.

In shock she saw me so freshly arrived,
My clothes matted with my blood for what I’d contrived,
Worried she rushed to alleviate my pains,
With my finger I halted her resurrecting kiss.

In her confusion, I removed my shirt so covered in gore,
That she might witness the scarlet cut message I bore,
As her gaze did alight upon my sigil,
Her lips began to quiver, and her courtly visage did fracture

Collapsing to her knees, she began to cry with such labored breath,
For unbeknownst to my most beautiful lady Death,
That I in turn did yearn for her,
And she grieved for all the decades we had lost,

I took her hand into my own and pulled her back upon her feet,
And held her close to know that we were finally complete,
I held her in a rigorous caress,
She unperturbed as my garnet ichor stained her from crown to corset,

Now she knows it's her and only her that I admire,
For all my wanting she is all that desire,
For if I could not be with her,
Than life itself I did loathe,

Even as I bled on her, she grinned thrillingly up at me,
With my blood upon her face I wiped her red stained tears of glee,
And standing up on to her toes, with her amaranthine kiss she cured me,
Of my mortal wound and mortal heart,

This time though she kissed me with such fevered passion,
As was never before her fashion,
That I might know her answer to my question,
She pulled away and joyfully outcried Yes!,

Now our lonely eras ended, we rejoice in our finding,
That this redamancy was eternally binding,
All it took were these three words carved into flesh,
Let me stay.
Travis Green Dec 2022
I am caught up in your fervent
And spectacular suavity
Splendidly serene dream lover
Charmingly ****** and hypnotic showstopper
I am so sprung on your stunningly crunk hunkiness

The way you move with your smoothly
Rude and soothing cool
Deep dreamy supremity
You are so incomparable and magical to me
So rugged, rough, and thuggish

Tall, dangerous, and flaming fieriness
I love your marvelously glossy and chocolate body
Beardalicious, sweet prodigious lips
Thick delicious neck, shiny brown eyes
That keep me boundlessly drowning
In your flamboyantly enchanting
And scintillating engagingness

Thoughts of your top-quality massageable machoness
Creep through my mind
Make me crave for you to *** me
Lay me down on your bed
In your bedroom, pin me down

Take me down, engross my rainbow soul
***** my pleasingly filled-out and honey-soft cantaloupes
Squeeze them hard, kiss them ardently
Make them yours, bite my ripe rigid points
Lick my bare, satin, and vulnerable neck

Give me a hicky, rivet my femininity
While I call you **** tasty Daddy
Feel you rock me steady
Push your beefy belly buster deep into my guts
Give it to me, drive my gayness crazy

Make me cry out loud
Lose myself in your prominent chocolate sauciness
Feel my temperature skyrocket
The more you showcase the contagious greatness
Of your primitively handsome enchantment

Debonair dark-haired splash
You are such a thrillingly slick and wicked ****
That has me confined to your time
Willing to do whatever to be by your side
To feel you lay down the pipe

Make me so enticed by your wild shining invitingness
The way you approach me with your dopeness
So sweet-smelling and deliciously made
So creatively enamoring and gratifying
I hanker to feel your pain

To dive into your lifetime
Of unrestrained and spontaneous loving
Let you introduce me to your powerfully
Explosive and mind-blowing pulchritude
Rearrange my life and dreams

Choke me, smoke me, cajole me
Into the bold, potent motion
Of your sinful invincible masculinity
Make me embrace your glorious ******* storm
As you pour out your salaciously flavorful waves
Of blazing hot man gravy all over my titillating tail-feather
Travis Green Jul 2022
I want to feel your popping planet rocking hotness
Automatic supersonic showstopping machoness
Surging through my submerged mind
Electrify my sexually arousing dynasty
With your dark chocolate eyeballs
Locked on my harmonious heartland

With your tongue hanging out
Long, charming arms reaching out
To pull me into your hypnotic chocolate attraction
Beardazzling, crashing mad lit lips
Mysteriously commanding eyes
Delectable, shredded chest structure
Spankingly awe-inspiring abs

Your masculineness defies description
Your thrillingly chillin’ bewitchingness
Grips my system deeply
I become lost in your maze of great taste
I am shaken out of my complacency
I swagger all over the map
So rapt and entrapped in your thugtastic magicalness
Travis Green Dec 2021
I long to be immersed
In the attractive mathematics of your body
The geometry of your exquisiteness
The trigonometry of your dynasty
The matchless, bare algebra
Of your perfectly made skin
Broad-ranging calculus
Covering your mantastically molded chest
Solve complex equations
That compel me to meditate
To locate the answers that I seek

I wish to be in so deep with you
To be seduced by all the marvelous problems
Existing on the surface of your masterpiece
The divine sine of your lips
The charming cosine of your cheeks
The romantic tangent and cotangent of your eyes
Let me dive inside it all, kiss the thrilling
Triangular shapes in your flourishing flesh

Kiss the dynamic derivatives surfacing
Your soulful existence, the blazing integration
Imprinted on your long, luminous arms
Stacked abs draped in unbounded square roots
And logarithms, how I crave the prime numbers
Of your pleasingness, the showy ***** of your shoulders
The abstract algebra shimmering
In your solid, blossoming thighs
Linear algebra emanating from your **** legs
The limits of love are thrillingly endless
And super spectacular

I drown in your compounded equations
Of rapturous gratification
I cling to the transparent graph
Of your attractiveness
Taste your identity more
The fervent integers of your swagger
Amazing manly matrix
Your body’s beauty
A supreme language of power
a mcvicar Sep 2018
in a world of disappointments
i am my own whirlwind,
thrillingly; i suffice.

where i fail,  i am true.
Travis Green Apr 2022
I yearn to discover how an undoubtedly powerful love like his
Can do to my system, to feel teasing playful caresses
His perfect and unconquerable body all over me
His hands pure, passionate, and incomparable
His divine, firm, and golden arms so remarkably sensational
To stroke, with his muscular, streamlined physique

Magically mantastic, impossibly charming, keen, lean, and affectionate Bare and brawny shoulders, smooth lush refreshingness
Warm fond lusciousness, fragrant mouthwatering prestigiousness
I am caught up in his immaculate eye-catching wonderment
The way he stands and impressively flexes makes me freeze
Makes me deliriously happy, swacked, trapped in his immersing Attraction, his juicy jazzy coolness, spectacularly skilled

He sends constant ardent chills all over me with his sweetness
I crave to undrape him, to taste him, to feel his super hot swagger
In my mouth, cascading down the long slick road of my throat
I enthusiastically await to lick his dreaminess, drown in his
Timeless seamless invitingness, mesmerizing musical memories
I swirl in synchronicity with his catchy cheery rhythm

Distinctly majestic, desirable, and electric, a sensual, hypnotic marvel
How I hanker to float in his boat, embrace his peerless, firm flesh
Soft, soothing kisses on his delicious, appealing lips
Kinematic enigmatic attraction, nimble-witted irresistible fingers
Slick suave seducer, hot macho Romeo, smooth operator and talker
An enormously glorious choiceness, a thrillingly talented rarity

I acknowledge his impossibly phenomenal marvelousness
I slip into outer space when I meditate on his hotness
A blazing beguiling chart-topper, he affects my homosexuality
I can’t keep still, I am so mad about his swaggerific magic
So immersed in his stellarness, how he calms my mind immensely
Desirably arousing debonairness, blissfully blessed treasure king
He makes steamy poetry erupt from my hot alluring body
Wondrously passionate splashiness, I sink into his saucy wonders
Travis Green May 2022
I am sauced on bold and robust men
Barrel-chested, black-bearded
Well-armed, honest, and remarkable
Extraordinarily electric and monstrous stunners
Broodingly smooth handsomeness
Serenely majestic, shrewd, and
Dangerously hot suave boys
Strikingly powerful and attractive maestros

They shine like brilliant golden honey
Angelically enchanting Samsons
They have a compelling effect on my mind
I look deep into their incredible sexalicious world
And I am unbelievably rapt with passion
All I crave to do is inhale their evocative exotic aroma
And I become immensely blissened

I drown in their intriguing bewitchingness
Greatly enamored by their intangible manliness
Tall, tameless, amorous, and fantastically rare and potent
Essentially artistic, formidable, masterful, and high-level hotness
Wild striking momentum, unfathomable blossoming pleasures
I drink in their thrillingly prodigious mantasticness
Travis Green Dec 2022
Your magically charismatic powers of attraction
Reel me into your supple seductive thugness
Make me wanna vibe with your divineness
Feel how your virileness runs through my mind
Got me highly excited and mesmerized

Thoughts of climbing your mountainous profoundness
Become lost in your top-drawer rock-hard sauce
Cleave to your slickness to feel your ****** healing
To lapse into your magnetically aesthetic and fresh finesse
Feel on your super strong and suave body

To feel your charming prominent pecs
Your enrapturing flex-worthy biceps
Your desirably brown and shining abs
I wanna be close to your machoness
Let you be my ****-hot special delivery

Serve me your long chocolate lob
Taste your top-notch stalwart ****
Merge with my thirsty tongue
Make rare unparalleled magic
With your hairy masculine bush

Take it in like wicked killer kush
Give me indescribable feel-good vibes
While I get high on your hardness
Lick your glowing toes
Show you how freaky I can be
When I eat your banging hole

Slap your bright, tight *** cheeks
Devour your wholeness
From your head to your toes
I wanna be all up in your heart and soul
Exercise my mouth and throat

Feel your temperature go sky-high
The more I climb your monolithic tree
Commune with your stupid hot rudeness
Dance wildly with your handsomeness
Settle down with your manliness

Let you put your game on me
Make my feelings grow stronger for thee
See me on my knees smoking your ferocious sausage
Sink deep into your hyper-heated heavenliness
Lose myself to your majesticness
Your effortless infectious stellarness

I wanna be your vibrant reverent bombshell
Let your stretch out my mouth
Cause me to gasp as you smash my attractiveness
Take it slow and fast
Work my throat

Tell me to stroke harder
As you ****** my honey-soft, plump pumpkins
Give my slick wet tips magical, compassionate kisses
Make me fall deep into your poetically pleasing
And transfixing deliciousness

Swathe me with your oozing pulchritudinous chocolateness
Let me feel your luscious muscled thunder
Taste you as you navigate through my creamy inner space
Give you more of my throat
Smoke me like the swiftest ocean-going boat

I wanna feel your enchanting melanin tarantulas
All over my sweaty ****** flesh
Feel you invade my vessel
With your lush, fluid smoothness
Cause my homoness to throb

Cause me to drift away
Into my own ****** thoughts
Twist me into your thrillingly prodigious
And sickalicious unforgettableness
Let me feel my way in your blazing-hot maze
Of unadulterated breathtaking ecstasy

Caress your tumescence against my heavy heavenly specials
Be committed to your delicious gripping litness
Lost in your sloppy, saucy hotness
The way your sensationally made manfulness
Feels swirling in my mouth

Fill me up, render me lovestruck
Go deep in my throat
Tell me to work my hands
Open my ******* mouth
Swing it in my softly attractive face

Call me a nasty *****
While your crunk pump handle
Disappears in my hungry succulent doughnut hole
I wanna worship your top-quality toned up marvelocity
Feel the hunky monstrous beat within you
Command and entrance my feminineness
Fill my cakehole up with your scrumptious bubbly nut
Travis Green Sep 2021
To lie with you under the midnight
Stars and moon is peerlessly pure magic
Your velvet vessel interlocking with mine
Feel your zealous caresses on my conformation
Making my nation blaze like a large
World-shaking earthquake, like a fulminating
Forest fire, your lips like impossibly hoy
And extra creamy honey, a destination
I pressingly crave to reach and kiss
Let my fingers move gently through
Your extremely winning beard
Your mustache arresting and expressive
With his smoky black ensemble
Thrillingly twisted locs
With his haze gray toboggan
Draped on his head
Travis Green Nov 2022
Rare dapper trapper
Your wild spontaneous passion
Enraptures every fraction
Of my delicate inner world
Makes my heartbeat increase
And reach the thrillingly
Bewitching galaxies

Your splashiness is
Bedazzling and dazzling
Daring and immersing
Worldwide out-of-sight delight
You spin me in an unbelievably
Unending and serene sea
Of dominant sensual dreams

Your unparalleled and wicked pulchritude moves me
Takes me into your next naughty level
Of diabolically enthralling lust
As you rain down an enormous
Lurid torrid of gloriousness
Jolly jaw-dropping ****

Red-hot tip-top megastar
So enthrallingly saucy and sparkling
So spankingly dangerous and devouring

My talented transparent treasure
Your fiery five-star fineness
Harmonizes with my heart
Makes me soar to shockingly
Saucy and piping-hot Mars
Where I marvel at the unveiling
Of your scintillating sensationalness
Lapse into your lipsmackingly splashy sweetness
Travis Green Dec 2022
Your cracking masculine attraction
Makes my mouth water
Makes me thirst for your incomparably
Immersive and spectacular noteworthiness
Saucy thoughts of your red-hot sparkling machoness
Conquering my fetchingly fresh softness

Savage splashy lips to brand
My homosexualness upon
To kiss your glistening exquisiteness
Look into your dark, dangerous eyes
Feel you bite my earlobe

Excite my mind, body, and soul
Make me moan loudly
When you tightly grip
My generous, soft pillows
Tongue my turgid velvet tips

Finger **** my wetness
Eat it up, make love to my guts
Let me drown in your strikingly
Fiery and high-powered excitingness
Rearrange my game

Mesmerize my flame
Let me smell your incredibly majestic machoness
As you slide your iron-hard magic wand
In my voluptuous vault
Confound me, hypnotize me, ram me

Hold me spellbound, lock me
In your strongly fond ardency
Make me writhe, divide my distinctly dreamy design
Check out my dopacetic eclectic collection
Of admittedly ****** hotness

Slither your rigid monolithic thugness
Into the seamless center of my sensual feminineness
Make me hurt hard
Make me world beg
For your hypnotically prepossessing flex

Feel every lush, yummy inch
Of your deliciously sweet breeziness
Enticing virile desirableness
Rub your supple, sinuous muscles
Against my utterly luscious structure

Such insane veined pulling power
How your phenomenal pecs press
Against my softly smooth and blooming flesh
Let your thick delicious *******
Drive deep into my inner walls

Make me cream and scream
Feel your hardness harboring
Further in my heartland
Make me burn for your entrancingly manly stamina
Turn me on with your strong stroke game

Make me bang me ferociously
Make me feel your unconquerable rock-hard muscle
Make me so enamored over your nakedness and straightness
How our moans mesh to perfection
With your large, hanging *******
Bouncing in my grasp

You got me so obsessed
With your monster honeyed heaviness
The way you shove it in me deeper and harder
Every move so masterfully executed
Must-have market-fresh finesse
Mesmerizing melt in your mouth majesticness

Your deliciousness is so unbelievably
Nutritious and vicious
How you swing it makes me so sexually aroused
So high on your long-lasting aromatic majesty
How you show out and splash out on my attractiveness

Indulge me in your red-hot macho carnality
Rummage through my stunningly scrumptious tunnel
Beat me, imprison me, touch me roughly
**** me unreservedly
Drink me deep into your system
As I worship your tatted smashing masterpiece

Bright, tall, and hairy rarity
Tremendous, staggering, and truthful smoothness
Your suggestive and brilliant incredibleness
Makes me wanna stream in your infinitely splendid sea
Of thrillingly interesting dreaminess
Feel you release your lekker lover boy sauce
All over my soft, alluring rearguard
Travis Green Jul 2022
He is the dreamiest supreme treasure
That has no measure, that enmeshes me
In his smokalicious showstopping hotness
The most wondrous golden Casanova
That has me floating in his supereminent
Macho-nificent dimension, immensely
Stupendous sensation, his thugness is
An unstoppable colossal force
That I deeply adore, that I hunger for more

His hot juicy lips make my inner world
Burn with unconstrained passion
He brings me to the hottest heart-stirring climaxes
When he touches and teases my sweet ebony body
Passionate beardtastical splash
My ebullient prominent prince
Extremely enjoyable allurement
That lingers in the stream of my core
I want to delve into his delectably **** canvas
Taste his creaminess, sink into the way

He dances and entrances my mindset
Flexes his extra shredded biceps
Impeccable embraceable ***
Smacktacular and tatted, marvy party prodigy
His bareness is more than cherishable
Just to be in his closeness has my soul smoldered
Incessantly gaping at his ecstatically
Statuesque masculineness
He has my whole world writhing
Delighting in how he highly arouses my mind

He makes me yearn for him on the deepest levels
Staring at me intensely with his tongue sticking out
Stroking his magical man meat
He has me entirely weak
So speechless that I can’t even speak
But I admire his desirably towering empire
My top-flight unrivaled kryptonite
His red-hot faultless framework
My captivating snake charmer
Makes me lust for his thugness

Feel his rock-hard throbbing rod
Discharge desirable drinkable *****
On my tongue as it runs down
The long wet tunnel of my throat
And makes me ***** his extraordinary
Washboard abs, drown in his thrillingly
Muscled and hunkadorable euphoria
Travis Green Sep 2022
I am driven to distraction
Every time I come face to face
With your immaculate debonair attraction
Run my eyes over your ravishingly rare mantasticness
Smoking mustachioed Romeo
Aesthetically pleasing and silken beard
Like a thick and luxurious carpet
Fraught with highly distinctive and fantastic art
Like an extraordinarily royal and seductive invitation
To a surprising and gratifying wonderland

Memorable, mandorable, and venerable
Stellar, stylish, and shredded powerhouse
Industrious, lustrous, and rumbustious
I lose my way in your invitingly
Fiery and exciting maze
Radiating with flaming, sparkling elatedness
Enjoyable moist alluringness
Your hot creamy skin enamors me
Your amorous and exquisitely engrossing lips are so biteable
Adventurous as a thrillingly sensational amusement park
Fragrant as a boldly colored and mesmerizing flower

Heavenly, impressive, and treasured city-bred flex
I hanker to catch the light by your side
See your soft sublime smile
Let you electrify my bright enticeable framework
Splashy magic man, full of flavor, sagacious
Artistically aware, intoxicating captivation
Poetically pleasing marvelocity, aesthetically expressivity
You are the one for me that replenishes me
Travis Green Sep 2021
Last night, I became awake in your deliciously dreamy enchantment
Your starry, blossoming being like an aesthetically appealing dahlia
Your springtime seemliness providing me the sweetest lavender poetry

I feel my universe burst into exhilaration, the way you take me
Into the awesome dawn of your heartland, holding me close
Stroking the tenderly penned poetry of my body breathlessly

I drown in your unnumberable depths of affection, your thrillingly
Toned chest, your dopacetic biceps, your deeply cut abs, your
Well-built hips and thighs, how I desire to weave our empires

I want to caress the sizable and extraordinary gardens of your heart
Embrace your serene stems, your dreamlike leaves, your perpetual petals, feel the dulcet beat in your velvet existence rouse my feelings

I crave to consume the various voluptuous verses throughout your
Superbness, watch you sparkle in the moonlight as my fingers sinuate
Over your fragrant formation, dreaming up loving honey

That glistens in my temple of thoughts, extricating my nation
As I become a blushing bright diamond in your mouthwatering
Paradise, your luxurious highs, your whispering forever’s

You take my body to rosy and showy places to stay, encloses me in your hard empowering dynasty of sumptuous muscles, how you magnetize my eyes with your striking stances, your beautiful body hair

I thirst to be covered in your poeticized devotion, diaphanously
Kissing the salacious trail that takes my thirst-quenching lips
To the space station vacation of your finely framed V-line

Like love lingering supremely serene wind, you have my limbs
Lost in motion, my emotions floating in blue southern oceans
Entrapped in your amazing embracement, in your cuddle shuttle

Wrapped in uncountable sensations I can’t translate, I become
An ardent target of ageless affection in collision with your vision
Of bliss budding ideally, taking me into your electric consummations

— The End —