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Johnny Zhivago Aug 2013
Spanish influenza
walking pneumonia
icepick headache
common cold
whooping cough
getting old

flat foot
bad back
heel spur
heart attack
tongue tied

my weakness
is my forte
my sickness is  my skill
my illness
is my realness
it makes my life a thrill

Trying to fight this
runny nose
tooth decay
hat hair
broken bones

bed bound
flea ridden

wom­b fever
winter fever
black water fever
remitting fever
ship fever
jail fever
camp fever
or schizophrenia

scarlet fever
American plague
rock n roll
Got gas
In both holes

and SARS
man flu
bird flu
swine flew
from Mars

multiple sclerosis
tennis elbow-sis
stomach ulcers
and leukaemia
night blindness
lung cancer
sickle-cell anaemia

French pox
Knocked right

Sleep walker
Sleep talker
Absent minded

Tourettes, ****
Food poisoned!
Warted over
My Psoriasis
(Will I survive this?)

Worm fit
Water on
the brain

seeing things
rattly chest
bad breath
la duzi
black death

lice and
leg bone

bubonic plague
black *****
feeling ****
bone shave
falling sickness
wanna stop
just cant quit

Huntington's and
Parkingson's and
Hay fever
Typhoid fever
Glandular fever
Night fever
And Hysteria

cancer crab
stillborn twin
bad blood

Parking spot
all the wounds in
all the militaries
pity thee with
lost agility
lost babes or

ear infection
E to A
chicken pox
cow pox
what a day

panic stricken
star struck
headless chicken
bad luck

in the void
stomach ulcers
feeble pulses

wrists and knees
bad digestion
quinsy palsy
ticks and fleas

heart failure
bad behaviour

By gosh, no!
Poorly are ye?
‘Fraid so.

        suffer me
suffer me
suffer me
let me be



its complicated
im superior
its complicated
im inferior
its complicated
im a short man
got ingrown hairs
got a bad tan

im suffering
im suffering
im suffering
and nosebleeds

toxic shock
got it down
irritable bowel

yellow nail
restless leg


post rubella
riley day
straight back

we are prone
drug addicts
we are prone
mind benders
we are prone
fortune spenders
we are prone

My illness, my illness
My illness is my realness

*Pick it up
Tide it over
Fight it off or
Cave in

Save it
Suffer it
Pass it on
When its Raining

bleed him
restrain him
shave his

he went from being
quite well
to being quite
unfinished but did you bother to the end?
The relentless sound of the sky exploding, shattering into a thousand shards.
Flashes of light overhead, trench Romanticism at play.
Oxygen becomes smoke, sulfur watered eyes.

I love Bonfire Night.
Happy Pyromania Day, everyone.
Sayer Mar 2013
a toast to the gangsters, a toast to the pimps
stand up gentleman take a bow take a bow
a toast to the ******, a toast to the wanna be lovers
stand up ladies take a bow
curtsy) if you’re up to it
poor legs
poor nails
poor car

spoiled slandering moving cat
across the room across
the spill across
the dress across
the yelling and the screaming oh make it stop
will they just shut up
for some peace....and quiet....
cars’ been destroyed dress’ been ruined
oh make it stop

bathe in the fire
walk through the flames

come out a winner
go right to dinner
sleep wake up
I’m here at last mother(the final step)
what could I be for the soiled money
buy everything and stick it in
forget about those getting stuffed and thrown
i am my own&mor;;

walk past the homeless who knows anyways
upon all upon you this is burning

watchthecars watch the cars

quickly swiftly they move fast and
i am happiness
does this make you happy
the world we live in struck down by lightening and thunder ****** **** ****** theft
all of the rage and anger’s been kept
unto this moment untothisdream
i am in control of my own dreams my own mind

watch it burn
burn it all

if i were God’s foot i would smash it all
no man two hundred feet tall
feel like it lie to yourself sleep wake up repeat
if i if i if i could i would
burn it all

today the education of the nation has been flushed away
reading a book has been forgotten and instead they read how to take drugs through a can
i can i can i can
burn it all

fathom me into the faintest
pyromania-(the world we live in)-a statement of love and blessing
faith’s faith in the world has failed
i have failed
it’s all burning already there’s no way to stop it

this is all i have left
at your feet
i must break through this wall
two hundred thousand feet tall
t h------ ick take a

everyone’s lying and everyone’s crying and everyone’s dying
please dear Jesus do something please
i can not do this all on my own
i am sick call a doctor over there’s the phone

no more snow and no more rain
lay down all of your strain
your stress is at my disposal
only a few days left
we can watch it burn together
(I am burnt)
third degree
just come and help me
let us feel the click between us

we are One and I’m no longer afraid
of the world we live in perhaps
but you are my hope

(when i think of you i know
exactly in the end where we will go)

i am a flower
hold me
embrace me
let me know that I am loved too
Anger turns to happiness quick, in other words--
tayler Jan 2014
wrinkles of fire,
parting the atmospheric
sea surrounding.
lost within
the flame,
i watch my troubles
into the smoke,
drifting into
the wind,
dancing upon
the void.
floating ever upwards,
my troubles
to the transcendent
ears of the
angles that hide
in the spaces
of silence and
the moments
of darkness
between the stars.
RA Jan 2014
I surround myself with those
who shine so much more brightly
than I ever will and then
somehow expect people to see my faint twinkle
A dying candle next to a bonfire,
only appearing bright when they are dim,
only fully daring to breathe
when there is no greater claim to the oxygen
than mine, only ever appearing strong
when there are none to be stronger
and demonstrate through example
how weak I truly am.
(And though I would love
to shine brightest, I have been caught up
in heady pyromania)

January 19, 2014
Viseract Mar 2016
With an all-consuming fire,
He pulls out his lighter.
A little flame of hope
For a hopeless little pyro
I am writing a story about a pyromaniac at the moment. Guess what it's called? Inferno. How typical of me, so original
Rin Jun 2013
They're all delusional.*

They can only wish they're as flammable as we are,
because together we make the sun look like a chunk of painted rock...

**..and they're all freezing.
Cay Genevro Sep 2015
She threw herself into heartbreak
like a moth drawn to a flame.
Then learned to heal the burns she had
& just jumped in again.

He became inflamed in sorrow,
but she said it kept her warm.
So he kept the flames of sadness lit,
even though it caused him harm.

In summer, they'd only wonder
why charred flowers wouldn't grow.
In winter, they'd only simmer
as they mistook the ash for snow.

Everyone tried to tell them,
but they never seemed to learn.
So how do you save two people
who are convinced they want to burn?
inspired by e.h.
It feels like heaven,
Surrounded by my fearsome fires
I’m their God
I created them
And they can fall at my hands
Their feisty heats
Are amazing feats
They save me from the bitter cold
For: Huxley Densen, Jenny Thomas, Frances Lefevre, Alistair Cadger, Sigrid Mathiesen, Michael Andersen
kgl Apr 2014
we whispered with passion
made love to a lie
we burned with a fire
that destroyed you and I
miranda schooler Jan 2014
my fire for you is sweet like
melted sugar and i
love that
and it's like kissing a shooting star that's about to **** you and it's
like holding a blue candle in your hands and realizing
you're so pale that the wax turns the color of the sky the day you
told me you wanted to be friends.
i want you to draw a city sky on my kite string arms and a road
of evergreens on my telephone wire hips.
i've never told you this... i never
wanted you, but i always needed you, and that's why i think i love you.
something whispers in my ear when
your fingers wisp through my hair that tells
me to laugh in your face when you tell me
you love me back.

it's like a smack in the soul saying

and then i do, and you still love me...

even then.
Persephone Aug 2016
I think I'm a lover of fire.
Candles and incense, bonfires and fireplaces, passion and creative force, stars and sage, the rising and falling of the sun.
The destruction of the old, the birth of the new.
Igniting the flame. Being set ablaze.
The heat,
The energy,
The burn.
CE Thompson Aug 2014
you've got a forest burning in your eyes
that's never going to grow from the ashes
so move to the city and knock it down
like building blocks you want to go back to
but there's too many lovers in the way
so come away to the meadow with me
plant a few flowers and watch them grow to the sky
we have nowhere to be til they touch the stars
and then we can climb their young stalks
to see how far we've come since we lit a match
Don't give up. We've still got a lifetime to change
Riley R Jun 2015
It pains me, a bit
to think about the possibilities
of life if you were here,
if I could watch your smile
bloom upon your face
see the signs of laughter brewing
just after I’ve said something silly.
I’d cook you dinner
and blush with happiness
when you teased me for my
utter lack of skill
and after you would make hot cocoa
for our movie marathon
and we’d have punch drunk discussions
on the philosophy of psychopathic ******
for dessert.
While the credits rolled
your eyes would droop
and your head, heavy with sleep
would rest sweetly on my shoulder.

Would I kiss you, then?
Softly, so as not to ruin the mood?
Or fierce and biting with the breaking
of long-held restraint?
Would you invite me to your bed?
And if you did, would I accept?
Or would I stroke your hair
and kiss you a gentle goodnight
at your bedroom door?
Would we grow old together,
counting wrinkles as they form,
marking the days with
ridiculous anniversaries:
first kiss, first fight, first joint bout of pyromania?
Or would it end, perish early
like so many things are wont to do?

Would you die first?
Or would I?
And when we were gone
would we have anyone
to tell stories about us
and the crazy things we no doubt said and did?

Would I ever tell you this poem was about you?
Maybe, if you were here, I could.
s Jun 2018
there's a lot wrong
with the earth-
& with my head
i'm trying to shed my addict skin
i'm so much more than what i depict
& i've come pretty far,
considering where i've been

& this world may be bleak
but i've gained some light
by burning down every
bridge in my sight-
you may say my pyromania
is born out of spite
but your toxicity is now gone.
i can finally breathe right.

so i'm going to continue
to fix myself
i'll box up old memories,
hide them high on a shelf
because i’m done treating the past
as my prison cell.
i've roamed ******* far
from the pits of your hell.
CH Gorrie Sep 2012
In the form of transparent, bundled tumbleweed
it allows us to breathe, the continuation
of carbon dioxide creation, the movement
of clouds and mists and birds, certain natural disasters,
being able to skim bays at a full sail
or the next step a plane takes after taxiing.

It includes us in the endless repudiation of itself
that it can't seem to –  no matter how it may try –
reverse or cure, bringing earlier
peoples to know it as a supernatural force
(there was simply no other reasonable choice available).

And for some reason
it keeps engaging in pyromania as it aids and abets
whatever impulsive firework-lighting-thrill-seekers
or placid cigarette-****-litterers did or did not
purposefully do.
miles Oct 2016
fire entrances me
hypnotizes me
as it eats my flesh
and yet its still
as it kills me
i am truly
a moth to a flame
Tati Streidl Nov 2017
call me a pyromaniac
but i will simply call myself a lover of warmth and light.
i have been an arson in my own home, over and over,
not my house built up from the earth with brick, and mortar,
but my home.
this body.
this skin.
because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the flames leaped high enough
to foxtrot with the chandelier ,
or the way
the smoke curled with every heart beat, or blink of an eye,
whispering sweet nothings to clean air in my lungs
or the way I danced barefoot to the beat of the fire alarm,
look at me and my passionate party!
i am a pyromaniac
going out of my mind and into a box of matches,
or maybe,
my soul is on fire, fueled while I bleed my kerosene blood,
and I have simply learned to dance in my own flames.
Silver Heinsaar Apr 2017
As i walk in your house
Pouring gasoline around the place
And there you are, *******.
Your beautiful cries
Light my heart on fire
Your scarlet eyes
It's all that i desire.

I kiss your cherry lips
I serve you some wine
It's almost ready, can you smell?
Tonight we're going straight to hell.

Remember when we met
We were a perfect match
The warmth of your smile
Your red cheeks, the crimson sky
You were a devil in disguise.

The flames of our love
Burned brighter than the sun
Now all that remains, is my heated passion
I'll send you home
Don't worry, you're not alone
We'll travel together
To meet your father
The satan himself.

Why do you struggle?
Let me drain your blood
Stop causing trouble
While i form the sign of our love
Finally, our contract is ready
I ignite the candles and now we're steady.
Null Dec 2014
Pyromania teaches you
Playing with fire
is much like
playing with hearts,
someone will always
feel the burn.
Regal Pinion Mar 2014
Should I speak with velocity
As I claim to leak veracity?
Share a fair stare leads to “harassing me”
Silence holds a gold ferocity
But platinum resides inside a travesty
Yet the origins of this casualty
Was not the first fatality
It's birth was an idea, you see?
Are you sick of this this hostility?
Is your health a grim variety?
Failed to conform to propriety?
Here's an inferno “Oh no, a monstrosity!”
So why chastise my morality?
Must I despise and note your deformity?
Lead covered gold is not a new novelty
But somehow chaos seems so orderly

Cheat on Death with Immortality
Sleep with Lust for chastity
Uniqueness is another banality
Copy/pasted originality
Experience this eternal finality
Our follies are a great mentality
Your demise is your vitality
Real life is surreality
Feign the truth with validity
Pride upon your humility
Rust brags of lost durability
Insomniacs thrive restlessly
If you engage in logomachy
Then you'll love this: sophomachy
“Who's more manly?” Phallomachy
“Let's do what's right!” Hypocrisy

We act like we have modesty
But we boast of prowess internally
“Maybe if I work with integrity,
They might notice, and appreciate me”
Work too hard? Liability
Conned her heart? Lie-ability
Honesty at start? Futility
Torn apart? Utilize utility
Day dream REM stage: Insanity
Sanitize with rage: Calamity
Perhaps it's a phase: Therapy
Live like “good ol' days” regretfully
Raze a raised loving family
Tame their ways with amnesty
And watch them break their identity
Of perfection tainted in fidelity

Are our minds just a cavity?
Uprising against the gravity
Speak high of low society
Think I'm crazy? Analyze me
A grave cradling a memory
Of each ill-fated ideology
We die for our biology
Pyromania is the new cryology
ExulSolus Apr 2015
(Legend: Girl-Italics    Boy-Bold)

As the hot summer wind blows past her face,
There's this warm feeling slowly and gradually churning,
Building and showing no end,
Is this like? Is this hate?

Do I like or hate you? I don't know,
Prob'ly hate.
It's love, can't be anything else,
I love you!

I can't tell if it's love or hate,
I won't stop
Love or Hate?

I can't get his words out of my head!
Love or hate? somewhere in between?
Rather it's closer to both.

Isn't the answer obvious?
Yes, my vision is perfect,
You and me can make a family. Eh!? Family!?

But wait, what, why, how? I'm only fourteen!?
These dating stuff and lov- I love you! Listen to me!
I can't drop my guard.
I'll drown you with love!

I want to try falling in love,
Lightly, softly, like a ball of fur.
While everything's boring around me.
I'll smile.

The two stars will combine and form... A Supernova!
And the world will spring alive!

Is this love? or is it hate?
I don't know...
I hate you, or maybe I love you?

Here! Eh!?

It's a Topaz! The one you wanted on the way home.
While you were staring at it I was watching you,
Our houses are on opposite ends, but let's not worry about that.

But I don't really like his type but...
Eh? did I just hesitate?
It must be because he suddenly did something nice.
I start to feel this sudden warmth.

But even if I try so hard to think it through,
There's no doubt about it, About what?
I love you!
Just trust me on this, there's no problem.


You lit up a softly swaying fire within me, She's watching me!
It's burning me up and getting me high, Pyromania!
I'm in love with you!
I sing proudly while playing my guitar

Oh no, What's this feeling?
The kindness and sweetness I learned.
At times you may be a bit absurd, but...
Your love is pulling me in.

I want to fall in love with you,
Shining, sparkling like glitter.
By loving it, placing it out and nurturing it,
It will start to develop!

Our encounter,
And at the same time,
Our Love,
Weaves us together.

If only I hated you,
I won't feel this warmth.
But now it's different,
Since we're both in love!

Now I know whether I like or hate you,
I like you.
You love me, can't be anything else,
I love you.

This hot throbbing in my chest,
You know what it is!
Love or hate?
credits to Suki Kirai and Souma!
This is actually my first time presenting something under this genre so please bear with me.
ConnectHook Mar 2017
Poetic Pyromania to prepare for NaPoWriMo 2017

Haunted by data, hounded by blog-bots, assailed by algorithms, poets have been reduced to human resources, fractionated, monetized and commodified like petrochemical residues of the antediluvian world. In keeping with that metaphor imposed upon us by ourselves, we await a mere spark to begin consuming our own fuel, flaming voraciously into poetic combustion. Through this incendiary process, we liberate the very energy that an unpoetic world seeks to label, quantify and merchandize. Flame, however, cannot be commodified—only intensified, suppressed, or extinguished. Elemental fire may be started by lightning, produced by physical friction, electro-chemical reaction, or started from a pre-existing blaze. Poetry is similar; whether sent from God as a bolt of epiphany, a spontaneous combustion, or as a transposed flame inspired by anterior works, April is our month for playing with metaphysical fire. It is thus that we, as elemental (or just mental ) poets, refuse, at all levels (lyrical, cultural, mercantile, geologic, celestial and infernal, etc.) to be co-opted, commodified, and/or in any way politically corrected.

We poetic oilmen and women are the active nihilists of a nihilistic era. We locate promising sites, then we draw up, from below the poetic bedrock, raw inspiration. NaPoWriMo allows us to drill deep into the sedimentary layers of poetry and tap into the deposits of lyrical fuel trapped within. Some gets pumped up, some comes gushing spontaneously to the surface in a crude form. It can then be refined to varying degrees of flammability and into differing types of fuel; think diesel versus jet fuel… one will take you further faster, but both are indeed fuel.

As oilmen and women, we pump our precious resource up in raw form from subterranean seas—the remains of lyric flora and fauna of a previous age buried under the silt of an inundation of data-driven global dullness. Through sheer creative will we set these deposits ablaze, to produce, out of the incoherent night that surrounds us, poetic illumination. In the light of our own flame, we cerebrate the utter uselessness of our artistic product—by continuing to create it, refine it, and then burn it up in a transcendent pyre of irrelevance. Thus, we wage uncompromising war against the powers and principalities of technoid global dominion. Our useless words, unread and unwanted, undermine the process of attempted global conquest by the unpoetic Enemy.
It's not a POEM really...
more a poetic screed. But sure was fun writing it !

Come over to my place soon:

National Poetry Writing Month is almost here.
Tiger Striped Jan 2019
fire danced
so elegantly
in your eyes

while my house was burning

and the match
was clenched between
your teeth
phoebe Aug 2020
burning sensations on ****** tongues
( come on baby, light my fire! )
silky fingers slide into my throat and make me
purge a sweet haven for you.
( jesus christ, you’re a mess. )
your mother always said not to mess with fire
but here you are playing with my matches.
Sun Drop May 2018
Just another machination
of my poor imagination
I try to hold, it all comes loose
Beneath the sun, beneath the aging noose.
Obligated by design
I wave my hand, you turn back time
Taking orders 'til I'm dead
It doesn't matter, you're just in my head.
Give in to pyromania
To satisfy my cranium
And when I do get burnt, the scars
mark every lesson learnt, at least thus far.
I wish that I could satisfy
the image that I know that I
could realize if I could just
do this or that or these, but it's all bust.
I'm sick and tired of being told
what people think I think. It's old.
I listen to your words again,
smile, nod my head, and just pretend.
i'm tired of being tired of being tired of being tired of being tired of bein
Ders Jul 2019
Tears shake me I want someone to bless me feeling so oddly queer and I don’t know what I’m doing here is it *** or is it drugs hex myself I think I need a hug for the self or for the hoes I’m needing something to fill the holes of lost loves I’m feeling rough I got my mind stuck in a rut I miss my babes from past lives I miss my old self I don’t know why I keep pushing through to the next breath do y’all know how hard I try to be the light to be the sun I want to be the one for friends to come home to I breathe to live free but keep asking myself why I’m suffering is it the jealousy or just feeling too sluggish sometimes too buff I think to myself do they think I’m a man I think to myself I’m doing what I can their thoughts don’t matter my life I’m climbing ladders how high I’m always asking to the sky we’re always passing don’t know if I pass don’t know why I ask so many friends I’m learning loved ones come straight from that ****** sun nothing makes sense I light a cigarette light some incense thats what the fire signs tell me my pyromania is always testing me figured imma struggle till I die but please just know I try
Most of my Lix spittle existence
     found me figuratively
     (primarily academically) adrift,
     and malfunctioning blinker
analogous to a boat with
     out an ankh (caws

     away) aimlessly bobbing -
     and drowning akin
     to a besotted drinker
     just out of rest to be
     rescued by Mister Rinker

     sea ming lee without
     any hook, line and sinker
despite being gifted with
     an above average thinker
from without, where two
     myopic ocular
     orbs did winker.

All thru academia
just barely passing grades
     suffered from anemia,
and at my nadir,
     thy prepubescent psyche
     plummeted lovely bones
     into grave state,

     sans anorexia minus bulimia
mental health also linkedin
     shot thru through with
     healthy dose of dysthymia
cap (tinned em man hint mettle)
     kept awake with insomnia
peppering cerebral
     cortex with monomania

buzzfeed ding somnambulant
     zombified condition
     with a burning
     desire toward pyromania
nsync with unmanageable
     raging (red dee
     and bull lush) testosterone
     spawning satyromania

the above particularly
     accentuated, and cresting
     with accursed
most agonizing, when
     orbitz around Earth
     demarcated ten plus
     on a Friday the thirteenth,

hence death be not proud
     sought after utopia
pleading, longing, and hooping
     if I Willoughby
     able to sprinkle
     cremated ashes across Xenia.
Most of my Lix spittle
+ four anniversaries
since exiting birth canal
as full term newborn
re: minimally viable existence
post doc severance umbilical cord,
nevertheless yours truly

found himself figuratively
linkedin and tethered to lifeline
particularly in formative years
(primarily academically) adrift,
and malfunctioning blinker
analogous to a boat
without an ankh (clawing

away to stay afloat)
aimlessly bobbing -
and drowning akin
to a besotted drinker
just out of rest to be
rescued by Mister Rinker
sea ming lee without
any hook, line and sinker

despite being gifted with
an above average thinker,
(who calls Lake Wobegon
his birth place)
from without, where two
brown myopic ocular
orbs shutterfly, twitter and winker.

All thru academia
just barely passing grades
nsync with avocations
such as: jigsaw puzzles,
photography, playing piano
weight lifting with free weights
and other endeavors metaphorically
suffered from anemia,
and at my nadir,
thy prepubescent psyche
plummeted lovely bones

into grave state,
courtesy anorexia minus bulimia
mental health also linkedin
shot thru through with
healthy dose of dysthymia
captioned tinker tailor soldier spy
kept awake with insomnia
peppering cerebral
cortex with monomania
buzzfeed ding somnambulant
zombified condition

with a burning
desire toward pyromania
nsync with unmanageable
raging (red dee
and bull lush) testosterone
spawning (when libido
ran rampantly amuck)
satyromania, the above particularly
accentuated, and cresting
with accursed triskaidekaphobia
most agonizing, when

orbitz around Earth
demarcated ten plus three
month date on a Friday the thirteenth,
hence death be not proud
sought after utopia
pleading, longing, and hooping
if I Willoughby
able to sprinkle
cremated ashes across Xenia
after Dayton death.
Pippi Jan 2020
I used to write about my ex a lot. *** so hot I was surprised when our lust ran out of steam.
Then you came, *** could not compare to the explosives of two fire signs detonating, but it was good enough to warm me up, to work up a sweat, to quench my thirst, make me think maybe not the best but **** I’ve had worse. Interestingly the compatibility and probability of a Capricorn man and Leo woman working was extremely low but I was determined to make this work if anything just as a big ******* to astrology. Always the pyromaniac, I was relieved and excited to feel flames again. To feel those sparks to get my ink pen flowing hot lava across the page, but why does it have to derive from pain? My love, I was happy to love you. Oblige you.
Keep you. Bask you in the depths of my love and hoped you came out clean. Every time I love,
I love a little deeper, a little bit more womanly, a little bit more openly, flowing - my love I did not mean to drown you. I should have let you.

April 28th. I wasn’t going to go on that first date with you. It was personally too late into the night for my liking but it fit into your schedule perfectly. I should have taken this as a sign that I would be doing most of the sacrifices and compromises. You wanted to impress me so you agreed to play pool, a game you would lose and afterwards we sat in your car and had a fire conversation. As you poured a little of yourself onto me, I could not help but notice the street lights illuminate your brown sugar face and the stars ***** dance at the vibrations of your laughter. The night was chilly but in the car our dialogue kept me warm and cozy. For a date that I wasn’t about to show up for, I didn’t want to leave. I just wanted to commemorate the anniversary of our first date with you. To celebrate the love that you said singed for me, for it to be a testament that we made it through this year barely unscathed. Most of the scars were mine.

The Bluetooth speaker that you got me for my birthday.The yellow and black checkered Vans that I wore to the Eagles and Steelers preseason game, though I have deleted the pictures with you off of Instagram. It was during that game when you got mad at me for jokingly agreeing with the girl sitting beside you that the Steelers rookie QB was hot, that I saw the honeymoon phase smear right off of your face. Who you pretended to be and who I tried to compromise myself to become began to smolder underneath the heat of the August sun, our incompatibilities started to ring volumes; we didn’t have *** enough, we argued too much and it never resulted with our clothes off and our bodies touching, just me driving home angrily and sleeping alone, this camp fire blazed brightly and blew out quickly. Every time we tried to reignite it, it would blow out just as fast, frustratingly, it is my fault for ignoring such a weak connection.

The iPad that you got me for Christmas. After you opened up the gifts that I bought you, real round and heavy tears ran down your face and caressed my shoulder. We embraced so tightly, so lovingly, it was the most intimate and honest moment we shared. In that moment I knew that you never was really loved, really cared for by many women so I was determined to be that woman for you. I was so dead set on not breaking your heart like your ex girlfriend that I paid no regard to what was happening to mine. Over time, I could empathize why your ex girlfriend cheated on you. She decided on the things that she wasn’t going to let you take, she knew when to let that go, when to release if it was only for a quick relief, a guilty reprieve, so yeah maybe it’s you and has always been you.

The Nintendo Switch that you got me for Valentines Day. Maybe I can give it back if that was supposed to be some type of foreshadowing for how you would switch up on me, the painting with a twist painting turned facing the corner in my bedroom and I’m not sure why I haven’t thrown it out yet. It pains me to admit but sometimes I was wrong but I tried so hard to do everything right from the bottom of my heart. The South Park shirt that I took one morning from your apartment, it no longer smells like the cologne I gifted to you after being washed too many times. Every so often I’ll pull it from my drawer, a gentle reminder that we had some good moments, that we let our love kindle like incense and let the aroma fill the room, but those good times just could not outweigh the bad.

The first time that I admitted that I loved you was after you texted me on a Monday morning that you didn’t think we were meant to be, and I knew that because remember we didn’t have *** enough, we argued too much, but for some reason we both refused to stop wasting matches to relight this love that we knew was going to fan out eventually. Call that insanity or pyromania and **** aren’t Mondays insufferable enough? Haven’t I suffered through enough?
That first time those words escaped my mouth, it was like extinguishing a living room already ravaged by flames and all that you have enough time to grab is the dog and your favorite photo, and I meant it genuinely I loved you for the broken man that you was and for the man you had potential to be but just not for me. It was putting ointment on an obvious gaping wound. It healed nothing, just prolonged the suffering.

Eventually I reached my boiling point, reached the point when I needed to let this dimly lit blaze fizzle out. I know that love isn’t always easy but it didn’t have to be this difficult or unhealthy. Not to exaggerate but I cried for three days straight. I had to mourn you and my fantasies, release your toxins and my own from my body, consume harsh realities and bitter truths, face the ways you triggered me, ask myself the seething question of if I knew I was the bomb, why wasn’t I being treated like it? Why didn’t I subconsciously think that I deserved better than you gave me and what I allowed and accepted? The last time, that lust masquerading as love, I let that wildfire destroy everything in its wake, including me. Even though I was dosed in disappointment and heart ache, I was determined to not let this time be like the past. This body, this heart, and this spirit is not a toxic landfill, or a burial ground, or Ground Zero. I am always a Phoenix rising anew, always the Leo shining, always a firefly. One day I woke up and realized it didn’t hurt as much, my heart still beat and pumped out red and orange currents of ferocious love.

My biggest regret was holding on to this for far too long. Letting go took strength that I didn’t know I had, this fiasco taught me so much about myself and about love. I am (too) patient, compassionate, understanding and I am sometimes wrong but I always try to do everything with love. But I am not and will not be anyone’s emotional punching bag just so I can brag that I have a man who buys me gifts or to say that I have a boo for the holidays. Society has conditioned black women to think that we have to suffer in order to be deserving of love, that if you can’t stand the heat then you should stay out of those same kitchens where our black mothers used to drag a chair close to the stove, press that hot comb to our ***** curls, mad that we’re sweating halfway before she’s finished, wincing because she’s burned us but she’ll say that’s just the grease, so yeah maybe us black girls have had our attitudes brewing and been predisposed to the flames but we will not accept your torturing.

If you would’ve asked me then what was the color of love, I would’ve said it was you and your cherry water ice colored lips leaving stains on the collars of my shirts that I have yet to wash, it’s us in our Sunday’s best as we went to your church and I prayed with you and for you. It’s the Polo shirt still neatly folded in the brown paper bag hanging on my closet door, I never got the opportunity to give it to you and now I have no idea if I should give it away, return it, or save it for the next man who my heart burns intensely for. It’s that flutter my heart felt once your name came across my screen; the second to last text you sent said that you felt our vibe was off and you have never been more right, I was so over wasting energy trying feed that spark. The last text that you sent you said that you suppose you missed me, and I mean duh of course you would, of course you should. I used to write about my ex a lot, have *** so hot, confuse love with everything it wasn’t, chase men who reminded me of my father until I was scorned and scarred. Now I get to write about you too, and I just needed new material, something to get me charged up, something to get hot ink scalding across the page until I felt the heat on my fingers and the paper disintegrates to ash. But make no mistake, this poem is not all about pain.

If you ask me now what is the color of love, I’d say it’s the shine of my peace of mine. It’s the smile I have worn everyday since I actively decided to choose me and my happiness, and not a single tear has fallen over you since, no second guessing, no having my feelings invalidated, no gaslighting, no heat damage pressed on these black curls, I have let them grow out unruly and free, I have never experienced bliss like this after a breakup before. It’s the flash of my mom’s camera as she captures me walking down the aisle during my graduation, I was so proud to be there after several nervous breakdowns and telling myself I was going to quit at least five times. It’s my toes dipped in the warm waters in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, the sun glistening off my smooth chocolate skin that has taken me so many years to be proud to live in, it’s my wounds some old and some new on proud display, learning to leave my Neosporin at home, but I am here and healing and laughing and learning to loving myself better as I haven’t let depression eat alive. If you ask me now what is the color of love, I will tell you that it is me. It has always been me.
Similar to the poem, “Everything of yours just go, even if it burns,” I wrote a few years ago. It is cool to see how I have grown as a person and writer since then.

— The End —