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Azad Akkash Apr 2015
To Jody;
My five years old friend and nephew

I put down the telephone,
entering a nap of elation,
till the echo of your sweet utterance
On the back of expatriation's wind
Swims away, dims.
By then, medusas of melancholy with their thick sorrow
fill up my throat
and my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

With good and bad big wolves
tracing lost children or stuffing shaking goat kids into their paunch.
With ravenous bears, malignant hyenas
and crude giants,
garrulous  gracious squirrels, laborious ants
and active voracious hares.
With them, the two of us
had upholstered the land and sky of the wonderland,
and with their voices and whoops all,
we had irritated the dreamland's walls.

No matter how many times
we were building the villages for stories of straw, furze sticks and bricks,
I would only visit your house of mattresses and pillows.

Only for you,
I did revived the dead wolf
in order to revenge the "predatory" lumberjack.
With no regret I kept sending "wolfy" to the roasted chicken's shop
to defeat the hunger,
So that he won't eat the trapped little girl.
And before your smile,
the wolf in walrus moustache would play with the girl till daddy comes and takes her home.

And you are …
popping out, never closing the wide eyes of yours,
waiting for grandpa to take us to the village.
Up from the houses' roofs,
with Qarmeetlak's1 rabbits,
beyond the barbwires and in secret,
we stick the tongues out to the Turkish barracks.
Along with goat kids,
in tracking smugglers' traces,
we fool the landmines,
sneak to the other side of the border.
With smiley faces and hidden bleats,
We ****** the poppies and the grass that grow out from the edges of spring and the craters.
We hide from smuggler's ghosts who
in the  labyrinths of landmines
because of the unclaimed hands and legs are grabbing the collars.
We taunt the jackals' yowling and the patrolmen.
And in front of the rumbling sky, we do our best to look prettier;
Isn't  it "God taking photos of us"?
And like coward puppies we flee and go back to the safe village,
just before the dusk's winds could carry our smell to the angry spirit of Salan2
who is scouring the Kurmanj's Mountain3,
pursuing his endless vengeances.

Till the break of day,
with your slim clever squirreliness,
out of the branches of the most interlocked sorrowful stories,
you were shaking the attached laughs and guffaws
on the  hair of the deceiver Ashrafieh and the grumpy Sheikh Maksood's4 night.
Eventually, in taking its revenge,
the night would stuff you in a small basket and throw you away into the waves of sleep and dream
accompanied with all that eager to see the giants' kingdom and the mice's storehouses,
squirrels' village, their dances and bridals,
the departure will lead you to the waterfalls' cliffs of a dreamy sparrow's new day.
With the beaming love out from our eyes,
you dry up your tousled feathers and
take into the open.

Nevertheless, how simple-hearted the lies were when I kept telling you:
"Dog is a dog, a wolf is a wolf and the kitty is a kitty, and what are we, my Jody?
We are humans!"

I didn't want you to know
how in the world, could a dozen of
rabid armed dogs
smash down the door
and out from your eleven months old eyes,
with a persistent thronged barking,
they did take your dad away to the deepest liars of the ranch of malevolence,
introducing him to all kinds of animality.

How might I explained to you
why in the world, they reduced 'dad' for you
to that thing which every month
from behind a doubled bars
keep sending you a tearful laugh?
Why did they minimized the ancient capital for you into
both of the Political Security Branch and Siednaya's Jail5?

Your fingers had just started taking to writing and drawing.
You had just started
cantering your own stories
along with unsaddled breezes' foals
when herds of jackals with dark mouths
deported 'your Azad' into a fool refuge.
an orphan.

Inside the brushwood of the story and the wilderness of the epic,
since neither your fingers have become able to rise the sign of victory correctly,
nor could your throat match the letters of 'Kurdistan' properly,
whatever cave you step in,
no matter how shiny is the globe in the witch's hands,
she would never be able to tell you,
these lacrimatory mist and clouds,
with the emerging of every spring,
from which valleys of the ranch of malevolence  
did they come to overflow the Kurdish neighborhoods.
How did they vilely with no permission go up to the third floor
in order to join you in a poisoned feverish soiree.
And since when
the creatures of darkness
that they had brought
have been grazing their hyenas
among our fresh hopes.

when I tell you that
I'll come back with the snowfall,
it is nothing but a lie!
When you ask me to come back in summer
in order to hang on my back
and swim together
along with the little fishes,
such an imagination!
When you are not sleeping in my empty bed anymore
Intending to let my pillow and blanket await for
my return,
only a childish dream!!
Yet, when you
in the sweet and soft Afrini accent of yours
say to me
'Ozod, I mithed you thoo thoo thoo much',
my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

Azad Ekkaş
Erbil: 3-1-2011
1-The village that Jody's family decsends from. It is located on the very Syrian Turkish borders.
2-  A traditional hero of the region.
3- Kurds in Afrin district in the remote north western corner of Syria call their region the Kurmanj's Mountain
4- The two largest Kurdish neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
5- The largest political and militaty prison in Syria where Jody's father was imprisoned. It is located in namesake town near to the Damascus.
Rodando a goterones solos,
a gotas como dientes,
a espesos goterones de mermelada y sangre,
rodando a goterones
cae el agua,
como una espada en gotas,
como un desgarrador río de vidrio,
cae mordiendo,
golpeando el eje de la simetría, pegando en las costuras del
rompiendo cosas abandonadas, empapando lo oscuro.

Solamente es un soplo, más húmedo que el llanto,
un líquido, un sudor, un aceite sin nombre,
un movimiento agudo,
haciéndose, espesándose,
cae el agua,
a goterones lentos,
hacia su mar, hacia su seco océano,
hacia su ola sin agua.

Veo el verano extenso, y un estertor saliendo de un granero,
bodegas, cigarras,
poblaciones, estímulos,
habitaciones, niñas
durmiendo con las manos en el corazón,
soñando con bandidos, con incendios,
veo barcos,
veo árboles de médula
erizados como gatos rabiosos,
veo sangre, puñales y medias de mujer,
y pelos de hombre,
veo camas, veo corredores donde grita una virgen,
veo frazadas y órganos y hoteles.

Veo los sueños sigilosos,
admito los postreros días,
y también los orígenes, y también los recuerdos,
como un párpado atrozmente levantado a la fuerza
estoy mirando.

Y entonces hay este sonido:
un ruido rojo de huesos,
un pegarse de carne,
y piernas amarillas como espigas juntándose.
Yo escucho entre el disparo de los besos,
escucho, sacudido entre respiraciones y sollozos.

Estoy mirando, oyendo,
con la mitad del alma en el mar y la mitad del alma en la tierra,
y con las dos mitades del alma miro el mundo.

Y aunque cierre los ojos y me cubra el corazón enteramente,
veo caer un agua sorda,
a goterones sordos.

Es como un huracán de gelatina,
como una catarata de espermas y medusas.
Veo correr un arco iris turbio.
Veo pasar sus aguas a través de los huesos.
A snake doesn't just throw shade
We thrive in the shadows
Stalking our prey,
Think you've got what it takes
We'll swallow you whole.

I dare the kittens birdys & roadkill
To make a mistake
You really think your house spits
poison Better than a snake?

Our Partsel tongue is "forked for her pleasure"
Each time we seal a letter
witches get wetter

other houses cringe at our fame
cold blooded killers

don't buy it? Just wait.
Our Snakeoil salesman
Will Have you beggin' for change

You dare to stand against a python?
You don't even know code

I can't pull punches
if I don't have hands, Bro.

Like medusas hair dresser
Expect-to petrify
Better call Cobra
Get insurance for your life.
What's the matter
Gonna cry?
Because We can't.
Ask science.

I dare you to challenge
My Reptilian brethren

We're Unhinging our jaw
getting fed like it's league of legends.
Big Virge Jul 2017
Do You Believe In ... ?
Freedom of Speech ... ?
Freedom of Thought ... ?  

And ...
Freedom To Teach ... ?  
Or ..... ?  
Freedom To Do ...    
The Things That You Please ... ?!?  
Freedom Is NOT ...
PART of ... Reality ... !!!  
Which Part of You's ... FREE ...  
Apart From ... YOUR Body ... !?!  
I Believe In The Freedom ...  
To Simply Be ... ME ...    
To SHOW My Frustrations ...  
WITHOUT ... " Accusations " ... !!!  
His Intentions are BAD !"  
I'm SICK of These Judgements ...  
These Judgments Are ... CRASS ... !!!!!  
I Want To Be FREE To AIR My Opinion ...    
On ANYTHING Ranging From ...  
*** To ... Dominion ... !!!!!  
How Can We Be ... "Free" ... ?!?  
When We're ... Under CONTROL ...    
Control of ... "Your Mind" ...  
Means ... Control of YOUR SOUL ... !!!!!  
Men Who Wear ... " Suits " ...  
Have Got The ... Bank Rolls ...  
While Those Who Don't Wear Them ...    
Get Left In ...............................................­................ The Cold ..... !!!  
We're ... "FREE to Air Views !" ...
Is The ... Regular Quote ...  
But How Can This Be ...  
When So Many Can't Vote ... ?!?  
I'm SICK of Politicians ... !!!  
Who Have NO Constrictions ............ ?  
They Seem To Think It's Okay ...  
To BAN TALK On Religion ....  
But The Parties They're In ...  
DEFINE Their ..... SEP - ara - Tism .... ?!?!?  
Of Course Your Mind ...  
Can ALWAYS ... Run Free ..................................  
But ....  
" Freedom of Thought " ...  
Is Now ... Under Siege ... !!!  
When Those Who Hold POWER ...  
Decide ... Who Can Speak ...  
They Speak ALL THE TIME ... !!!!!!  
About ... CONTROLLING Streets ...    
When THEY DON'T Walk Them ...  
But Are Driven Around ...  
In COMFY ... Leather Seats ... ?!?  
They Procrastinate ...  
About ... " Freedom of Speech " ...  
But SHOUT Like A ... " Tout " ...  
About ... Wars That They Seek ....................................... !!!!!!  
These People Are ... "Weak" .... !!!  
From People In Congress ...  
To ... Lying MP's ... !!!!!  
I'd Rather Observe ...  
A Debate Between SHEEP ... !!!  
Than Watch These MP's ...  
Tell Us LIES On ... TV ... !!!!!!!  
CONTROLS Are Now groWING ...
...... EVERYWHERE ..... !!!!!!!  
PLEASE Beware ... !!!  
From Lyrics You Hear ...  
To The Clothes That You Wear ...  
Wearing A ... " Hoodie " ...  
Has Got People ... " SCARED " ... !!!!!  
What IS ... REALLY True ...  
Is ... SO RARELY Shared ...  
With ... People Like Me ...  
Who DO ... REALLY CARE ... !!!  
I'm The DAREDEVIL ...  
With ........ Medusas' Stare .......    
The Worlds Now Controlled ...  
By Witches Like .... " Blair " ....  
Bureaucrats ...  
Hold The ... "SHARES" ...  
Do You Think This Is Fair .... ???  
NOTHING In This Life ...  
Is Gonna Be ... FREE ... !!!!!!!  
From Clothes That You Wear ...  
To A ... Juicy Fruit PLEASE ... !!!  
Girls AIN'T Easy ...  
They're Getting ... GREEDY ... !!!  
"Show me THAT Money !  
Then you can PLEASE ME !"
"Go Please YOURSELF !  
Girl, you don't need me !"  
Girls Seem To Now Think ...  
Cash Can ... Set Them FREE .......................................................  
How STUPID They Be ... !!!  
Cos' In The End Just Like Me ...  
Money CAN'T Possibly Set People Free ...  
Free From THE CHAINS of ... "Society" ... !!!!!  
The One Thing In My Life ...  
That's ... EVER BEEN FREE ...  
Was The LOVE FROM ...  
..... " My Mother " .....  
Hey Mum ...    
Rest in Peace ... !!!!!  
" Our Love will be free for Eternity !  
I'm sending my love, through this here poetry !    
Your Love was unconditional !
You gave it for free, free like A tree !"  
But They Are Now DYING ...  
To Build ... Property ... ?!?  
Have You Seen The ...
... " Two Towers " ... ?  
In A land Where The Trees ...  
Were Able To ... Speak ...  
I'd Ask Them Some Questions ...  
Like ... Why Are We Messing ...  
With ... ALL of God's Blessings ... ?  
Like ... FREEDOM of Voice ...  
And ... FREEDOM of Choice ...    
Instead of The Sounds ...  
of Political ... NOISE ... !!?!!  
Which Normally Leads ...  
To The Use of ... War Toys ... !!!!!  
I'm Getting Annoyed ...  
By ... "Constriction Ploys" ... !!!  
Don't THEY Annoy YOU ... ?!?  
You MUST HAVE A View ... !?!  
THIS Is A Path ...  
We've GOT TO ... AVOID ... !!!!!  
Cos' FREEDOM of Thought ...  
Is Being .... DESTROYED ... !!!!!  

By Those ... " Pulling Strings " ...  
of Puppets They Employ ... !!!!!  
I'm Simply Suggesting ...  
It's Time For Some Questions ... !!!  
BEFORE They Call ... " TIME " ... !!!  
On People Like Me ...  
Who QUESTION Through Rhyme ...  
Cos' This It Would Seem ... ???  
Is Their NEW ... GRAND Design ...  !!!  
To Make Those Who Question ...  
SHUT UP And ... RESIGN ... !!!!!!  
I'm Feeling That Freedom ...  
Is NOW ... Out of Season ... !!!!!  
It's Facing Some CUTS ... !!!  
And Some ... "Internal BLEEDING" ... !!!!!  
But NEVER Give Up ... !!!  
On This Thing We Call ....  
..... " Freedom " .....
How free are we really ... ???
phlwest Aug 2020
I only realize I’m late once I notice that the woman with
Medusa’s curls isn’t at the platform.
People as units of measure.
The clock of the world.
earthchild Jan 2022
The fire flickered and the thick smoke filled my lungs,
witnessing you witnessing me,
like living art.
Your brown eyes softly pierce into my soul.
Your tender touch and your silken skin,
golden like honey and cinnamon.
Medusas gaze had me enchanted,
lost in the moment and you.
Then the words so delicately roll off your tongue...
"Do you want me?"
And I echo
Not merely on a physical level.
The layers to which those words penetrated my heart had deeper meaning.
softcomponent Jul 2015
Cleopatra's Boom, as worn as earth as economy, salivating stone-head medusas turning Hercules to stone mending torn shirt-sleeves as it's posterity's sign of decay when nostalgia melts like an old bucket of icecream, not empty—but gooey sticky sugar-salt in mist of phosphene glare from a quarter of the deserts heat. You can see 64% of the picture. The other 36% is forever lost in the splattered blindspot dots of your diamond optical nerves, an eternal mismatch eternity—the parts you won't notice when your stomach aches after three consecutive cigarettes for breakfast. **Cleopatra's Boom, belittled like oceans, always so alien tho it makes up 71% of our global entirety—thoughts find external storage on disc drives, in water—there's a mouth out there with a saltier kiss than the Pacific, one that caws like seagulls in exodus, announcing to the Peace Arch: “I American. I need a greater space to spread my legs.”
sinandpoems Jun 2013
Plan on holding my hand
I’d endure the wrath of raspy snake tongues and burning bites so you
Can be a little happier today,
My darling

I’d take on every wild creature with yellow
Poison on medusas finger
Inside of my brain
I’d shake and shake
Shake and shake
The sky a vibrating landscape of your
Emptiness and no phone calls back
I’d shake amongst the choreographed reeds
And die
Die for you
My darling

And if it isn’t enough
I’m sorry I made a bad estimate
Of what was in the jar
If it wasn’t enough
I’d find a way underneath the windowsill glued tight with the obstinate no’s and the moons idle hands moth cadavers and fits of frostbite blues
Inside of your room where no sound bold sunflowers pink sundresses the incessant chitter chatter of chastising chumps ever finds it’s way into your abode of sadness my
I’d brush the rectangular flesh that sits gracefully, sadly, atop your
Handsome cheek
I’d kiss you my darling until
Death discovers my sheets cold and
The devil flushes with purple rage
Poetic T Jul 2015
Birds flew stagnant wings did stay there
Course, frozen gazes like medusas stare
As whispers became silent up stared.

Upon did the phoenix burn, and all was
Ash and fire. Screams of unknown were
Swallowed in moments and silence birthed.

Wings did perch to another place, but
Screams did pierce the silence, as this bird
Now illuminated and embers again fell.

An angel fell, so many did, gracing air now
Pain unfelt. Freedoms innocence did crumble
Did fall pillars fragmented downwards.

Day turned in to a perpetual grey night,
All was consumed in the fallen, swallowed
Was all silence, voices, people consumed.

All were the same that moment, what stood
Tall like the  phoenix now ash fell, covered
In what was inanimate, lives severed gone.

A moment Frozen, sealed in memory, in an
Occasion that history will never forget remember
Those gone, as towers and lives descended down.
9/11 never let us forget
Samantha LeRoy Mar 2016
god is a woman
and she is angry.

her tongue is a serpent,
medusas mouth,
and her fists are vultures.

seven eyes,
seven horns,
seven doors.

the angels are women too
because only a woman
can weep so much.
someone unfurl her wings,
break the lock.
she is a dove and this
is her olive branch.

in the catholic church only men
can be priests.
but this church,
this gold and silver church,
was built from the bones
of sleek coated mares,
of birthing cows,
of cream skinned ladies in
veils and jewels and wine stains.

ask delilah of samson.
ask jezebel of ahab.
salome of john,
mary of joseph
and magdalene of jesus.

ask the moon of the sun.

ask god about her daughter,
the one still nailed to the cross,
still awaiting birth in bethlehem.
the carpenters daughter
with a wooden stake at her neck.

ask god about her other daughter,
the one in nazareth
still breathing desert air.

ask god about her sons,
sweet lazarus and wild lucifer,
stepping on hot coals
like summer asphalt.

ask god about the forget me nots
pressed to gravestones
in the heat of august.
ask god about the magnolias
wilted against gravestones
in the bite of december.

ask god about the lions,
the goats,
and the lambs.

ask about yourself,
if youd like.

god is a woman
and hell hath no fury
like a goddess scorned.
Big Virge May 2020
So Are You A... Risk TAKER... ?
Or One Who Plays... SAFER... ?

Than Those Whose Flavour …
Prefers … MISBEHAVIOUR... !!?!!
The Reason I Ask Is Because It's QUITE A Task...
To Make Your Mark If Your Thing Is... ART... !!!

One Day In Conversation An Artist Got To STATING...


"For your art to hit hard and top the charts,
that you've got to take risks, to be a big thing !"

Which I Guess Is True But Think It Through...
Is Risk INTRINSIC... To Being ARTISTIC... ???

I Guess It Is …
When SO MANY USE Gimmicks...
To Make It In The Bizness'... !!!

The Business of CREATING...
Art That's... Entertaining...

I Guess That's What He's Saying... ?

Art That's … INNOVATING...
May Well INDULGE Risk Taking... ?

But Art That's REAL...
Seems To Be... "Concealed"...

So The Risk To Me Would Seem To Be...
Being An Artist Whose Art Is... FREE... !!!

From Poetry To Comedy …
It's A Risk To Concede To Artistically...
Be A Breed Whose Speech And Artistry …
FITS In Boxes or … “ TV's “...

... Know What I Mean... ?!?

For WHAT... Trophies And BIG MONEY... ?

..... Well That's Just NOT ME..... !!!

But it is RISKY …
To PIN Your Hopes On Artistic Dreams... !!!

Like It Is To BELIEVE …
That SELLING DOPE Ups Periscopes... !!!

... I DON'T THINK SO... !!!

You May Just Sink And Take A HIT...
That ROCKS Your Boat Like CRACK Or Coc'... !!!!!

It's A Risk To TAKE HARD DRUGS You Know... !!!!!
I Mean CLASS A Cos' Most CAN'T Cope...
When It Comes To ADDICTIONS...
That Lead To... "MENTAL PRISONS"... !!!

Apparitions And Prescriptions …
That LIMIT Bigger Visions...
Because of Preconditions …
Positioned Next to VILLAINS.... !!!!!

So... Talking of POSITIONS...
What About These Women... ?!?
With Heads That BOB Like Chickens... !?!?!
They AREN'T ALL... " Finger Lickin' "... !!!!!

In FACT These Days I'm Thinking........
That Condoms Should Be... THICKENED... !!!!!!

Cos' ***** Holes Be STINKIN'... !!!!!!!
of RISKS That Have *****... SHRInkin'... !!!!!!!

It's A Risk To Link With THESE HOT Chicks...
Who Now FRY GUYS Who Think They're Wise...

UNTIL What Rests …
BETWEEN Their Thighs Brings TEARS To Eyes... !!!

Because of *** With A Hole That RIDES...
MORE Than Bikers... RIDE Their Bikes... !!!!!!

But Ladies It's A RISK For You... !!!
To MESS With Dudes Whose Vibe Is Cool...
Has Got NICE SUITS And Money TOO... !!!!!!

.......... DON'T Be Fooled.........
Just Like THOSE Who DIG For Gold... !!!!!

Ya' See RISKS Are HERE...
And RISKS Are... THERE... !!!!!

So Are You Prepared To RISK Truth or Dare... ?!?
I'd Rather RISK TRUTH Than LIE To PROVE...
I Can Walk Amongst SNAKES To Make My Way... !?!

The Game Nowadays Is...
FAR FROM............................... ............ Fair...... !!!!!
And RISKS DON'T CARE Like Medusas... STARE... !!!!

RISKS Are... " Stone Cold "...
With NO BREWSKIS Yo... !!!!!!!

It's A RISK To Drink And Drink TOO MUCH... !!!
Like It Is To Do Stuff That'll Get You CUFFED... !!!

Because Cops SPILL BLOOD...

So... WATCH YOURSELF Son... !!!!!!!!!

DON'T PLAY That You're TOUGH …
… UNLESS You ARE... !!!!
Cos' Police MARK Cars …
Like Dealers DO CARDS... !!!!

It's A Risk To Gamble...
If You CAN'T HANDLE That BIG LOSS... !!!

Because Like James said...

"You have to pay the cost, to be the boss !"...

And On That Note...

I'll RISK One LAST Quote... !!!
It's A RISK To VOTE For POLITICAL Folks... !!!!!

As It Is To... EVOKE...
That Risks Are THE WAY For A Person To GO... !?!

When It Comes To Lyrics And Scripts I FLIP...
I STICK To THIS NO Gimmicks or TRICKS...
Or... Trying To Be SLICK... !!!!!

My CREATIVE Vibes And Dealings In Life...
DON'T Deal In Cosmetics …
Because They're AUTHENTIC... !!!

A NEED To STICK To Doing Things...


........ " RISKS "........
I suggest you think, before you take one !
What if I told you
About the person I once loved
And probably still love
And miss
With all my heart?
Such was a kind
When I was a kid
Caring fellow
O How he loved me
Love like I never knew
He carried savage lies
As they ravaged the
vein branches of his innocence
Needled, repeated
Poisoned again and then...
There! - I would point -
With a small boys urgency
Just there!
Like a Medusas head
Beneath untainted skin
He was the gatekeeper of insidious secrets
Hero of my happiness and
Gaoler of sticking sorrows
His -
Mine -
Brother-father of mine
You never let on -
Stayed true
A kid of four with
An absurd peculiar burden
Peculiar truth
Peculiar responsibility
For a little boy -
"Grow up, grow up!" came the witch like demands
Of the situation makers
His horned and calloused skin
Thickened by the trickery
Because a lie needs a lie needs a lie -
I hated him for that
I loved him, too
Was all I knew
He was my best friend
We were partners against
Heinous idiocy
And who could ever
When understanding was the least of any ones concern?
What if I told you
How we were kids once
We two brothers
Necessary friends
When all other children could ever do
was only ever
as children can do?
Shared innocence
Shared love
A depth, an understanding
remained "us and ours"
Then to now - forever just "us and ours"
Our pain
Our secret
Origin to morose self loathing
Remember me  
I miss you
I long for how
I would hold your hand
When it was mine to hold
I would ****** it greedily
Convinced it would always be-
You knew me when I
Was Primary School made, unfettered
A free and happy kid
Before I was double figured
Before this life demanded
Was my third year in -
2 years and one marked
And the beginning of a lifetimes bereavement
Why'd it have to change
This playful aura of early education?
Yellowing school building boards
Warming sun and wide verandah
Grey wooden expanse in my mind
Friends were mine then
"Friends" O where - I wonder
There was Ian and Phil
and Igor
I recall
and Laura -
maybe Georgina too
We'd play catch'n'kiss or
(I could never catch those summer afternoon dresses)
Sometimes I go back to that playground
I imagine the heckling crackling of dead red leaves beneath my feet
Dry leaves and the screaming of little girls
Old man winter tree would watch on
Witness to free and early personality forming
I think on the winding valley avenue
Weeping willow waiting
Dangling, dancing, dappling
In this sacred Summer haze
What happened to my childhood?
You were there, brother
It was flat chat and Pine Gap
In every home a Big Mac...
My super hero
I'd sing about you
All praise and fond regard
You told me
mum said
We're moving
I tried to make it best
All courage and flexibility
But starting is always hardest
When starting presents tough, tangling challenges.
Hubo tantas veces que casi me ahogué cuando era niño, durante lecciones de natación, fiestas de cumpleaños. Así, me da miedo aún bañarme en las piscinas, las playas, los lagos. Me da vergüenza enseñar al mundo mis escamas dolorosas, la piel que teme el calor de la arena, los rayos del sol como si fueran medusas que queman con sus besos. Es que mis heridas, debajo de cuyas cicatrices, siguen ardiendo...

Quisiera que de agua yo fuera hecho. En Manila, cuando era estudiante universitaria, y tomaba el bus que por el boulevard Roxas pasaba, podía olvidar de mis problemas, del caos, solo con una mirada a la bahía. Y siempre me preguntaba, ¿podría ser que al mar le doliera su piel de agua?

Me acuerdo de cuando en silencio sufría, contra ondas como orilla padecía: el abandono de un amigo a quien quería en secreto, padecía el rechazo de las obras que había escrito, padecía la soledad en esta cruel ciudad... en aquellos momentos pensé en caminar, con piedras pesadas en mis bolsillos y zapatos, despacio, despacio hacía el mar, hacía el fondo... para que por fin se cumpliese mi destino de morir en el agua y su abrazo...

Pero a ella, nunca he aprendido odiarla. Y he llegado hasta mares gallegos, hasta Coruña y sus cristales, donde cada mañana le escribo canciones de amor y promesas al océano atlántico. Al agua, un día regresaré, un día en ella, me habré disuelto, sí, yo a mí mismo.

Porque es mi destino, yo que llevo alma azulada, el alma de aquel pez anciano que se hizo humano. Cuando un día me pregunte, "¿de dónde vienes?" un amante gallego, le diré que tierra yo no tengo, le diré, "amor, mírame los ojos, su blancura viene de las espumas de los mares filipinos"... y la noche en que me bese los labios y luego la piel, le diré, "amor, sigue, porque las escamas ya no me duelen, ves que del agua ya estoy hecho, de los aguas quietas, ya estoy hecho..."
Poetic T Dec 2015
I was like a sock in a washing machine I was able to grab air,
Or what was at least a substance I could breath in. I coughed
With each breathe, but at least I wasn't with those now
Floating by like the river sticks. So many like stepping stones
I could have made my way across to the buildings that weren't
Hollow carcasses emptied on to the city for all to view upon.

I picked my self up on to a car, a tomb should I say, silent faces
Looked back at me eyes wide open water splashing on their
Hair floating like medusas snakes, but the only stone was their
Looks frozen in that moment where everything just stopped but
Moved so fast. I sit as it floats past 5th avenue, I just sat silently.

"Well ladies and gentlemen they have solved the energy needs
With now what is being hailed as the new energy that will propel
Us to a new age of travel above and beyond the earth,

17.07.216 08:30am
"Please If you listening to this broadcast get out of the coastal cites,
It has been a day since they turned it on and with in moments it
Went to critical mass as they tested it on the ocean.

17.07.2016 10:30am
"Dear god what have they done this is unprecedented in its scale.
We have been told that due to the location of the project their were
Some unknown variables that were ignored. We believe that volcanic
Vents were below the test area and bombarding surrounding area of
Ocean with a low level previously unknown radiation that when
In contact with humans does no harm but the system amplified it
And is now in critical mass stage over to our eye in the sky,

"Hi Jean well were as near as we can get but all looks calm at
The moment, we have been told they finally have it contained
And that we shouldn't worry

"Jean, jean je.........

That was two hours ago, seems like a month already. But only
Two hours? As I hear it spread across the ocean like a ripple,
Anything within a thousand miles was ash, lucky *******.
The EMP wave ricocheted around the planet taking all electrical
Systems out in every part of the globe. Those lucky enough to
Have protected their systems may have a small chance a small one.

I look around and see the dominos of builds grand in the vertical
Stance now toppled like broken branches resting on each other.
Waiting for that gust to finally take them to the ground in a
culmination of its final rumblings of death taken the saplings around
Down with it.

The car collides with a sign post, it reaches towards the window.
As I climb up it finally sinks to where ever its journey takes those to
their final resting place. I walk up the flights of stars and stop to
Take in the view. A tear drops from my eye, and I wonder what
Will happen. Will I survive this new city of the dead or join them.
Drifton A Way Feb 2013
My encaged still feet begin to grow restless at a pace ever so rapid
My enraged heart squeezes my lungs breathless, a feeling so vapid

Choice is thrown in the trash when you have a need to move like a magnet
Voice and tone cause a splash, as water will concede to avoid being stagnant
Rejoice, grown from the crash, imagination starts to bleed another fragment

Do you know what it's like to never truly know a real home?
Except for when you"re on the road again ever ready to roam?
So many wild oats waiting for their fateful needle to be sewn
Medusas eyes are the only way I'd lay as motionless as a stone

Remind me please with a cleansing sneeze of my allergies
I'm allergic to dying
Bare feet on the gravel, I must travel or my soul will unravel
My existence, is trying
To deprive me of my drive would mean I am no longer alive
Eric Suder Mar 2016
When I was younger
I had this idea of love
As being a prewritten script

I’d spot you on the dancefloor
Our eyes would meet
You would smile
I would smile
We would dance the night away

All of a sudden you would have to leave
It’s okay though
You would leave your slipper
That way I could return it
So that you could be my princess

What I didn’t know is that dancefloors aren’t meant for lovers
Or that your eyes would be like medusas
Turning my soul to stone
And that when you left
You shoe would stay on your foot
Leaving me with an idea of love when I was a little older

Love was my dad in the navy
My mom the traveling nurse
Meeting in Hawaii
Getting married in a church
Her waiting while he was away
They’d love each other forever
After all, they had me.

But sometimes mom and dad fight
And sometimes mom and dad cry
Because let’s face it
Mom and dad had this idea of love
When they were younger
And this wasn’t what they had in mind

When I was a teenager i had this idea of love
She had freckles and green eyes
One half Irish
One half Indian
She had all of my heart
She told me to write down my feelings
And to trust in love
Love way talking on the phone till 2am
And holding hands in public

But no one told me that love could have a father
And that sometimes dads drink
And go missing for a few days at a time
Or that love could leave for 6 weeks
And that talking on the phone till 2am
Could turn into never sleeping
Because love wasn’t there
No one had warned me that love’s letters sometimes have misspellings
And that when love returns home she wouldn’t feel the same
And she never did
Four years later
Sometimes I think about love
But not too much
I am kind of done pretending
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2016
of the few that might quote,
  or least, the ones that might be quoted:
a reference of uno nacht -
there abiding, equal to Poseidon,
     a courteous signification of what zodiac
there is, among oyster clams and seashells,
there i stood and upon no words divine
felt to continuum necessity to riddle
man with Dante, but merely with, ape.
   there i stood:
tumbleweed at hand and two flits,
and there the cavern deity of human weakness,
   as pleb unto pleb... the jealous hands weaving
a Bulgarian acronym to what was once Greek
that became Cyrillic....
floundering under the guise of promise...
  noose abiding Hindenberg...
   never will you agitate the pleb...
    leave them like the priestly caste:
begrudging the slack on redneck culturalism -
                      then woe...
and of woe much is said that isn't done..
but then appropriated with the times,
a love affair chimes the culprit's chalice
as with all jades of resurrection,
three hyenas, and so too three Medusas,
and so top three sybils...
    in orchestra said as much
that only a man could have said them,
had he clothed himself in being one:
-  thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd...
leisure be! no claim of self-defence!
  but a claim instilled nonetheless -
      as anything concerning self-reliance!
woe to the wordings of man...
that she claim no crown above the peacock's
or the pigeon's coo, or the lion's roar,
or the nano-sound of an ant's architecture construct...
or the crow's croaking segment,
or the cackle of a magpie's segmentation...
o woe man.. for you are but nought disguised
and at times disguising such splendour...
that you make so little focus,
              and yet so much abhorrence...
that you may be crowned rex -
    but neither tyrannical nor tetra-sourced governing,
should a wind turn into tornado,
   or the earth into an earthquake...
the water into a tsunami...
            or a fire a wildfire spontaneity -
or the Zeusian bolt into insomnia and techno...
  cure all, and cure none at all..
    skylark Macbeth... at least you were not forsaken
to rest in a psychoanalytic deathbed with continual
resurrection to answer prayers,
    as might the necromancer of Endor embodied by
Freud... resurrect you to the suitor Hamlet...
  and how fortunate you are... for fortunate you are
mein herr...
                 or so act iv continues...
- thrice and once the hedge-pig whin'd (whined).
- harpier cries: 't is time, 't is time!
- round about the cauldron go;
    in the poison'd entrails throw -
  toad, that under cold stone
    days and nights have thirty-one
swelter'd venom, sleeping got,
    boil thou first i' the charmed ***,
- double, double, toil and trouble:
fire, burn; and, cauldron, bubble.
  - fillet of a fenny snake,
in the cauldron boil and bake;
eye of newt, and toe of frog,
       wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
lizard's leg, and howlet's wing...
   and naught to recite the ancient Graeae
                   or what one called the splinter
eye, or what was shared among the three...
then repeat, the common incantation,
   and say: woe the moorish lad enthroned...
i have my prickly finger pointing toward
the heath... and thistle kissed, and the tartan
            as harmonious dressing toward
     a ******* of 70 years by all accounts
considered: a happy marriage.
                      oh no, don't teach me what i might
abhor... teach me music with your words!
          don't make words an act of polity and
of what goes around and never comes back
in terms of romancing truancy -
teach me logic, a logic that's hill-bred
   and goat-tango for a heart's hefty sum of
lost thought! teach me this! preach me this!
i have a second home, of what is nought
but the harrowing abyss: where i hear no Slavic
and i hear no Anglican, where i hear no Farsi
and i hear no Sanskrit... but the aim
of resurrecting a lingo of near dodo Celtic.
  no ethnicity is nation bound.
      then unto the Graeae once again
- scale of dragon, tooth of wolf;
witches' mummy; maw, and gulf,
or the ravin'd salt-sea shark;
root of hemlock, digg'd i' the dark;
liver of a blaspheming Jew;
      gall of goat, and slips op yew,
silver'd in the moon's eclipse;
nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips          -
and perhaps after such things were and had been said,
   i might too engage in a blasphemous benediction,
and out comes the Byzantine conscription -
rhyme a lot and rhyme what's willed -
      rhyme a dot and rhyme: standstill.
take to road and take to breath -
      take to sleep and take to craving earth -
  for no acrobats in the tomb -
     the Hindu acrobats remembering flame -
             in dust spoke of a whirlwind incantation -
and said: memorise me by allowing the billionth
man my own location...
      or as the Mandarin maxim suggested...
eat a dog, eat a cow, eat a horse, eat anything,
       and relegate all importance solely to plough...
aye Hibernian and you Lothian kin -
          tell them fables of the lost Loch Fin -
tell them things that will keep them grounded,
and not spread their arrogance
   to clap toward a tourism...
         well... one can only wish to revisit
the plagiarism of the Graeae... had but one
the pursuit of what was original, and what coupled us
to sin, in making us un-justify a god,
                       and justify our perpetuated ordeal.
Dylan Lewis Jun 2015
Im out of words to say
The raw emotion I've put into words
Have ceased to come out of my mind
I no longer have anything of value to say to you. I no longer wish you were here next to me. I no longer long for your touch upon my skin. The statue is finally starting to feel life medusas gaze has touched another broken hearted boy.

My cocoon has broken and I am spreading my wings flying as high as they will allow me. Soaring against the roaring winds breaking bad again. Life feels so good but soon one day I'll fall in love again and the grey skies will creep back up. Happiness always comes with a price. What will you give up? What will be taken away? Keep the TV on and stay tuned.
Olivia Kent Jul 2015
Dancing with the mermaid upon the sandy shore.
She flicked and tripped her feet away.
Played the scales upon her tail.
With a teaspoon.
Perfectly in perfect time.
Her ******* be bare.
Save for concealment by her neatly placed golden hair.
Of which not a strand fell out of place.
Curling as if medusas' snakes.
He surveyed her.
Closer than he should have done.
A pillar of stone crumbled into pebbles on a sunlit shore.
The mermaid with the fateful allure.
His wife walked the children on the beach.
Skimming flat stones into the foamy brine.
He once was her true love.
Now he is mine.

Wondered what became of her lover.
The one who sold his soul to the striking sea.
Poetic T Apr 2016
I wonder past its infectious glaring, its wanting
to have me linger within its tapestry. I'm diminished
within it presence, its vision attuned to my passing.

"What do you want, as its lips sink into mine, repetitive
*****. But as I stand in medusas lingering eyes, I see
repercussions of an ill fated assumption that I safe.

She attains what was desired, I am absorbed in this
moment delirious of her actions. I watch as she grabs
the broken glass from my vanity mirror, she smiles.

My palm is a signature on the mirror of what has
blemished this moment, as finger touch's hers and
we die in reflection, my lips still, her smirk just lingers.
Olivia Kent Sep 2015
Not empty, but vacant.
Gravel crunched on chilly slabs.
Snakes curl from Medusas head.
Emotionless wreck, not far from dead.
The roses scattered on the floor.
Once were black, they are no more.
They are blue, pale blue.
Knowing you are not to blame.
But somehow I still do.
Caught like a wriggling fish,
After fly fishing.
Fisherman, you are just for eating and you landed here upon my dish.
Eating is all you are good for.
Not worth loving any more.
Pile on the chips,
Just a little down.
Bring on the salt and vinegar,
And a chip fork with a tongue!
Suspended in plankton waters
Penetrating silence renders neutrality
This shell, a cloak that covers me
I sometimes wish could not be seen

A drifting vessel
I seek peace behind formations
Ominously engaging, yet silently stand.

Crashing waves roll above
The bravado of Mahlerian timpani
Perched yet unassuming
I am the unthreatened spectator
In this subaquatic symphony

Illusory projections
Inverted medusas glide past
Graceful tendrils in tendu
Ballerina specters
Synchronized in adagio and ballon

A momentary desire overwhelms
To move within their majesty
Omnisciently connected by design
But mine is a different course

A willing and solemn stride
To waters of another intention
mike Aug 2015
medusas eyes are vibrant lights;
they turn me to stone.

incandescent slits speak
incantations wrapped in moans.

her head of snakes
their tongues that rake
my dead skin from its bone.

her garden breathes my nakedness;
we touch when we're alone.

her flowers lift their heads
and wrap us tight
as we are sewn.

together we are sewn.
El silencio del mar
brama un juicio infinito
más concentrado que el de un cántaro
más implacable que dos gotas

ya acerque el horizonte o nos entregue
la muerte azul de las medusas
nuestras sospechas no lo dejan

el mar escucha como un sordo
es insensible como un dios
y sobrevive a los sobrevivientes

nunca sabré que espero de él
ni que conjuro deja en mis tobillos
pero cuando estos ojos se hartan de baldosas
y esperan entre el llano y las colinas
o en calles que se cierran en más calles
entonces sí me siento náufrago
y sólo el mar puede salvarme.
Markus Gately Apr 2021
Wibble Wobble Jellyfish, upon the sand an opaque dish.
With spokes so fine, it brings to mind the iris of an eye.
Or a precious gem, with a scalloped hem, catching the evening sun.

The receding tide it could not ride, it settled one last time.
It’s beauty as it lies still,  is all apparent and without thrill.
The Medusas' movement quenched, without it's soupy brine.

Above the grains of a sandy shore, it’s year of life is now no more.
How does it feel to dry so slow. Is there pain I'd like to know.
It's pulsing movement’s at its best, are over, it has comes to rest.

Will it be aware, on the turn of the tide, it's form will take its last ride.
It's billowing cloak and slick design shall not flutter another time
Lions mane so long you say, for another year you flow away.
Inspired by a beautiful Jellyfish I saw on a beach walk.
En la eropsiquis plena de huéspedes entonces meandros de espera ausencia
enlunadados muslos de estival epicentro
tumultos extradérmicos
excoriaciones fiebre de noche que burmúa
y aola aola aola
al abrirse las venas
con un pezlampo inmerso en la nuca del sueño hay que buscarlo
                                                                                                              al poema
Hay que buscarlo dentro de los plesorbos de ocio
sin raíces de amnesia
en los lunihemisferios de reflujos de coágulos de espuma de medusas de arena de los senos o tal vez en andenes con aliento a zorrino
y a rumiante distancia de santas madres vacas
sin aureola
ante charcos de lágrimas que cantan
con un pezvelo en trance debajo de la lengua hay que buscarlo
                                                                                                              al poema
Hay que buscarlo ignífero superimpuro leso
lúcido beodo
entre epitelios de alba o resacas insomnes de soledad en creciente
antes que se dilate la pupila del cero
mientras lo endoinefable encandece los labios de subvoces que brotan del intrafondo eufónico
con un pezgrifo arco iris en la mínima plaza de la frente hay que buscarlo
                                                                                                              al poema
tom krutilla Sep 2016
The last strands of sunlight captures the lines
Peering at that perfect body in sheer silkness
Perfection in motion
That Sutle glance and inviting smile
Weakens the knees, subdued by medusas eyes
Try to resist to late, turned to stone
Helpless she chisels me to her desires
Smooth the rough edges my voice silent
Her fingers smooth her moisture over me
Trying to scratch my way out, she teases with delight
Those sensual eyes, are my demise
Oh you wicked one, when will you mercifully end
Then the sly smile appears, but not without one last lick
As she slithers up to me blanket in hand
Our bodies entertained ,I feel her smile all over me
And with a tandem sigh and a last sensual gasp there's a silent goodnight
Decapitate the leeching *** medusas
evil Seducers tryna turn my gem into stones
Been rolling stones since papa was never home
I learn to play my ear to the street chrome
Either way I had to write my own passage
Of a savage turn the page to lunatic havoc's
Saw my own death once I took my first breath
Into this ghetto world moves like a swirl
Acid axis saw the abraxas advoid the taxes
maxes Heads out here priced up lounging in dice
Entice spit nice
Burning suckas with the lyrical poltergeist splice
Mental verbs spread once the herbs fill nerves
Suckas know they finna get served curved
By my ragin' antics skipped the semantics
Got **** beats I romance it so don't chance it
None freaks it harder than eye spy flies
Black suits with mob ties see me improvise wise!!!
Word up!!

I turn loose jimmies into crickets
Stinking with the mystics hieroglyphics
Raps I flipped it crispy til they feel it
On that Ruffin flow steelo feel me so
Stay mellow with the juices to go out pores
My rain beyond a blood stains cranes
I mentally cater to a hater makes me greater
But them be the same haters that Sega
Genesis once they get a whiff of this
Got 'em loosing touch over the pulse rush
My guns stay on the hush silence a crush
Didn't know I had much clout mafia
Ain't no stoppin' tha rhyme tractor factor
To the war machine glitter and gleam seems
Like hate loves to follow loves legacy
But it guided me to show me my enemies
Quick to shake ya hands grinds over the face
Misplaced ya pace I see ya disgraced
Smack these fools with a tax lien Like Mase
Chilling with my women in a golden drapes
They keep me a secret like Xscape *** tapes
Got em saying baby baby baby I can't wait

(The ****** that's whats happening)

— The End —