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if i was a pearl i’d feel itchy scratchy stuck inside an oyster shell if i was a tree i’d  be a big fat redwood fantasizing about Julia Butterfly Hill living and peeing around me if i was a dog i’d be a Catahoula hound if i was Italian i’d be Sicilian if i was pasta i’d be spaghetti if i was Icelandic i’d be Bjork if i was a rock star i’d be Elvis Presley Bob Dylan Jimi Hendrix Jim Morrison John Lennon Bruce Spingsteen Maynard James Keenan if i was i writer i’d be Herman Melville Mark Twain James Joyce William Faulkner Thomas Bernhard Yukio Mishima Naguib Mahfouz Phillip K. **** Gabriel Garcia Marquez Annie Proulx Lydia Davis if i was a poet i’d be Walt Whitman Sylvia Plath Ted Hughes Gwendolyn Brooks Pablo Neruda  Heather McHugh Carl Sandburg Robert Frost Arthur Rimbaud Dante Alighieri Homer if i was a painter i’d be Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo da Caravaggio Johan Vermeer Rembrandt van Rijn Paul Cezanne Marcel Duchamp Jackson ******* Mark Rothko Ad Reinhardt Anselm Kiefer Susan Rothenberg if i was a photographer i’d be Man Ray Ansel Adams Edward Weston Diane Arbus Robert Mapplethorpe Sally Mann Helmut Newton Richard Avedon Annie Leibovitz if i was a philosopher i’d be Socrates Plato Aristotle Jean Jacques Rousseau Sören Kierkegaard Immanuel Kant Karl Marx Georg Hegel Friedrich Nietzsche Henry David Thoreau Ralph Waldo Emerson  Jean-Paul Sartre Jean Baudrillard Michel Foucault if i was a singer i’d be Woody Guthrie Otis Redding Grace Slick Bob Marley Joni Mitchell Marvin Gaye Johnny Cash Patsy Cline June Carter Patti Smith Chrissie Hinde Nick Cave P J Harvey Beyonce if i wa a band i’d be Velvet Underground Ramones *** Pistols Clash Cure Smiths Joy Division Uncle Tupelo Pixies Nirvana Nine Inch Nails Madrugada Sigur Ros White Stripes Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra Justice of the Unicorns if i was a boot i’d be Chippewa Frye Ariat Red Wing Tony Lama Wellington if i was a shoe i’d be Christian Louboutin Jimmy Choo Kedds Chaco Chuck Taylor p f flyer if i was a dress i’d be Channel Dolce & Gabbanna Giorgio Armani Marc Jacobs Comme des Garçons if i was a cowboy shirt i’d be H bar C Rockmount Temp Tex Karman Wrangler Levis Strauss Lee if i was a hat i’d be a Stetson Borsalino Stephen Jones if i was a fruit i’d be a mango apple banana blackberry if i was an scent i’d smell like fresh perspiration jasmine sandalwood ylang ylang the ocean if i was a doctor i’d be a gynecologist neurosurgeon if i was a flower i’d be a hibiscus rose orchard if i was a stone i’d be a sparkling ruby diamond opal if i was a knife i’d be a k-bar switch-blade machete if i was a gun i’d be a Remington Winchester Beretta Glock AK-47 if i was a car i’d be a Lamborghini Ferrari BMW Saab Volkswagen GTO Ford Mustang Dodge Challenger if i was a  TV show i’d be Law and Order if i was actor i’d be Charlie Chaplin Humphrey Bogart Steve McQueen Robert De Niro Ed Norton Shawn Penn if i was an actress i’d be Marlene Dietrich Ingrid Bergman Natalie Wood Audrey Hepburn Marilyn Monroe Helen Mirren  Meryil Streep Brigette Fonda Robin Wright Julianne Moore Angie Harmon if i was a female comedian i’d be Gilda Radner Lily Tomlin Nora Dunn Joan Cusack Sarah Silverman Tina Fey if i was a  football player i’d be Sid Luckman George Blanda Walter Payton **** Butkus Mike Singletary Joe Montana Jerry Rice Payton Manning LaDanian Tomlinson  Drew Breeze if i was a celebrity i’d be Charlotte Gainsbourg if i was a rapper i’d be Tupac Shakur if i was a movie director i’d be Sam Peckinpah Robert Altman Stanley Kubrick Roman Polanski Werner Herzog Rainer Fassbinder Louis Bunuel Alfred Hitchcock Jean-Luc Godard François Truffaut if i was a bird i’d be a eagle hawk sparrow bluebird if i was a fish i’d be a dolphin shark narwhal Charlie the tuna if i was breakfast i’d be a French toast pancake folded in half with 2 strips of bacon in between if i was a cold cereal i’d be snap crackle popping rice crispies shredded wheat cheerios oatmeal if i was tea i’d be Japanese green matcha Irish breakfast Tulsi Thai holy basil Lapsang souchong Luzianne Lipton if i was a soap i’d be French hand milled ayurvedic Avon Ivory Dove Pears Aveda  if i was a man i’d be a football basketball baseball tennis swimmer athlete if i was a woman i’d be a track star runner writer painter gardener doctor nurse yoga mom i'm just scratching the surface and the beat goes on lahdy dah dah
Tupac Shakur is my heart you can all down play his contributions all you want to me he’s ace. Not only was he an excellent poet but also a rapper with heavy edged material. Tupac walked with his head held high & brought a lot to the table.
Creativity was in his genes Tupac exhibited a high calibur of poems throughout his life.

“Tupac Amaru Shakur, also known by his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper and actor. Shakur has sold over 75 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. His double disc albums All Eyez on Me and his Greatest Hits are among the best-selling albums in the United States. Shakur is consistently ranked as one of the greatest and most influential rappers of all time, and he has been listed and ranked as one of the greatest artists of any genre by many publications, including Rolling Stone, which ranked him 86th on its list of The 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. On April 7, 2017, Shakur was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.”- Wiki
Poetictunes Dec 2015
Just a black ***** to y'all.
But a hero to me.
A **** to some.
But a poet I see.
Violet and Hard.
But I see passiveness and heart.
Legendary forever you'll be.
A poetic **** who made history.
AFJ Oct 2014
Most schools have projects, in science classes and such.
Most of us, mastered the science of surviving in projects.

It's those at the bottom who need the most help, but cant even get proper school supplies.. where's the logic ?.

But oh, the rags to riches story is prevalent isn't it? Nope, the only rich I know is Professor Richard.

And that's not even something worth mentioning, he does more lessening than lessons lets paint the picture..

But these young kids don't understand, they try to curse them, place them in prisons, its a trap from birth..

Give them these Rick Rosses as role models, knowing they don't have fathers, instead of Tupac Shakur, showing them worth..

My bestfriend Tony once questioned his dark skin, just like i once questioned my brown.

how profound, a couple 4th graders at the time, having to prove that they were "down".

Crazy how Tony proved he was down, now i visit his site yearly on November the third.

And things aren't getting better, but nobody gives a ****, haven't you heard..

The prayers our mothers chant, ritually every night.

Praying to the Sun gods, perhaps one day we'll all unite.

The Dedpoet Mar 2016
On the 13th of December, 1996,
Tupak Shakur entered Heaven
Free styling to the angels whom
Found the beauty in a language
Lost to them when trying to
Understand mortals.

    The angels, amazed and petrified
    At the realness asked:
    " Who are you? Where did you come from?"
   And he flowed like a prophesy,
   What he spat was street life truth,
    And all the world was a ghetto.
    For a moment the angels were
    Concerned, but then the archangel
    Michael shook his hand and nodded,
    From then on Tupak was the first
    **** Angel.
R.I.P. Tupak
James Ellis Sep 2012
On this day, 16 years ago, you passed away.
I understand what you mean when you say,

"Life Goes On!"

So even when I'm fed up,
I'll remember,

"Keep ya head up."

I'll keep going,
because I know,
in my mind,

"Heaven Ain't
Hard 2 Find."

Something up above,
is blessing us with,

"Unconditional Love"

I've fronted for
too many years,
for I too have shed

"So Many Tears"

You taught humanity
about humility,
and mankind,
to be kind...

"How Long Will They Mourn Me?"

Well I don't know,
but I'm certain
we will celebrate
you forever!

There's a little playlist for ya,
but his entire collection is excellent!
Kevin McSpadden Nov 2010
Dear Mama,
Is life worth living or should I blast myself?
I'm always searching for those better days
knowing that peace on earth will come. In Thugs Mansion.
Where I can sip champagne
while I listen to Billy Holliday sing
and sit there kickin it with Malcolm till the day came.

Should I ride on my enemies?
Become one of Amerikas most wanted?
Or should I remember
that the road is hard so I'll never give up?
And time don't stop, always going by.
So I'll puff on mine, hoping that it will get me high.

Smile for me.
Won't you smile for me now?
It ain't easy being a changed man
so when it feels like all eyez on me.
I just remember that
heaven ain't hard to find.
If you know the poetry of Tupac Shakur you will know these lyrics. However, I have attempted to use them to express my sadness. 2pac is my hero and gets me through the darkness.
I S A A C Nov 2020
The only consistent thing having my back is my corset
always try to build connections but will never force it
I have come to peace with oneness, I know its all about how I perceive aloneness
Cannot say that some days I do not sway
Teardrops mimic the rains, falling falling away
Each day different energy to conquer
An ambitious rida like my anthem by Tupac Shakur
Summer perfumed memories making me hate the chilly breeze
Such a beautiful array of colours but my mind is stuck on green
Memories of the nights we laid underneath the moon's eyes
Everyday communication through the 3 and 5-D
Forget how much I loved my own eyes, vivid green that can pierce through lies
Hips blessed with the holy fruit of the divine
With you and without everyone I will continue to thrive
As long as I can inhale., I will thrive
As long as my hands are mine to control, I will express my thoughts on my mind
As long as my spine allows, I will climb that mountain no doubt
Always extending the lands I have touched.
Fell in love with my own piercing gaze
Jay Jimenez Nov 2010
And 2Morrow  

Today is filled with anger
fueled with hidden hate
scared of being outcast
afraid of common fate
Today is built on tragedies
which no one wants 2 face
nightmares 2 humanities
and morally disgraced
Tonight is filled with rage
violence in the air
children bred with ruthlessness
because no one at home cares
Tonight I lay my head down
but the pressure never stops
knawing at my sanity
content when I am dropped
But 2morrow I c change
a chance 2 build a new
Built on spirit intent of Heart
and ideals
based on truth
and tomorrow I wake with second wind
and strong because of pride
2 know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my
dream alive
Jasmin Jackson Aug 2019
Tupac Shakur
Cheesey smile, all allure
Your revolution started years ago
But I still want more
I want more of your music
I want it deep in my core
But that obviously can't happen
Because we live in a cruel world
You spoke truth and tragedy
Didn't care if it was appealing
We could use you right now
Because now rappers are screaming and mumbling
They aren't teaching the youth anything relevant
I want to be a poet like you
Teach the world unfairness
But your shoes, I can't fill those
Tupac Shakur, you shook the world
But I'm only 16
I don't think I can ever be
As life changing as you
David Ayres Apr 2013
Call me the greatest adventure of Indiana Jones.
Call me the Graeters of tasty ice cream cones.
Call me the Ed Rosenthal of relaxing stones.
Call me the Natasha Trethewey of meaningful poems.
Call me the Pauly Shore of Bio-Domes.
Call me the Jack Hannah of Columbus Zoos.
Call me the Martha Stewart of delicious stews.
Call me the Bob Ross of independent creations.
Call me the Dr. Phil of mending relations.
Call me the Albert Einstein of mathematical equations.
Call me the Captain Kirk of Space exploration.
Call me the William Shatner of monotone greatness.
Call me the Jim Morrison of open doors.
Call me the Mr. Clean of shiny floors.
Call me the Hugh Hefner of stupid ******.
Call me the Bob Dylan of traveling trains.
Call me the Samuel L. Jackson of snakes and planes.
Call me the Arm & Hammer of tough stains.
Call me the Blade of a vampire.
Call me the Froto Baggins of the Shire.
Call me the Firestone of a pumped tire.
Call me a Christ of ignited passion.
Call me a Lucifer of trendy fashion.
Call me a Shiva of shattered illusions.
Call me a Buddha of peaceful institutions.
Call me the Ron Jeremy of KY Jelly.
Call me the Emeril Legassi of food for the belly.
Call me the Tupac Shakur of spitting ****.
Call me the Eminem of full sentences.
Call me the Smoky the Bear of a campfire.
Call me the Jim Carry of Liar Liar.
Call me the That Guy of desire.
You can even call me an *******
You hide in plain sight as does day when engulfed by night
For darkness is simply…. The absence of light
You claim to have special enlightenment
And that your knowledge is for the better good of the people
Pledge your allegiance and your success will be imminent
Break your pledge and your death will be discrete
So why would you become part of something so “elite”?
With only one thing in mind; to see the human race in defeat.
An interminable amount of subliminal messages
Hinting at events that are destructive, demoralizing, and deceptive.
9/11… was it really an act of terrorism?
Or was it just an evil plot… something you guys expected?
Al-quaeda and the Taliban… roaming around in the lands of Iran
But on the land I walk some say it’s a misperception
Just a façade in our brain so the government secrets are protected.
Michael Jackson… and the Kennedy assassination
Were they both untimely events in American history?
Ghandi, The King,  Malcolm X,  Princess Diana, Shakur,
Paul, Marley, the Kennedys’, Lennon, Fredinand, Lincoln!!
All of  whom were either at your feet or tried to make your secret secrete
These deaths… from assassination to suicide… were all… “unfortunate” to the human eye?
Or were they “fortunate” for the Eye of the Beholder?
But why go to such great extent to have these powerful and influential people wiped from the human race?
To keep a secret that has been soooo well kept for hundreds of years?
A secret society that is not so discrete… anymore
Hidden in plain sight and away from the human eye…..
Trying to keep a disguise that will lead to our eventual demise
You aren’t doing the world any favors
By keeping an explicitly intricate order in store
You’re favoring your own world under one order
By intricately deceiving the minds of innocent citizens
So, you hide in plain sight, the light of the earth
A light you hope one day becomes permanently dark
Cause once again, darkness is only the absence of light.
With no light, we will be forced at the feet of your might
Despite a fight, with no light and your might, we’re all just mites stuck on your flight of new world order.
Well let me just end on this… **** THE ILLUMINATI!
This is my first slam poem which I performed a couple of weeks ago on an odd topic of the Illuminati.
Santiago May 2015
(2pac talkin)
You know what gang violence is, mostly
And the people don't want you to hear this
Somebody shoots your family member
So of course you retaliate, You know what I mean
Same thing the you. S does except nobody even shot their family members
You know, they see that, somebody bomb a school
And all these people get killt
So the united states feel like ooh that's messed up
We gotta go show em who tha real killers
This country was built on gangs, you know
I think this country still is run on gangs
Republicans, democrats, the police department, the fbi
The cia, those are gangs, you know what I mean
The correctional officers,
I had a correctional officer tell me straight,
We the biggest gang in New York state
Straight up
Supress the revolution of premeditated scheme
Introduce a drug called crack, to us ghetto teens
Got a law for raw ******, now playa what it be like?
When will ****** see they got us bleedin with three strikes
Can't seem to focus hopeless, with violent thoughts I wrote this
Got these Devils petrified, hidin from my hocus-pocus
And so I learned to earn my currency in over time (muahahaha)
Affiliated, clearly click a military mind
May God forgive us though we dwell inside a paradox
Thugged out and drug dealin, from the womb to the block
My live mind got me survivin five rounds
My forty-five got my fortified with live rounds
When ****'s thick we plot hits, when our glock spits
All hail, Out on Bail, Wrath of 2Pacalypse
Forever ghetto necessary picture food stamps
Outlaw **** ****** never left the boot camp
Chorus: Busta Rhymes
We got the real live **** from front to back
To my ****** in the world, 2Pac is back
Where my soldierz is at? (2X)
Where the **** my soldierz at?
Where my soldierz is at?
[Verse 2:]
Now I was born as a rebel, making trouble for the devil
Take this ******* ****, to a whole nother level
Can you feel me now? Armies in every city
Definition of power, players are you with me?
See the war is the profecy, survival is the strategy
Rest in peace to my comrades that deceased
(Busta Rhymes: Notorious B. I. G)
Organize these streets in time
Youll have these devils petrified of a ***** in his right mind
They tell us that we hopeless and hell bound
This for the brothers in penetentiaries jailed down
I got you in my heart till tha day I die
Think of tha damage we can do, if we wasnt high
Can you picture me loc? Its a thugs wrath
Political contracts and blood baths
For Matulu Shakur up in the rikers,
Though they got you, I never let them stop me
The struggle continues
(2Pac Talkin)
Now if we do want to live a **** life and a gangsta life and all of that,
Ok, so stop being cowards and lets have a revolution
But we don't wanna do that, dudes just wanna live of character
They wanna be cartoons, but if they really wanted to do something
If they was that tough, alright, lets start our own country
Lets start a revolution, lets get out of here, lets do something
Chorus: Busta Rhymes
We got the real live **** from front to back
To my ****** in the world, 2Pac is back
Where my soldierz is at? (2X)
Where the **** my soldierz at?
Where my soldierz is at?
“If you can make it through the night, there’s a brighter day.”  - Tupac Shakur

I see your tears crawling silently on the stairs of fear, alone
no one is near but your cries are heard young child.  Emotion
black & blue from the punches of their laughs/the commotion
inside your mind baring scars from the lacerations
of loneliness you feel  -- searching but finding no way to deal
with the internal pain that throws you up against
the wall of difference and trips you onto the curb
of your own self-expression.  

I feel your heart calling out for someone to grab your fall;
someone just to see that you are someone other
than the names they call you and you are someone other
than the shouts of abuse that has you afraid to step out into a harsh
world and someone who sees that you are someone
other than the echoes of humiliation that threaten to tear
down the walls of your mental stability;
you just need someone to show you that

within you there is an ability to escape and fight back
with the force of just being you.  Young child let your individuality shine
because every inch of your soul is someone proud and fine.
Walk strong because no matter how hard the world kicks you
your bones will not bruise.  You will not limp
because your mind will not fracture through their attempts
to try dislocating your sense of self.  There is always a better day
waiting to show you that you will be okay
and I know now your nights are long
as it is your fear that tomorrow will be cruel
but just remember you are filled with worth and a voice

born to be heard.  Believe in you

  because life is not a bully.
follow me on twitter @tarringovaughan
Dear America,

I was built on a loose foundation
A table with three legs
to sustain the load of a table with four.
To make nothing from something but
For something to come from nothing you need some thing.
The most terrible thing to waste
The superlative of Man’s tools
What makes us as individuals unique,
On the contrary defines us as a social order
The mind, The M.I.N.D.
My Intelligence Nurtures Divergence
Always accepting of the opposition,
A bloodthirsty cheetah digging its fangs deep into the flesh of a wildebeest,
my mind feeds off of their ideals,
Further amplifying my intellectual power.
Expansion within the human intellect,
builds on experiences of failures and success
Be afraid of failure, but unafraid to learn from defeat
The world is a frigid place,
and even colder when you squander your most valuable weapon.  “A weapon?
What beats an M16, double barrel shotgun,
9mm, Smith and Wesson, or Desert Eagle.”
Young blood, the divine power is in your head
Gandhi, Malcolm X, Socrates
Gone too soon due to minds considered Weapons of Mass Destruction,
Weapons of Mass Enlightenment to others
Since 1992 I’ve embarked on a journey
A journey to educate myself
A journey to realize the man I want to be
A journey to reach my full potential
Universally familiar words of my grandmother
“You can do whatever you put your mind too”
The future poses as an unknown force,
But within me fear is absent as my MIND is fully equipped for the ongoing battle of life.
I was built on a loose foundation
Tupac Shakur, John D Rockefeller, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Gardner, Christopher Wallace, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Henry Ford, Bill Gates.
Expected to come from nothing to something
but had that one thing to become something
Utilize your strengths and bury your weaknesses
For with a strong mind the word weak is without purpose
Mark Mar 2020
Bang, bang, bang, baaannggg
I dreamed I was dying and goin’ to hiphop heaven
Wow, what a dope sight it was to have seen.

Last night I was shot and arrived at hiphop heaven.
And you know who met me at the big bling gates?
The original kings of da hood themselves, Run DMC.
They said to me, they said, “Bro, the Big Dude of the
hood up here, has told us to show you around the crib.
So come with us.
Now standing on da corner is some of your favourite homies.

“**** I was glad to see them, The Notorious B.I.G. and the maestro of rap Tupac Shakur.

I dreamed I was dead in hiphop heaven
Wow, what a dope sight it was to have seen.

They introduced me to Snoop Dog, and they showed me the Ghetto of Fame with all the gold chains and number one hits up upon da wall.
Then they said, “Bro, walk this way, there are a few more hiphop stars, that I know you’re dying to meet, they’re hangin’ for you.
“There they were chillin’ by the curbside and staring down at me - Eminem and AKA MCA.

Bang, bang, bang, baaannggg

I met all my heroes right from the get go
**** what a privilege to have finally met
Then I asked them, who else do you think will join y’all, uh, say twenty five years from now?

They handed me a book of sheet music covered with graffiti.
They named it the Hood 4 Life Book.
In it, were many names and some were already highlighted in black texta.
I began to scan the pages and saw names such as, Dolla,
Pop Smoke, Juice WRLD, Nipsey Hussle, Easy-E, Lisa Lopes, Nate Dogg, Lil Peep, Jam Master Jay, J Dilla, Proof, Soulja Slim, Big Hawk, Prodigy, Camoflauge, Natina Reed, Charizma, Bloodshed, Big Bank Hank and  Dav E Crockett.

Dav E Crockett?
Oh, well, that's when I woke up, and I'm sorry I did, because

I always dream I’d end up in hiphop heaven
Wow, what a dope sight it would be, y’all be knowin’ what I mean?
Char Blackmon Jan 2019
Black cotton
They don’t here me
They won’t listen
Didn’t even believe
When Tupac shakur was here
Y do we work like slaves
And so hard
We work hard but barely get paid
We use to have troops
But they killing off the youth
They didn’t care
When Tupac Shakur was here
Black cotton
I’m steady hoping over
Enemy lines
I hear the cries of our ancestors
Which lies between our ears
Which GODs are theirs
As we watch them dictate our graves
Roll one
Pass some
Live to blaze the pain away
Never could I imagine
Not a day
That I didn’t get up and pray
I say
Let me live and breathe
Another day
Don’t let me go to jail today
Because of the skin of my face
Christianity you say
Prays of CHRIST name
Images of make America great
False idolizing through faith
Mask off our culture fame
Be born to chase a dream
Anything you want to be
The race of our lives
Is constantly
Just a turtle trying to complete the race
Contemplating my worth
Just black words written
To white out the ages
Courages and so strong
Written words of life
Whose life?
Unguided through the white light
Too deep for your religion to season
All praise to the most high
Nigel Finn Dec 2015
Some people write, but rarely read,
That seems to me most strange indeed,
They've read less than a hundred books,
Yet think they imitate the looks,
Of Sassoon, Cummings, Keats and Pound,
Or think they imitate the sound,
Of Lennon, Dylan, or Shakur,
And sometimes think they've offered more,
Than Chaucer, Wilde or Shakespeare could,
And claim they're more misunderstood,
Than even Salman Rushdie was,
Which really ticks me off because,
After having read such wondrous works,
A sense of failure always lurks,
Inside me whenever I write,
Yet they think they've done well tonight!
I hate them all! That's it - I've said it!
But they won't know until they've read it,
Which is quite doubtful, I'd attest,
Who'd read my work and skip the best?
We're all guilty of thinking a little bit to highly of ourselves sometimes, especially when we've recieved a bit of praise for what we've done, and I'm certainly no exception. It feels good, and there's usually no harm whatsoever in it. It's nice to feel that way sometimes. Some people, however, take the biscuit.

Yes, Kanye West and Katie Price - I'm talking about you, among others.
I feel that I fall for
More than I stand for
That's not gonna fly and therefore
I can't join the air force
Killing time
and showing no remorse
allowing life to take its natural course
Of course I failed to see
that effort is the source of sorcery
involved in letting life take form

My real eyes see lies
like mr shakur said
stillI see no changes,
but mr shakur's dead
so many thoughts go running through my head
dreams of people qouting rhymes that I said

When I'm dead
Bury my beside my book of rhymes
so I can write these clever little lines
for all of time

Don't shed
a single tear for me
instead please learn to see
the world for what it is
not what it appears to be
I do this all for free
just to spread some positivity
Cause I believe that positive can live
for all eternity
if we can learn to be
the  living form
of poetry

flowing like a river to the ocean
my emotions stream
from me to you so let me say in closing
That I hope they help
to lift your load and let you shed your loathing.
Stan Gichuki Dec 2015
The words I speak are unpopular, unwanted and uninvited
Oh Lawd, pray I not be misunderstood
But then if I am, that too is okay
For I speak not in the vulgarity of this regime
This regiment armed with ******* extensions calling me a renegade
To insinuate that I am dangerous because my body speaks from a position of anarchy

As though anyone was what they looked like
But then again, I am dangerous, deliberate and afraid of nothing
Praise the Lorde, the Audrey Lorde!
**** what I look like!
I don’t care that I look like I was hit by a speed train at the bend
I don’t care that my hair sits on my head uncombed and unruly as though it owns me
Because then if I do I will let you **** me over again, did I say again?
But if you can’t figure me out here please accept my apology for not being obvious
Take from my hand words for your Language Acquisition Device
And devise for your ilk ways of seeing, new ways of seeing me
This is the end of normal, arm yourself
Here an extra pair of eyes
Now drop the pretense and straighten the frown on your face
To act like ‘****’ is too sensitive a word to your senseless sensibilities is hypocrisy
The problem is, I said it and I ain’t no Rick Ross or Lil’ Wayne or some other brother
Whose ‘****’ comes to you as an endorsement to objectify women
To call her everything: a *****, a ****, a ****, a *****
To call a woman everything, but her name
And when you call a woman by name you mean to shame her
Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Wangari Maathai, Martha Karua
Kingwa Kamencu, , Audrey Mbugua, Wambui Otieno-Mbugua, Sojourner Truth
And this is the truth, black women have not even began to be resentful
of the rise to power of black men but there is a problem
A certain school of thought crafted by Slave masters on the colony
Teaches Black men that for them to be strong black women must be weak
Fallacious reasoning! This here is a product of gross miseducation
And Black men have not even began to unravel their role in the empire

Their counter-revolutionary exertion of a “manhood” that tells women to step back
As though to break off from our colonial oppression, never meant the total involvement
of every man, woman, and child, every-*******-body
As though for us to get here didn’t take the breaking of a woman’s back

Women whose labour terms in developing political consciousness were cast in stone
A time ranging from I-can’t-see in the morning until I-can’t-see at night
O Lawd bless Malcolm X
So this is your to do list for every man
Every man who acknowledges 'Wangu wa Makeri' and Bi Mswafari
in the same sentence with no sense of irony
Every woman who joins in the patriarchal laughter of our television
making fun of the nameless woman in 'Budalangi' begging 'sirikal' (Government) to help
As though her pain wasn’t real and the state hadn’t ignored her, three floods later
Please do yourself a favor, stop laughing
and teach yourself something on capitalist oppression
Stop laughing at the propaganda being pushed around as the truth
About men having *** with cows and hens because it will not be marked in history
that in two thousand and thirteen Kenyan men became intimate
with their food, pets and *****
And stop wearing Christianity as a beautiful coat that covers  your hatred
Because I don’t care how many verses you have memorized to make your hatred effective
For you have a verse to pull out of your pile of cards to justify the way you treat women and gays and Muslims and atheists and people
You see the truth is if Jesus came back to the world, you are the type that would still **** him
Because Jesus was a rogue, a rebel, and a revolutionary who refused to conform to any laws
Your hatred, judgement and self-righteousness must disgust him
because you are the worst thing that ever happened to my poetry
Stop condemning women for abortion and teenage pregnancy
as though there weren’t rapists and ******* priests who still oppose the use of contraceptives
Stop passing down your hatred to your children and other people’s children in the name of Jesus
So look yourself in the mirror and imagine what would happen
Imagine what would happen if we were to be honest in this conversation
and for a minute tried to speak about love as though we invented it
Take off your prejudices as though they hang on your shirt and again,
again and again ask yourself  ‘Who am I?’
And when you take to the streets before you tweet jokes that humiliate real people
Please stop, instead, try to talk of the revolution of love
Like our mothers did, and their mothers before them
And when you raise your hand to hit a woman STOP!
She has been beaten before and your hand shouldn’t touch her the same way
Keep your hand mid air and in that breathe ******* thank a woman
When I think of the way we love
I spill Shakespeare like a fountain,
I spit rhymes like a rap star,
Words dance inside my chest.

Edith Piaf's lyrics hold the most acute reality
That I have to shut my eyes and sway
Translating the words is unnecessary.
The rhythm underneath holding all the meaning I need.

I can't compare thee to a summer's day;
You are most like a solid oak tree in my life...
An essential component to every season.
Adapting with a beauty all your own.

I don't only crave your mouth, your voice, your hair;
As Neruda would have you believe.
I crave your essence-
Found in the most precise way the your head twists
As you you you grow drowsy.
Only your eyes could reenact the look you have
When you're feeling most giddy.

Tupac Shakur and I "prayed and watched the distant stars",
And finally you appeared.
Shining so brightly I shut my eyes often,
Stunned by you.
Like a sunny day at the beach,
When you close your eyes and the sun's glow
Pushes against your eyelids; such is your love.

Pushing at the barriers
That keep my heart my own.
I want to stop the world and melt with you, forever.
I want you to know that even if you cannot hear my voice,
I'll be right beside you, dear.

Songs! Lyrics! Because if music be the food of love, PLAY ON!
And without borrowing other phrases,
I truly believe I was made for you and you for me.

No lyric I could sing,
No poem I could quote,
No metaphor I could construct,
and not even the bold truth of plain words
could EVER express how I feel for you.

But it doesn't stop me from trying.
I want to give you the luxury of taking the way I feel
about you for granted.

It will be that constant.
It will be that reliable.
It will simply be.
© Ashley Quarterman 2010
Muggle Ginger Jan 2014
I will die.

In order to authentically die, you must live authentically. Some live so casually that death is not their end. They fade. They leave. Death must be an honor, not a fate.

My life will be proof in my death.

I loved my family first. I allowed them to continually conquer my heart and time. My affections were used on them and not the things my coffin refuses to contain.

The opportunities we are granted will be on our last breath. Confirming we were successful at taking them, or full of regret and bitterness.

There is no need for resolutions or bucket lists. Today is my life. I plan to make it count. God and I are the only mathematicians to this equation.

Our life is amplified by our death.

If an artist wants to make money, they best thing they can do is die. (Jackson, Shakur, Leonardo, Twain, Lewis, etc.)

I am not particularly excited for death. I am not morbid. But if I have to go through it, I’ll make my life worth it.
sincurlyxbaki Oct 2013
"there’s no easy way to say this, so i’ll just say it – i met someone. it was an accident, i wasn’t looking for it. it was a perfect storm, she said one thing, i said another. next thing i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation.”

you’ve tried everything, but you wont give up.
your feelings are crushed hard by love.
love, don’t give up.

you gave enough, but every time you get slapped by disappointments hand.
you’re stuck between calling him a stranger or another girl’s man.

i was told never to mess with broken hearts.

your young heart is tired of late night fights and holding onto tight ropes just to survive. your young heart doesn’t feel alive. its weighed down by words of regret. and heavy tears that run down from your bed to the cold floor.

an ocean of hate surrounds you. dark clouds of emotion hold you. just hold on to my heart.

you’ve tried everything, and you still don’t feel loved. he left you with scars, and tears on your pillow.

i’ve tried everything, just to get back your happiness. you’ve tried everything for love, i’ve tried everything for love.

what won’t we do for love?

your eyes say a lot. your personality shows a lot. your words explain everything.

& you’re tired of morning notes.
and you already know, that you have to leave it all behind. its time to go.

you couldn’t stomach the thought of him with another. but he is with another.
thoughts of a coward come up when you think that he wasn’t man enough
to tell you he wants to break up.

i’ve always loved you.
here’s a little note:

remember the first time we met.
soulmates we called each other.
you were my forever.
i hope one day love decides to get us back together.
i was your forever. you were my forever.
i hope love remembers our times together.

we were suckers for love. what won’t we do for love?

do for love. you’ve tried everything, but you don’t give up.

**credit goes to Tupac. this was Shakur inspired.
Graff1980 Jan 2021
The revolution will not be televised,
unless it is being used to vilify,
or is being politicized
by those political guys
trying to score votes.
Any fair press will be silenced or brutalized
along with other protesters.
The leadership will be euthanized,
or demonized unless they can be
subdued quietly.

If you are under the illusion
that you can fight back physically
you must be mentally silly.
The cops got equipment
left over from the military
cause the war machine
wants to sell our government
the newest toys.

If our government has any say
they will find a way to lock away
anyone who might inspire change.
If you don’t believe me
just look and read
about Assata Shakur,
or Angela Y. Davis.

If you know or love anyone
who is out there trying to save us,
from the congressional and big business,
power hungry alliance
you better pray that they keep their defiance
just low key enough to slip the notice
of Law enforcement, or POTUS,
cause this country isn’t for us
and does not provide justice.
It is just a business that is made
to break and degrade
while the working class is enslaved.
CH Gorrie Aug 2013
for Tupac Shakur*

I watch
thawed frost glide down
boughs like serpentine glass
and I shiver, spilling my scotch
a bit.
luci Dec 2017
i exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying to find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning to be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret

a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can i be in the depths of solitude
when there are two inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect oppurtunity
to learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity

- Tupac Shakur
one of my favorite poems by one of my favorite people
Brian Payamps Sep 2014
It started with a look
who am I to know were the eyes lead.
I walked life blind sided,
it was always me.
I needed too much but gave so little
isn't that how a **** life story issues.

you took me out the me out the darkness and showed me the light
Thought it was right when I had you by my side.
said "I'm to pale" and showed me the sun.
you showed me the beach as we walked hand in hand and left life trail.
the sun sets...looks like the suns red....
from a distance we can hold the sun with our own hands.

This light brought love and that's pain
you changed my weather but this heat brought rain.
I broke the rules of this dam game
Left my world and joined yours. such a pity shame
Took control of your mind but couldn't enter your heart
1 body 2 organs, life's knowledge you don't think
you just love and
Just run with it, run with
The faster you run the faster it beats....
while mine dies slow.
"your chasing love", go forth and find it so
I fall back... back to my world as you go.

Walked the beach onward reversely
Just one set of feet as I saw,
your steps, my steps and my steps got washed away.
is this how ****** feels once you get away
Death is on my mind synonymous with your name.
But I wont run like Assata I'll stay.
I'll stay and fight like Amaru
I've always been a Shakur.

In the darkness I recite these words
"we were not meant to be those feelings were just lips"
Now your face became a blur
your body heat became a shiver.
As I hope you'll find the love your searching for.

It started with a look. Who am I to tell were my eyes might lead is always been me. Nobody else. I'm back home.
Ricknight Oct 2010
Should I grab my crucifix tight in these dark ages,
Or should I blast them all, fill up these pages,
My anger rages on,
The page is torn,
There is a cyclone in my mind,
You might go there and find,
Demons on a leash,
Freedom of speech,
Women on a wish,
Crimson and sweet,
Wisdom of discreet,
There's so much I want to do
But so little time,
My heart is already broken,
Why you tryna fiddle mine?
Leave me alone, Coz if I rebel,
You wouldn't like it,
Strip you all off your Nikes,
So called ryderz strap you on your bike seats,
I m supposed to be nice kid,
My last name ain't Shakur,
But me against the world
Now that's more like it
yes I said Versus not verses
Emaysee Feb 2015
Throughout the years many people who have got to know me, have asked me the same question. How can you not know the lyrics to that song, you must have heard it a “insert your own exaggeration here” times.
And my answer used to be always the same.
“I listen to music before I listen to lyrics, without music a song has no meaning.”
Then I listened to a guy called Marshall Mathers or you may know him better as Eminem or Slim Shady.
The first song I heard I really do not recall, but it was a while ago, at least over ten years ago. Strangely enough one of my long time favourite artists, Elton John whom I have liked since I was 15 years old has collaborated with a few Rap artists over the years, including Eminem.
In another strange twist, Marshal Mathers produced an album in 2006ish that included a song put together by Mathers, called Ghetto Gospel, which was a combination of a song from Tupac Shakur from the mid nineties, and a really obscure song from Elton John from the early 70’s. This song features one of the best lines I have heard;
“Before we find world peace, we gotta find peace in that war on the streets”.
The simplicity and accuracy of that phrase, I find astonishing and changed the way I think about music and life.
I often wonder if obtaining world peace is possible. I do know it’s a complex issue beyond my understanding, but then again humans fit in the same category for me.
When I see people work together in the face of adversity such as natural disasters and atrocities committed in the name of religion and racial difference, people risking their lives and dieing to save complete strangers during these times, I wonder why, when a lot of the same people think that the world is “safe” again, they go back to their ignorant and bigoted opinions.
I am sure if those same people would just open their eyes on a daily basis when they pick up their kids from school in Alice Springs, when they drive to the mosque in Decatur or when they just walk down a street in Khartoum, and look at what’s going on in their own lives maybe then the world can start to change.
Cause whether you are white person in a town full of aboriginal heritage or a catholic that lives in the same street as the most sacred Islamic building in your part of middle America or even if you are Hollywood movie star going for cruise on the Nile we all need to look at what is going on in your own life before you declare war on the rest of the world.
Isn’t it strange that a violent black man born in Harlem in the 70’s who ironically died from gunshot wounds in a street in Vegas in the 90’s, who was a amongst many other things a convicted ******, whose Mother was an active member of the Black Panther Party and once was charged with over 150 counts of conspiracy and whose grandfather was convicted of ******, should have the capability to write such a simplistic thought provoking line, that changed the way  a white guy born in the 60’s in Australia thinks.
Inspiration can come from the strangest places.
So next time you go to “declare war” on something, look at your own lawn around your house, you may just find it needs tending to first. You may even find some roses you never knew where there and realise how good they smell.
I like roses they remind me of my mother.
TJ Colon Sep 2015
While sitting in a
Creative writing lecture
With chairs organized
Into a circle
My first thought,
I wasn’t supposed to be here with you
Heart starts to race
Temperature slightly elevated
Readying my vein for this poetic fix

Such anticipation
Emotional game of —“duck duck goose”
All eyes on me
As if I were Tupac Shakur and this was 1996

A poem of triumph— perhaps,
An ode to the spirit of Herbert Gans.
Pulling myself up by the bootstraps
Trying to escape the chains of hard luck

Maybe even a poem of choices;
Deciding on one of two roads like Robert Frost
Even if my pen bled of this,
No one would really give a ****.

Is it an absolute that pain sells?
Is human hurt the only thing that moves you?
I still struggle to believe this is the case
In my world,      pain is a place
Pain is that place where,
Dad walks out and never looks back
No one hears your cries
Summer vacations are non-existent
Dinner is a small bowl of plain white rice
A weekly salary at the age of nine

Four years and still no birthday card from Dad…

Mom’s tears run deeper than the Hudson,
Her face enveloped by the smoke of Newport cigarettes;
She was the portrait of a woman scorned.
Her curse,
I look just like him.

High school days full of haze
Escaped reality with Mary Jane.

Thirteen years and still no birthday card from Dad…

My first attempt at college lasted only one lecture.
Success was— shipping out to boot camp
Missing your own child’s first steps
Walking on unfamiliar soil in the name of “peace”
A world away from all you love
Barely making out an “I miss you” over a bad phone connection
Having a needle inserted into your arm while sitting next to an addict
Selling plasma from my blood for twenty-five dollars a visit
Rushing home in a daze with baby formula for a crying child,

Eighteen years and still no birthday card from Dad…

An almost failing marriage
Getting into a car full of rage
Almost giving in and becoming what you most despise
Seeing their smiles, hearing their laughter for maybe the last time
A lonely stairwell that echoed their cries
Searching for ways to always provide
A paycheck big enough to only tread water
Week equivalent to forty hours of work, eighty hours of school
Breaking the promise of a sweet sixteen to a daughter;
In my world pain is a place.

Here I am baring my very soul
Opening my closet,
Some say my courage has seen me through.
I wasn’t supposed to be sitting here with you;

Thirty three years and still no birthday card from Dad —

Pain is a place…

— The End —