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Sara Kellie Oct 2018
Religion is Recruiting for
Customer Complaints.
Where is my God, the disciples
and all the absent saints?
The time I have invested
sitting in your church.
This wasn't in your advert
you've left me in the lurch.
I'm asking for a refund,
you've years to reimburse
and then there is the funeral,
the flowers and the hearse.

I've sat on your pew,
spent time praying to you
and now that I'm dead,
I'm unsure what to do.
I should have known better,
you never replied.
Yet I kept the faith
until the day that I died.

Now I queue to complain,
I must be ******' insane!
you don't even exist!

Poetry by Kaydee.
On the first day, man created God.
Always which the Human in me surpass
When Trite Reunion comes to much Expect
Between us, Birth-Father, the Heart must last
And configure our Values circumspect
After seeing those skinned neighbours battle
And DAD the Inspiration I preserve
Comes your Striking Counsel; Which I rattle
And reimburse the Love you so deserve
But, if Favour pleads, renew the Bald Man
Whose Birthdate his Arm's Course Affection share
Teach this Tanned Diver; To widen his span
Knowing such Open Hands breed Anywhere.
Circles are Dangerous, if Minds are locked
He needs to KNOW that; From his own Best Hug.

Nature can do no more
She has fulfilled her Dyes
Whatever Flower fail to come
Of other Summer days
Her crescent reimburse
If other Summers be
Nature’s imposing negative
Nulls opportunity—
King Bacon Jan 2015
Don’t put me in a box, I am my own teacher
I don’t worship TV idols, I have other preachers
I don't toss a poem to come across as known
friends crossed me, don’t know my own home
I don't speak for an arrogant cause
Or do self-righteous acts just to merit applause
I don’t make scenes to be seen as a person of God
What you see as a skill, I see as a character flaw
I don't use a hype man sell grams to buy fans
I don't scream to get attention other ways for lungs to expand
I don't ******* my talent for people that bystand
Or try to trick innocent people more desperate than I am

Sell a line, sell a book
Sell a dream, sell a scheme
Sell a brother false hope you control his self-esteem
Let a brother talk **** I won’t get mad at all
I’ll just throw a couple stabs like my cousin at the mall
So please tell me what’s worse
being broke or broken?
but before you answer that let me ask you this first
In the place you live, can you quench your thirst?
Do you have enough time to finish a verse?
Remember our time here was borrowed, can’t reimburse
a chemic I been it
I pen it, I penetrate my a pen all day
To descend and mate
My inner state is in the state
to keep on straight,
administrate and illustrate
What people haul with haste till it's in his face
So in the case where i’m in my space
my focus is to chase
Yeshua’s face is faced with the waste of people sending hate
Intimidating to people claiming contention
ostensibly incoherent was air for my ascension
It's plucking a hair ain't it?
who painted the P.I.C cell
in pixels, the pig sells
the witch who picks spells, got hell

Tie a boar to a tree transmitting this
free him a year later he'll stay in the same radius
Maybe it's in the tears
Maybe it's just kinetics
Maybe I do love attention
and writing is how I get it
encapsulated beneath the surface the desire is unknown
You think this a joke
Get shot in your funny bone!
Annie Potaktos Dec 2011
Be afraid of the bohém, they may write you a silly little poém to make you love 'em.
Or even worse, in reverse, with their verse, coerce your mind and soul to converse.
And even if their ascent is traverse and the obstacles adverse, routes to them are diverse.

They refine their craft to give you a raft, don't be daft, they rehearse for the terse,
tiptoeing over the perverse, not wanting to averse. They wanna choke the horses of your hearse.
They have no need to beg and plead. Just a wish to slap your ***, your steed.
They just wanna make fear disperse for it they accurse, knowing well it's a curse.
No need to look for your purse. Your courage will theirs reimburse
and your smile their swollen fingers nurse.

See, the reaper wants the tails of coins thus places them on eyes faced reverse.
The bohém kick groins and leave traces but from coins take a print of the obverse.
Why? Cause they want not heads, but what's in them. They want your head to stay ahead.
Cause when a head is spiked by tails and filled with flashy tales, it is as good as dead.
They want to help you stay afloat - forget about the raft, think bigger, think of a boat.
Like evergreen crickets they ask you to disburse your fears and reverse your tears.

They ask not for a penny, just a thought or two, not many.
Like the ***** eyed and slightly sane miss Moneypenny.
Some call it a gift, many a curse. A curse the bohém can inverse
cause they submerse spirit in a lyrical sea and lower the stars for you to see.

Remember and beware, if you reward them with something as simple a stare,
you could be blinded by a hearty glare. Now you've been reminded, all's fair and square.
So why not just stay there? It's just your spirit they may ensnare like a hare,
only to mend it's wounded knee so that it can again hop away and be free.

Art is the heart of the bohém and their heart is their art.
So if you ever want to, thank them not with money but with a snack,
sprinkle a piece of your heart with honey. They'll bite it and give you two back.
Eat one too and make like a dove to flee to the place you really want to be.
Ride the waves like Nikolai's bumblebee and fulfill your uncharted destiny.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2013
I gather up my purses, I don't want to be late, It's the dating adventure.
My friend set me up on blind date, i think she was blind, she said he looked like Fabio, to me he resembled ET. I'm not one that is shallow or mean but he didn't not have a good personally like I was lead to believe. I feel like i was deceived, he was not interesting to talk at all.
I thought I would give it another try with a different guy, maybe I would have better luck  
I am generous and willing to stick out my neck for a friend, but the guy constantly had me pick up the check with the excuse he forgot his wallet in his other pants or he would reimburse me once he got paid etc. I wish I would not have paid for his lobster with dessert on the side. Dating is an unpredictable ride.
One time I went out with a guy and my sister asked me how my date went I replied what date it was like babysitting. In the search for my honey, I was the one that kept getting stung, bad dates are no fun. I know dating does not come with any guarantee or money back policy. I wish it would for me. I have learned from this not so great dating adventure. I am waiting for a true gentleman it will be worth the wait.
Enjoy Ladies, I think you might be able to relate. Maybe you guys can relate too.
limited knowledge like the texture of the universe
incarnate into thunderbird till you reimburse
being human, yoga seeking union, change wave like a pitch bend
Discard the temporary factors reach the innermos,t ego rend,
rightly reach the innermost self within his or her own being, discarding on the way all temporary characteristics when asked to move do I
Move my atman or my body?
Do You own your soul like a new bugatti
Try to see it as it truly is
the body is insignificant
eternal forever ripping it.
I am the servant when I know my body
Yours when I live like atman highly
I contain without recipticol i.e
Is god different than matter, what IC..
Does it matter? knowledge
offered fresh like silver platter
that eyeB
"Move *****! "
"Do I move my body or my soul?"

Om purnamadah purnamidam
purnat purnam udacyate
purnasya purnam adaya

Om, that is infinite and this is infinite
the infinite comes from the infinite.
Subtracting the infinite from the infinite,
the infinite remains.
Louis Brown Sep 2010
I stand by in awe

When beings live this life

Not lipping Bible verse

But doing kindly deeds

No mindful that their God

May ever reimburse
Copyright Louis Brown
ORLA Mar 2013
Dear sir,

Please find enclosed one heart,
as per ordered one week ago.
If damaged on arrival, please
Feel free to send it back to us
For a replacement, free of charge.
But if the packaging is torn,
We will assume you broke it,
And we will not reimburse you.

God & Co.
Tommy Johnson Jun 2015
I brought some wine for us for while we work
But we got too drunk to do anything
Another day perhaps, yes?
I'm sorry

Become what you love
Know what it is you want
Remain positive
Extend yourself to all others
Free yourself from obsession

Look at our food, all dressed up
You better finish it, there's starving kids in Africa
They all took up space, carried dead weight
Not getting any younger
Xerox days constructed by a constant
Countless times, countless lives, make them count
The neighborhood will reimburse you

Know change is always present
And you are limitless
Make everything clear
Find your motive
Go at it with euphoria
Align yourself
Then achieve

What to do?

Balance the opposites
Take responsibility for your actions
Trust to your instincts
Accept truth and speak it
Dare to question

I'll never settle for less than
In this case
Nothing whatsoever
Fun dissension pops up
Name and address withheld
Uphill battle wages on

Feel the vibration
See the wonders of the world
Gain your perspective
Be grateful for it
We are all blessed

Go, grow, go, grow


I'm certain of all of this
Call me old-fashioned
In contrast to convey
So uncanny
The ladder and the former
Steam powered
The naked eye has seen everything

Always doing it the hard way

Remain patient
Stay gentle
Always be giving

Our notability

Closed off

The method, the message


Without alarm we would never wake
The Top dog is not playing dead
The offspring of hope looking for a laugh
Did they see what I heard? It was silent and bright

Be humble
Know moderation
Have total control of yourself

They want to go speak to the lawyer
To whom it may concern
Rather speak to the jury
Couldn't be bothered with our testimony
Left them all and walked the earth

Laying awake in my squeaking bed
I cannot sleep, I bash my head
Now my sheets are running red

I cannot stand for this

Like that
Men must man-up

Can you feel the world moving as you sit there sealed within yourself?

This is what you're here for
To discover and learn
Build your own destiny
Decide your fate
Through generosity
Your intuition will guide you

Modern harvest
Commercial compensation

Plucking between her eyebrows

Making us dance


From me, to you

It's just the wind
It's never just the wind

Could it be?
You would be hard pressed to believe
It will all come to order
It will be natural

Let it come naturally

The temporary
The permanent
The starts
The stops
The solstice
The equinox
The opening
The closing
The beginning
The end
We are complete
It is finished
It comes back again
Mike Hauser May 2013
This is where it is I stand
The other side of norm
A little offbeat some might say
To me it feels like home

There's no one here to blame
Wouldn't even if I could
Crazy is as crazy does
Welcome to my neighborhood

So hail the nearest taxi cab
I'll reimburse you for the fair
When asked where it is your heading to
Tell them to the other side of I don't care

When it is you do arrive
Sit a spell if you care to
Think your going to like it here
There's always extra room

It's one crazy adventure
We'll welcome you with open arms
After all you've always been one of us
Outside the realm of norm
Told at age 18 she's gonna go blind at 26
Wrote it down in her notebook
Tucked it away in a junk drawer
full of glass eyes
one for every outfit
pearl for the wedding
Ebony for Halloween
Nine to five on Saturday
She rents out the left socket to local businesses
sold that part of herself to make a quick buck.
Quickly get his fix
Won't feel him in the morning.
doesn't feel anything anymore
Gave her spine away too
replaced it for a zipper to better access her marionette ribcage
thought she could cut out the strings
left a scar so big it needed more then buttons and thread
goes by cupcake
puts her frosting on every morning
has to taste sweet
boys like the red dye
dripped into batter
almost without notice.
Nobody will notice
when it goes off
comes out
Red dye blood splotch
the epidural
won't feel anything
doesn't feel anything anymore
a part she can't even feel
the wedding dress she still hasn't picked up
or canceled
paid for
By renting out space.
white with ebony lace
beautiful pearl jewelry
like glass eyes
drawers full of glass eyes
she plucked out so she didn't have to look
watch it grow
the hospital didn't reimburse her for this feeling
they didn't warn her about the ticking clock
screaming mothers
mirage houses with white picket fences
only barren desert wastelands
tumbleweeds taunt her in the worst of nightmares
Screaming churn crying soft
Cribs and cages
Marbles clinked as she pulled out the junk drawer
rolled past the frosting colored pistol
around a notebook
the notebook she wrote every picture she didn't want to see anymore down in.
the notebook she picked up first.
I could drive you to the city,
So you could hear how loud they scream.
Amidst the dust and torn grey ribbon,
Through their cold and granite dreams.
And i can't remember home.

And we could up and leave the city,
Because we fear how loud they scream.
Unwilling to be deafened,
By the cries of concrete teens.
And we're lost within our home.

And we could sit outside the city,
Watch their bleak fire fuel their screams.
Find our fields of warming yellow,
And smile inside our dreams.
And i can't remember home.

Reimburse my colour.
Exit through the grey window.
Giani LaDavia Apr 2012
The words from man’s mouth expire into deep waters, but maybe you can hear me out.
Underneath salvation skies, I can see the darkness in your eyes.
I can still remember the sound of the acoustic guitar as we danced and the minutes flying by.

I can still taste the champagne on your lips from our first year’s kiss.
Has anyone ever told you the meaning behind angels and belles?
Sometimes it feels as though my own answers don’t reimburse me satisfaction.
In this arctic moment, my heart freezes when I touch your hand and all that’s left is your heavy breathing.

I watch from the sidelines as life passes by and I can barely taste it.
Days and nights live together in my head.
My only desire is to untie and expose our emotions then explore our minds.
Has anyone ever told you the meaning behind angels and belles?
Like a ***** holding up a ceiling tile
My life has been a spiralling circle
Growing upward, getting closer to seeing my angels
While going in circles, living the same life listening and running the same lies
Until I finally come to the point of darkness and utopia and reimburse my time with the ones I miss dearly , in the point of the upward spiral
Just a short thought of life and death and missed ones
Kevin Sep 2022
Violence can take hold of anyone;
It strips away the virtues of what one was;  
It is the thing that breeds contempt in one's soul,
It forces them to lash out from the depth below;

A depth so dark where terror fills the night,
A place so cold that Hell would never know,
A silence so loud, it would drive one insane;
So grim this place, no one could ever brave.

These “Ones” whose virtues were compromised
Seek vengeance against the deviants of immoral genocide;
To lash against the transgression wrought upon their souls,
To reimburse the deviants ten thousand fold.

Retribution will be made on their day of reckoning
As these deviants will regret the pain and suffering
They invoked upon the “Ones” they wronged.

For now they wish they never engaged
In their acts of brutality and incoherent rage.

Justice has set forth and finally prevailed.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
— George Orwell
Steve Page Dec 2022
... that is not important.

You’ve spent your time
– so much of our time -
on something that is not important.
And what’s more, you already knew that.
And still you went on
in the hope that it might redeem itself.

We both know what’s important
and what’s not.
We know what is worth our time,
our attention, our tears,
our sleepless nights.
We know what is worth our pain
and what is not.

And yet,
you have near exhausted your time
and, by extension, our time
on something that will never reimburse us.
Something that has cheapened you – us -
and has reduced us to this.

I need to know -
will you fight for something that is important?
And are we important to you?
Relationships  are tough
The Greatest Gift of All
Comes from our Helper,
Our Heavenly Father.

Who, with Great Mercy
Bore His Only Son, the Divine Fruit
To redeem us from the Fires of Sin
And the Smoke of Anarchy.

Shining from the Son,
There are other Great Gifts given
And each of them Play a certain Role in Life
While others could reimburse their fife.

The most Important
Which always keeps Constant
To the Heart.
Taping two People; Then stapling the Many
To God's Unbiased Paper.
A Work of Art.
Josh Hall Mar 2014
What do I do?
What do I do?
I'll ******* break them,
The storm I've made drapes them!
The specters don't listen if you don't lead them to their tombs,
A *******'s Satan-son lets his voice echo and loom.
All the times I look at you,
"What's wrong with you?"
"We're ******* through!"
Let it go!
It's nothing new!
And we're all ******!
Can't let it go,
Blow over the band,
The pain will fall down with the sand,
Just let it go,
And tell me that you know,
To drop it!
Drop it!
Forget it all!
Watch the fall!
Watch you drop it!
Drop it!
******* all,
Drop it!
Let me sail on through,
Then notice the pretty view,
The tempest on the wake,
Is brewing an underworld earthquake,
Let fire reimburse me,
Let go for your own sake,
Tell me that your life's not at stake.
So move on!
Drop it!
I'm stuck with the ones who will never understand,
Reality is fragile,
Reality's in demand,
You want your salvation?
Take this plan,
Take this gun,
Take the trigger,
To your skull,
Release your specters to the world,
Or you could get off your ***,
Point the gun where it belongs,
Then they might drop it.
Sang this for my friends and they loved it! One dude told me I need Jesus (U.U)
Melaka Jude Jul 2016
A fleeing moment not too soon
To be withdrawn from loving praise
A hefty hollow in my heart
Not for me to see coming days

A vague moment in thought
Ever enthroned with joy
To feel a symphony in a mere bliss
To see one with a heart of gold

To visualise a sight
A sight to behold and cherish
A point where time stands still
And the strokes of existence
Come to an weary halt

For that one moment
The reimburse of peace
The steps of solitude
To a glorifying moment
Of ever-lasting joy
Entombed in a true soul
Disclaimer: This poem isn't mine. It is written by one of my friends. I want to show him that he can be acknowledged here for his writing. Please leave a like after reading this to show my friend how much he can be recognized!!!!!
Kuah Yee Han May 2015
Here, I got something to tell you guys
It's not about apple pies, nor some fries
This IS the real me, not a disguise
Can't you see behind those stupid lies?
I'm in the afterlife, looking past my own demise
Call forth to the entity of rhymes, arise

Rapping doesn't need curses
Just look at all of my other verses
Sure, they do make it diverse
In a bucket full of it, my head I immerse
The imprest system I reimburse
I'm trying to rehearse, traverse the world, please don't make it worse.

I know, what I'm doing is adverse towards you but no inhibition
Just clear your vision, pay attention, and listen.
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
She’s not the woman in red,
She’s not out to win her bread,
She’s wanting something else instead.

There’s no need to fill her purse,
What she craves for is much worse,
And she won’t ever reimburse.

She’s hunting for precious life,
She cares not of how much strife
Is brought upon a man and wife.

She wants him in her power,
Makes him fall any hour,
But her sweetness turns to sour.

She gives pleasures to borrow,
Makes him forget the sorrow
Of remorse he’ll bear tomorrow.

From the first time that he fell,
Her steps led him on to hell.
Most don’t escape, but time will tell.
Proverbs 5
Zachary Mar 2015
from suffrage to making it sound that way on the radio,
worlds creativity has stopped,
year of "female pop"
Kanye spazzing every four to five seconds,
we can hope paul didnt write the plot,
i wanna reimburse your ears and soul with blood,
hope it clots
Sara Brummer Sep 2018
Sick of too much bright?
Dissolve into the velvet night.
Shake out the dust of stars,
Quench the fire, blow in the wind.
Maintain the subtle balance
That silence will allow.
Reflect attack and reimburse
With kindness.
Don’t fight the fading flesh
Nor quarrel with the unexpected present.
Admire the simple, ignore the shame.
Explore that train of light
And with one single backward glance
Consume all the grief that one life
Can contain.
Bryan Nov 2017
He must have seen my face,
and smelled the adrenaline
as I searched for my blade,
thoughts of anger turned to him.

He reached into the air,
In attempt to catch the wind,
And in his hand appeared my heart.
The monster held me at his whim.

"I am bound by rule,
as was The Queen, by this curse.
I can only hint
at the nature of its worst.
I have played my part well,
if I may say so first.
The rules of curse dictate
it is time to reimburse.
...With that being stated,
I'm sorry if this hurts..."

Frozen in my place
by the touch he did impart,
I was once again at mercy
of the mystery of art.
Rumpelstiltskin, in control,
took my sword, and pierced my heart.
I saw it melt into the blade,
as it became the vital part.
I once again could move,
I realized, with a start.

"Here now, we have an edge,"
he said, "that knows a thing or two
about the rose, and the thorn,
and the cold and fire, too.
It has pierced the hearts of three,
first me, then queen, then you.
This sword knows more
of this kingdom than you do.
When it's placed within your palm,
you will only see the truth.
Keep it with you always.
May your rule be long and smooth."

I hesitated, full of fear,
that this act had been a ruse,
and Rumpelstiltskin had been waiting
for this very moment's cue
to strike me down with magicked blade,
if his appearance was a clue.
...But then again, I recalled,
how my men had been subdued,
and in my horror, at their states,
I might have stricken them down, too.
This ugly vision lended aid,
and nothing more that came undue.

I was shocked and dismayed
and overjoyed at what ensued:
When I gripped the Thorn of Rose,
every lie I ever knew
was blown away, in single gust:
So much smoke through open flue.
Rumpelstiltskin had gone,
and a blizzard filled the room.
John McCafferty Jan 2020
Flapping flames fall from above
A reflection of affliction
Kissed by death when time is up

The transference of one

To reimburse the curse
a cycle continues of the young
From which we all grow older
to become shards of the sun
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
The one Jul 2018
The epithet for you? Oh god lemme just use this poem to describe. The incantation I will use is “aberrant.”
God I sound like an english teacher but I will pursue. Let’s begin....

You, love,
are aberrant.
yet beautifully,
and might I add intoxicatingly imperfect.

I can’t breathe enough of the air you reimburse on the world.

Your walls I wish to break down are naught to the cracking in my one you’ve taken a sledge to.

There’s always the one you save, and the one that saved you.

You, love...

Saved me in ways none could comprehend.

Thank you for you for the aberrant person you have become.
I love you
when suicide, is glued inside
The will to survive, in you divides
And when it gets too hard to deny
Do or die, becomes do and die....

So I divise a list wit a few or five
Plus 7 for 12 ways to do it by
And if I left a letter for suicide
Itd be this list and "***** it bye":

Knife to my throat is felt
Gun in my mouth, then squeeze
Inject ****** in myself to help
Permanently put me out, and sleep

Infront of a bus, I just leap
Cut my wrists, and slit deep
Find someone to lay wit aids and sleep
If they refuse I'll ****, like a creep

Start my cars engine, take a seat
parked in my garage that's closed
attach the exhaust pipe to a hose
Then inhale til pale, all the smoke

Go to a kkk rally, all black clothes
Blasting Rap music, then I'd say
I'm a Jewish Muslim feminist
against ****** & flamboyantly gay

While I burn a confederate flag
And If that don't get me killed
dad says I dont finish what I start, he'll be proud cuz this time will

So the bathtub with water I'll fill
Then Plug in my radio and shower
For execution by electrocution
or just Jump off the cn tower

Skip like a school girl in rush hour
Across the highway until Im hit
Climb in a dumpster on garbage day before their pick up and sit

And that's another 12 that's it
I reject what many call a gift
To reimburse this curse, that birth
Gave hurt, but I know this...

That.when suicides glued inside
will survive, in divides
It's too hard to.deny so you decide,
That Do or die, is do and die
Michael Marchese Aug 2023
Not another word
About my misbegotten
All compendiums
In every bit as worthless
As these verses
Reimburse me
For the squandered
Fortunes fated
To be spent
In purgatories
Just a man
In a prison
Of what vision’s
City ruins
Have created
I have crumbled
Like a cookie dipped in milk,
By the weight of over-shaded  
Like a flower left to wilt
There were no pills
Or panaceas
To alleviate undoing
Only bills to pay
Atop already
Mountain debts
All before we even come to her
To once upon a time
We were
Like fairy tales
Enamored bliss
Impaled upon
I owe nothing
for I've given more than I should
Days, Weeks, Months, Years.

So what need is there for you
to reimburse something that
Never. Was.
Luna Casablanca Jan 2019
Will the avalanche occur on the Yukon
the day I choose to walk?
I’m here to forget my troubles,
not hear nature’s anger
Will a shark bite my leg off
the morning I surf the Pacific Coast
to regain my bliss?
I am not here to invade the shark’s
home, I am giving myself an athletic
How much more can I lose?
Have I worked hard enough?
I felt as if I should be nice,
but that was a fight,
and I was supposed to be
I don’t want my worst moment
to happen again.
I want to be a good woman
and a selfless friend.
I will keep myself calm,
keep my tongue still.
I will be polite if someone criticizes me or
insists I accept their help,
indeed they will.
They know I am different,
and strange.
We humans are a cluster of works in
not a group to be arranged.
I am here for the same reason,
they are no better no worst.
Changing to be improved
is a gift,
and very much so a curse,
I will change,
I’ll reimburse,
but never again,
will I be that
The future is in my hands,
not in my purse.
This is not worth a word in the dictionary
of words of curse,
I’d like to be better and humble,
no longer worse.
Pill her in the community
not a ***** pushed through a door
that wasn't there before
after spreading a rumour
no means yes
with scolpamine
"they like puppets,
women muppets"

it works better if you only show
your back on street
they think,  never did meet
no need to greet
or reimburse
we got evidence

witnesses, got skin in the game
you pray....we prey
we even script wrote the play
Which craft- ed- it- or art
waited so, so, so long, to narrate
His-story  from the first hurt
I wish this for all young girls and boys
may the Force not be 'with' you
Abi May 2020
It's a revolution
The dead cry out for unjust justice
Secrets and lies covering reality
The black veil is slipping off
Too late to cower and hide
The recompense of the evil
Would be a nations worth
Crimes against the masses
Against the globes euphoria
It's time to reimburse mortals

It's a revolution
The women cry for equality
Male chauvinist pig
Defiled seek vengeance
Sexists should vanish
Women shining bright and proud
Vanquished in your egotistical asylum

It's a revolution
The earth cries for restoration
Destruction from reformation
we slowly drain her of life
Chipped wood and flattened vastness
Broken ice and drowning bears
The bipolar anomaly
Rain dance sun drop
Winters heat and summers freeze

It's a revolution
The animals going extinct
Their cries we hear no more
poaching and hunting for these limited editions
build sanctuaries and imitate their terrain
lock em up in cages for people to see them happy
happy in  their natural habitat
man-made perfectly for their convenience
we forget they were born to the wild
wild with no confinement or rules
living a natural unmonitored life in the wilderness

Are these all wishes to
the cure for THE cancer
cancer growing in size and strength
but not growing ours minds
to accomodate and integrate
that which it deems different and alien
just because it does not understand it
what a backward way of thinking
for a race that existed since dawn
not as smart as we thought we were
'*** we're missing sight of the big picture
that's staring us right in the face.
Lake previous poetic effort,
sans spiritus mundi, converse
sing a boot unfamiliar thread,
and ignored common
sense ne'er re: hearse
sing, asper William Butler Yeats,

aye went off deep end, perhaps
provoked at least une nurse
sis sear re: literary unlicensed violation,
and additionally one emphatic curse,
where mine poe whet
tick feet did immerse

for the methamphetamine time acid,
(I said to myself), why traverse
pointlessly imagining something worse
tread about, i.e. say...tripping
along head over heels, yet
nagging notion would not disperse

venturing blithely writing
plunging into terra incognita parallel
universe a "multiverse"
herewith also Ark
chew woolly Noah intent
for yours truly to drown while purse

sue wing abstract notion,
viz domain of science fiction,
never intermittently intersperse
sing following lines with "HELP, I need
somebody...", nor deliberately submerge
readers within a mini sea course

of confusion, but I feel confounded
gripped, lured...and will gladly reimburse,
should delving over my head diverse
if eyeing breadth, length, scope...
beyond realm of mom and pop verse
a tile theoretical physicists,

who casually identify ten dimensions
— eleven including time, nor averse
slithering thru worm holes
such more'n flight of fancy seems perverse,
whereat numberless whirled

wide webs presents obverse
to accepted paradigm reverse
sing scientific tenets describing
quarks, plus portal bellow much

room (See Alice in Wonderland) disperse
sing notions, where exodus
into alternate self contained
separate cosmological infinitesimal channels
far more exciting than reality television!
Lake mine previous
(stream of consciousness
imponderable) poetic efforts,
sans spiritus mundi, converse
sing a boot unfamiliar thread,
and ignored common
sense ne'er re: hearse
sing, asper William Butler Yeats,
aye went off deep end, perhaps
provoked at least une nurse
sis sear re: literary unlicensed violation,

and additionally one emphatic curse,
where mine poe whet
tick feet did immerse
for the methamphetamine time acid,
(I said to myself), why traverse
pointlessly imagining something worse
tread about, i.e. say...tripping
along head over heels, yet
nagging notion would not disperse
venturing blithely writing

plunging into terra incognita parallel
universe a "multiverse"
herewith also Ark
chew woolly Noah intent
for yours truly to drown while purse
sue wing abstract notion,
viz domain of science fiction,
never intermittently intersperse
sing following lines with "HELP, I need
somebody...", nor deliberately submerge
readers within a mini sea course

of confusion, but I feel confounded
gripped, lured...and will gladly reimburse,
should delving over my head diverse
if eyeing breadth, length, scope...
beyond realm of mom and pop verse
a tile theoretical physicists,
who casually identify ten dimensions
— eleven including time, nor averse
slithering thru worm holes
such more'n flight of fancy seems perverse,

whereat numberless whirled
wide webs presents obverse
to accepted paradigm reverse
sing scientific tenets describing
quarks, plus portal bellow much
room (See Alice in Wonderland) disperse
sing notions, where exodus
down the rabbit hole
into alternate self contained
separate cosmological infinitesimal channels
far more exciting than reality television!

— The End —