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bethany cotton Dec 2013
Society killed the teenager
It burned her it hurt her
Made her feel worthless
But is she
Is she I mean id love an answer because all anyone has ever said was
Why are you so weird whats wrong with your hair
Why are you always alone standing over there
Are you okay
Did you finally **** yourself today

But she thinks that if she can just start over
She can change herself completely
It never worked
She changed herself till she was nothing more than plastic
She was nothing more than what you would call an outsider
A ****** a dork a nerd a freak etc

But what she has underneath would burn someone just to know what she has gone through it would bring you to your knees crying
Give you the worse migrain head ache
Wishing you could take it all back
But yet not to be that simple

For all she wanted was to fit in
It wasn’t her plan to be an outcast
Are you happy
Huh are you happy now
For she never hurt a soul
Yet the only emotion she has ever felt
Was pain for she had no love she had noone to tell her
That she was loved

But not everyone gets that kind of help well I time atleast because when some like that happens to someone they never think to look behind the smile plastered on her plastic face just to think if we lived in a world that noone had to anything to fear that we had to change ourselves to fit in no one had to fear anything noone had to hide behind a curtain
To cover them up because they are afraid noone will like them

Society killed the teenager
It hurt her and burned her
At her funeral her parents were parents were morning finding out what she was going through while her “friends” and all her bullies are living their life and giggling not knowing that she was a girl looking and hoping to be accepted and you wouldn’t help her and you were just society banishing anyone yet to even look for acceptance

Was fitting in really that important would you rather be popular then help the girl in the corner with a blade to her neck did it really mean that much when you could have reached out and saved a life instead of letting her rott away in  her thoughts and misery for if she had a friend she wouldn’t be in a casket in her dress dead  cold never knowing she was ever loved because you obviously had nothing better to do for her life wasn’t as delicate  and precious as another one word was all it took for her to realize she was better than that and that one word was hello that one word could have saved a life that day

For if her life was not important then how is yours  
For if you are so special then you could have helped her
You were to worried about your hair makeup and boys to peel back the plastic cover and see the girl crying with the knife to her throat wishing she was perfect like you
Oh but no because you obviously have better things to do

Society killed the teenager
That is definatly true
But her life was so delicate
That even the simplest
I love you was faded out as sarcasm
and that she could never be loved because
all the hate made love feel like fairy tales

society killed the teenager because she denied all love
the only love she ever got she never knew it
and that is how society killed the teenager

so society next time you see the teenager
help her
because noone has ever done anything to deserve such torture
but that teenager forgave each and everyone ne
because she realized they were all to blind to notice
to notice that she was aching inside for love and compassion
to blind to find your way to help her
You are somewhere but you're hidden there;
You are with me in my every step.
I cannot see you yet I feel;
I cannot sense you yet I hear.

You are the shade no-one can catch;
You are the force they cannot make.
You are behind their pale shadows;
The one they're too tired to know.

You are in every flavour t'at I taste;
You live in every drop t'at I drink.
You breathe in every move I make;
You stay with me and ne'er fall apart.

You are the leaf of my autumn shade;
The emeralds of my summer gem.
The orchids of my cold jade stones;
The tulips of my skin and bones.

You are for whom I feel feeble;
You are for whom I have felt hurt.
You are for whom I endure pains;
You are for whom I hate.

But in your presence t'ere's no hate;
For with you there, then love is just love;
Love and hate are like dust and water;
They are separate, and not to be together;

And in your presence t'ere's no fear;
For tears turn into sweet poems t'at I hear;
And t'ose bleak midnight dreams shalt end;
Whenst in your arms, my very best friend.

And you are told once more and again;
By my untouched love and laughters;
From my untold hands and right words;
From the eyes of insane poetry.

And you are there, all over again;
You make things right whenst they do not;
You are in the cold tales I make;
You saw my first love bloom and grow.

You are in my words and prayers;
In the dreams t'at live forever.
You are the strength t'at makes me write;
You are in me all through the day and night.

You are my blood and my sacrifice;
You are my truth, honesty, and lies;
You are my moon, stars, and my hectic skies;
Your soul is mine and shalt ne'er die.

You are the hate and filth t'at I say;
The happiness t'at comes in my way;
You are on my mind night and day;
You are my poem in April and May.

You are my eggplant and cherry tree;
My green lime and sweet strawberry.
My purple lavender and rose;
My morning dew and midnight gloss.

You are the green moors I walk on;
The curved path I always stride on.
That my heart beats when I am beside you;
With a love genuine and passion so true.

You are the sun by my clouded grass;
The light t'at soften hearts' anger;
The love behind one's gritted teeth;
The truth behind deformed false mirth.

You are my ginkgo tree and peach;
The shine among the filth and foul.
My savour sea and fragrant beach;
Cure for the darkness of my soul.

You are my summer and fall tales;
My exact said and written words.
The blood and flesh of my red cells;
The light and promise of my worlds.

You are in my skin and my mind;
You need just love to make me blind.
You are in my ears and my hair;
I feel your presence everywhere.

You are the miracles that I see;
The poetry God carries with me.
The dramas I sing of and write;
The true love that makes things sound right.

You are the one lie that sounds true;
The ******* ****** heart desires.
The essence of my breath and *******;
The frank lust of mine in the West.

You are the thirst my heart falls for;
You are the rain that soaks it wet.
You are the fertile grass it grows;
The autumnal tears that it sheds.

You are the kite that soars up high;
And I shalt be your protective shield.
And whenst you fall with your knee wounded,
My poem's the very drop that makes it heal.

And it speaks of you with sanity;
And misses you with high verity.
And with such warmth t'at is still mine;
It longs to keep you in the heart and mind.

It's thus the immortal in you;
T'at makes it sees with clarity.
T'at it loves you eternally;
T'at it seeks you again and again.

T'at it wants you all over again;
T'at it wants you for no clean reason.
T'at it wants you now and once more;
T'at it wants you like never before.

T'at it loves you like it loves itself;
T'at it loves you with no falsehood.
T'at it loves you like it loves life;
T'at it loves you and shall die for you.

Ah, Immortal, whatfore art thou doing t'is dark afternoon?
My heart is alone in abrupt silence;
And it wants to disturb thee again;
It wants to run after and play with you.

Ah, Immortal, but doth thou tread some-times, on our fav'rite green path?
The one smelling like musk and red berries;
The one thou took to the most;
On which thou called me whenst thou got lost.

Ah, Immortal, and I ran fast like a blind nymphet;
For I was afraid of finding thee not;
Ah, I was in a ruffle skirt and with my poetry book;
Thou said I's pretty after one brief look.

Ah, Immortal, and we crafted one dusk ode together;
And t'at dusk grew more beautiful altogether;
With a soul as handsome as thine by my side;
Brightened by the streets' thrilling fluorescent light.

Ah, Immortal, and so I've written another ode today;
T'at maketh me remember everything without delay;
All joy t'at we had t'at night, on t'at lil' path;
A portrait of once live, but now vanished worlds.

Ah, Immortal, and such an ode maketh me smile again;
It feels like thou art here, my lover and best friend;
And the only lover I shalt ever run for;
The only man for whom my heart beats fast.

Ah, Immortal, and nothing is sweeter t'an t'is green ode;
A piece of innocent poem t'at thou shalt like;
Just like the ones thou always read;
By my side, with thy head laid by my orange lap.

Ah, Immortal, and nothing is more honest than my own poems;
For it thinks absurd not, of what is absurd;
Like t'is immortal passion it feels for thee;
Ah, for thy soul t'at too is immortal.

Ah, Immortal, but now that I've written this poem;
I shalt retreat to a peaceful rest;
I've laid about what's within my chest;
I'm ready for a sleep's endless virtual doom.

Ah, Immortal, and you wilt say in my oblivion;
T'at I have reached my destination;
The very place where there's no thee;
The desolate ice with thee gone.

Ah, Immortal, and you wilt sit in my unconscience;
Keep me asleep in my confusion;
T'at I escape, and escape not from my guilt;
T'is endless guilt of loving thee.

Ah, Immortal, to whom I still love, and love again;
Whom t'is very heart still adores;
For whom my prayers still breathe;
And for whom my tears still flow.

Ah, Immortal, and you wilt dream in my limbo;
Of a dream t'at leaves me conscious;
T'at there's no more love between I and thou;
A love t'at once made our hearts luminous.

Ah, Immortal, and you wilt rock me back and forth;
'Till I but wake again to this world;
And the horrid sands of Yorkshire;
Where I smellest none but dire loneliness.

Ah, Immortal, but dream of me—make me unaware;
And let t'is love for thee step forward;
Sending me back my triumph;
Shoving me up with virility.

Ah, Immortal, let such a bashful moon distract me;
But turn me not about my long sleep;
And with its horns slaughter my love;
That I shalt wake up loved and unloved.

Ah, Immortal, let the grim grimace slander me;
Let t'is love for thee hinder me;
But ****** not my love for thee;
And the longing for thee to be by my side.

Ah, Immortal, and stay with me but in my words;
T'at I am able to tackle the worlds;
To **** its failed virtues and vice;
Its cruel pride and fatal conventions;

Ah, Immortal, thou canst feed me through my bare poems;
And attend more of my illusions;
Take to my imaginations;
Breathe through the words and circles I draw.

Ah, Immortal, thou canst witness my weird footsteps;
Sleep on my imaginary lap,
And leave thy heart to me by one side,
T'at I canst but rub and play with it again.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst leave to me your heartbeat;
And I wilt adorn it with warm heat;
That like you are, it shalt stay immortal;
Like a love poem I'll craft in fall.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst leave me thy love to me;
T'at I shalt kiss and cheer it every day;
For it has more than what I have to say;
For it speaks to me with proud sanctity.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst leave thy hours to me;
T'at I canst write you a good poem;
A poem t'at breathes through thy chest and hands;
T'at thou canst feel my presence again.

Ah, Immortal, and thou outta' leave thy blood to me;
T'at I canst shield, I canst protect it;
T'at I shalt act like its owner,
With a thousand smiles and promises.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst leave thy flesh to me;
T'at I canst heal and empower it;
T'at I canst cast spells on its wounds;
T'at it shan't dwell rott'n forever.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst leave thy doom to me;
T'at I can retrieve your old laugh;
Although I'm young and I am not her;
I'll love you again and again, more than ever.

Ah, Immortal, and thou canst be mortal to me;
But I shalt still call you my immortal;
Like I once did when we were young;
With the blossoms of love in our hearts.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see my promise is true;
I'll shed my blood and flesh for you;
From such shalt flow fresh spring water;
T'at shalt heal thy cracked wounds and lungs.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see my love's not a lie;
For if thou rot, then I too shalt die;
For my gripped breath too shalt be broken;
For my vain heart too shalt die hurt.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see thou art my heartbeat;
Thou art part of me and my wit;
For t'ere's no poem but one about you;
For t'ere's no dream but of our first love.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see thou art my thousand skies;
For t'ere's no love but by your side;
And no words written but for thee;
Thou art the voice of my clarity.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see thou art my life;
Thou art inside me as thou wished;
Thou art a breath t'at withers not;
Thou art a thought t'at leaves me not.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see I shalt not wander;
My love for thee is clear and again;
And one intact, and whole, and untorn;
And one civil, and pure, and unburnt;
Thou art my light, my cold fire and warm ice.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see t'at my love is chaste;
For whenst betrayed, it betrays not;
For it cuts not our story short;
For it stays with thee still, in blood and flesh;
For it thinks of you yet, in its wake and rest.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see my love is genuine;
For it shoulders guilt on its own;
A guilt t'at comes from loving thee;
For loving you is what makes it live.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see my love lives forever;
For thy remembrance gives it breath;
And thy memory frays its hate;
You are the love t'at's ne'er too late.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see thou'rt my perfection;
Thou attend my poetic arts and visions;
Thou art the precision it makes;
The decision it firms hard life on.

Ah, Immortal, and it screams for you by its walls;
And calls your name again and again;
T'at it keeps you in a heartbeat;
T'at it shalt seek you in its every sense.

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see my love is not hate;
For it knows not what hate is itself;
Like it knows not hatred on its own;
For it knows only bland virtues.

Ah, Immortal, so thou wilt see my passion is true;
T'at this etched love is not a disease;
T'at my love shalt hatch again and again;
Give birth to frank newborn poems and thoughts.

Ah, Immortal, and so being alone tortures me;
It renders me dead and my sanity;
Like an empty chair in its solitude;
I sing to myself, and no Eolian lute;

Ah, Immortal, and thou wilt see by my virile sense;
T'at I longeth for thee again and again;
T'at thou'rt the thought I verily ponder;
T'at thou'rt the only love I embrace.

Ah, Immortal, and I'll embrace thee again and again;
No matter how long, nor how many times;
My insane guilt is in loving thee not;
And knowing not how to tell of thy love.

Ah, Immortal, so I shalt proceed but to love thee;
And keep thee alive in my heart and mind;
And keep thee breathing in my story;
A story t'at, I hope, comes back alive one day.

Ah, Immortal, and thou see my nonsense is true;
Though full of holes and discolours;
Telling words is to me obligatory;
For it keeps my love in order.

Ah, Immortal, and t'ese diffused hues are but thine;
Just like my whole journal of tales;
T'at I shalt recall with virtues;
Because 'tis t'ere—t'at promise of mine.

Ah, Immortal, so thou'rt my artistic vision;
My endemic paints and phrases;
My arts' reposes and relapses;
My chanted spells all over the place.

Ah, Immortal, I craft thy poems with precision;
T'at all is unique in their nature and order;
T'at it preserves love and enigmas;
And so it preserves for you, just what you love.

Ah, Immortal, and I tell my tales with perfection;
T'at thou become my whole saturations;
Thou owneth the major gold'n utopias;
And preserve still, t'ese hovering dystopias!

Ah, Immortal, and I've seen in thee such myopic senses,
T'at what is iconic seems atomic,
T'at what is static seems dynamic,
Ah, but all seem such—in thee!

Ah, Immortal, I've too seen in thee such pictures;
Pictorial and ethereal in such a sense;
But malevolently, and fervently true;
Ah, Immortal, thou art my powerful hero!

Ah, Immortal, thou art the magic of my art;
The very clay of earth I step on;
The very suit of life I wear on;
The immortal mind among those mortal!

Ah, Immortal, thou art the soil of my being;
The very breath that I leave awake;
The primary cause I think of;
My multitude of secret reasons!

Ah, Immortal, and I want but' make thee—make thee mine;
We canst drink together and feast;
On t'is love and artistic gleams;
Of  joyed literary and poetic pleasures!

Ah, Immortal, and our young souls shall ne'er decay;
We hath more than t'is world shall say;
We own even more in our poetry;
We own every part of immortality!

Aye, Immortal, and thou wilt see my virtues are true;
I lied not to thee and about our love;
For our love is what art canst portray;
Whilst art itself is my pal and friend!

Aye, Immortal, and thou wilt witness my plain truth;
For t'ere's no mirrored truth than thine;
And even the truth of wan reality;
The reality of joy, tears, and gloom.

Aye, Immortal, and thus thou wilt admit 'tis mine;
Thy very heart and eternal conscience;
Thy cordial mind and vast concerns;
Aye, such are all—all mine, my darling dear!

Aye, Immortal, and thus thou wilt confess such's mine;
Thy very mind and ordinary senses;
And too thy literary and recreational thoughts;
Ah, and thy visions too are mine, my gorgeous dear!

Aye, Immortal, so such is a tale of my love;
T'at brews and boils just because of thee;
T'at loves and hates within thy spheres;
T'at cries and mourns whenst thou art gone!

Aye, Immortal, and thou hath seen what true love's like;
Just like the one I hath for thee;
And I want thee more like I want autumn;
I adore thee more like I do winter!

Aye, Immortal, how canst I find true love then;
Whenst all is blurry and clear not;
With thee gone and my poetry cut short;
I shalt but dream not of marriage!

Aye, Immortal, for such wedded bliss is with thine;
The king of my heart, *******, and mind;
The fairytale I read again and again;
The one old song I keep'n singing thru!

Aye, Immortal, and I longeth for thee just like t'at;
My love hides behind every labyrinth;
Where'n t'ere are green and red and gray clouds;
Where'n poetry is recited out loud!

Ah, Immortal, and thou'th seen t'ere's no-one but thou;
Thou'rt the simplistic art I seek;
The one I'm with whenst strong and weak;
The dream I hath, every day of the week!

Ah, Immortal, and so t'is naughty ode is genuine;
For 'tis mere' thy heart it longeth to win;
T'at it ever boasts proudly of;
T'at it ever wants to get, and again!

Ah, Immortal, and so t'ere's no heart but t'at' thine;
To be entwined with t'at of mine;
To be accounted down the line;
The one I speak of, and I hide behind!

Ah, Immortal, and thus t'ese phrases are but true;
For t'ere's no hero nor villain like you;
Who knows much 'bout truth and untruth;
Who sang perfectly 'bout our own youth.

Ah, Immortal, and thus t'is pleasure is all thine;
Physical and mental and of all designs;
For thou owneth my whole love labyrinth;
And all the tasty scents in its maze.

Ah, Immortal, and thus all t'is poetry is thine;
Just like my severed soul and breath;
For without thee, all t'ese dreams are but of death;
A dream of grief, t'at I shan't find rest;

And Immortal, thus t'is longing is thine;
For thou only canst amend such dreams;
And brings to it candlelight rainbows;
Just like the promise of my true love.

Ah, Immortal, and thou shalt see my plain love is true;
For it fails just anyone but you;
And thus I want thee here with me;
I want thee still, like ever before.
Jordan Dec 2013
letchor blood currdle like wild flowers melting in the mid day sun, let your fire dragon breath beneath the mess of leaves falling from a calm breeze.
Bring peace to a world where silence is comfort and passion is the tulip under the shade. Let the water trickle across your from and watch the skies turn from blue to grey.
The world is a heartache but a heart none the less, you needent suffer because suffering come from ones whose enlightenment leaves no mess.
Be a star in a sea of diamonds. croon for the howling of a dewwy morning.
Believe in a seed that can plant a whole world, never let the thoughts alter your disposition. Your true calling already exibits strength, quite lying to yourself, sleepless this and sinner with saints.
An enegmatic dissolusion of propriety and oath, formless and scouring we delve deeper into our shelf.
Cables and wires sing with praises of stables and liars, klu klux ****, peanut butter and jam, what a contravity of mystery and a hairless dogs epiphany. We told you once and we'll tell you again, your night stand secrets bar no weight in this land.

soldiers ships sail without a captian your ballroom gown looks like a tale unfathomed. please exsist in me as i believe in you. let your gaurd down and let me take the bow. please let my love pass through you like grasses ablaze, set my lingering sentient body free i have no more purple haze.

the morning will come and the night will shrink an exhaled body as yours dissapears in a blink. Together and forever a seemless reality, one blood runs through the oceans and cowers down the river stop breathe, you exist in moments like these

everybody sees you but no body nods, your a stupid little quip on someone elses radar. help yourself before you **** another be your best friend your mother your father your brother. let the ragsw turn to riches and the wine into the blind, let yourself ferment and **** the cat that explains your time. keep to yoursel fan dnever let them in, your a blind man with a stick and everyone else is screaming let me in. to each there own and to own a martyr is a shame, refrain from self obscurity and procrastinate your brain. Reach for the truth kept in a jar glass with the words mason like the illuminati keep in there car. your a vehicles for self enhilation a explosion of confusion, embrace this mess, it all you have to keep. like a safe bares a rope your only job is to escape..

brimming with hatred and filled up with angst your an emotional writer trying to die on the page.
**** yourself kindly and **** yourself well, your death will be celebrated like a child blowing out the candels at his birthday from hell. tears hit the icing and the presents all rott, something was a miss did his mother forget to love him not. the poor childs life went up in ruins the cycles of existance dug him into ruins bleeding and rotting a child life ion time be the future self that your chilhood friend can find. Be with your death like your beside your life. in the middle lies the truth betweent he lies of existing between pictures of books that no one took the time to read. death of a salesman the drowning of a rat, **** yourself with kindness eat your cake until your fat.

whats the problem with that? *******. you ****, you did it you ****! lol. :) ;) emote.

dying by numbers

illusions of granduer
life in a breath
**** the pitch man and take your breath

dont edit yourself absolve yourself

write for a feeling it is fleeting write for death and become alive
lina S May 2013
Glued to my computer screen

Is this called living

I'm hooked to this show

Filled with people I don't really know

And every minute of it is killing

And I push my life to rott , willing

Is this called living

When I leave all my worries

Just to fill my mind with their worries

Is this called living ?

Fangirling over made up gimmicks
Nhera Rahman Feb 2016
An appearance like swan
fragile voice of an angel
the movements like water
she grew by the name Gabriel

A child of perfection she was
her mind was still spotless
but as time passing through
she knew the times of her innocence
has come to an end of noxious

Atlas turned into a beautiful example
jealousy and hatred grew by the society
she poised herself by the war she must fight
through and through, though she knew
the end will come of herself selling her soul
one and only to satan held his hand out for her

Ask he told, are you willing
to die each and second to live
willingly rott yourself into
this demise you never meant for
Do give a feedback and some ideas what I may be able to write next.
Bilal Kaci Nov 2013
I'm digging a hole,
Through my chest,
Then into my soul.
Its my comfortable nest,
But i know need to go,
Before itll infest,
This barely beating coal,
And im afraid that the rest,
Will rott and will mold,
So fish me out of this,
Concrete corner.
From the whom of this abyss,
For you know its only getting harder,
To avoid life's, infectious kiss,
   -Her sinister, crimson red lips
Jack Thompson Mar 2015
I'm a player, I'm the best.
I've played you, her and the rest.
That's what you thought.
I proved you wrong when I opened my chest.
You saw me with depth, an open heart.
You gave me yours.
It was open from the start.
A heart hurt too many times.
You told me you can't take another.
A heart held together with vines.
This was the tricky part.
The first time in my life.
I saw a future of treasure.
A glimpse of this lady, my wife.
I felt safe like I was where I needed to be.
I promised my self I'd do you no harm.
To cause you pain would be to cut off my own limb.
I've been waiting all my life to find someone worthy to commit my life to.
So I committed myself to you and you threw me away.
You told me honestly what you wanted and needed.
I gave it to you and more.
But you were after what you had before.
Cling to him with guilt.
Cling to him till you rott.
Cling to him lifelessly.
Cling to him lovelessly.
Cling to him endlessly.
Until one day it all falls apart.
You've proven untrustworthy.
You've proven betrayal.
You've proven sly words.
You've used tears to get your way.
You've promoted falses so fake.
Gemini construct you might break.
You've cheated.
Me, him and your self from happiness.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Faraway Eyes May 2016
Mess with a gypsy soul,
Even a black hole won't be able to hide you.
Their magic will slowly rott away what's inside you..
No chance to ever be set free...
Your soul was sold the day that you chose to cross their way..
You boiled precious gypsy blood,
Activating, inhaling the slow toxic poison..
Something random to turn into something one day..
My ear drum burst on my birthday
runny wax like moldable clay
My carcass is 32 today
but my energy is ageless
like the pages of the pageless
the life of light creation
Graveyards mark the pity little spot
from death day as we lay and rott
Birth and death are two and the same
from internal we emerge with an internal flame
thrilled till we fade away with our hair
turning white and gray.
Mariana Nolasco Dec 2012
I see your skin turning blue
As my ruby red hands press even harder
I laugh histerically at your face
I just commited the perfect ******

You should have listened to me,
When I said this wouldn't end up good
Not for you at least,
because for me there's no more blues

don't apologize now, it won't save you anymore
Your soul will rott in hell
Let me play with this set of knives and your flesh.
Shh, cry no more darling

This dagger will only hurt for a second
As I turn it on your stomach
And your blood bathes the ground
You will bleed the tears I've cried
Ryan Seth Cole Jun 2017
Low and behold I see, beneath the surface of things.

Inner mechanics that twist and tie us together. The reflections of humanity, the decay and rott placed at our feet.

The way we sew our seeds, ripping through avast particular selection of prey we feed.

Overall becoming that vicious cycle, we take up to hand down, we repeat.

Im plagued with constant torture of painful memories. Traumatizing moments render me to my ultimate defeat.

Im left too the wolves to eat. Only my fowl stinch Drives them away.

Too abstain distance from myself the enemy, who cares to caress my ego and pleasure me with they're company?

Who can I take down or who is out their
Who is worse off than me? Rinse, wash, repeat...

Not everyone learns but everyone remembers how it felt.
Death-throws Feb 2016
Wasting war
Untouched soils, set to rott by a plauge of men
A million miles away
Where the sun sets on hills ill never see.
And the light touches faces ill never meet
The light bends a diffrent way,
Shells raining down upon your feet
Devils steal life and spirits reclaim bones
In the war you left me, to fight
Protecting forign homes
Thomas W Case Mar 2023
Homeless and roaming the
streets like an orphan.
It was the dead of winter, and
I was still alive—barely.
My ex-girlfriend let  
me crash on her couch for
a few days.
She didn’t smoke.
I did,
so whenever I wanted  
a cigarette, I went out in
front of her
apartment and lit up.
One night, bent on nicotine,
I entered the January thaw.
As I had my  
smoke fix,
a man with a  
huge Rottweiler slowly
walked by.
The dog caught sight of
me, and gave me a low growl.
The guy talked to
his pet like he was
his best friend.
“Leave him alone, that’s his home;
let him smoke.”
The dog knew better, and
glared at me.
He barked loud and vicious.
“Leave that poor man alone.
Let him enjoy his cigarette,
that’s his home,”  the man said.
A small dog began  
yapping in the distance.
The man said,
“Oh great, you’ve upset that little dog.
Come on, let’s go.”
The Rott gave me an evil look, and
sauntered off.
He recognized his own  
He also knew that there
was something different about me.
He could smell it,
almost taste it.
He knew I was a mongrel,
and a stray.
He knew I didn’t
Let’s take a trip deep on a ride
Into the mothership as i dip
into my minds conscious
flyin’ at light Speeds greed
fiend for the good life strife
seemed to followed me
troubles all in me
Cant get away from my enemies
since i was born
i was destined to die no lie cries
from my soul and heart tellin’ me not to part
Its demons vs demons
They tag teamin' day dreamin' im schemin’
lookin' for the position to plot
so my body can rott
deep in hell **** the holy grail as i sail
into another dimension need i mention
i got homies that want to join me two
so why don’t you too?
Uh aint nobody gonna miss you boo
So i look to
all types of weaponry to choose from then some
m-14,m-16 380 9s,to 249s
saws graphic i can’t wait til i be covered in plastic
white sheets visions to *****
so i had to be censored
not even the devil knew me
I know nobody woul feel me
kiss with death n soon we'll be one of a kind
feel the pressure from my brain cells to my spine
urgin’ for the flat line ,
Quarter pass 12 am in the morning
no yawning
load the clip up time for me to shut up
bullet to my head {Pops off} im glad im dead
body red stiff as a log as the maggots feed
off my flesh
I became a denominator
Cuz death seems much greater
now im restin’ scornfully
released my demons now they roamin’ freely
Prepare for the eulogy  G
Bogle Feb 2014
Like a fresh plank,
you varnish with coat after coat,
but what you should note,
no matter how many coats,
the knots just won't..

they will just hide and ***** deep,
then later on when the wood is old,
the worms crawl out form the depths,
and rott your world cold...

And muddled,
you long for the Ivy's cuddle,
to keep you up right,
despite is constant side affects,
you need varnish coated with a shovel!
Still living in hell
Never been to jail but i feel
Trapped in a cell with out no bail
Seeing demons prevail
In this game of life
Try to be righteous but all I see strife
Marking me enemies territory
Catch my allegory as i flip the story
Politics bore me id rather see them in gory
Punished for all there sins
Where they cant repent or make amends
A true soldier born for the war
Like an eagle takin' soar
Weighing in on ya mental capicity
Yall cant fade me tried to play me
But it wont last long
Steppin' out the coliseum reigning as champion
The last of the dons
Stay blasting like an assasins
Can't get no mercy outta me
So come after me im livin carefree
All my enemies I line em up
Leave em opened and soaked up
In they own blood
Soul stuck in mud
My hands quick with tha gat
Never failed at
Marksmanship so whats bust ya raps?
Talkin reckless about the brothers
Up in Texas
Dont ya know we'll ****** ya necklace
Got a few homies serving macks
To ya back
Come with a confrontation
We'll **** your chit chat imagine that?
Twenty killers aiming led at yo peen
Dumping on fools out a black lac limousine
Skipped cousines
Cuz im on a cash fiend
Never trusted quotes in a magazine
But keep magazines
In my car next to my AR
15 followed by 16 shots body rott
Somebody call the cops
Cuz yosef wont stop
The train but it wont last too too long
By the time they catch me ill be gone
Into another dimension my intentions
To shake the whole world up
When my guns acts up make ******* back up
This is a revolt anthem none can phantom
Out ya pain im permenant on ya brain like stain
Going against grain
Couldnt handle my pressure got ya on a stretcher
Drawing illusions brain contusions confusing
Ya with my mental ju jitzu hit you
With a telepathy that will disconnect ya whole anatomy cant battle me
Or better shatter me my critics be
Sitting on the internet hating and faking
But then take my **** then making
Beats with my lyrics
Foggy skies cant braille my eyes
Watch me clear
The clouds from my sunshine that glows out of my skin
Which means yall gonnna bend
Cant defend
Cuz we upped our figures
Mobbin with a thousands of triggers
Wit War hungry guerillas
So dont ask why we blast Nyguhhhhhh!!!!

Us the first to bust!!
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
/begun as a title, with a bracket, p.s.: (rott-, dober-, könig-über-alles-"tame")... rottweiler, dobermann... könig? ***** of a mother that became more of a mother than a mother could ever be... hmm? an Alsatian! as my grandfather actually reiterated a memory for me: i apparently lounged my bare arm into her chasm of a delayed bark! so much for the seventy-two human virgins... a bit.. Louis the XIV... humming noise... distrative! ugh!

i tend to "think"
of paradise
as consisting of
siebzig-zwei rottweilers...
of dobermanns...
or alsatians...
      in representative
   canine bashing
for a kiss to exchange
a mouth for a snout...
a breath...
   a breath from man:
unto dog...
      **** the woman iranian
******* with the poetic
         i... need... the... grit!
i think to encompass
a trench!
           not some Disney,
i can't imagine not "kissing"-teeth
with an alsatian...
     to make:
the mouth of a man
akin to the snout of a dog...
    there's a woman involved?!
**** me...
you sure?
you sure she's most assured
while pregnant,
  in explaining
                         her universe?!
         hello world, and war,
and numbing 3.
you really can tell
apart desires
three, major, dog-breeds...
a rottweiler,
     a dobermann
        and an alsatian
     are the holy trinity...
   given the skull reference...
butch rott-...
inteligensia alsatian...
               and the hart: dober-;
i'd honestly have to be an idiot
to expect
  72 virgins as being my... "reward"...
who the **** needs
                  72 bleeding *****?!

  meek as in what?
  the ******* un-circumcised?!
    the half-riddled metaphor
of a case for,
   deviating from the application
of circumcision?!
             the sword without
a sheaf "metaphor"?!
hard to compete...
with a male who's
meekness has been compromised,
or rather, made: non-existent...
      is that some sort
of theo-genesis
invigoration construct
to doubly compromise
on the focus of competition?!

why do i ask?
jew wanna know!
        jew don't wanna know?
then "jew" is no jew!

just a banality
           history with
a "necessary" follow-up of
that might require:
a justified contiuum.
Thomas W Case Aug 2024
Homeless and roaming the
streets like an orphan.
It was the dead of winter, and
I was still alive—barely.
My ex-girlfriend let  
me crash on her couch for
a few days.
She didn't smoke.
I did,
so whenever I wanted  
a cigarette, I went out in
front of her
apartment and lit up.
One night, bent on nicotine,
I entered the January thaw.
As I had my  
smoke fix,
a man with a  
huge Rottweiler slowly
walked by.
The dog caught sight of
me, and gave me a low growl.
The guy talked to
his pet like he was
his best friend.
'Leave him alone, that's his home;
let him smoke.'
The dog knew better, and
glared at me.
He barked loud and viciously.
'Leave that poor man alone.
Let him enjoy his cigarette,
that's his home, '  the man said.
A small dog began  
yapping in the distance.
The man said,
'Oh great, you've upset that little dog.
Come on, let's go.'
The Rott gave me an evil look, and
sauntered off.
He recognized his own  
He also knew that there
was something different about me.
He could smell it,
almost taste it.
He knew I was a mongrel
and a stray.
He knew I didn't
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.  My book Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems is available on
Mel Jan 2019
It was in the shower i tried to picture you
With your shirt off your lips turned blue.
"I dont want you to see me cry" i said
And not from the pain between my legs, as I bled.
I try to picture romantic evenings as beautiful,
Ones that make my mind content and full,
But in the end these images rott
They stink of regret and the same shame that I fought.
There are dark secrets in my mind,
Some even darker, some hard to find.
But your unconditional love it made me blind,
I try to picture a night with you.
I know you picture this night with me too.
A night where these secrets dont stop me,
From your loving touches, I wont flea.
At least in these dreams I can do this
But in the real world its just a punch with a strong cold fist.
This cant heal as fast as a scraped knee,
But it does feel like an injury.
Please dont give up so quickly,
Because in the end its still me.
All bruised up and blue from my past,
Im trying so hard to make this last,
I know im selfish.
Know that if your patient i will get my wish,
And these pictured nights in the shower wont be so sad,
Theres a day in the future where your touch wont feel so bad.
This might not be for anyone whose sensitive to past ****** abuse.
ZACK GRAM Sep 2024
For Every Gods
In Isreal
10k will Rott
Send in The Troops
Boats Planes an Hoes
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
i pray a heavy prayer
wake me
dear lord i cant believe i lived this long
on the verge
this must not be real
touch my hand i need a lift
im not prepared
we are safe
i havent wrote down a speech
voice is our choice
one thing is correct
politics an media disturb me
liquified synthetics
in your car an in my lungs
off a rig
death no dishonor
they died so i can say this
im alive dear father
4th sector
so far they cant stop me
area 51
doing hard time tho
locked down in chains
been encamped
pitch my tent wallstreet
seems like decades
couple second on the clock
ready to be free
withnessing greed
my words shall reap
put fear in society
in the wake we eat
celebrate the factors of life
outweighed by one soul
**** **** ****
one paper and a pen
****** ****** ******
you have no power
call me ferror
ill shut you down
rott in your grave
call me king
bow before your leader
the richest man in history
trillions in space
its facts
nine hundred ninety nine pesos
not 1 person alive
not 1 person in the past
not one person in the future
the end

the end
Casey Rodger Jun 2021
I took my empty cup of tea to the sink,
The sun caught my eye, made me squint.
Chucked my tea bag in the bin,
Then to an advertisement my ears tuned in..

"Come on down to your local flower store
We've got plants and flowers and gifts galore!
Celebrations for both life and death,
Come on down, we've got the best!"

With nothing much to do this day,
Looking at flowers that faded away,
I grabbed my keys and thought, what the heck 🤷‍♀️
Flowers is what I'm off to get..

Bells that chime when you open the door
Bits of petals and leaves scattered on the floor
Wonderful smells all through the room
Some are ready, some waiting to bloom

Behind a desk absolutely piled
Out she popped, and there she smiled.
The sweetest voice you'll ever hear
Asked me if I wanted to go for a beer..

Stormed out from the back,
Draped in a coat of black,
Flustered and stressed,
Heart pounding in her chest.
Switched the sign to 'back in 5'
Rolled her eyes around her head,
Threw her arms up at me and said
"WELL? Ya coming or not?"
For a moment, I was in shock.
A confused shrug and a little smirk,
Who knew flowers were such stressful work..

Into the pub and off the street
Half a beer down, staring at her feet.
Finally lifts her head where eyes meet mine,
She said "I'm sure out of yours, it all seems fine".

"These flowers that I sell in my shop,
You take them home, and watch them rott,
They bring some meaning for a day or two,
Then what's left? Then what do you do?
You could buy something and watch it grow,
But everything alive one day dies, ya know?
All that I am able to do for you,
Is only ever going to last a day or two"

Her eyes then wandered out the window
To watch the leaves and wind blow
I could see her search for peace out there
Each blink a moment of dark dispair.

"You'd think the girl who sells you flowers
Could make you feel cheery for hours,
But every flower has her day,
And this sunny flower's day is today"

At the pub the beers were on me,
And after that, my flowers were free.

Each day after, I thought about her,
Such a rare experience to occur,
I missed her even, just a little,
While waiting for my flowers to dwiddle.
Something like 2 weeks went by,
I was so excited to go and say hi!
I didn't mind the pouring rain,
Another day would of sent me insane!

Bells that chime when you open the door
Bits of petals and leaves scattered on the floor
Wonderful smells all through the room
Some are ready, some waiting to bloom

Behind a desk all clean and cleared
Out he popped, sad eyes appeared,
A beaten voice, full of pain,
Said flowers? Or just getting out of the rain?

I asked him about my mystery girl
Where oh where? Where in the world?
I could have sworn I had the right shift,
It is her spirits that I've come to lift.

The man had never heard of her,
My memories, were but a blurr,
He said he couldn't help me find,
The girl, the sad girl, that I left behind..
He continued prepping for a funeral
For a lady they called "Miss Illuminal".
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
i pray a heavy prayer
wake me
dear lord i cant believe i lived this long
on the verge
this must not be real
touch my hand i need a lift
im not prepared
we are safe
i havent wrote down a speech
voice is our choice
one thing is correct
politics an media disturb me
liquified synthetics
in your car an in my lungs
off a rig
death no dishonor
they died so i can say this
im alive dear father
4th sector
so far they cant stop me
area 51
doing hard time tho
locked down in chains
been encamped
pitch my tent wallstreet
seems like decades
couple second on the clock
ready to be free
withnessing greed
my words shall reap
put fear in society
in the wake we eat
celebrate the factors of life
outweighed by one soul
**** **** ****
one paper and a pen
****** ****** ******
you have no power
call me ferror
ill shut you down
rott in your grave
call me king
bow before your leader
the richest man in history
trillions in space
its facts
nine hundred ninety nine pesos
not 1 person alive
not 1 person in the past
not one person in the future
the end

MichingMallecho Feb 2019



RACOON                                                      HERMES
MOUNTAIN CAT                                          LEONIDAS
A RAVEN                                                      POE
WHITE RABBIT                                            GLUSKAP

(A)GERMAN SHEPARD                                ODIN
(B)PIT BULL                                                  VILI
(C)ROTT WEILER                                          VE


BROWN BEAR (CUB)                                     KALI
BABY OPOSSUM                                            ANDALUSIA
HAWK                                                             HATHOR
RABBIT                                                           GANYMEDE

HOUSE CATS:                                                HILDA

Garrett Johnson Jan 2019
And instrumentals.
Corpses filled with ash and syrup.
Syrup made from a hippie that lives in the flat above me.
Never arrives to confuse me.
Amazing relationship.
Contrasts the mask that covers the realness.
The class that helped **** your demons.
And your soul.
And yellows.
CLouds most things.
Poets dying in eternal Affliction.
Poets who died for nothing.
Beat the poet.
Real mean poet.
Mean everything to the person inside the poet.
You can find it.
You can grow it.
You don’t know it.
Boil it for safety.
Or not.
Blues bleed into the skull.
Carve with the side that’s dull.
We turn sullen.
Create Poetry that never makes us lonely.
And always makes us lonely.
Conniptions replace the complements.
Turn hate into monuments.
And Love into self hate.
It’s gonna be great.
And always be ****.
Learn from the mistakes.
Take your life.
And miss the blade.
Genetics that makes us break.
Discover the ******* that are fake.
Contemplate actions.
Rott through the smoke.
Anxious ridden state.
LIke the **** that makes up the rain.
Conceptualize Sound waves.
And destroy your fate.
Make a smiley face.
Then cry.
I like what you’ve done with the place.
Crawl into your own time and space.
Overly tired.
It’s the nights like this that are dreadful.
Terribly stagnant..
A magnet to war.
Loath in fractions.
In places.
With no faces.
No patience.
Just Static.
This is for the real street givers dime hustlers and gun shiverers
See the rhymes I deliverer cold steeler ball game Anthony Peeler
Salt to a weak Casear Brutus death pleaser mister soaker squeezer
Caskets is loving only a few could recognize the Houdini shew
See that birds that flew over a coco nest I manifest like a game of chess
Ponds is front line crooks is rook and I'm the king behind
No check mate only from the rhymes I created divine mind
Queens sitting as my beautiful feline still sipping off of ballotine
Feeling genuine so anxious like when my guns bust cold crush
Scenes of a family members dream crashed in on your dreams
Bomb baby itches for loot like its scabies no if and or maybes
Its crazy schemes to be plotting mind rotting gangsta theme
Same of mean streets gold teeth packed more heat than sweets
Twisted off the metal cannabis mental a pretzel forming ******
Be on the bolo sacrifice everyday for the inferno yo hells above below

Tactics of a hyena funky coldmedina yo tell me have you seen her
Beat misdemeanors like Sylvester schemer far from a dreamer
Black as coffee no creamer freak chicks that ain't screamers
I'm thinking of spreadin those wings of a dove see the peace above
The clouds of the golden gate awaits lust at the third pate
It's never to late to annihilate strategize love off of hate
Too many folks can relate to the sneaks of a jake I gotta make
Moves screech ya eardrums like needles to the groove move
To the beats soaked up ya seat im too hot to trot skills iron plots
Leaking like opening shots miss the body rott 3 hots and a cot
Everyday it's like a prison day only diff is I get pave my own way
Tried to see Franklin's brighter days but down the line I see AKs
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
as soon as we marry one of us gets shot
im so sorry im a **** up an a lost cause
all i ever wanted was to be loved by you
it gives me seizures nausea an nightmares
i cant even look myself in the mirror an smile
you dont love me so i have nothing to live for
this is the slowest tortureous death in history
i beg you to **** me because thats the only way
theres two sides to the story an i dont know both
your gentle smell touch words an warmth cure me
without you i am a washed up loser with no life
i have never been loved an its the most painful feeling
i cried so much i dont cry anymore i just stop breathing
drugs dont work i cant get you off of my mind its crazy
what have i ever done to god an you to live with this burdon
im ashamed at all mankind every human is ugly an ignorant
lies an deceate no moral heart or faith its all gone in thought
you are letting me rott away when im all you want
you are rotting away when you are all i want
i care about you so deeply i wish there was a way around it
please forgive me my love
i am your slave suffocate me with your essence
leave your aroma **** me to death
Crowy Nov 2019
I have seen enough.
Of these, them all
waiting for a call
the times get rough.

Decided to ignore
what they own,
their own flesh and bone
getting no more

It lures in the dark
nobody sees
ignorance it seeks
plays out it's card.

Every human can escape.
They will not.
Destined to rott,
in their own shape.

— The End —